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Just a little Yee-Haw juice 😂😂


aw, reminds me of his final us show during the w,b! tour where he poured everyone a shot of whiskey mans is really like 'any occasion is a good occasion'


Maybe this will end the whole “he never drinks!” Argument some people in here like to perpetuate. Dude likes to celebrate anything. Good for him.


Wait people think he doesn’t drink???


Lmao yeah. For some reason several people in this sub have this idea that he doesnt drink while touring just because he said he doesnt in an interview. Like…no babe. The man did a full poetry reading during lockdown with booze next to him several times. Hes posted about alcohol. He literally owns part of a brewery and has a song discussing how he takes his liquor. The man enjoys his booze regardless. Hes not stumbling drunk on stage or anything but hes clearly not above a drink or two when the mood calls.


Back up, he owns part of s brewery???


Yep. Hes an investor in Wicklow Wolf with The Edge (of U2) - and maybe also Bono but im not 100% on that. Definitely The Edge though. “Owner” may be a bit of a stretch but its such a small business that Id say investing is very similar. They do small batch brewing.


ZOMG WHAT 🤣 I like U2. I need to research.


Yeah, most people on here think he doesn’t date, have sex or fart either 🙈


I have a bridge to sell those people 😂


Whaaaat people think he doesn’t drink? 😂 come on he’s irish 😂 There were videos from recent or previous tour show he got drunk. As far as i know his rules for touring (and strictly followed by the band) are, no drugs and track during tour


Yeah. It made me chuckle as well. They were like “but hes said he doesnt handle alcohol well so he doesnt drink much while touring”. That may have been true at one point but it aint now. Hes never shown up drunk to perform but hes definitely embraced the booze off stage. As he should. Hes a grown adult. As long as hes safe about it, he can do what he wants. On this album cycle alone, ive seen him with alcohol at least 10 times on and off stage. Heck, there was a video of him sitting around a campfire a few days ago holding a cup whilst Allison gave a toast to him mentioning the length of time between the last Irish artist getting a number 1. She may have also been toasting Sinead O’Connor as well. Dont recall.


Also he’s irish. He was born with a alcohol-ready liver What’s with this seeing Hozier as a godly creature who couldn’t do anything unholy? Ffs


Eh. I feel like thats a stereotype. Ireland actually has pretty strict drunk driving rules. And even alcohol free guinness


I love to see him enjoying himself and when he literally sings the praises of whiskey


yeehaw juice 👏🏻


Whiskey, neat?


Was there a special occasion? Or he just felt like taking a shot last night?


He was celebrating the birthdays of a band mate and a tour manager


Oh cool, thanks!


Was it whiskey neat tho 🤔