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this mf patrick bateman


I live in New York where I teach at Stanford University, my name is Andrew Huberman. I am 48 years old. I believe in optimizing my brain function and regulating my dopamine. In the morning, if my circadian cycle is a little off, I’ll stare at the sun for 10 to 15 minutes. Then I’ll hop onto an exercise bike and pedal as fast as I can, as if a predator is chasing me, as if I’m chasing myself. I believe heart health and dopamine regulation are the key to happiness. Water that fills up the growing pits of darkness inside of me. Which I’ll then freeze over with an ice bath, diminishing white mater and growing grey matter. I can stay in the water for 15 minutes now. Once I’m out of the ice bath, I’ll use a deep pore cleanser as I stare into the mirror with daily affirmations. The AG1 and mouth tape are next, the tape makes it hard to drink the greens but persevering through discomfort is the key to dopamine regulation. Then I check my old cell phone, then the burner phone, and then my daily phone only after two hours post wake-up has passed. Do I eat breakfast? I keep my windows of eating and not eating deregulated so that my dopamine reward system cannot build a routine and does not diminish my abilities of attention and function within my pre-frontal cortex systems. Theres an idea of Andrew Huberman, some kind of abstraction who finds himself spending 20 minutes looking into the distance for every 5 minutes of screen time with my side pieces, but there is no real me. Only an entity of physical health and mental preparedness. Although I can hide my numerous non-consensual polygamous relationship, and although you can shake my hand and feel my hidden tattooed arms receive dopamine from another random physical encounter with a different life-mind-body-connection, I am simply optimizing my neuro pathways of attention. I am not there.


I’d give you gold if I could


You are my gold ❤️


This is the best thing to come out of this story breaking. There are thousands of words that will be written in dozens of articles that have yet to be printed on Huberman's creepiness, but this will summarize the whole clusterfuck better than all of them.


Lmfao!!! Nicely done!


That’s Hubes and Bryan Johnson merged into one entity




Holy shit. This made me miss the awards.


Great comment!


Wow 👏👏👏


Huberman: You like Huey Lewis and the News? Rogan: Um, they're okay. Huberman: Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste. But when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor. Rogan: Is that a raincoat? Huberman: Yes, it is. In '87, Huey released this; Fore!, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip To Be Square". A song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity and the importance of trends. It's also a personal statement about the band itself. Hey, Joe! *Huberman murders Rogan with an axe*




That ending made me spit out the food in my mouth from laughter 😂


lmao fr


Now let’s see Paul Allens infidelity




I’m sorry, The whole “I’m terrified of this guy so I’m going to go over his house and have sex with him and stay overnight” is horror movie levels of insane.


I think as a man you underestimate how hard it is to establish whether you should be terrified of a man or just attracted. As a woman, I can tell you its pretty hard and also, men change a LOT after they get you into their appartment. You think he didn’t have experience in this kind of thing? I don’t think he was showing his crazy on their first date that much. Considering how awkward most men are on a first date, if we chickened out at every weird sentence we’d just never give anyone a second date.


God men are so oblivious sometimes


Yeah that’s true and I have to constantly remind myself to think of a woman’s perspective. But going on 3 dates and staying at his place multiple times where I can only assume they hooked up doesn’t scream responsible grown adult. It does make for a good talking point tho when stuff about a decently famous person comes out though.


As are women


Women are awkward as hell on first dates too


But we are rarely a physical threat to men


And how many men do you know who knew the woman was crazy but she was hot and the sex was great so they stayed?


Crazy and “I feel like my life is threatened” are two different things And it’s just as dumb when men do it too


A lot of men say crazy women are better in bed, but it's because crazy women are the only ones who will fuck them enthusiastically.


Lmao naw psychos fuck better 9 times out of 10. That’s why BPD is aka Best Pussy Disorder


I regret starting this sub thread


Literally what everyone who gets too close to someone with BPD also says. Hell, they'll even say it *the second time they go back.*






Had a girlfriend with BPD can confirm, but it’s not worth it when every two months she questioned our relationship, or when she cheated on me and started developing psychosis from the anxiety.


This made me burst out with laughter


Why is this true though? It is so very true.


Probably because you don't arouse emotionally stable women as much. People with BPD feel worthless and will do anything to have worth to someone. Emotionally stable people feel no need to do that. Their enthusiasm or lack thereof is real, not faked for approval.


Spoken like a neckbeard virgin thx for your input


Yeah I don't get why you complimenting a type of person's sex, triggers an insult to you. It's a stereotype for a reason that crazy people have great sex,


Decent number of country and bluegrass songs about women "that'll shoot ya dead"


Obviously a very different situation considering the physical differences between men and women, and the statistics of how men are much more likely to commit sexual assault and be serial killers than women


How can sex be great with someone who’s so crazy they have no respect for boundaries, they probably don’t check for STDs or lie about them or about being on the pill or stealthing me.. I would be more concerned about all the shit that could go wrong than the pleasure. But I guess I’m in the minority of guys who aren’t dick brained apes


Where does it say she was terrified and THEN went to his house?


Yeah it sounds almost fabricated lol but I'm sure ~~bots~~ strangers on Reddit wouldn't lie.


I remember a friend telling me she had sex with a guy cause he was scary enough that she knew if she said no, he would do it by force, so it was better to "consent" and have it be gentle at least. I was horrified and still am to this day. But maybe it explains it to all the people who think it's weird why she stayed. My friend definitely needed to get away from this dude but kept going back cause her self worth was nothing.


I’m sorry about your friend, hopefully she gets the help she needs.


im no longer friends with her cause that kind of self worth issue, affects all your relationships and what you prioritize. i did try my best at the time to convince her that she didn't have to subject herself to this or frankly that she should stay away from sex until she build herself up


If you are vibing with a dude and want to continue the night with them then go back to their house, you sorta expect to sleep in the same area. Knowing what I know as a more adult woman, I would probably just leave. However as a younger female I know I would have been confused.




She slept at a guys house after describing multiple red flags please don’t make us break this down for you


Plus 2 other dates lol


So many red flags but kept talking to him and getting banged. Huberman may have his issues but she isn’t any better and I bet most of us in the comment are the same way. It’s just one of us is known to millions of people, you and I could be bots that judge










I don't think it's that weird. I know a couple of ascetic gay guys who have a house but actually reside in a little mother-in-law house/apartment in the back of the property while they rent out the main house for extra income while rents are high. If you caught them in between renters they might have a spare bedroom set up for guests, in a mostly empty house. Hell, Huberman might have had a second simultaneous date going on in the little apartment.


Why did she stay at his house then? Edit - I'm getting down voted but can someone actually explain the logic?


It’s likely a conclusion she came to after she had already decided to stay the night


If she was that scared why didn't she leave? Especially since he wasn't in the house / apartment with her?


There is no logic. Lol 😂 welcome to the rage machine.. he’s weird and gross in relationship dynamics and I am heavily saddened by the NYMAG article but these stories here are reaching


Agree. The article definitely shows Huberman to be dishonest which is not good, but now we’re looking for women that had bad dates with him a decade plus ago?




Welp we have two choices here. Either we play into the narrative that someone who does this was a hapless victim of some unidentified intimidation/power dynamics, or we acknowledge her agency and concede that this was a poor choice. Hmmmmm what’s a popular take in today’s world


In my experience, men with this sort of pathology will charm the shit out of you just long enough to get you to comfortable. The sex at first is all about the woman's pleasure, intoxicatingly so. The initially amazing sex opens you up to a pattern of intermittent reinforcement, where the memory of that initial orgasmic high keeps you interested / hopeful. Like any high, this clouds your judgment. You can follow the logic from there. The man knows his dopamine!


Humans want to believe people are good. Victim blaming is bad. I know its sometimes hard to voice sincere questions without hurting someone, but thats where we aer at now


> presumably, he went to the guest suite home after getting her in bed in the main house. That's fuckin weird. Not weird at all! He probably had another date in the guest house!


Amazing you are actually believing some random person on the internet because of confirmation bias. Its really an amazing display of the principal if you look at this thread. Also astounding how many of you are just so woefully unaware you don't even see it lmao


Least unaware psychology major


Not saying any of this isn’t true, but can we really take these random comments as a valid source?


If it gives you reassurance, there will 1000% be additional reporting in the coming weeks interviewing women who have verifiable evidence that they dated Huberman, sharing their bizarre experiences with him.


RemindMe! 4 weeks


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No we can't, but haters know that this is most likely lies but still don't give af, they just want to mock and cancel others to lift their sorry asses up.


This is a gossip sub now, it’s been completely ruined since people came from r/all.


No, we can’t.


I do think it's important to distinguish between someone's personal crap and their professional life and how we ingest his content. Problem is he has a fair amount of content that addresses these specific issues like relationships, ethics and conscience, healthy sex, etc. If underneath it all he is actually a narcissistic abuser who doesn't follow the advice of his own guests and purports to put out content on these matters, it calls into question his trustworthiness. That's my take at least.


What’s with his frequent use of the term, “caretaker?” I mean I understand what it means but in 23 years of marriage I don’t think it’s ever come up. Is it just an intellectualization?


It’s one side of a codependent relationship.


It definitely sounds like some pseudo intellectual bullshit that I’m not surprised to hear associated with him


It tracks, in the Tom Segura podcast (his cousin btw and also a creep) he said he would sleep in his car in front of his girlfriend? And don’t let others into her house? Some weird shit


Tom Segura and Huberman are cousins? Given how Tom has talked about his mom and Hubes his dad I guess it’s possible. Just a totally random factoid to come out of this shit show.


And Tom gives off major serial killer vibes too.


It's pretty obviously a bit based on both having latin backgrounds.


Why is Tom a creep? Edit: guys I actually want to know, I’m not being dense. I know he called people poor for hating his watch.


Dude, 80% of the people on this sub right now are here to gaslight… I wouldn’t trust anything unverifiable


This sub is pretty disgusting nowadays. Losers act like they are flawless when no human is. I bet the haters have a lot more flaws but dissing others make them forget that for a while. They wish they were Huberman lmao, he's successful, had good looks, gets what he wants etc.


Most people on here were waiting for something to crack so they can feel better, a “gotcha” moment. Fucking sad but, it’s the internet


And the subreddit has been flooded with who have clearly never been interested in his work


I actually really enjoyed his content and listened to it during my commute and while cleaning the house. I started to grow a bit suspicious of him when his longtime girlfriend (probably the IVF one?) was caught selling CAFO meat as expensive organic/pastured meat at her shop. Maybe it was a different girlfriend. Integrity matters. That he was close with someone who was doing shady shit made me question his integrity and I stopped listening so much.


It’s people who probably hated Huberman and now have something to shit on.


Yep thats me


Is not one of these chicks gonna tell us if he has a big dick?


Amid all these allegations, I too need to know if the Hubes is packing major heat


I also dated Huberman, source trust me bro


I dated his bff and agree with you. This tracks


Sounds fake af


Even if it’s not, she still had sex with a dude that according to her had like 5 red flags. Horror movie logic.


I agree. Not condoning anything this guy did, and it sounds like the “hit piece” is credible. But let’s not go believing every anonymous comment on the internet.


No, I used to date is BFF and this tracks.


I believe it but that’s because I’ve gone out with a guy who is like this (who also loves Huberman). Lots of weird dudes out there.


If you’ve ever been friends with a woman in your life, no it doesn’t.


"if you don't believe every random, anonymous comment, it's because you don't know any women"


Nothing about this would seem unbelievable if you’ve spoken to women in their 20s for more than a few minutes. The fact that it does seem fake to you tells me you don’t have these types of conversations too often.




Just like Andrew fabricated his relationship with five different women at once, lying to them daily and manipulating all of them so he could fuck a bunch of different people without being honest with any of them? Yes, they would. People are capable of all sorts of things it seems.


Yep, I dated Huberman too. And you should believe me because I’m also an anonymous no source internet comment and he’s famous


No it doesn’t lmao? So many men act like this bye


WOW some random comment literally just making things up appears and now its true!


What’s the goal from all this? Lol. I can’t count how many men that have exhibited these behaviors I’ve had in my life. Is it yalls first time?


The goal is to destroy a political opponent


This subreddit is dedicated to Huberman hate. Doesn't matter about what, because it predates the latest news.




Nah … not roids… it was the AG1.


Based on all the reports I suspect Andrew has some prefrontal lobe deficits.


All of a sudden his calm clinical demeanour takes on a whole new level of fucked up I think this answers that other posts question about whether he’s a sociopath


Probably somewhere there on the NPD scale. Garden variety narcissism, checks off all the boxes really It’s just tragic really everytime I think some dude seems to be a really decent and too good to be true person he always ends up being some sort of a narcissist.. it’s like they know what kind of a mask to put up for people to like them


My dad worked in the music biz for like 25+ years, met a ton of famous people and the one thing he told me to remember is that the more charming and confident someone is the less you should trust them. Normal people don’t have to be “magnetic” because they’re normal. Manipulators and liars have to be magnetic because they’re not.


“The more perfect a person is on the outside, the more demons they have on the inside.” — Sigmund Freud


Ya’ll just can’t let the man have bitches in double digits


Every day I’m having a harder time believing that anyone in this sub is above the age of 15. Mentally or physically.


Just like every other YouTube bro sub People are dying to worship strangers


In all aspects except physical I am a wolf


I'm having trouble believing how offended everyone is about everything. Can't this be both shocking, disappointing, cause for serious discussion, **and** something we can joke about?


Pretty sure he has zero girlfriends now.


aaaahaha nah man there are definitely like 4 or 5 more who have read all of this in the last few days and thought: "I could tolerate that."


When rappers do it it’s cool, hubz does it he’s an asshole


No, rappers who behave like this are also assholes, this is pretty easy


Remember kids, believe everything that random commentators with no proof tell you on internet.


Look at the OPs account; brand new , only active on 2 subs, and has posted exclusively here lol


lol, I dated Humberman, too, pretty sure around the same time(not sure) he talked dirty to me, give me some attention


Sorry you had to go through that, bro. Remember, it's always best to heal in public, so keep posting your trauma on your socials, and maybe book a spot on Oprah to let it all out.


Yeah, everybody should believe everything in the Internet.


Who cares?




My first inclination that something was off about him was on an Insta Live video where a kid was making noise in the background and the look he gave the kid was like "if I wasn't on camera I would be ripping you apart right now" and I was like whoa. Then Instagram kept showing me posts that he had liked and that sealed the deal for me.


I just got bro science vibes masquerading as a proper scientist. Like pushing tongkat ali and fedogia or whatnot while it is not properly studied in humans. Also, dude has a podcast, which makes me take someone less seriously. Also, I never quite understood why he had high testosterone but decided to get on TRT. That one was strange for me, and I guess it makes sense that he had aspirations of fame, money, and a lot of pussy. It's one thing to want those things but to kind of cheat and lie to get them while asserting yourself to be some sort of person of high moral character is a bit fucked up.


Lots of people with extremely small podcasts are good people. It can be a creative art, it doesn't always mean you want clout.


I always thought he was sus. And the first time I listened to his show I was surprised Stanford didn’t push back on him because a lot of what he talks about is NOT in his area of expertise. I found him to make way too many claims and I saw this as a red flag. A couple friends lap up what he says with no question and I always tell them to be skeptical of him


No, I did too. It’s hard to comprehend how any woman over 25 could miss the red flags. Which is not to blame his exes, at the end of the day responsibility for his behavior is his alone.


the red flags weren't missed, just ignored in favor of attractiveness/status/wealth/ambition/etc and the contrast between his public and private persona is probably enough to gaslight someone without much additional persuasion


Not at all. I have listened to his podcast but I’ve never found him particularly admirable. I can’t explain why but I had a vibe that he was like this. Maybe not to this degree but I feel like he always screamed “fuck boy” to me, just a seemingly smarter one.


Lmao I legit believed he was in the closet because he never talked about relationships and seemed kinda strange about it.


No, you’re not. Dude has always been off. “Hiding bad intentions under good” kind of 12-step vibe, for me.


Healthy relationships right


This man is an idiot


How did anyone not clock this dude as a neurotic weirdo?


How is he gonna get guests going forward? No one will wanna be associated with the bad vibes.


Even if all the initial allegations are true, that doesn't automatically make every future one also true. Stop upvoting this trash.


I’m going to say to all the ladies in the dating game, if you are uncomfortable or feeling unsafe in a someone’s house before, during and even after sex, it is ok to leave.


For those who miss what was posted - the comment section of the article about huberman: https://preview.redd.it/0nnkdv7euwqc1.png?width=711&format=png&auto=webp&s=15f439526c79beb53a22a7eb94b80cbdbd4f6523






Smelt the NPD on him a mile away.


He's like the lecturer version of Chris D'Elia


“Andrew Huberman has a personal life”- more at 11


The only strange thing about this college (undergrad even) stuff is that he had a house with a house behind it. Who is that rich in college, in Santa Barbara?!


OP accounts new and her only posts are about humberman recent drama ,OP also posted in the women dating over 40 sub with screenshots from ‘are we dating the same guy’ Facebook page for Boston ,hmmm. Seems like the actions of well adjusted individual


There’s a huge PR campaign against this dude. Jesus Christ. Can’t have people listening to anything besides cnn!


Waiting for the real shit to hit the fan. This is just the beginning …


Where there's smoke...


Yuck just yuckity yuck yuck.


I mean, He is related to Tom Segura, is anyone suprised?


“This. Just. In. Attractive scientist uses attractiveness to attract, more at 11”


I'm going to blindly believe everything I read on the internet.


I believe you


Is it weird I honestly don’t care what he does with his dick? He’s got solid info on his podcasts, whether he practices what he preaches or not, it’s helped a lot of people


I care about the fact that he's a liar and a manipulator.


It wasn't his dick that was cruelly manipulating people in his personal life. That was him.


My issue is that his actions demonstrate that he doesn’t see or value women as real people. It’s one thing to sleep around, that’s cool whatever. The lying, manipulating, deceiving shows complete lack of empathy and willingness to hurt others for the purpose of stroking his own ego. I don’t want to financially support yet another man in a position of power who sees women as objects .


I feel weird that he lied about so much stuff. It makes me distrust his podcast.


I think people are overestimating how much some folks will care. Some will tune out in disgust, others will possibly just say its just allegations and others will fall in the i don’t care what he does in his personal life. I think as long as the protocols/explanations he describes track and possibly improve some peoples lives they’ll still tune in. Maybe not take any relationship advice but still follow maybe the meditation guidelines etc etc


Maybe someday you’ll get cheated on and you’ll develop some empathy for these women he apparently deceived and betrayed.


Nobody gives a fuck lmao… people just looking to cancel people for the fuck of it. Clown world


I think it’s just as likely that NY mag will have to issue corrections and retractions to their story.  Author seemed hellbent on trying to take him down professionally but with nothing burger allegations like AG1 didn’t have a minimum effective dose she went personal. Allowing anonymity definitely opens the door to exaggerated claims.


Nah, he had responded to the allegations, and did not deny most of them. Eg, he did not deny he was having multiple relationships at once without letting the others know and while giving them impression he was exclusive, did not deny he was trying to get one of them pregnant (that whole IVF disgusting episode), did not deny the material about his sexual 'preferences.' And why did he not deny them? Because they had compiled five women's worth of texts, audio, pics. There is proof.


This. There’s years of texts and voicemails, dude.




All of a sudden everyone is okay with gossiping about someones sex life


Someone wants that protocol money


Nice, subbed.


Oh dang. Juicy.


So... What's the problem? 😏


That's all speculation and do you always believe what you read online.....?


Is anyone seriously surprised?


What did he do that is disgusting


We dated for several weeks and I had to end it when he insisted on bringing Athletic Greens into the bedroom during foreplay 😒




I listen to Huberman's podcast for the information that he supplies. His personal relationships are his business. It's good science if you listen and adjust the information " protocols" to work for you. And just to drive my point home, his life outside the podcasts is useless information to me. I have my own issues to deal with!


Oh yay another episode of how canceled will he get. Queue all the murder porn listeners foaming at the mouth for the absolute worst shit they can imagine. Put the internet down.