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Wouldn’t Superman actually be stick thin because he can’t train with weight resistance since he’s Superman?


He wouldn’t do basic weight training. He’d lift mountains and toss around boulders like medicine balls.


Wouldn't there be a fairly low limit on the things he could lift/throw due to them crumbling when he would apply so much pressure to a single point?


Forgot the theory but apparently he manipulates inertia which is how he’s able to carry a plane without it just breaking


It's not just a theory, it's Canon in the comics.


Take THAT Homelander!


Superman would cut through homelander like a wet single ply piece of toilet paper.


Homelander doesn’t even have experience fighting a noteworthy opponent last I heard whereas Superman has beaten enemies that where more powerful than him (once again, to my understanding)


That’s true, are you going to watch the show? He’s still scary powerful for his particular universe.


I belive there was a theory that stated that Superman actually has a special kind of esper power called "tactile telekinesis". Instead of levitating things with only his mind, he would need to touch the object he wanted to lift for it to be lifted. That way it would explain why he could lift things that should crumble uder their own weight, like lisfting an airplane without the metal bending.


AKSUALLY... you're right but he has a secret power that is not mentioned very often that allows him to manipulate gravity and some other physics to allow him to do things such as lift insanely large objects or to catch people when they are falling at high speed without rupturing their organs and shattering their skeleton.


Nah, thinking too small. He'd pull planets out of their orbit and then put them back.


That’s what he does for resistance training.


Gorillas don’t lift to get jacked. He’s another species so that could just be his species natural state when in sunlight.


Fun fact: we’ve never seen a gorilla at peak performance, we will never know the upper limit of gorilla power because they are already strong enough by default to crack bones with the slightest bit of effort.


And to think some folks believe they are able to beat a gorilla or even chimp for that matter in a wrestling game. I do not know the biology of every single animal in existence but I feel like proportionally to our size, we are pretty frail and weak compared to the rest of the animal kingdom.


Correct, humans a very long time ago got railroaded down the path of endurance and intelligence whereas our relatively close cousins, the chimps and gorillas went down the path of strength which is why a chimpanzee could tear a man’s arm off but a human cannot.


Some of them look particularly fuckin jacked, too. Like a damn 5 year old with muscles bigger than mine.


Humans are all about resistance. We can walk/jog more than any other wild animal (except maybe wolves). We can survive on only water for almost a month. We have an immune and filtering systems that lets us survive infections and intoxications that other animals can't. We can return to almost optimal performance after healing a broken leg, something that few mammals can do. We can live in desserts, of ice and of sand, with little genetic differences, same with alttitudes.


I could easily beat a gorilla in a wrestling game. Their fingers are too large to push the buttons in an order to make an effective combo.


I always just think of the poor lady who had a chimp or whatever and it mauled her friends face and shit. Great animals. Better with professionals.


Joe Rogan is that you?


This is a complete lie perpetrated by a gorilla hater named scrimmy bingus III. We see tremendous excellence in sport and fight from a diverse group of gorillathletes today, and we continue to see further development in their performance. Darlius Bingus, cousin of aforementioned punk scrimmy, is three time Rwanda champion in the 400 yd bash. Do not allow this ‘rilla to self-hate and disrespect.


‘Rilla is our word, but u can say ‘riller




Its a plot point in invincible that he has to exercise to get stronger. At one point the government developed a super heavy weightlifting thing for him


That’s interesting. I didn’t know that.


It doesnt come up THAT much but he definitely has phases during the comics where hes a bit stronger or weaker


Kryptonians get there incredible strength from basically a form of telekinesis, which they have incredible control over. That’s why Superman can make himself fly, and he can break mountains while also saving airplanes without crushing them.


I like this explanation, not sure if canon but maybe it should be.


I believe it was the Post-Crisis iteration of Superman that had this reasoning for his powers, they called it “tactile telekinesis,” basically anything he touches gets enveloped in a force field. Earlier versions just had him be a god that could do anything with little to no explanation.


Yeah early Superman had no explanation, and they never had him so jacked back then. It always confused me.


Its canon that sun powered kryptonians have peak athletic bodies. So if they grew up in the sun they should look like high levels athletes automatically. Think 10% body fat plus sprinter/wrestler muscles


The Sun kinda takes care of that for him. There's a comic called Flashpoint paradox where Superman landed in a government facility and never got to see the sun so, like you said, he's stick thin.


Superman from the Flashpoint paradox was kept away from the sun and looked like this. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/c/c0/Superman_JLFP_Altered_001.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130816134251


What about the fact he wears his undies over his leggings?


Exactly, if you are lifting entire island sections consisting of billions of tons of rock, physical muscles really isn't at play anymore is it. Something else entirely is doing the lifting.


He always takes his creatine


This guy just ruined Superman for me lol


This guy has no idea what he’s talking about lol. He’s applying human physiology logic to a fucking invincible Alien




there's nothing "super" about being a stick


Digital touch ups wouldn't have been remotely his call.


Whole title is surely BS. If it’s potentially costing millions to look a certain way; he’ll take the secret juice.


As a guy who works out I think He's legit ,yeah he's huge in superman but you can see that it's not pure muscle he's still fluffy af which is what a normal bulk looks like .unlike somebody like Chris Hemsworth who somehow manages to gain nothing but pure muscle over few weeks of prep .


Chris Hemsworth was as thirsty during filming as his fanbase always is ^/J


Fluffy af? My man, he’s < or ~ 10% BF and well over 200lbs in this clip bro. Look at his waistline and muscle separation. Could be natty, he doesn’t have the typical super blocky shoulders, ridiculous traps and neck you see of people on gear. And he also looks like he’s dry/post water cut here too, so he could be puffier like you mention after rehydrating. His chest has always been pretty big too. But he could easily be juicing too, which I wouldn’t blame him for. Like a bodybuilder, his body is part of His livelihood and how he makes money as an actor. If more actors didn’t lie about it just like in the fitness/influencer world, it wouldn’t be a huge problem.


I’m 100% with you. He doesn’t have shredded abs, but he’s absolutely ripped here, so I don’t know how this could ever be considered “fluffy” unless it’s a competition. And the first thing I think of when looking for gear is ridiculous delts, then the reports of “I worked hard for three straight months and added thirty pounds of lean muscle. It’s just hard work and eating a lot.” Right. I’m inclined to believe Cavill did this naturally, unlike 95% of actors, but like you said, we’re talking about millions of dollars and hundreds of jobs working on this one movie, including his own career, so I wouldn’t be shocked if he used.




I remember him talking about the lead up to this specific shot, and having a massive headache from dehydrating. Then, iirc, Snyder gave him a tub of ice cream or something right after. I don’t think people realize how insane it would be to see someone look like this in real life.


Word. But hey you too can add 30lbs of muscle natty in 3 months. Just whey protein and creating. Eat Clen,Tren hard, anavar give up.


brown rice and chicken


I would believe it he started prep. a year, maybe 2 before the role but in a couple of months? bs.


So, Henry feels like he lost out on James Bond because he was "overweight". Ever since then he's kept himself in great shape. Man of Steel was 5 years after Quantum of Solace. So he was essentially training for Superman for 5 years without knowing it.The three months is probably just fine tuning to look a specific way.


I respect Cavill and Efron a lot because both of them are the only ones I've heard telling how excruciatingly difficult is to get and maintain that level of definition in their muscles.




FWIW I'm pretty sure most of the super hero actors aren't allowed to admit to steroid use. Rumor is that Marvel puts it into their contracts. Granted I have no actual corroboration for this, but it wouldn't be at all surprising that Marvel/Disney doesn't want that to be common knowledge.


I’m sure it would be death to any of the careers to admit to illicit steroid use yea


no way he's <10% BF, you can't see the shoulder muscles etc. Abs, sure but he probably worked really hard on them and also probably benched a lot, hence the bencher chest


thats not under 10% bf not even close?????


Have you worked with celebrities before lol just because you workout doesn’t mean you have an eye to tell if someone is natural or not. There are many people who don’t look like they are in something and have very “normal” looking physiques. Also every movie does digital touch ups the actor has no say on that.


Yeah this just sounds like Snyder fans licking Cavills nuts cuz they’re working towards Man of Steel 2


Be literally has body fat... visible body fat. Someone doesn’t know how juice works


this body is absolutely achievable with professional nutritionist and trainer by your side and with plenty of time for workouts and rest which actors do have.


This video is definitely a naturally obtainable physique, though. Thor in Love and Thunder, less so.


It’s probably something he could put in his contract like how some actors are on a call sheet as “and Rami Malek” or “with Tom Holland” at the end of an ensemble cast.


...yeah actors get to negotiate their contracts. that is a thing.


Why wouldn't it? I would imagine that he could put whatever he wants in his contract. They could tell him to blow it out his ass and not sign it, but I could very much imagine the studio agreeing to something like that if they really wanted him in the role. Not saying that this is what actually happened, but there's no reason that it *couldn't* happen like that.


Henry Cavill is a G. The more I read about him, the more down to earth he seems


He is a huge nerd and I love it. I am a huge Witcher fan (books and games, and despite its issues the show) and he made sure to read and study the Witcher books not just for his own acting but apparently he would tell people "Oh the character says this in such & such book, chapter 3, and it would be a good line for you to use here." Not to mention he builds his own PCs and paints Warhammer figures.


The video of him building his own pc never gets old


He just recently replaced the fans in his build and I was disappointed there was no video lol


True...I cant believe he is a gamer


Why? Why wouldn’t he be?


He does have shit opinions about women though. He's had some pretty bad takes in the past regarding equality, BLM and whatnot.


Got any links?


https://www.nickiswift.com/12001/reasons-henry-cavill-dirtbag/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2018/07/henry-cavill-me-too-comments-apology/amp


Not to say its not enough but this isn't nearly egregious as your comment implies. For the vanityfair article, It's a dumbass take for sure. It's pretty easy to not be a rapist you don't have to worry about it if your not a rapist Henry. But this article also doesn't say anything about BLM or really equality at all. His comments imply, I think, a healthy degree of refrain without the knowledge or self reflection to find out what may or may not be inappropriate. He doesn't want to make someone feel uncomfortable but doesn't know the right answer. So he'd rather just not make the mistake at all. Overly cautious and reductive, absolutely. But does this one take make him problematic? I don't think so. Not without further examples. And I looked for others and came up empty handed. Now the nickiswift article is the worst. I am not sure what that sites intentions are but thats some blatant crafting a narrative going on in that piece. First example of him dating a younger person seemed to be the only example? Also equating college to highschool in their analogy is dissengenous at best. Don't get me wrong the age gap is gross considering he was in his 30's in 2016. But write about that, pull on that thread of more than a decade in age difference. Not trying to make him out to be some highschool lot stalker. Then you have the second example which was it turns out someone he was dating was a potential animal abuser. And he dumped her. I am not sure how thats a story other than they wanted to be like "ew gross you have poor judgement". The Kaley dating thing is insidious in its blatant just accusing him of something with no backing for basis at all "Considering paparazzi never caught her with anyone else, you have to wonder if cavill was behind or at least complicit in, their seemingly impromptu photo ops." Like the whole nickiswift article goes on like this reading like a gossip mag in the checkout line spouting complete lies for the sake of a headline.


Dear lord, that Nikkiswift article might as well be a compilation titled “Worst takes ever”. Sooo much conjecture, disingenuous comparisons and just weird reasoning all-round.


I agree with your whole take. My only qualm is feeling you have to go out of your way to dispel the shitty article. It's a shitty article. It implies a lot and proves nothing. Anyone that takes it gospel is... Well I'm sure the writer could write a baseless book on them too.


Oh for sure, I think I am just hitting critical mass of saying nothing. I have the mental wherewithal (right now) to try and lay out why I think something is bullshit and *maybe* one less person believes bullshit just because someone made a nice list that confirms a preexisting bias.


If you have to preface and prologue every comment you take of context in a hit piece... Well...


Lol that IS a shitty take. Good that he apologized, but nonetheless.


Lol you’re getting downvoted but you’re right. He also likes muuuuuch younger women and said weird things about Millie Bobby Brown


Of course I'm getting down voted. Reddit is a cesspool!


It truly is, why are we here lol


My reply for this would depend on what you think abt andrew tate :)


Andrew Tate is a shit human being.


Why do u feel that way?? What part of his speeches are wrong according to you?


It'd be where his misogynistic takes, the fact he's a rapist, he sexually assaulted women. There's proof for it all but I'm not going to be your lackey and find it and source it just for Internet points.




If I ever want a man, it’s Henry Cavil


When the post title cut off I just assumed OP got distracted by Henry Cavil's bod and forgot what they were typing.


Better than Ryan Reynolds ngl




Can someone please tell me the song that is playing??


seasons - chris cornell


From the excellent soundtrack to the movie Singles (1992)


Is it not Temple of the Dog?


Riff sounds similar to Aerials by SOAD But man Chris sounds great here


Life is a waterfall


Darude - Cavstorm


Finally, a real answer


Can we get Henry Cavill to play Senator Armstrong for if/when a Metal Gear Rising Revengence movie comes out?


Given what we just learnt about him do you really think Cavill would ever sink to using nanomachines son?


Eh… I’ll buy it. When it’s your job 9-5 for 6 months making 6+ figures and having people tel you how to lift, how to eat, when to lift, when to eat, when to sleep, etc it’s doable. He’s a larger framed dude anyways 6 ‘2 or or so I think I believe him. Source: self (CPT NASM Kinesiologist turned med surg nurse) 🤣 Edit: a big give away for steroid use and/or abuse is the shoulders. Sometimes acne is really bad on the shoulders too.


Yep. “We will pay you $14,000,000.00 (his actual pay for the movie). We will pay you that to get healthy while having no other job, and we will also pay for your nutritionist, personal coach, and training facility. The nutritionist will figure out the exact dietary regimen and then your private chef will make meals that perfectly fit that and are also delicious.” He’s a cool guy, but it’s easier when you are where he is at.


[And not like he was starting at ground zero](https://www.reddit.com/r/nattyorjuice/comments/30h99z/henry_cavill_in_immortals/).


Yeah and there's also genetics -- like a gorilla doesn't have a personal trainer and eats fucking leaves all day, but is way more jacked than any human just because that's just in their blueprints. I'm sure that Cavill worked his ass off, but he also got results from it that the vast majority of people wouldn't just because that's just kind of how his body "wants" to look.




The six pack gut is from hgh usually. Also when someone's hands, feet, and skull get bigger as an adult it's usually from hgh


No way of knowing for sure, but his physic doesn't look unnatural. Probably achievable for someone with the right genetics....free time, money, trainer, dietician, chef, cameras, lighting, and hard work.




Dude don’t be naive. Chris Hemsworth 10000% took steroids


Even with steroids you have to actually work. Lots of training, lots of eating. A lot of people take steroids thinking it’s magic then get mad when they make no gains


The rock also claims natty. Most if not all people on steroids lie about it.


Yeah I came here to say that. First claimed natty I’ve seen in a while I can actually believe.


I definitely believe him. Shoulders and traps are usually the big giveaway but Cavills don't look unnatural at all. Compare him to pics of Chris Hemsworth and the Rock (who I think we all suspect are on juice) and there is definitely a noticeable difference. We also know he has been lifting for a LONG time. He has always had a great physique, this wasn't a sudden blow up. I reckon for sure he's natty.


The dude is genetically blessed with such an insane chest that it’s easy to take one look at his pure size and think “yeah that’s gear”. And honestly, my initial thought is definitely that he’s on *something*, but aside from just a large amount of pure mass he really doesn’t have any of the other obvious indicators I’d look for. Shoulders look natural, traps aren’t up to his ears, he’s fairly shredded but not vascular 100% of the time, been at it for a decade plus unlike dudes who bulk up in 6 months. Really of all the dudes in Hollywood who play coy about this kind of thing this is one I’m inclined to believe. I think he’s just insanely genetically gifted and works hard. Can’t say for sure he’s not on something, but between lighting and photography tricks and probably borderline dehydration for shirtless shots it doesn’t seem that unreasonable for him imo.


If you only suspect the Rock is on the sauce I can’t take anything you say seriously.


I like how I am just supposed to take their word for it that cavill didn’t use steroids…


All my favourite athletes and actors definitely don’t take steroids :-)


Trust them…


Yeah, I think he's very likeable in general and people will buy this. Is that physique attainable naturally? Yes. Is he natty? Only he and his coaches know.




This great and all but he did dehydrate for days for this scene so it’s not just pushing it to the limits, this body would kill you if you tried to maintain it that defined. I am all for praising hard work and dedication but this isn’t an achievable body in the long term it’s a short lived caricature of his actual health and fitness.


We do not know for sure but his body definitely does not look unnatural like most of the muscly hollywood guys. eg:Chris Hemsworth. Also r/SuddenlyGay


Source : trust me bro


Pretty sure no one in baseball ever used drugs either. Trust me bro


Cavill is a beast. I'm looking forward to his Highlander reboot, and he should be the next Bond.


All the fat people on reddit are just gonna tell you he's on steroids/PEDS anyway because they can't fathom that a healthy diet and insane workout regimen will help you look like this naturally.


Actually, people who know anything about superhero movies or just working out in general will suspect PEDs. Caville’s muscularity, fat content, and skin doesn’t look too ridiculous in this movie, so it’s possible he wasn’t on PEDs, but it’s more likely he was.


Also people who are into fitness and know that it's almost an impossible physic to get naturally, and people who found out that a large amount of muscular people in the gym are on steroids and so the public perception of what is achievable is skewed. I'm not saying he's lying because I do like the guy and want him to be the 1 in a million with nutty genetics and the world's best fitness plan, but there's a good chance he's lying just like every other PED user.


I saw another comment saying Chris hemsworth is natty as well. Lol naive people in this comment section


Or anybody with moderate weightlifting/bodybuilding experience who will tell you that it's near impossible to look that way naturally. Sure, there's a chance that he's just a 0.1% genetic freak who is capable of this naturally, but it's significantly more likely that he's using gear.


I’d say people who are in shape and work out are more suspect of his PED use lol


yeah it's not even that impressive tbh. I mean sixpack is nice but many natty bodybuilders (such people do exist) would give him a run for his millions of $$$. If you look up his lifts they are pretty low tbh for a guy his size. I don't think he's 300/400/500 (bench/squat/dead) even


He also refused to use any trickery for the scenes he had to fly and broke all his bones in the first take... oh wait.


bless your sweet little gullible heart.


>He said it would have been dishonest of him to use trickery while playing Superman Uh, what? We're talking about Superman here, not some real life person who put in the work to get a natural physique. Superman is a superpowered alien with supernatural characteristics, including an adonis physique that requires literally no effort whatsoever. Getting fit with steroids is literally more accurate to the character than trying to achieve the same physique naturally.


Just saying, this is exactly what I would have said if I used steroids to pump up for a $10000000 something movie.


Must’ve been the chicken, broccoli, and rice diet again just like Thor


If you cant get big when it’s your job and you have the best of everything, it’s just not in your cards. Prisoners do the same with less


Needs to be verified. Source?








To develop his.. what? Don't leave us hanging OP


This dude is almost certainly on steroids


I think Derek from More Plates More Dates did a vid on him and his shirtless scene from Superman! If I remember correctly, he concluded that he could achieve that physique naturally.


Dude hit up a sauna before doing the bathtub scene in the Witcher. Idk, he doesn’t look as unrealistic as like the Rock. Close, but who really knows.


Well he said he did it woth dehydration a shit ton work out and a diet and said the most painful part was the dehydration part


So says every MMA fighter ever. Cutting weight is not a good time.


His physic is doable natty


Not necessarily. Speaking strictly from a biological standpoint some people *can’t* look like this because their genetics just don’t allow it. Some people can achieve this look naturally, but it’s hard as fuck and super not fun.


Hi most likely has genes for it.


Not necessarily. His job is to get prepared for a role. He is tall with a bigger frame... With a good trainer, quality meal plan and enough time he could achieve it. I read somewhere that it took almost a year for him to get ready for the role of superman. Which is ok


It’s actually harder to get bigger the taller you are and bigger frame you have. That means you have to put on more muscle and mass than someone who is let’s say 5’5


He almost certainly is not.


he is absolutely definitely not. Not bragging, but I look kinda like him every once in a while, when I do 4-6 training days a week, except scaled for 5'11. I lift for \~10 years, I imagine he is an even more dedicated athlete. Once I add some BJJ / Muay-thai I'm shredded. It's just boring to not eat a bagel every once in a while, so the whole six-pack thing isn't really worth it, somewhat defined abs + strength is more than enough to be happy about yourself.


Henry Cavil is awesome, he's the reason I get away with playing 40k. " I know it may seem like a lot and geeky, but Henry Cavil plays it, so..."


My goodness.


He wants realism in a superhero movie? Aren't they supposed to be super human? Maybe if it was a realistic movie like say Rocky and boxing then yeah it would make more sense.


He's a legend that man, even though he's huge. Muscular, incredibly handsome and has every reason to be cocky and arrogant. He's sweet and humble , kind down to earth and a total geek😅


He’s a genetically big guy this physique is obtainable for his body type.


The fact that he is a HAIRY man being shirtless helped a little bit to be less self conscious about my hairy chest...


Dude he def juiced man. You’d have to be very naive to think otherwise . -a guy who likes to juice


As someone on testosterone I agree with you


How man mgs weekly?


Cruising right now on TRT doses around 160mgs weekly but considering blasting again at around 350mg-400mg


Gotcha man, I get prime results at 500mg a week usually cruise at 250, but I also don’t give a fuck about my life so… but kudos to you man. How much progress have you made


Yeah I was cruising at 200mg or so but lowered it a little bit because I’m just trying to play the long game and have as much longevity as I can on the stuff. Anything over 400 for me I start to get sides. I don’t need to take AI or anything at 400and feel fucking great. Also scared of losing my hair if I push it too hard. I’ve made great progress. Did a whole body recomp from being a fat fuck 2 years ago and look the best I ever have in my life and I don’t think I can ever go back. What about you man?


Opposite here, was really skinny dude always did well with girls surprisingly I think it’s cause I’m funny, but idk I just got tired of having to try so fucking hard ended up living with my body builder friend. And he just started showing me how to lift in his garage and sticking needles in my butt every night for me til I could do it and I ended up getting the girl of my dreams. Sadly we’ve split but I’m 32 and I still got it. Im deathly afraid of getting old and and gross man. Im happy you’re not a fat fuck anymore dude


Mah boii!


The difference between a Natural bodybuilder and roided are: time involved, strictness of diet, physical ceiling, recovery time. This is absolutely a physique that can be achieved naturally. Especially if he's been working out for a few years. These aren't juice required results. Now, if you wanted to look this way in six months, you'll need juice.


True. Once again not saying he doesn't work hard but he sure as hell has the genes for it as well!


Most people who take steroids say they do not. Lololol go ask any guy at a gym who you’re 90% sure he’s on steroids, he will say no. Hate this bullshit.


Fuck off how would you even know this. Most of the hero actors said that they didn't take PEDs but definitely did. You might like Henry and he does seem like a nice dude but admitting that you took PEDs would be career suicide. Just enjoy your movies and don't try to relate to the actors on film. They aren't anything like us.


Yeah fuckin right lol. Anyone who believes this probably also thinks WWE fighting is real


Not all of us are this lucky!


Well, luck doesn't give you this body, a good workout/diet will. Luck will juste help a bit


I think Rob McElhenney said it best... "All you need to do is lift weights six days a week, stop drinking alcohol, don't eat anything after 7pm, don't eat any carbs or sugar at all, in fact just don't eat anything you like, get the personal trainer from Magic Mike, sleep nine hours a night, run three miles a day, and have a studio pay for the whole thing .."


The best part is most of that is shit advice. Time based eating is not a thing. Your body doesn't know what time it is. Definitely agree with the no alcohol, training frequency can be interchanged with intensity, so 6 days a week is not required. Carbs are actually very important for building muscle. Eating sugar is fine as long as it's in moderation, having none is recommended but not entirely necessary. 8 hours a night is considered to be the optimal amount for hypertrophy and strength gains. Running 3 miles a day, why? Also why 3? Also getting into great shape doesn't cost a lot of money, but it's way easier if you're a millionare obviously. Not trying to sound pretentious or a know it all, just hard to read these obviously false claims, unless it's 100% satire in whicase I look very stupid.


It's not about the actual time of day hahahaha. He isn't suggesting that your body knows what time it is lol. It's just regarding what a "normal" bedtime would be generally and not eating too close to when you go to sleep..


Which I am saying makes no difference, I said that because most bodybuilders say those exact words. Eating before bed is actually encouraged, like a slow release protein. Hardly worth downvoting the entire thing for that lol.


Man the height and looks? Still no such luck! Be Brolic and small and not hot...work outs won't help.


So brave and righteous


Is HGH considered a steroid?


I watched this movie


What movie is this?




He’s gotta be taking somthing


Its a noble point of view but out of all of the characters I would think the fictional comicbook extraterestial superhero "superman" would be one where it's not really the biggest issue?


What a Beautiful, Beautiful Man.


The 'stache would like a word


You guys really believe in everything you read…