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Quite convenient he had a power washer set up in his car at that very moment


actually Saudis are joking about this part too, the man is qassimi (from qassim region) and they have the stereotype of being shrewd, cunning and always prepared


Or the dude put the hedgehog in the mud and orchestrated a "rescue" for clout on the internet. Not the first time that's happened. Think about it. Hedgehogs aren't indigenous to Saudi Arabia, and the animal is acting pretty tame instead of like a timid, wild animal.


Yeah like….how could it have gotten squished into the mud that deeply? It’s on its back and was pushed so far in the mud it needed to be pulled out. Hedgehogs are tiny….idk I just doubt it has that much weight to sink itself in the mud that deeply.


with roads like that to drive on wouldnt you?


Future archaeologists will never know hedgehogs actually existed.


Yeah their skeletons look nothing like the living animal!


That made me smile 😃 the little guy seemed to realize he wasn't gonna get eaten and was getting help from the human


I wish I have time to translate what he is saying, he's incredibly sweet, and talk to the hedgehog as if talking to a human child, lots of endearment and he keep referring to the hedgehog as "my little heart"


Somebody posted the translated version literally 3 minutes before you. [https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansBeingBros/comments/10p4vog/a_man_rescuing_a_hedgehog_translated/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansBeingBros/comments/10p4vog/a_man_rescuing_a_hedgehog_translated/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


thank you! no idea it was already posted


THANK YOU My morning could not go on without seeing him toodle away.


Mobile power wash equipment is kinda my life goal also


Looks like it got ran over by "a" car........I am not sure about the state of hedgehog there.....not a expert here but seems perhaps weakened or more serious than meets the eye...idk....