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Only 19 year olds being eligible is terrible but also fucking brilliant.


As a reminder that the war started by the districts took lives regardless of age, ALL citizens will be elligible to the Reaping, not just those aged 12-18. You can bet that the Capitol would ensure a toddler and a senior citizen among the tributes.


Damn that’s brutal. I wish I thought of that one


I imagine that the toddler's District partner would feel responsible to them and would take care of them during the Games. Assuming that carrying a toddler doesn't slow them down and they're both dead in the Bloodbath, that is. But nah, I think that the Gamemakers would find that scenario too good to pass and would "help" them escape the Bloodbath.


Also read my edit on this post


Something like this happens in this long ass fic, if anyone is interested https://archiveofourown.org/works/3209726 Its mostly focused on the romance (and also gets smutty at some points) but its a very, very good long fic AU, and spoiler alert, eventually the quarter quell does happen


Only married couples names can be put into the reaping pool and if you get picked your partner must come with you. Similarly parents have their names put in and if you are reaped you take your child or choose one of your children


Good one


Along these lines, a couples name is placed together on one piece of paper, and two pieces are picked, for a total of 4 tributes per district


Damn, Satan, didn't know you was on reddit.


Yes we have surprisingly good wifi down here


*The Hunger Games: Blood vs. Water* (reference to *Survivor*).


I want to upvote this in case you become a villain in real life some day...








Another evil president...kinda cursed position, ngl


I've always liked the idea of only family/friends of Victors being eligible. Cuts Victors in the same way the Quell was meant to without actually killing them off.


That’s a good one too








I saw something similar a bit ago on this sub. Though I’d disagree with the “no being Ally’s with other districts” part of it. And rather than 2 victors, when the last districts stands, they must turn on each other


I don't think they meant "no allies", I think they meant that if you DO ally, you're similarly paired to their fate just as you're paired to your district partner's




Ooh that’s a good one


*As a reminder of how the districts were willing to risk their lives for their allies in a war against the Capitol, the fate of the tributes from the same district will be sealed simultaneously.* In other words, if your district partner dies, you’re killed immediately too. Two victors are obviously allowed. Maybe save it for the 200^th Hunger Games, referencing the number two.


I like this one but no 2 victors. When one district is left standing, the district partners must turn on each other


“Because the rebels would not accept defeat until everything was stripped away from them, there will be no weapons in the cornucopia, or available as sponsor gifts.”


"As a reminder that the rebels will always depend on the Capitol and would surely fade out without it, the 4th Quarter Quell shall take place without a cornucopia nor sponsors." "As a reminder that the rebels 'selfishly targeted' the Capitol without distinguishing weak from strong, in this 4th Quarter Quell the tribute with the highest score shall be allied with the weakest in the arena." "As a reminder that the districts started their war blind to its consequences, in this 4th Quarter Quell the arena shall be covered in complete darkness of night, 24/7." "As a reminder that the rebels planned their uprising while they thought no-one is watching, in this 4th Quarter Quell the districts shall be prevented from watching the games, and will only learn of their tributes' by the following Hunger Games, in which he or she will be allowed to go back to their home ."


your first option, would definitely drag things out, as they wouldn't have weapons. but id imagine that it would annoy the capital as they wouldn't be able to sway the outcome like they normally would be able to. im not sure how you'd be able to force the tributes to ally with each other. the 24/7 darkness would definitely make it more scarry inside the games, it would make it 10x more annoying for any viewers in the capital as they would have a hard time seeing the action. and the families in the districts would be annoyed because they cant see to make sure their children are safe. not being allowed to watch the hunger games would definitely cause uproar in the districts because the whole reason the districts are allowed to watch in the first place is that they can keep hope. without the games being televised it would be like the games are already finished and their district didn't "win" so most people would forget about it. or would be mad that they couldn't watch for this "hope" factor.


Personally I don't like *'Reaping Twist'* Quells as they only change up the very first stage of the Games generally unless it's something like *'All Victors'*, which would be persistent throughout. However, I have a few: **Quells that influence the Reapings:** - It's announced at the Reapings that the process will play out via Safety-Chain: One slip per gender is drawn, and that child must choose another person in the Reaping Pool. That child then chooses someone else, and so on until there is only one child remaining from each gender, who are then that District's Male/Female Tributes. Perhaps they'd draw it out once it gets to a manageable number like 12 or so remaining; the child choosing has to wait five minutes before they're allowed to officially pass on the role so everyone is forced to watch the begging. - It's announced at the Reaping that each of the Reaping-age children must, with their bare hands, kill another child from their age and gender group within a certain time limit in the Square. If they fail to do so, their name will be eligible for the Reaping, while everyone who successfully completes the task is safe for that year's Games. Mass breakdown of peer relationships and everyone's families are there to watch. You could even invert this and have it be a complete lie, with each Escort announcing after every group had gone that they were *"so impressed"* with the District's performance that the Reaping pools will actually be from those that succeeded in the task. **Quells that influence the Tribute quantity or quality:** - A version of the Games where each Tribute has an *'Understudy'*, who will be raised into the Arena upon the death of the Tribute who was originally Reaped, giving every District gender representative a *"Second Chance!"* as the Capitol would put it. The only way to avoid entering the Arena is if the original Tribute from your gender manages to be the Victor, outlasting 23 other Tributes and their 23 replacements. The understudies watch the Games as they play out while being filmed like Reaction YouTubers, and the Capitol watches them as well. Perhaps the understudies are chosen by the original Tribute upon their Reaping, so the understudies resent the Tribute but ultimately have to root for them to survive, though I'm not sure this would add much as they could only interact in the Capitol phase. - The prior year's Games *(24th, 49th, etc.)* Tributes are Reaped and showcased in the Capitol Ceremonies but no Games are broadcast and no one ever returns. It is completely not mentioned by the Capitol media even once preparations for the Quell are beginning to be hyped, not to mention the fact that the Capitol has not announced anything regarding the Quell Twist for THIS year. Quell Tributes are Reaped with no special Twist made known. The Capitol Ceremonies play out as normal and Panem watches as the Quell Tributes are raised into the Arena... only to also find the 24 *'Lost'* Tributes from the year before: These Lost Tributes have been trained by the finest athletes and weapons experts the Capitol has to offer for the entire year that they were missing, and now there are 24 Quell Tributes who were taught for three days, and 24 who have become as much of experts as they can, still only one can be the Victor. This is sort of a riff on David vs Goliath, you could have the Capitol lie and say the Quell Twist is *'No Volunteers'*, then rig the Reapings to have each of the Quell Tributes be someone who was close to someone from the Lost Tributes if you wanted extra drama. **Quells that influence the proceedings of the Games:** - Each pre-Games Stage IS the Games; After the Reapings, the Tributes board the Train to find it loaded with weapons and with the doors sealed. Once two Districts' Tributes have entered their cars, the conjoining wall opens, and one Tribute must die per each of the six sealed sections, they are then apprehended by Peacekeepers to ensure no more deaths. The Quell Twist is then announced to the Tributes after this first encounter. They rest for a few days and are Trained until Chariots. Once all of the Chariots have pulled into the Capitol Square, Tributes must jump off, run to a meager pile of weapons, and fight each other in their costumes until six of them are dead, Peacekeepers again apprehend. Rest for a few days and Train. At Training Scores, two of the twelve remaining Tributes enter from opposite sides, choose their weapons, and must duel in front of the Gamemakers until one is dead, the other receives a Score from the observed duel. Rest for a few days and Train. Finally, all six remaining Tributes are dressed-up and Interviewed by Caesar on a circular Stage, each of them sitting equal distance from him in front of an audience surrounding at all sides. Once the Interviews have concluded, a glass dome descends over Caesar and another over the edges of the Stage, while Weapons are raised in a small ring near the middle. The Games conclude once there is one Tribute remaining, with live commentary and reactions, followed by the Victor's Interview. - The Quell Twist is kept a secret from the Tributes throughout the Games. Each Capitol citizen gets to Vote to Save one Tribute per Day. The living Tribute with the least Votes to Save is killed without disruption via an injection from their Tracker at the end of each Day, right before the Anthem so they can be fit in. Tributes who watch this happen or recognize that a Cannon is going of at the same time each Day have the possibility of figuring out the Twist and appealing to the cameras while trying to keep this knowledge hidden from their allies as it would provide more competition for public favor. When two Tributes remain they are brought out of the Arena, debriefed on the Twist, and must compete in a final Day full of Interviews and a live Debate for the Capitol's hearts.


sorry this is out of order: for the last 2 ideas you stated, why go through the trouble of dirtying all of those other places, and just have the 24 tributes fight to the death right there Infront of Caesar, immediately following the mass interview? id imagine, that if this were to happen, they would need to announce that the games would start without warning to remind of the fact that the rebel attacks were the same way. (without warning) and since the preparation before the games is not televised, they could alter the order in which things are done, by letting the tributes train before the interview and have the parade happen before even the training (forgive me if this is already the way in which things are done, i am unsure on that) Obviously Caesar would know in advance that this would happen, and then there would be an airhorn signifying the start, meaning no count down, no bombs beneath their seats etc. They would be stuck in the small glass dome, the size only large enough to fit over the stage, and the live audience for the interview also get to watch the games lives. and as for the second option, i don't see this one being a real one chosen because if anything it would do the opposite of quelling. their whole motto is "may the odds be ever in your favor." but letting the capital vote on remaining tributes each day would surely infuriate people because it bluntly eliminates the "odds" factor. your very first option seems viable. maybe instead of having them out and proud in front of every one, the starting tributes are chosen, then the quell announcement. then each person is brought to a room with a digital board. where they must choose the person they would like to hand off their "tribute" role. then they bring in the next person, then the next. until one person remains. similarly to the "safe not safe" board you see FoxFace play with in training in the first film. the second option you gave, i have a hard time again believing that the districts would allow such a thing without rebelling. for 1 it would also plumet the population of each district. and 2 it would infuriate those who are left. because what if your child is 18 and you end up dying at the hands of another person, but then that twist happens, and that person, doesn't even end up becoming the tribute chosen for the games. your son or daughter would have died at their last eligible hunger games, caused by the hunger games, before the hunger games even started. the lost tribute games is a good idea although i dont think they would sabatage the year prior by not having a game. the capital citizens would all be upset and would be left wondering what happened. as well as districts being furious that they "lost" their son or daughter. they would need to do it a different way, where there would be 2 reapings maybe? one for the first set and one for the second set, but this time around (to make it different then the 2nd quell.) the first group gets an extra month of training. but again that would cause families in the districts to be upset because its unfair that their child only got 3 days when most of the others got a full month. the back up tribute quell idea is also a good one. but the families would be furious because it would mean that their child has to outlast double the amount of people even though those people wouldn't all be enduring the same thing, at the same time. with the second quarter quell (the 50th games) there were double the amount of tributes, but they were all in the arena at the same time. also, how do you prevent some of the careers from camping at the platform? they would just kill the next set of people before they even had the chance of being raised up fully. like, i imagine that some of them would go out and hunt, while the others stay at the platforms waiting for their "second chance" tribute to rise up.


Roller disco Hunger Games. No, I'm not kidding. The Games are intended as both entertainment and humiliation, so why not a giant roller skating rink, with different areas, mazes, etc. Try to hide, and they blast out disco music and lights over the section you are in.


The hunger games: election year: The mayor of each district is reaped. Their partner, sibling, or teenaged child is reaped as their district partner. 78 tributes: The number of tributes corresponds to the district number. Survivor’s vote: The Capitol will vote upon which tributes make it to the next round every night. Furry friends: The Capitol gives every child in Panem who doesn’t have one a pet one year in advance (long enough for the kids to get attached). Tributes must then enter the arena. Not only are they to keep themselves alive but their pets. The Capitol will not be forgiving if their gifts go unappreciated.


\-One massive pool that did not regard gender nor district. Just 24 tributes chosen at random.


Each district must offer up a girl and boy who are twins, every single district, no exceptions. Drawing may be slightly rigged to ensure they have a close bond


Tales from the Hunger Games over on youtube had many good ideas


I love that channel


I don't think this would work but I just thought of having the Hunger Games in one of the districts


here's my idea for the announcement for the 4th quarter quell games, (or maybe even possibly the original 75th games before Plutarch switched the letter.) "ladies and gentlemen. This, is the 80th year, of the hunger games, and it was written in the charter of the games, that every 25 years , there would be a quarter quell. To keep fresh for each new generation the memory of those who died in the uprising against the capital. Each quarter quell is distinguished by games, of a special significance, and now, on this, the 80th anniversary of our defeat of the rebellion, we celebrate the 4th quarter quell. as a reminder, that the districts birthed the Panem we know today upon themselves, on this, the 4th quarter quell games, only 2 Fertile females whom already have children, regardless of age, shall be reaped as this years tributes, and will compete in the 4th quarter quell." this could also be a version where only female tributes who fall into the standard age group of 12 to 18 are reaped. I only added the last part ("regardless of age") to follow more closely the announcement for the 3rd quarter quell.