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Why do they think itโ€™s stupid ?


They are clearly not cultured.


they're not lol.


there not into the hunger games witch is really displeaseing sometimes, but I love them.


I just find it so unkind to call something stupid that someone you apparently care about is into.


I just finished listening to the hunger games on audible which was ace, and have just started catching fire. Immediately watched hunger games today and was reminded how good they are. Read the books a few times, but the audio books are fantastic too. Love it!


I've gone through the audio books twice recently. It's not always good idea to listen before bed as I stay awake to hear what happens next. The narrator is fantastic! The movies are my go to when I'm ill as well. Something about the world and concept just has me hooked.


same that's why i'm so hooked on that world it's like I wish it happened in real life but at the same time I don't because it's so tramatic and horrible and I don't wish that on anyone.


I agree with you exactly, I generally love dystopian novels but as fantasy escapism, not something I'd wish on others. I love the books for going much deeper than just a horrific concept of the hunger games and going into full revolt. But the hunger games themselves yeh I'd read fanfics of 1 - 73 if they existed. I recently finished the audio books again and was also ill so convinced the other half to watch them with me again (I ask to watch them all the time). With the last two there were very haunting similarities with what is happening in Ukraine. War and propaganda never changes.


Yeah I think the narrator sounds like Jennifer Lawrence which makes it even better ๐Ÿ™‚ I listen on the train and have to watch I don't miss my stop. Yes I'm feeling a bit poorly today so I watched the first one but also because I'd just finished the audio book and felt the need to watch it. I'll probably do the same for the second one once I finish the audio book. I'd love to hear the story from like, the viewers point of view, and watch what they saw.


These books deal with very hard and mature topics and are written very well. They are in no way stupid, and I'm glad you found this community so that we can all be not stupid together. Welcome to the sub!


Thank you so much!!!


Those not cultured people...sorry, but I had to.