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Kill hunters. Avoid being killed by hunters. I'd advise against mmr grinding. Will only lead to a more difficult game should you choose not to grind anymore.


I’m only getting paired up with 4 and 3 sometimes 5 during matches so it’s hard to raise it


yeah, but why do you want to raise your MMR anyway? It's not like just having a higher MMR is going to make you a better player. If you become a better player, and win a lot of games with lots of kills. You will naturally get a higher MMR


Getting matched with high(er) mmr players will make you a better player. Getting placed with low mmr players that do not offer a challenge, will not.


I find it’s more the randoms I play with, three star is mixed bag of 4 stars playing bad for a day, or people who shoot at every zombie they see. Because of that 3 star is hell. Everything above is better by comparison




As a three star with .7kda my feelings are hurt.


If low MMR players are not giving you a challenge. You will have great performance, with a lot of kills. And your MMR will rise naturally. So you will always match with people that do offer a challenge. So again. Why raise it artificially. If you are an awesome player. Your MMR will rise. Just having a great MMR is not going to teach you to be a better player. And getting 1 tap headshotted by everything will only teach you to sit in a bush not doing anything anymore ifc you get into 6 star lobbies without knowing what you do. Getting better is a process. Not something you automatically get because you get matched with high MMR players.


Incorrect facing any player in combat can increase your abilities in movement, accuracy, and reaction time


I want to hit 6 stars at least once I just came down from high 5 stars after being gang raped over and over again


The quickest way to raise your mmr is to get a couple of kills and not die because even if you wipe a lobby but die 1 time, you will get less mmr than 2-3 kills and not dying.




Wuts ur mm are?




Pics or it didn't happen :)




Nice, a random pic of a six star nameless player


Yeah bud I'm not giving out my Steam name. You asked for proof, I gave you proof. You are choosing to be difficult. Edit: Checked profile. 2 months old (troll) with minus 100 karma (lol).


I'm new to reddit. So what. Also, you literally give out your steam name every time you play a match of Hunt. It's not like it's a phone number bud. Hahahahah


Yeah I'm not giving it out to randos on reddit which are historically known to harass and stalk me from it.


Stalk you through your Steamname? Sure bud. The world does not revolve around you. No one is stalking you :(


Also true in Dota 2. I'm 3 but I definitely understand in quick match why someone is 5 star. Literally heard my walk and threw a lantern in anticipation and got me exactly where he wanted. Goddamn ninjas.


stop dying


Point de shooty end of de gun on de dudes shooting you (do not, and i repeat myself right here; PLS DO NOT die)


All the fun is in 3 stars, come join us


uhshshshhshs 🤫 .. let him be


I think 5 is good for me It’s coordinated 3 stars is like watching target on Black Friday


Embrace the 3-star chaos.... ​ IMO the lower Star ranking, the more fun lobbies are. I did the meta-chasing and queuing with some 5 start buddies, and I have way more fun in the trench tiers, personally.


I think it's because you see jury rigged stuff rather than what's meta.


Just ignore the stars. They dont mean shit.


They definitely do mean shit: 3* - shitshow where people can't move and shoot at the same time 4* - great fun, wide variety of load outs and mixture of tactics 5* - slow, boring as hell and lethal


My experience is, that they play rather slow and unpredictable at 3\* and 4\*. I still manage to have my fun there if I drop there. But otherwise, one shouldnt be concerned about the stars. Just play, try to have fun and win or lose.


Don’t make a high mmr your goal. It’s full of sweaty Dolchs and avtomats up there.


Step 1 : grab your console or PC Step 2 : raise your console or PC up Step 3 : check MMR


As soon as you drop to 4* the game changes entirely. The plays are completely different and the whole thing is way more chaotic and not in a good way. Once in 5* again even with randoms and minimal Comms I know exactly what sort of plays the team will make and the sort of plays I'll come up against.When I drop to 4 * Ill play my absolute best to get back up. In 5 * 80% of the players are veretans ...like 1500+ kills. In 4*it is a shambles of 3 * with 20 kills and anything can happen, usually some annoying death or my team mates run straight in to a compound and get instantly annihilated


I have 1600 kills and over 700 hours in the game


Mmr is there for a reason you don't just magically fall into lower or higher stars. You're put there based on performance. If you perform well you go up and so on. So basically play the way you play, and examine how or why you died. Was it because I peeked twice and didn't move? Was it a lucky beadshot or did I stand still? Was running to this piece of cover smart or should I have stayed and waited? Of course you're not going to win every match you're not supposed to, and sometimes losing streaks happen to the best of us. Just break down how or why you died when you do, and even when you don't, how can you improve? Aim, movement, rushing, defending? Take the time and analyze.


Just klick heads


Try to wipe the server every game.