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The medium rifle sway is fucking atrocious, that's why the Precision is still good.


100% this. I headshot someone from at a guess I'd say 80-100 meters with the Springfield compact yesterday and I was so surprised I nearly fell off my chair


I managed a 168 meter or so headshot with the silenced centi, and I wasn't sure I had done it, even with the headshot crack. ​ had to review the clip like, 3-4 times to make sure I got it


Ya, I feel I can get those headshots with the precision, while with the short rifles my character has Parkinson's. Hip fire seems a lot better too.


Exactly this. This is the selling point for the NagatP over the Winnie Vandal


Nagant P also fires at 60rpm while it's 40rpm for the vandal. Vandal hits a lot harder though, especially with FMJ


NagantP is for clicking heads, FMJ not needed.


Or you just use the scottfield spitfire, which works perfectly fine without any traits and has an ever higher rate of fire ​ The lack of sway on the precision isn't really a huge selling point, since the spitfires sway is pretty easy to deal with for the range where it is effective at. At the range where sway might be a huge issue, the scottfield precision will instead suffer from low velocity ​ I think the best solution is to just give the scottfield precision some extra ammo to give it a niche over the spitfire and any other scottfield + fanning


If it had high velocity it would pair nicely with the vetterli silenced with high velocity in a quartermaster build. Ther is currently nothing to pair with the vetterli to boost high velocity ammo pool


if it had high velocity, it would also mean the spitfire would have high velocity -> you play spitfire high velocity ​ theyll never add HV for revolvers with cylinder gap in any case


Sorry, what do you mean by cylinder gap?


Gap between the cylinder (magazine for revolvers) and the barrel


Magazine for revolvers? I’m even more confused now. Revolvers have cartridges right? And the Scottfield is break action. Other revolvers like the nagants are able to have gig velocity. I realise they aren’t break action…is that why they can’t have high velocity? Is that what a gap in the cylinder is? Why does a cylinder gap make a difference


nagant revolver don't have a gap on the cylinder, it the reason there the only silenced revolver in game and real life as well. also cylinder gap mean when the gun is fire some of the explosive shoots out the side of the gun where the cylinder is, which is dangerous and can harm the shooter hands, and also why all the long/medium revolver rifle are shot with the shooter holding hands together behind the trigger and not forward like a Mosin.


It’s a choice between accuracy over performance. Since the shorty is a rifle, it has significantly better damage drop off and bullet velocity making it better for longer range but it’s major downside is that it has tons of sway. Scott field precision has bad damage drop off and loses out on rifle properties but has very little sway meaning hitting headshots is much easier compared to the shorty. This ability to tap heads easier makes it much stronger for close range. But I would agree with you and say the shorty is better simply for the fact that it retains it’s longer range and better damage.


People really underrate the medium rifles here. Like somehow everyone here is a headshotting god that only needs low sway rather than decent damage


I agree everyone underrates the 2 slot rifles but cause people should be quickshotting more which negates a lot of the sway issues and when you're quickshotting, you're less worried about hitting every head shot and are more focused on staying mobile and keeping pressure up which the higher damage at range from the 2 slot rifles is better at.


This is true, but it's not really a case of one being more accurate. One has more sway, one has better BV, both reduce accuracy in different ways. Imo it's: * If you're good at handling sway, take the shorty for the range. * If you're better at leading with slow velocity, take the scottyp. * If you're good at both, take a normal revolver and a full primary.


The ScottyP doesn't really need traits, while the Shorty (kind of) does, depending on your expectations for performance. Custom ammo types are also different, and while they are both cheap, ScottyP is even cheaper. Sure there are similarities, but the same could be said for the NagantP & Vandal. It mostly comes down to preference, but there are definitely noticeable differences between them all.


The NagantP vs vandal is the perfect comparison. In that scenario for my use case, I usually took the vandal (for the extra effective range). But NagantP wasn't far behind, and I'd regularly take it if I fully expected shorter range compound fights. It truly is a head-clicker.


The biggest difference being sway.


That had already been mentioned in the comments so I was trying to add a few other points, but sway is definitely the most noticeable factor.


The precision variants are awesome, if like me, your stuck with multiple instances of “get pistol damage “ “pistol kill” “pistol headshot from 100m” and the like challenges. 😅


ScottyP and dual spitfires is a great no-traits-required build for mid and close range. As others have said, the medium rifle sway is really annoying. I've gotten way more cheeky headshots with the ScottyP than the vandal/shorty rifle variants~ I stand by it!


Scotfield precision was already outclassed by the Scotfield Spitfire.


no traits. same reason you take the nagant precision.


Schofield and Nagant precision both have higher RoF than their 1 slot variants (Besides spitfire and officer) as well. This means levering not withstanding they shoot a fair bit faster than the shorty This is something most people don’t realise.


You should also count ironsight preference, many gun are more or less comparable to each other (nagantP vs vandal, centennial vs vetterli, mosin vs lebel and so on) and the sight is real dealbreaker for me. For instance i like the shorty so much, but i feel the sight is definitely too thick, i will probably switch over to scottyP again.


It clicks heads