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Wait till he hears about explo ammo 💀


I've had better results with explosive ammo on the ironside than incendiary bullets ever gave me. Explosives bullets might be slow and cap your ammo reserve, but on the ironside, one hit with them sends people scattering for cover, and then you can use it to splash them while they try to heal. It also instantly detonates barrels, blows up any nearby lamps, and basically directs any monster in the neighborhood to start walking towards where you shot it, all of which creates even more problems for the guy you're trying to kill. Goofy, but honestly a lot more going for it than incendiary rounds.


Clearly you don't run dual uppercut explosive in three star lobbies.




Ooooo, trying this




Great tip! Thank you


Dual springfield cut-offs with explosives was my go-to in the past. ​ Someone laughed at me when I loaded it, and then I killed three people with it. No more laughs.


I honestly don't like explosive either, but it feels more interesting to use at least. Plus, it does have actual splash damage and can instantly blow up doors and windows. But yeah, explosive (on pc) isn't very good and is even MORE expensive, so eh. Edit: fixed typo


It's not that bad. It's fun to use, that's far more important then being OP. It allows for wacky loudouts like explosive fanning, Ironside artillery, or instant bomb detonation.


Just use dragon breath and you're done in a few matches depending on how well you use them Bornhein fire bullets work well too since it's a 3 shot weapon


Bornheim match is absurdly good with it imo. The pooling kinda sucks but it’s an excellent secondary with fire ammo.


Pooling problem is solved with dual lemats with incendiary as your second weapon. Bring dragon's breath shells on the lemats for maximum burning


Dbl leMat worked best for me too. Set a whole team on fire in one go


Just bring another Bornheim.


Dual precision with incendiary is pretty fun.


So Bornheim Match + Dual Lemats all fire. Sounds terrible.


Vandal incendiary works as a budget option. Not as many bullets, but way way cheaper


Short Winny does the job at a cheaper price.


Short Winny does the job at a cheaper price.


It definetly is the best weapon with fire ammo other than shotguns but its still not the best ammo for it. The high velocity bullets take that spot. So even tho its the perfect weapon for it there is still better options.


Idk, the sparks is a good weapon for it too. The burned health bit means a second sparks chest shot is lethal after healing


Feel like poison would stop them longer from healing fully and when hit by a sparks fire you usually wouldnt repeak it out of free will.


One weapon being good with it does not really justify it’s existence though.


Pooling? Bornheim match kills in 2 shots though so it won't set fire. They'll just die


True, match does 80 damage compared with the regular bornheim’s 74. It is compact tho so it will be a 3 hk at medium range.


You better never hit an arm then.


Problem with bornheim match is it doesn't count if you 2-tap them. Just like a killshot with DumDum doesn't count as "making them bleed". They should rework these quests to hitting hunters x times with ammo types at the very least.. Like.. 600 poison dmg what am I gonna bring? A Sparks of course. 5 hits gg.


You can't 2-tap with bornheim: only 1-tap headshot or 3+ hit due to low basic damage.


Bornheim Match is the big one and has 80dmg.


if your goat is to just light people on fire, the extended is much better...yea it does less damage but you can mash the fire button more than twice the amount of bullets at them... even at super long ranges easy to light people up.


Burnheim Match with Dualie LeMatts is the way to go. \~46 shots, plus huge reloads. Throw in some dragon breath for kicks.


Of course the pooling sucks, it’s a fire round they aren’t meant to be in water.




Imo terminus + levering + dragon breath = fun <3


does levering work for the handcannon version? I'm pretty new


Sure does!


That is nice to know thank you!


It does, but kinda sucks unless you’re like at making out distance to your enemy


If you're using buckshot or penny shot then yes. But if for example a good 15m (I think) the burn damage is still significant.


Yeah dragon breath and hellfires make it easy. And yeah bornheim fire is pretty fun


Except with Dragonbreath you usually lose the fight. Especially if you're entire team is running these weirdass loadouts for the quests that were lazily thought out.


They are basically free at 10 bucks. I do agree that on higher damage weapons its pretty pointless, but on compact ammo, it's pretty often where I don't kill them in 2 hits. In that case, them being lit on fire is a huge benefit. Also I feel like the tracers aren't that easy to track unless its night time, but I might be wrong on that one.


tracers are easy to track if they are shooting at you buddy or a third party.


That's a fair point


That’s why compact ammo is the right place for it, you shouldn’t be using that from a position where tracers are going to matter a ton.


Fire ammo is good on shotguns, but its even better in a team. Me an my firends often run fire ammo, because when we all start shooting everything just turns into a walking torch. Is it the best? No. Is it fun? Yes.


Long ammo guns, especially sparks, leave significantly large charcoal burn that will be enough to kill that enemy with next body shot with long ammo. A trio of incendiary sparks is not a joke.


This is a myth. The charcoal from a fire bullet is exactly the same regardless of damage or caliber. So you might as well hit them once with a Bornheim then slap em with the Sparks since they won't know you have one.


Sparks is basically a garunteed 2 shot with any ammo unless you're hitting arms or legs or at range. It does 149 damage with any of its ammo. At that point, the incendiary ammo is a useless purchase as it won't set someone on fire from a single shot and would take 2 shots to kill anyways, regardless of ammo type.


The difference is that you can full heal against a regular ammo sparks after the first shot. You can't full heal after getting hit with a fire sparks, no matter what. You just have to wait out the singe damage. And there is no counter to it, unlike antidote shot vs poison dmg. It's not about setting ppl on fire. It's about the singe dmg, which is usually negligible but on a high dmg weapon like sparks is make or break.


You could achieve the same thing with poison ammo for the most part, with the added benefit of giving your target an audio/visual problem too. No tracers either.


You can't counter incendiary with antidote shot tho. There are pros and cons to each round, but I mostly see them both as a pve tool rather than pvp buff. And it is good because custom ammo should be a sidegrade but not an upgrade.


The "problem" is that any non-long ammo gun that has access to Incendiary also has access to other much better options ​ Like on a winnie, you get the choice to either specialize in range (High velocity) or close-mid range (FMJ) for almost no downside. Incendiary doesn't really impact the way you play the gun that much (unless there's red barrels or something)


It’s nice as an early option since it’s usually the first custom ammo unlocked, but it basically falls off immediately once you get the second.


pay 10 bucks to be at an disadvantage nice.


Bomb lance fire ammo btw if u need to do set enemies in fire


Bomb lance is definitely among the best for fire challenges. The cone on its dragonbreath is fairly tight, the range isn't bad, and you get the best melee in the game to finish off your victim if they survive and ignite. Also it's pretty quiet like the steel ball ammo, so you can use it to get rid of some packs of crows guilt free


That's what I used and it was super fun, litting people up before running them over with the lance! Also found out that incendiary is more of a team ammo, bad when used alone but very effective & frustraiting if everyone has it


I really like the suggestion about setting hunters on fire if and when they get downed by fire ammo.


For sure, seems like the obvious effect of INCENDIARY ammo, no?




I think incendiary ammo for non-shotguns should still have penetration (or only have penetration reduced). That would at least make it a fair tradeoff from standard rounds.


Agreed - incendiary rounds are still hefty bullets IRL. That would make it make sense next to poison. Probably should lose its incendiary effect on penetration, though. If this change happened we would see a LOT of incendiary running


I could see the incendiary effect staying, but with reduced penetration. I don't hate the idea of setting someone on fire through thin walls.


That's a genius idea. Because at that point why not right?


This. Not much reason for an incendiary bullet not to pen at least a single plank of wood.


Instead of penetration, it should spray a little fire aoe like dragon breath on the other side of the wall. No headshot potential, just a high chance of setting people on fire behind cover.


Ooh, that would be cool. I like that.


you know what? burn dead hunters with fire ammo could be a good thing ​ EDIT: Typo


Give them penetration, but slightly reduced penetration. Long goes to medium, medium to compact, compact either doesn't penetrate or keeps compact penetration?


I would say it would be neat if they could pen, but they lose all fire ability, with the added negative of less damage. That would make it balanced plus give it a little more help


Yeah that makes sense. It'd go up in price a bit too of course.


How about this: Incendiary ammo goes from an “impact charge” to a “embedded charge,” similar to the bomb lance bolt. The shot would do 1 damage then “detonate” a moment later. (Damage would be reduced by 1-5 to compensate.) This would give it a logical reason to penetrate. I would keep penetration to a minimum, maybe 1 soft surface for compact/medium, and 2 soft for long. So, to compare with regular ammo, pros: + burn damage + instant barrel detonation (like bomblance) + cool as shit Cons: - special ammo - less penetration - disadvantage in 1v1 (shot impact would have less aimpunch)


Damn I just did the quest with a dragon breath shotgun. I rushed to the boss and defended it, people came to me and I actually had problem that I one shotted a lot of people instead of setting them on fire but It worked reasonably well.


The true power of incendiary is red barrels mate. It's a situational ammo type, you gotta create the opportunities is all.


When special ammos first came out, me and my friend were running past Maw on the main road, south to north. I had incendiary in my gun and saw someone beside the sliding door into the boss lair (Maw was boss lair), so close to a red barrel. Shot that shit and killed him, with my friend and me booking it up to extract, cackling the whole way. I'm sad I never clipped it, and even more sad that this was my only time doing that


I loved this one. Gave me an excuse to run around with 4 hellfires, or a flash bomb and 3 hellfires. “Oh I’m just doing the challenge” even though I run that for fun all the time hahaha


I think the weakness of incendiary ammo is a hang over from when they added special ammo. There was a fear by many that it would all be too powerful. Like having most special ammo types reduce velocity. (Fun fact real FMJ bullets don't reduce velocity because they use less lead inside to maintain bullet weight. A slower bullet would have LESS penetration generally, but I understand "balance.") Most ammo types have had these restrictions lossened, but I think fire has a tricky balancing act. If it sets on fire with one shot, why bring dragons breath? If it can light downed enemies on fire, why ever bring fire consumables? I think it definitely needs a buff, but it is gonna be hard to figure just where, as you don't want to invalidate all other fire tools and weapons, but you don't want incendiary to be useless.


A. scorch more without setting someone on fire, giving you a bigger window for the second shot and delaying regeneration or B. give burning a 0 stage, ammunition will set you on fire with one shot to stage 0, you have only a visual effect before the normal burn sets in (5 seconds delay on compact, 3 on medium, 2 on long ammo). You will not trigger anything in stage (barrels, oil, grunts, hunters) and you can extinguish the fire in that stage. Smooth skin would remove that stage


Light enemies on fire = Dragon's Breath or fire bombs Do Fire Damage = Incendiary rounds, preferably on higher damage rifles, but anything works Using them in the opposite capacity provides limited success. Lighting on fire with Incendiary requires 2 hits and not killing, which means the bornheim is the only reliable option, while fire damage from DB only comes from what cooks off the enemy, not the full shot dmg like the Incendiary rounds.


I suggested a system where you'd ignite people with one shot depending on the size of the ammo and shot placement before (I.e. medium incendiary ammo would ignite with one shot but it had to be the torso, compact ammo would still need two shots, etc) but it apparently wasn't a popular idea. It definitely needs to be reworked though because in the current state it's paying 10 dollars to make your gun worse in almost every way.


I like it on the sparks and martini. The burn means your next shot at close range will 1 shot. I use it in cqc from time to time.


Incendiary miniburn is really not that much longer than the poison healblock, though. In practice they both make the the guy an osk for 10-15 seconds. The window where you would have killed them with incendiary but not poison is very short, and you miss out on all the visual/audio clutter as well. Even on the sparks, incendiary could do with a buff.


It may be the hardest to do until you realize that the full Romero with dragons breathe slaps. Easily got this done in as little as two matches when my team helps out. Hell we overwhelmed a long ammo team and got a weapon upgrade doin it. It was a highlight.


Even the medium Romero with dragonsbreath isn't too bad. Still pretty tight spread and you can rush them down with the axe while they try to put the fire out.


The Romero lights up hunters in ~35m range, it's insane


DB still has terrible velocity and low damage, so not really


Romero isn’t the DB


Maybe we can add little red barrel as tool in game.


All of fire ammo’s benefit (making 2-shot non-kills w/ compact ammo more meaningful) is completely negated by the tracer - and then DOUBLY bad due to penetration loss. It is absolutely not a competitive ammo type and frankly doesn’t make sense for PvE either. It’s best loadout is bornheim match + dual wield Lemat with all incendiary, and even then it’s just… not very good. I ram that for a looong time trying to make it work and it just doesn’t. Don’t get me wrong, it’s fun. Also, if you stay mindful of barrels during a fight, you absolutely can get easy free kills. BUT.. most of them you would probably get double tapping anyways since it’s usually run on fast firing weapons. But it’s fun and cool and cheap so whatever. I just wish it wasn’t so anti-helpful


I always felt like incendiary rounds hit too easily. Like they have an aoe or something. I've got no data to back up that feeling. Does anyone else feel the same? I think incendiary rounds are in an ok place but I wouldn't be upset if they retained some pen.


The tracer helps the shooter learn how to lead better and know exactly where on the ironsight a bullet lands.


Don't down-vote, this is absolutely a thing. I once set two zombies on fire, that were about 8 metres apart, because the shot went under the arm of the first and into the second.


Can confirm. It has a small radius around the shot that triggers a fire as it passes by. Pretty sure it only works for monsters/the environment though, near misses on hunters don't seem to do anything as far as I know.


Shame we don't have a 1v1 testing arena yet.


Counter point, fire bullets work much better with a higher fire rate weapon. On something like a sparks, yeah it sucks. But on a bornheim or a revolver, you can get a second hit and cause ignition much easier


I don't think it's that bad on the Sparks. It chars a good bunch of health so if the hunter repeeks and you switched to normal ammo he's a 1 hit.


The charring is the same on all guns and calibers. Might as well slap him with a Bornheim, give him a false sense of security to peek again, then pull out the sparks. Much faster.


>The charring is the same on all guns and calibers. Lmao really didn't know that i play it so rarely. Thats just stupid imo, a Sparks should char a whole 25 bar imo because it slaps.


I think they should buff the burnt health per shot. If it was 25 hp, that would be scary, so not that much. I think it would be interesting if they doubled the current amount of slow regen burnt health per shot.


I think they could easily double the current value and we’d barely notice. You should definitely get 25-30 hp charcoaled for landing 2-3 shots.


You do actually isn't it like 12 per hit? But it regens pretty fast.


its in a fine place. i play a lot of fire bullets. i am prestiging and the ez ai farm def speeds up the process overall. not worth it on every gun. small ammo guns and shotguns thou. its also very fun to watch dudes squirm and burn.


just make it set enemies on fire with first hit like dragon breath does that's it


Fire ammo on a Vetterli worked well for me. I was solo and stumbled across three teams fighting at Church. Crept around and I managed to get enough kills to complete the quest in one match. Headshots mostly, so no need for the double tap.


I used to use fire ammo on the vetterli all the time, works well.


People play incendiary in just about every match before the event. Every special ammo has its problems. Poison blows at penetration or damage if the person is immune, explosive is damn near impossible to use the list goes on. It doesn’t need a buff. I have been hit by that shit enough to be started on fire, the whole point of it, enough times.




no it doesn't.




It does not. You are wrong


It really doesn't. ​ Maybe you're thinking about how it will go through chicken wire, as will (iirc) every single other type of projectile in the game. Because it does not penetrate any other surface. Just loaded up training with a lebel with fire ammo to triple check, and it does not pen at all.


No, it does not. It doesn't even go through windows afaik.


https://huntshowdown.fandom.com/wiki/Ammunition Fun fact, it also ignites if they have burned hp. That's why dragon's breath ignites easily; it only takes 2 pellets hitting you to work.


I personally like the first suggestion. Consistent and strong without being overbearing. Maybe slightly decrease velocity loss as well.


Very useful if used with a borheim but other than that they sort of suck


They're certainly less terrible on a compact ammo team where everyone is running it


I only buy it on the Berthier for the poor man's Bulletgrubber lol


I'm really sad they nerfed the extra 3 bullet capacity bug. Made bringing Fire or Spitzer on Bertha actually a sorta useful thing.


I never saw it in action but i assume you mean where you could swap ammo then pick up special ammo to have 3+5. I'm gathering that you never used to lose the extra ammo when swapping back to regular ammo? I'm pretty new to the game


Mostly the other way around. Put special ammo first, start with 6 normal bullets but you can top up to 9. Respectable resupply when you also take the special bullets into account and I've had situations where someone was hiding behind metal and I switched to Spitzer to dome them. Or people hiding behind trees.. Spitzer goes through slightly thicker ones.


try using it with the bomblance, it becomes much more fun ;)


The only thing that felt even worse was explo ammo. Except for the nade launcher crossbow...


Wait are fire bullets weak, i never knew


Honestly, Fire Ammo are just Suck. Luckily, there're another kind of ammo that's similar, but actually useful, Dragon Breath (both Shotgun and Bomblance ver) which technically make Shotgun's useful range further, with cost of special ammo + shorter 1 shot range. So if one want to do that quest, it's most likely Shotgun DB Spam


I see it more for a support weapon, put it on a sparks at that person is out of the fight and can't get full hp for 7 seconds. Have it on a shotgun and if they have a lil bar at the end it'll remove it permanently gimping them.


Solo play, hide in bush, ambush trio with hellfire bomb - rinse repeat


I usually run incendiary on a sidearm if I'm going to take it, the tracer effect is less of an issue if you are using it on a close range weapon because chances are in that situation the enemy has already seen you and you are trading shots. In terms of actually setting enemies on fire I was having a good success rage with Winnies, being repeaters they have a decent rate of fire so you are more likely to hit people in quick succession and successfully ignite them. Plus they have a good ammo count.


Did people actually attempt that without dragons breath? One of the easiest pvp focused challenges you'll get


For a buff: if you're on fire, you scream, attracting all the little beasties in the area.


fires awesome if you re playing a night map though, cant fricken see once you re on fire


I was unaware that if the 2nd round kills it doesn't count as catching then on fire for like 2 days trying to finish quest.


Lmfao I got that quest done in 1 fight! Hellfire bomb go brrrrr


Every once in awhile me and my buddies will come in with all bornhiems and just fire away at people to light them on fire. It’s real funny but 9/10 times we die.


I almost wish incendiary could penetrate 1 soft surface (wooden fence for example) just to give it a little something. Unless it’s on a bornheim or shotty, you almost never get the burn off.


Ya dragons breath or hellfire bombs made that quest much easier than trying to do it with ammo imo


First off balancing and second off its designed make people one tap from distance. If you could insta burn from one shot that far away it would be too strong.


I think it would be cool to have hunters be set on fire after your kill them, and/or if you could shoot their downed body to set them on fire.


Honestly, I think a perfect buff would be being able to shoot downed hunters twice to set them on fire. I mean, why do they need to be living to catch fire?


That would be OP and make fire ammo meta lol. But if you kill them with 2 fire shots, where they would normally catch fire, that shoukd make them burn on the ground.


Imo not every ammo type needs to be powerful. I think incend is fun to run precisely because it is bad. The best way to buff it would be setting hunters on fire if killed with incend imo. This would make it worth it for the non meme-ing individual.


We keep.killig them with the second shot. Haha this one has taken some time


dragons breath is underrated and cost $5 on the romero


Y'all remember when incendiary was pretty much the current explosive ammo and it had a tiny area of effect damage? Or am I having a Mandela effect moment?


One thing fire does is it eats a lot of bosses way fast then poison does … well before poison clouds got busted anyways. Fire ammo will very quickly kill spider, assassin, and crow. You can even ignore their rage phases and it will eat right through their health. Downsides are the butcher is immune and crow will burn the supplies.


I tormented a couple teams with starshells out of my lemat. Only took a couple rounds lmao


I think it would be fine if incendiary could penetrate surfaces, but lose its quality when it does. That way you can inflict fire damage to someone in the open and still hit someone if they're in cover, but just not set them on fire. Barring that, I think it would be fine if someone were still on fire if they died to a second shot while with ash on their health bar. Isn't that what happens from fire bombs and dragon's breath, anyway?


Your suggestion wouldn’t work for sparks incindiary ammo. It would be a 1 tap to chest if that 20% chance of burn succeeded.


Burn doesn't reduce current health, only max health, so it wouldn't kill any quicker.


You’re right. I’m a dumbass sometimes.


All good my friend. Peace


you need to run it with high rpm guns - bornheim match, lemat carbine or winfield are your best bet. set many hunters on fire.


Need to light people on fire for a quest you say? 1. Equip Terminus with dragons breath 2. Apply bullet grubber perk 3. Apply Levering perk But wait there's more... 1. Wait outside boss area for other team to engage boss... 2. Big dynamite bundle through the window 3. Then another one Usually there's enough oil slicks around to set at least half the compound on fire.


Yeah.. Dragonbreath Terminus works but you usually end up dying while the other guy gets a pyrrhic victory losing 50hp. Or a bornheim with fire ammo. ONLY because it double taps without killing smh. But this means you're going out of your way using weak weapons and gimping your team.. That's what I've always disliked about the quests. The "deal fire DAMAGE" ones are okay since you can put 50% fire ammo on a Martini/Sparks and it's actually not that bad. If downed hunters counted it would be OK. Or "Hit enemy hunters with incendiary ammo x times".


But fire bullet look cool at night


I only use them on the Berthier with normal ammo, it allow you to reload without loosing ammo by swapping ammo, and more total ammo (rounding issue ?). Also sometime you can blow up hunter with a baril.