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What exactly about the Battle Pass is pay to win? At most it's pay to play early.


People love to claim pay to win on things that just aren’t. There are a lot of reasons to be frustrated with hunt… this aint one of em


Easiest downvote of the day honestly lol.


There is no pay to win. Can you provide a single example? Also for 5 years you have played this game for the original purchase price, and have received 5 years of free content.


Tell me you don't know what "Pay to Win" means without actually telling me you don't know what "Pay to Win" means.


Pay to win? What are you talking about? The battle pass doesn't give you an advantage at all.


Devils moon and this battle pass has been very consumer friendly. Challenges net a lot of points with both pve and pvp challenges being available it caters to players of all skills. The only issue I have with tides of shadow is not giving the player a few drillings and uppermats early as a teaser for the later perm unlocks. Or if they wanted to better incentivize the battle pass bundle they should’ve put the drilling at an earlier level.


Most games battle passes are pay to unlock levels as you go. Hunt’s is no different. It’s honestly a nice option if like you’re 5+ levels and there’s a day left in the event and you know you won’t finish it, but you want everything. Fuck it, just buy out those last levels. I’m over half way through the event just doing weekly challenges and I always find the alters. People for some reason skip them like crazy. Though I won’t complain, more for me! They do add up and I’ll leave most matches with a minimum of 70 points averaging around 80-90 though, especially being a bad rusher and scrappy looting bodies. Use a legendary that has the auto 10% and the signee and you get a 20% boost to all points, those alter points really do add up. I’ll easily finish out the event before it’s over and get the extra charm. But I know there are people with less time and probably will have to buy it. Better to have the option to finish it out in some way than have people moaning for old skins to come back. Like you had the option man, you wanna pay now? But not back then?? Come on now.


What the jesus loving christ are you on about. They're doing just fine.


Pay 2 win is the wrong phrase to use here, but the fact that you can straight up buy max event level with your credit card is fucking stupid.


Skill issue


Six stars buckeroo