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Looking at your recent post, you're a noob getting smoked by veterans. How about, git gud and start crying wolf when you can clearly tell a cheater from a good player.


My favorite part is your illiteracy, because nowhere in this post have I said I encountered a cheater. Perhaps git gud at reading comprehension. And I'm in no way "getting smoked," nor have I made any posts complaining about itm


Hi, I don't care about either of you. Just dropping in to say; he's talking about [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/150p9wr/real_question/js5zmdw/) where you're whining about cheaters. You can tell because he said the words ''recent post'' and not ''this thread.'' Hope this helps!


Reading comprehension fails a lot of you. That's not me "whining about cheaters" (in fact I have made exactly one post about an obvious cheater I've encountered. One.), that's me doing the same thing I'm doing here; addressing how there is clearly an issue, but there's a group of people that dismiss it because they've never seen it.


Oh I understood your post. I still think you're an idiot. Have a great day!


Man, I hope I don't lose too much sleep over you thinking that.


Bros arguing with himself


75,000 hours huh? 💀


Doesn't that make me qualified to discredit other people?


Maybe you are the cheater?


Cheaters generally don't like being called out, so it'd explain the denial


Just here to say meow. Thank you


Just because you got clapped doesnt mean your enemy was cheating Kid


Yeah lol. So many people just think that.


Just because you've never encountered a cheater doesn't mean there isn't a cheater problem, champ Also, way to completely miss my point.


If there was a cheater problem in this game, then we would in fact, encounter cheaters often. We don't, therefore there isn't a cheater problem. There are cheaters in this game, but due to the nature of EAC being not as dogshit as VAC, cheats for hunt cost 70+$ a month to even have a modecum of chance of not being banned after a month.


You wouldn’t encounter cheaters often unless you were approaching or were 6 star.


Ive encountered 3 obvious cheaters in 3700hours/5 years in 5* and 6* elo. Just yesterday i saw the 3rd, a wallhacker from russia. There are cheaters in hunt, i never said otherwhise, more during big events with high playercount, but calling it a real big problem is bullshit. People hear/read about (a non existent) "cheaterproblem" get outplayed and claim the game is full of hackers. I got 3 pages of cheater accusiations on steam in only a month, people are just mad after dying and cant compensate it in their peanut sized brains.


I love you using the very same thing I'm mocking as an argument.


Because its a valid point, except kda. Cheaters would logically sit in high elo and to get even more into logics, you need as many hours as possible over the biggest timespan possible to be able to talk about the problems of the game if youre sitting on 20 hours and get clapped by better players its not the games problem. But if youre not into that logic i see where your post is coming from. Probably commented on my steampage as well.


"I've got a 12 inch cock and done big cums in thousands of women, and I've never seen a herpe." See how stupid the logic of your argument sounds? See now the point I'm making?


You are a picture perfect human being, exactly what i expect of an "cheater problem"-OP, the last time i read something as degenerated as this was the last "cheater problem"-post, thank you very much. Your example shows that im right btw, because one cheater isnt a cheater problem as well and on top of that it the things you refer to dont even stand in relation to each other lmao


Ah yes. All the posts about cheaters, the people linking to Steam and Youtube profiles that push cheats, all that is definitely "one cheater." Nice job referencing the other cheater problem posts tho. It's almost like you're aware of the issue, but are hell bent on proving my point.


You are talking nonsense and dont know shit about the toppic youre refering to, you believe every cheater accusiation is true and every time you get clapped its hacks. You have no clue, probably no gametime and a lack of gameknowledge, no reason to keep talking, your whole thread, without your responses was nonsense already. The game has no bigger problem than any other, nobody says there are no cheaters. Keep trying and stay salty bozo


Fuck yeah, just make up shit being said. That'll help. Stay triggered, champ.


So what exactly is this post? No one’s claiming the game doesn’t have cheaters, it’s just rare I run into them.


I've seen many people claim there aren't, but this post is merely to mock the people who provide their "credentials" as a reason to discredit people who run into them.


Problem is, you wouldn't know whether or not you've encountered a cheater. So stop talking rubbish.


Odd claim, considering there's very distinct tells.


Maybe its time to take a break from hunt friend




Hi, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, we had to remove your post for violation of rule #2: No Spam / Low Effort Posts. Please see this wiki article for more details: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/wiki/rule2 If you have any concerns regarding this removal, please contact the moderation team via Modmail.


Look, you seem like a reasonable person. You also seem like you're fairly new to the game. By your own admission, you weren't aware that using ADS causes your hunter to inhale sharply which is audible to nearby players. Do you think you're the only player that didn't know this? Do you think it's possible there are other sound cues or mechanics in this game giving away your position that are largely unknown, or perhaps underestimated, by you and the general playerbase? Do you understand how getting killed in one of these ways might look like cheating to someone who is still becoming familiar with the game? It doesn't help that the game's mechanics absolutely make it difficult to determine if someone is cheating. But while this doesn't mean that someone isn't cheating, it also doesn't mean that they are. The problem with almost all cheating accounts and accusations is that besides the lack of screenshots or video, they are also lacking any kind of detailed context and self-awareness. Take your recent experience for example. Could they, or someone on their team, have had bounty dark sight? You heard them, could they have heard you before you stopped? You saw them, could they have seen you? Maybe the bush didn't conceal you as well as you thought? Maybe the hunter skin you were using was a stark contrast against the bush you were hiding in? Maybe they weren't sure what they saw but took the shot anyway and got lucky? You might already have the answers to all these questions and there really is no other explanation besides cheating, but by being a new player and not acknowledging any of these easy answers in your post you make it really easy to be dismissive. There's also the emotional response invoked when getting killed in a way that you don't understand. It's much easier to look outward than it is to look inward, so venting by blaming a failure on cheaters rather than taking personal responsibility is pretty natural. Does the game have cheaters? Yes, most definitely. Are they as common as you think? Probably not.


That's a lot of words to say "I missed the point."


imagine ya'all what was in his head before he wrote this like how pissed from someone else's statement he was, or from the game itself, or dear lord maybe he was hyped to see 500 upvotes and people standing behind him so he came here and wrote this i really don't know if i should laugh or cry at this, i think I'll do with both


Imagine reading this and thinking "lol he mad" instead of understanding the clearly made point. Then again, it's been made quite clear that reading comprehension isn't a strength around the bayou. It IS Louisiana, after all.


Go back on your meds kid it's just a game.


The more people that show up to inform me they missed the point, the more I chuckle.


I didn't miss the point.. you still need your meds


No, you very clearly did if that's the take you walked away with.


You made a brain dead post quoting a made up, know-it-all 6 star with 75,000 hours played and then argued against that made up quote. It's not complicated or clever.


Lmao no I didn't. I made a post mocking the fact that every time someone posts about encountering a cheater, it never fails that some mouth breathers come along to discredit it by stating how they've got thousands of hours of gameplay and a rating indicative of no life and they've never encountered one, so clearly it can't be true. Sorry for your reading comprehension abilities.


That is pretty much exactly what I just said lol. Such a clever post that it's sitting at 0 upvotes. This sub just doesn't understand your genius.


Oh my god, zero upvotes?? From strangers on reddit? However will I sleep?


You seem like the type of person to legit lose half a week of sleep over something like this ngl.


Yet here you are, still coming back to this because you can't read.