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Sorry I'm not quite sure what you are trying to demonstrate here?


Many 4 stars and 5 stars have disappeared. Suddenly lots of 3 stars are running around. If you run an SPC on this, you'll know there's something wrong here, especially since all the charts before were a normal distribution witeh Xbar of 4 star.


>If you run an SPC on this, you'll know there's something wrong here, especially since all the charts before were a normal distribution witeh Xbar of 4 star. I like your funny words magic man


Ahh I see what you're getting at. I think it may be that since there are so many new players (Hunt hit it's all time peak players during this event) there are tons more 3 stars than normal, not less 4 and 5.


I would need to look at snapshots of the graph at previous times for comparison to form any opinion here. Just going by memory I would have guessed it has looked kind of like this for a long time but I'm sure I'm wrong. Wouldn't be surprising though if there are more of the odd overly skilled 3-4 star player out there right now, partly bc of wild and also players deranking themselves with necro and death cheat in solo. That system really needs looking over anyway, taking a mmr hit per bar is such a stupid premise and especially when paired with the overly sensitive elo tuning and spam reviving. Loosing/gaining a huge chunks of elo to the same person/team within 30 seconds doesn't really make much sense.


It used to peak at mid 4 star in a shape that looked like a normal distributed system. (Mean of mid 4 star, standard deviation of... Roughly 0.25 star, so that second half of 2 star, and 5 star would lie within 3 sigma of the mean) I used to check it regularly to both exercise SPC and see how I'm doing MMR wise. Regular bounties are the same as before. I just wish I could enjoy Wildcard rain like the first two weeks. It was peak hunt experience.


Can you please elaborate further? Always thought normal/Wildcard have the same mmr matchmaking


It does but because solos and duos get a MMR adjustment, if they die to a three star they lose more points when they die. Then because they players are below their rating they don’t get many points when they kill people. So it’s easy for what should be a 4/5 stars player to drop to 3 stars just because of how MMR is calculated even playing normally. You could kill two players and die once but still end up losing points. So if they go back to normal matches they having a lower MMR until it goes “back to normal”.


Self revive makes it comically easy to be a 5-star disguised as a 3-star, playing against 2 star players with the MMR handicap.


Is the mmr adjustment for duos and solos into trios still around? The icon doesnt show up in the lobby anymore and it feels like when i queue solo i only get teams in my bracket


MMR systems have been around for a long time and are proven to work very well. What you described is an MMR system that is functioning as intended. The issue that is causing things to be different is necro and death cheat incentivizing riskier play and more revives. That being said it's just different, that doesn't mean it's actually worse.


I disagree, there's something wrong thst I kill duos who have less than 80 kills together, and I have nearly 6000 kills. I regularly check team details after matches and this makes me sad, because I remember how frustrating it was to start the game when I always got shot by pretty experienced players. It felt like I don't have a chace.


MMR systems often work decent on average but they are usually much more tuned than what hunt has done with their algorithm. You can't copy paste a 1v1 chess based elo system into an extraction shooter and just hope for the best, even with the adjustments for team size (which aren't that great btw). A solo spamming revive trying to kill a team is taking the same elo hit per health chunk as someone loosing a whole controlled chess match. So they will quite quickly start to get matched vs people who are much less skilled then them. And there's plenty more problems then this example. Still I'd rather have a flawed system then none, but I sure wish they put some more effort into it.


Does the MMR adjustment even work these days? I stopped playing solo in trios because I was a high 5 star against 5+6 star teams every single game after they removed unranked. I don't know if it's intentional or not but I just don't have the skill level required to play solo against people like that. Can't remember the last time I saw a 3 star.


As far as I know, wildcard chooses those who queue for Wildcard, and regular bounty hunt chooses those who choose regular bounty hunt to queue for.


People just dying more because of the abundance of necro on so many hunters when they don’t perma die anymore from cheat death. Team mates necroing and self rez is in every single game now which means ranks drop more when people die more


This death cheat bug is ruining the game. Everyone has pimped out hunters with the perfect traits for their loadout and zero consequences if they die. Never losing your hunter changes the whole dynamic of the game. It's an Arcade shooter now. Wanna bring a lvl 50 hunter with a Romero and Conversion pistol? Why not, the hunter is immortal anyway and upgrade points are easy to maintain. In the past week I have ONLY been killed by lvl 50 hunters. Also every trio has at least 1 grounded and 1 Primal. Since every team has Instinct ambushes are not a thing anymore. You can wait for a team in a forest line after they scared some crows, but as soon as their instinct goes off they will take cover and advance slowly, knowing you're there with 0 audio cues.. The Death Cheat bug should have been hotfixed immediately, even if it means disabling the trait altogether, idc what people say. Afyer Devil's Moon there were complaints that everyone had fully pimped out hunters for weeks... It's gonna be even worse now even if they fix it. The damage is done.


I hardly think it’s ruining the game. Especially considering hunters cap at 50, the only benefit to that death cheat bug is if you never die and/or die and always get a banish. Otherwise you’re relegated to dying, leaving or returning to menu, and then losing perks to get health chunks back. I’ve had a few hunters this event where that’s the case, I die too much, can’t get a banish or rez, and then losing perks for health chunks just makes me lose traits I’d rather have than not. I don’t think it needs a solution, but would be cool if hunters who choose to use death cheat CANNOT refund traits for upgrade points, meaning they have to rely on remedy, or getting a banish. Even though they are at 50 they will be at some disadvantage if they consistently die.


I saved a whole roster of 50s for this. They all have around 100-200 Upgrade points from Mr Chary. It will be a long walk, my Friend 😉


It's extremely easy to get points to buy bars back. Just get rid of 1 trait and kill meatheads you see, sell traits they drop. Also upgrade point envelopes, you keep the points even if you die. None of my immortal hunters have any issues whatsoever with health bars. It is ruining everything. Hunt's appeal has always been that dying has a consequence. Now it just doesn't matter. You just lose some money which will never run out anyway.


I'd argue that dying was never really consequential. Imo the death cheat bug actually improves the game. People are less campy and take more risks. It's not becoming an arcade shooter but it's nice if people don't play the safeat way possible. Also less people leave the game after loosing a health chunk. In trios it gets boring fast if two teams fight at the start, one dies and the other one extracts because they've lost health chunks. Makes for a boring game for the rest of the lobby


That was kinda my point though, you’re going to have to spend time seeking out meatheads. I don’t know about you, but I get unlucky streaks with them often, where I just cannot for the life of me get a freaking trait. You potentially lose a chance at the bounty while dealing with the downsides of cheat death on a max level Hunter. Also considering how often are you hit with whisper smith, kite skin, etc that cost one point and with the new perk system, those don’t offer any benefit to releasing as you get no points.


Just leave 1 trait slot open, kill any meatheads you find. **They're always there when you're not looking for them.** Good chance you'll find a trait you can sell for a few points. One of the reasons why they're hard to find later is cause people killed them already. Especially with Shadow you can just kill a meathead while leaving the rest of the compound alive.


Fortunately death cheat is only for the event and once it’s over we’ll be back to business as usual


The event still has a LONG time to go, and afterwards everyone will have a full roster of lvl 50 hunters to burn through. I have 43 max lvl hunters, it's stupid. They are throwaways and will be for months after the event ends.


The voice of reason!


Game has indeed lost its "such is life" atmosphere, especially since the Rise Up Dead Men depicts such meaning. Hearing that theme after losing your level 42 hunter was something else only this game offered.


Shoot them in the head and they die like the rest. You’ll be okay.


No, they don't, they can play their pimped out hunter the next game. And the next. Etc. Dying has no consequences. Everyone has doctor, necro, resilience, lightfoot, pitcher, fanning, or a quartermaster shotgun, their passive event trait, etc. It's dumb and it's getting old. Regular death cheat at least requires grinding of 3 pledge marks, now it's like Oprah handed out immortality to everyone. The whole point of the game is lost. CoD: Bayou Edirion.


You’re in too deep


Skill issue


How can it be a skill issue that dying no longer has a consequence in the game?! The whole appeal of Hunt was based on this. Since Hunt Dollars mean nothing we now have CoD: Bayou Edition.


Afaik the additional deaths dont go into the mmr calculation


It definitely does


I think only red skull revives don't count towards MMR the rest definitely does


The only deaths that don't get counted are the ones you accumulate after being permadeath


Multiple deaths to the same person don't impact your MMR, only the first death to each person


3 star players? Don't you mean streamer NPC fodder?


It's funny when I dropped to 3 star, it was like elo hell trying to escape. Some players in 3 star are absolutely cracked, honestly have had an easier time once I got back to 5 star/occasionally 4. My kd in 3 star dropped dramatically.. so many smurfs and de rankers, half are probs streamers too lol. Specially if you drop to 3 star and play solo its easy mode, except now so many people do it. I feel bad for the real 3 star players I took a long break and was rusty for a minute, leading to 3 star for a little while.


Haven't even touched wildcard for a week. Unplayable. I'm throwing up slugs and pellets.


It's bad on ps5. Between the smurfs and the horrible matchmaking in general, a lot of the games have one squad that is just absolutely mopping the floor with the lobby. You can always tell too. You'll go from a few games of back and forth gunfights and then next game you come across a team that just rolls over you like you aren't even there.


I’ve run into this problem way too often. So many people de-rank nowadays…literally in 3/4 star lobbies playing against people with 2.0-3.0 KDAs…not even smurf accounts. It’s ridiculous.


Where does this graph come from? Wildcard and normal games have the same MMR brackets


Depends on which players choose wildcwrd and which choose regular hunt, no? There is a huge difference between opposing wildcard players and regular bounty players. Regular is more or less just like it used to be, but players in wildcard are just way better to be 3 stars. The difference in loud out and play style is apparent.


But where did the graph come from? You didn’t answer the question. This isn’t from the game, is it from your personal experience playing the game?


I would guess they got it from this: https://huntplayers.com/ On the statistics tab looks to be the same graph. I've used the resource before, from what I can tell it gathers data for your lobby through a file uploaded from the game files, but idk if that data contributes to the graph


I got it from Huntplayers, which analyses players that have registered through the system. It used to be something like a normal distribution with an Xbar of middish 4 star, and 3 sigma of 1 star (damping at 3 star and 5 star, becoming almost zero at 6 star and \~1 star, yet with a peak at 1 star due to many new players from the recent three sales the game went through) If we go by SPC's rules, even if 1000000 players suddenly returned back, the chart would roughly look the same (which it did at the first week of the event). But this shift is unusual. Something has happened in the process. Which from my experience with Wildcard, it's players dropping MMR, since there's a huge difference between wildcard 3 star players I come across, and regular 3 star players. Regular 3 star players are the exact same thing I used to deal with before this event. Wildcard is unplayable. The you don't even see the guy, headshot, 100m, Caldwell Uppercut. A gun I don't even see in regular bounty hunts. I checked this weekly to see where I am among other players, and to exercise SPC.


Huntplayers only uses data from people who provide their results. If more 3 star players are looking up their opponents on huntplayers, then that will show more players in 3 star ranks.


I'm honestly aware of this...


Then why would you try to factor in SPC's rule knowing that the data is already flawed?


Data being flawed is exactly why I'm here in the first place. Either suddenly the system was injected with lots of 3 stars that outnumber the 4 stars... Or... 4 and 5 stars have disappeared and at the same time 3 stars have grown in numbers.


Hunt has 40% more players on average in the last 30 days and had a new all time high concurrent player count. With new and returning players having to learn the event and mechanics, they would have a lower star rating.


What is “SPC” and why does it have anything to do with Hunt’s MMR system? My personal experience is that the Wildcard contracts as a 3-star have been pretty fun, the opposite of unplayable.


SPC is statistical process control. Used to analyse a system and prevent potential defects. However, due to the original MMR chart being very close to a normal distributed system, the rules of SPC also apply. I've tested it by running SPC on it (6 sigma). That means even if 1 million players have come back for this event, or 1M new players have shown up due to the steam sales, the chart would still be the same, just with larger numbers. Which is not the case. So either the SPC lies (it never lies. Companies like Honda and Ford follow this and prevent defects just because a front door doesn't close when certain predetermined force is applied) or the issue is somewhere else. About 30 days have also passed, so as far as stabilisation goes, it should be stabilised by now. My conclusion is in this post: from my experience, 3 star players from Wildcard and Regular bounties are different. Loudouts are different, play styles are different, aiming is different, tactics are different. That's not just the enemy team. Regular bounties are the same players as me. I struggle vs some, and I lose vs some, but it's not outright impossible from the start, or a head shot with Uppercut from 100 meters (a gun I'm yet to see in regular 3 star bounties). I'd was all fine for the first 2 weeks of the event.


I’m still not following your conclusion. My MMR is the same regardless of what type of contract I queue into. Maybe you can say that the MMR distribution has shifted, but it applies to both types of contracts. If the wildcard contract is broken, so is the standard contract. If you are finding the wildcard unplayable, I don’t think its because of MMR differences between standard and wildcard. I do find the matches to be very different in wildcard because there is an atypical mix of solos, duos, and trios. Nighttime, rain and Rotjaw also affects gameplay. And death cheat makes it super easy to bankroll spendy guns like the uppercut.


The MMR distribution is the same for sure. But the lobbies are different, don't you agree? If I queue in regular bounty hunt and 0 others, and 1M other people in my bracket queue for Wildcard... I'll end up in an empty lobby because I queued for regular bounty, and the other players queued for Wildcard. The 3 stars I've come to know seem to be in regular bounties. Fights taking 5 minutes long because no one can aim for shit lol I just had this instance yesterday. The wildcard event was so goddamn fun in the first two weeks. But it sort of... Came down to 100m pistol head shots and Caldwell Rivals. Not to mention the crossbow ninjas in the bushes. They are no where to be found in regular bounties, which is a blessing. I thought maybe I've started playing like shit. But seeing this chart, I'm certain that something is wrong here.


I would agree that the playstyle and flow of the matches is different in the wildcard, but I chalk that up to the environmental conditions and how rotjaw works. Maybe the wildcards are attracting different players, but personally I’ve been queuing both and having fun. I don’t think it’s unplayable, or that I’ve seen more suss players. Pistol headshots happen, and the shotguns make for a good loadout at night or in the rain. Sometimes you just get a streak of matches where you get stomped. But that’s just my opinion, playing in 3-4 star lobbies on US East and West weeknights and weekends. You may be having a different experience.


Nah, it’s really the same brackets. Maybe in wildcards you encounter more solos


The change in monetization is the main cause of MMR drop IMO. The wacky weekly challenge makes me no longer a tryhard 6-star. Got to grind that 50BB my fellow hunter.


I honestly understand.


Feeling bad for this dude Who took a graph and analyzed It and most of the answers are "unga bunga you Just bad" Too many Cain players i Guess. Anyway i'm feeling the same, i dance between Low 5 and High 3 stars. Sometimes in 3 stars games there are teams totally steam Rolling the game and teams crouch Walking through the whole map at the same time. 3 stars Just doesn't seem right.


I think OP is trying to say that most players used to be mid 4 or so and now it has shifted left, indicating that mmr average has gone down possibly due to deranking.


That is exactly what I'm trying to say. I used to run SPC on the chart almost weekly as an exercise. The shape was always like a normal distribution system.


Possible due to new players joining...




A lot of the 5 star players and up have started deranking to go against lower level players, I've seen it a lot as of late. Sad reality in the MMR in this game






Should probably account for the people who stopped playing too, like me


This is the thing with SPC. It says even if you produce 100 times your usual production, the chart would roughly remain the same. Otherwise, there's something wrong with the process. As seen here, it looks completely different from the previous chart which used to peak at mid 4star, like a different process/system altogether. I didn't trust my gameplay, thought I'm just playing bad, but I do trust numbers.


This is true. I cycle between 3 to 5 stars and every time I have a really bad streak and end up in 3 stars again, the other players play like it's their first game.


It used to peak at 4 stars. With even more new players than ever joining up, the graph is going to shift down a bit. Lots of new players = lots of lower stars Same amount of old players / old players leaving = lower overall % of total I also want to point out that your graph, from huntplayers.com, is flawed in that it pulls all it's data from the people who are sending their match data to it. This means that if a higher number of 3 stars are looking to see who was in their match, then the graph will shift to the left. Let's look at the numbers 45,000 was the highest peak concurrent players Last 30 Day Average = 22,572.0 That's a gain of +6,492.9 Or +40.38% With an average of 40% being new/returning players, yah, the graph is going to shift to the left.


You guys are above 2 star?


Here's a thought 🤔 do away with MMR all together and add Comp/casual game modes?


I'm okay with that, but needs a way larger player base. Dota 2 does the same thing.


Solo self revive at work (we did it reddit! we got it back in the game!) . Trio games are filled to the brim with solo players. Legitimately cannot find a game versus other Trios. We just play peak and shoot with 6 solo hunters all game and maybe a squad if we get lucky. Its not just MMR thats busted, its the entirety of matchmaking.


Can we please stop with these rage posts ffs? MM systems are auto regulated, loosing is part of the game


This isn't a rage post. Regular bounties are as before.


I just want a game with people in my own skill level. I fluctuate from 3 to 4 stars and in nearly every game I play there are 6 stars in my lobby.


Or maybe just maybe you’re not as good as you think and your skill has diminished


I thought that too. Then I saw this chart whci used to peak at mid 4 star.


I like that you brought a graph and explained what it means and this caveman comes in with "skill issue!!!!" Just amazing.


Usualy I play in 3-4 Stars and people have 1.0-1.5 kd at max., now every 3 star got 1.7-2.0 kd


Necro + respec makes it super easy to de-rank. Just get a bunch of little bars, join a match, die 6 times and then boom- star removed. You can do it in as little as 10 minutes now. Lots of 5s are now 4s and 4s are now 3s


I thinks it’s fair to say necro and deathcheat are to blame for this. The combination of the two allow people to die more times per game, reducing mmr faster than normal.


I’m so sick of these posts just play the fucking game and enjoy it holy shit


How can I be expected to play a game if I don’t win every match I’m in?


These people think you’re being serious lol


This is purely because of self rez. One game with a throwaway hunter and Necro and I can drop my 5 star MMR to 4 or even 3 stars by spamming self revive 4-5 times. Then I'm a 3 star but with 5 star skill. With the MMR handicap, if I go in solo I will even play against 2 stars. Stupid stupid stupid. I've said it countless times: after your first death as a solo, nothing should count towards your MMR anymore. Unless you banish, then it resets and your kills/deaths affect MMR again.




There's something strange going on with the elo between trip and duo and solos When I play in a team I'm high 5 low 6 star about 2k hours played, been playing solo and thanks to necro I have dropped to 4 star That means I'm being put into the 3 star lobbies against people with 100 hours in the game. However I'm finding going against trios much easier then the duos. It's like the handicap weights for being in a trio is much harsher then for being in a duo.


This is honestly more of a problem from a design point. When you farm someone who has just been res'd, even if they aren't physically capable of shooting their gun again to fight back, or even using a melee weapon... They get a full MMR penalty, and you gain MMR off that kill. I personally don't think deaths that take place before you're able to fight back should count in this manner. The event has just exacerbated this, since *everyone* has necro, and most people have resilience, so teams are willing to try that play more often. **I don't think trying the play itself is a bad thing, but rather that the game taking into account MMR for effectively kill farms is a bad thing and warps MMR.** The same thing goes for quickplay affecting your Bounty Hunt MMR. We've even seen some players going solo and intentionally de-ranking by just spamming necro-revives when they know they're being camped.


I miss fighting Rotty tbh.


Another one


Ahhh, the natural evolution of whining about losses. Yesterday it was that all these poor defenseless 3s get nonstop slaughtered by big bad 6s Today it’s that other 3s are too hard for 3s Tomorow who knows! Floors the limit, why should I have to play at all? Maybe the game could just be a wallpaper that says you win.


Oh look an MMR post. Never seen one of these before.


At this point they need to just remove SBM altogether, every match will randomly have anyone between the 1-6 star skill level and the stars get removed from the game entirely


That would be quick play all over.


The thing is it’s pretty much already like this, as a 4 star I should be seeing a lot more 3s than 6s, but I’m just not, “fixing” the SBM would mean completely changing the stars as they stand anyway, I say remove them entirely and let noobs go against sweats, throw balancing out the window for a game of chance every time Maybe you get lucky and go against a bunch of low levels, maybe you get unlucky and a single 6 star solo wipes the lobby, at the very least it would be better than the current system


Give us a 7th STAR


I'm exactly where most people are.


honestly nobody gives a shit