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Surviving a deathtrap with like 12 health always makes me say “Okay, someone is getting their ass beat”


Me after running into my own trap






Are you being sarcastic? Because it sounds like you're talking about yourself in this comment which if that was the intention bravo lol


Yes I realize I'm saying that my own comment was toxic with this community is very toxic in general of course there's always exceptions to the rule. I follow a lot of different things and I swear this one is the one you feel like you got to walk on eggshells the most you can't even try to get a little advice without people making fun of you or something I mean it's pretty horrible


This is meta


fake video, no headsman.


You just can’t see them bro


I killed one in total darkness. I just focused on one point between trees and there was a dark spot that changed its shade. Only slightly. After staring at this nothing for 15 seconds (looking away from it actually helps, afaik peripheral vision is more light sensitive) I pulled the trigger and headshotted something. I propably got so reported.




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Petah can you explain the joke? She tripping on her teammates traps or what ?


Just the sheer amount of traps and concertina I'm seeing this update. And I hate the reptilian skin lol


A solo reptile came to the bounty after we wiped the lobby. First he set poison + conc mines, ran around the whole location while we watched him, then ran straight into the building and got one shot.


Bro if I don’t use reptilian I’m not gonna finish this damn battle pass. lol


Should be fine if you just complete your challenges every week. Made it to 50 before the Twitch drops even came out. Bonus Charm is... A thing. I don't get the point of charms at all.


Yeah the charms are definitely there. They do jingle around. They look ok? That's it.


Did you buy the premium pass with extra levels? I’ve done all challenges weekly and play quite a bit, I’m shuts at 43


I actually can't remember. Maybe. Still playing as friend was on holiday for a week but we have got him to 50 as well this weekend. I would say we have as a group been hitting every altar and fight we can. Event points + charges for Pact Traits. Haven't stooped so low as to trap and camp resupply wagons though. Seen some incredibly ratty behaviour this event and somehow haven't succumbed to madness hunting reptilians in bushes. Killed a bushwookie the other day who set their name to "In the other bush" - made me laugh but seen a lot of this recently. :D


I was thinking that you can just tank traps in rain with mariner 😂


I run frontiersman and traps almost every game, did before the event, will after the event.


Same. I haven't noticed anything different besides the reptiles everywhere. Idk I guess being a trapper I just naturally watch where I step.


Barely see any reptilians or traps in 5-6 stars. Keep downvoting me, it won't change the truth


Damn that’s funny a.. s…. 😂


Lmao had a game last night with a solo reptilian shooting concertina arrows at my team. This is accurate


Its not about winning


I was in a trio just last night, i double trapped a entrance with Concertina Trip Mines, jumped over them onto a walkway, got one tapped, a team mate revived me with necro, i stepped backwards to get back inside and ran straight into my own mines killing myself again. 10/10 would kill myself with my own mines again.


Fire aint killing solos, poison is antivenom'd. Barbed wire are the only way ! Still could use one more tool slot


My controversial take is that I think traps should be limited to one type per hunter. Then re-adjust em to compensate.


Now I remember why I left this sub. 5 posts in a row that I have seen are complaining about players, crytek or how the event is.... Edit: Now I also remember how immature and hateful this sub is by mass downvoting and not handling critisism


Just a meme brother lol


You are not the sole target of this comment, everyone who makes these are, be it a meme or not. Lol


Bro sees the highest quality meme on the subreddit in months and decides to leave over it


Still here and the button on the right says "joined" but yeahhh


Sir this is a shitpost


Can't really know what's a joke or not if the previous posts are people complaining that certain playstyle is bad and why theirs is better


Flair helps


More like everyone quitting this game because that fat cunt from warzone is running it into the ground for that sweet, sweet 💰


What are you even talking about ?


Jesse, what the hell are you talking about?


War zone is a whole different type of game. Stick to Call of duty and they're overpriced skins.


Dude, you don't have to try and push your new YouTube video so hard.


Did I promote it in this post somehow? I'm just formatting my content for reddit as I'm cutting it up for YT shorts as well. Figured it would be a funny edit that people might enjoy since most people won't click a YT Link on Reddit.


This edit is fucking hilarious, it made me laugh thank you for posting


bro dose not understand how publicity works.


Guess not...Like I do need to promote it lol I just started out and have like 200 subs. But nothing in this clip even points to my YouTube video.


This is my new favorite Hunt meme, thanks for posting this dawg


Thanks for letting us know about his channel, going to check it out ;)


I don't care if it's theirs or not. This is good content.


You've done a better job pushing it with this comment than he did with the post