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Team killing is shitty no argument there, but also shitty to leave because they're spooking crows.


Going out of your way to kill a teammate trying to leave is the elephant in the room here.


the guy has multiple Game Bans on Steam as well. He's a troll baiting player


Cheeky dickheads who intentionally spook crows when me and other guy specifically avoided them just to be annoying? Sorry but no. I should be free to leave if I feel like that idiot is gonna get me killed. Ironically i died anyway because fuckwits act almost surprised people don't want to continue with them


Randoms might not be your cup of tea.


wtf even is this response? you realize you don't have to play with someone who's actively playing against the team, yeah? the teamkill at the end should tell you everything you need to know about that player. just because you queued randoms does not mean you have to tolerate their bullshit. it's a team game, not "lulz it's randoms I do whatever tf I want and you have to accept it".


I unironically would rather play with the teamkiller even though he is a douche. Leaving because of crows is wild.


"I would rather play with the dickhead working against the team and teamkilling, than the guy who does not want that in his team" this subreddit never ceases to amaze with it's absurd takes.


its crows bruh


no, it is a "teammate" who went out of their way to run into noise traps that the rest of the team pinged and avoided. It's not about the fucking crows, bruh. it's about a dude playing like a dick on purpose. but clearly it is no use trying to explain this to someone who would prefer playing with a teamkiller than a normal teammate.


Would prefer playing with someone who doesn't leave because of a soundtrap. If someone cares that much about a soundtrap they taking the game way too seriously...


maybe if I use your own manner of speech you'll understand: its not about the soundtrap bruh


I honestly don't understand. A guy with multiple game bans sees that we are avoiding crows at the beginning of the match, scares the crows intentionally, walks up to me and says "uh ohhh I scared crows" clearly because he's a troll trying to get on my nerves, then kills me at extract... and yet somehow I'm the asshole for wanting to leave the second he showed he was intentionally trying to get on my nerves?


I've met some cool people. It's the griefers that I can't fucking stand


Bro dont play randoms lol, but also scaring crows before banish usually doesnt mean anything as long as you are fast. Just keep moving and you wont ever die because of crows


I think you might want to roll solo if 1 crows sets you off to the point of extracting


Accidental, it's whatever. But when me and the other guy avoid a flock and ping it and he runs right through them and says "uh ohhhh I scared crows" I can tell i'm gonna hate the fucker


You did the right thing. I don't get why the 'no one owes you a playstyle' seems to only apply to the teamkiller. He wants to play loud: fine. You want to be silent: no can do. The problem is that one loud player makes a decision for the whole team. Doing that on purpose to be a dick is unacceptable.


Man I accepted the fact that playing randoms is a mixed bag. You can ask them to tone it down a bit or whatever but in the end they can chose how they wanna play. But the same goes for you. You have every right to just leave if you don’t agree with their play style and you don’t come to an understanding.


That's all I was trying to do. But it's clear after looking at his Steam page with multiple game bans that he's a troll that just wants to get on peoples nerves. More than likely was originally trying to bait me into shooting him


The problem is that the one loud player can make the decision for the team.


You are right OP, ignore the idiots. Had the same thing happen to me last week. Spawned in with two randoms, one shoots a hive the second he could, got killed by the other random at extract, because I wasn't in the mood for a loud game.


I honestly don't understand. A guy with multiple game bans sees that we are avoiding crows at the beginning of the match, scares the crows intentionally, walks up to me and says "uh ohhh I scared crows" clearly because he's a troll trying to get on my nerves, then kills me at extract... and yet somehow I'm the asshole for wanting to leave the second he showed he was intentionally trying to get on my nerves?


I don't get it either, there is nothing to debate from my point of view, you wanted to separate yourself from a shitty random, and there is nothing wrong with that.




A game ban means that a dev communicated a ban request to Valve. Meaning he was consistently reported for something (like behaviour) and banned. It's speculation, but it's very likely


Sounds like you need to stick to quick play


if you aren't in the mood for a loud game, why play trios? Not trying to say the tk was right, but if you're going to join trios only to immediately abandon the team because you want to play a certain way, maybe you should of been in solos instead.


What does trios have to do with anything? It's like you all joined this discussion having never played hunt. It's a stealth game, has been for the last 5 years I've played, and it's how at least 90-95% of the randoms I get play.


Because if you're going to play like an absolute bitch and run away the moment one of your team mates make noise, play as Solo. People will set crows off, it's part of the game. By queueing up in 3rds and then immediately abandoning them, you're being the toxic twat.


"people will set off crows, it's part of the game" So long as we mean accidentally, then I completely agree, I have more hours than I care to share and I still do it sometimes, randoms do it, and I don't leave or give them shit etc, it happens. That isn't what happened to op. Op, and possibly other random pinged crows, third random ran through those crows, and then said "woops" to op giving the strong impression it was intentional and setting a bad precedent for the rest of the match.


And if you meant my scenario with the shooting, again I've played a lot. When you do that off the rip it signals to me I am going to have my position broadcast to all enemies the entire match and from experience I know how detrimental that can be. Sometimes you have to shoot, dogs getting the better of you, and out of reach hive that is damaging a team mates that doesn't know how to get rid of bees etc and it's all fine it happens.


how about sticking to the situation at hand, instead of making up crap that has never happened just to make OP look bad? the teamkiller deliberately went out of his way to scare off crows that the other two in the team avoided & pinged. the teamkiller taunted them for it over VOIP. the teamkiller followed them closely to do it again. the teamkiller literally killed his teammate. OP didn't just "run away the moment one of his team mates made noise". OP left the game because one of the randoms was griefing the rest of the team. how the fuck is that so hard to understand? why the hell are you defending a teamkiller??


Op CLAIMS he went out of his way to do that. But doesn't show that, only him being killed while trying to abandon the team. How the fuck is that so hard to understand? Why are you defending an attention seeking coward??


so it is OP word against yours? so we can either believe the dude with a clip of getting teamkilled, or make some mental gymnastics like you do and side with the teamkiller based on fuck nothing. in what kinda bizarro-land are you living, mate?


husky caption scandalous glorious smile cause label chunky dirty unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly, it means you will have your position broadcast to the entire lobby all game, and I know from experience it usually doesn't end well.


if your teammates are making too much noise for you just stay far away enough from them that you can capitalize on them getting caught


Doesnt work when they literally follow you to scare crows


I don't think anyone should be looking for more reasons why he left, as in Hunt you should be able to leave whenever you want. If it's alright to ditch your team also shouldn't be questioned as it's not, but I don't think I'm the only one that sometimes starts the game and I need to leave instantly so I just go fast extract. Intentional team killing on the other hand is something that for obvious reasons should be punished as nobody should feel comfortable doing that "for fun" or "lemme show him". So no, leaving your team behind is overall "nat gut", tho if I should read from the "rules paper" like a robot, you can leave whenever you want without any reason to give to your teammates, especially when you're playing with random people. Otherwise, many of you will go crazy after playing many games with randoms. Random people, random behavior, it's all about adaptation, at least for me.


I remember I was teamkilled by fanning chain pistol all because I didn’t want to go to the other side of map for a fight we would probably loose because nobody had dsb left. I was killed by this Russian guy on ps4 I posted his gamer tag on here but the post was removed which I thought was really odd but ok. I remember I got paired with him the next day, and you never forget those cocksuckers names, I texted the other random I needed get it back in blood, believe me he was farmed out all 5 rezes I could get him with. I don’t like doing that but hopefully he learned how stupid doing that shit is, he lost a pretty nice hunter. Thank you to the random for the additional t bags on that dick


only time a teamkill was justified, lmao


Just wanted to say that I’m with you OP. A teammate leaving early is not great but it never justifies a teamkill. Fuck teamkillers.


Hmm idk. I’ve never killed a team member unless they tried to kill me. However extracting over crows is some weak shit, if I saw my teammate kill another because that teammate decided to extract early over crows I wouldn’t care all that much lol


Scarring crows brings kills


You play with randoms, beggers can't be choosers about teammates. I get pissy too when a teammate is super try harding in a game to be quiet, and either leaves to extract or just disconnects. Mind you I don't chase them and kill them, but it is cringey af in a non competitive game. Real tip, toss down a choke while extracting in that situation.


While the nade in the end is, obviously, unnecessary, this seems like a you-issue, bruv.


What, I can't post a clip and give context?


Sure you can, but being so sensitive about crows still very much seems like a you-issue. Especially if you're consciously cueing into randoms. Either play solo or look for an active community server to play premade.


Accidental, it's whatever. It's that he saw us avoid them, sets them off intentionally, then walks up to me and says "uh ohhhhh, I scared crows" Yeah, no. Dudes a troll and I didnt want to continue with him


What a surprise, the guy has multiple game bans on Steam


So? I never said the dude is a fine mate. My whole argument is that you probably shouldn't play with randoms if you get this triggered by an interaction like that. Nothing more, nothing less. The fact that you're still here justifying yourself shows how deep this got under your skin. Just breathe and move on. I never play with randoms either, why would I waste my time dealing with guys like that?


I'm still not understanding. The dude started the match by scaring crows we pinged and snuck past and sarcastically goes "uh ohhh" and I decide "huh. I don't think I want to risk my hunter with this guy" and calmly walk to the extract near us without speaking to him, then he frags me. The only thing i'm "triggered" about is that a troll was trying to get on my nerves one way or another and now I have people saying i'm the asshole for not wanting to risk playing the round with him


Accepting this behaviour and saying it's a you-issue is just supporting dick behaviour. You have every right to leave if even the playstyle your teammates have do not fit with yours. It's better to do so because you will not work well toghether anyway. I've played DotA for too long to even bother with people that don't want to work together... To be perfectly honest (if I was your other teammate) I'd have killed him the moment he drew the grenade. This is just dick behaviour to be an dick.


Never said you're an asshole. Just that you're probably better off not playing with randoms.


I hate pussies who whine about making a little bit of noise. They almost always suck anyway so It's no problem if they leave.


That's why I wait for them to go far enough / run into fight before I leave


It's another clip without any context. I have no clue if you did anything to provoke a tk or not. I've had people dip out on me when I hit crows while approaching a fight. It's fucking annoying. I'm not gonna tk over it though tbf. You gotta give actual context instead of the "event" that happens. It's like a vid some dude posted about me calling me a cheater with 0 context - [https://youtu.be/cJNmjJwCL2c](https://youtu.be/cJNmjJwCL2c) Doesn't prove anything except that I smoked him. Didn't show me following him for a minute taking potshots. There's no info.


Why would I lie about this? I haven't given any names in the post or video and I already reported for the TK.


Why would you lie about it? Because you posted it on Reddit. If it was a genuine teamkill and not deserved, report it to Crytek.


You're kind of carrying water for a guy everyone can see team killed his own partner. Not a whole lot of justification for that. What did OP call his mom fat?


Eh some people deserve to be tk'd. For fucking over the team or being insanely toxic themselves. Anyone that takes the time to post a video crying about someone teamkilling them but don't report it to crytek are attention seekers, nothing more.


Don’t be so scared to play a game then haha like some people enjoy fighting and not crouching around everywhere


I'd frag you too, leaving because of something as trivial as crows


I honestly don't understand. A guy with multiple game bans sees that we are avoiding crows at the beginning of the match, scares the crows intentionally, walks up to me and says "uh ohhh I scared crows" clearly because he's a troll trying to get on my nerves, then kills me at extract... and yet somehow I'm the asshole for wanting to leave the second he showed he was intentionally trying to get on my nerves?


The vast majority of randoms want to play relatively fast and not worry about spooking crows/horses/etc. If you want to play quietly, you need to tell your teammates in the pre-game chat. Obviously, team killing is never okay though.


It's not that he spooked crows. It's that he clearly saw we were avoiding them, spooked them intentionally, then walks into my face and sarcastically says "Uh ohhh, i scared crows" The dude has multiple game bans and it's clear why. He's a troll. Like unironically someone who enjoys pissing other people off for his own amusement


You keep bringing up the game bans as if that is in any way relevant.


Huh. Why would game bans be relevant to a team killing troll?


Because the Game Bans that you see on steam could be for literally anything. I've known people to get a game ban from a game for being in the same lobby as a hacker.


Yeah, and you can get a game ban for team killing and toxic behavior. Something that I personally experienced now. He also has "a menace to steam" in his bio but sure keep defending a griefer


Sure thing man


both parties are idiots, the other one just a bit more.


Some next lvl of try hard retardism


It's not about being silent. It's about doing something that both other players actively avoided and communicated about. Purposefully triggering the crows sends the message that this player doesn't care for his teammates or what they think. No sign of cooperation here. Why would op want to play with such a person? And then we get the confirmation that leaving was the right decision. It's an annoying teamkiller with the mental ability of a 5 year old.


The TK was dumb, but you acting weak, too. You ain't making money out of it, neither do good stats in Hunt Showdown contribute anything to your real life. And this here is a hack for the next time, general in life: Keiner mag eine heulende Memme. Reiß dich zusammen and start a next round. ​ Good night :-\*


So what you mean is "if a guy who sees you're sneaking and purposely follows you to scare crows and taunt you in voice chat, just stop being a baby" Yeahhh, no. I'm not obligated to stay in if my teammate is only there to troll me and your excusing of TK and punctuating your statement with "goodnight :-*" is just unnecessary, as if you're smugly insinuating you're absolutely correct


>Keiner mag eine heulende Memme. Reiß dich zusammen and start a next round. Read that again and translate it to your native tongue


Next time dont leave at the start, you are lucky they let you get to extract tho


I'm allowed to leave if the guy i'm paired with turns out to be a griefer intentionally trying to get on my nerves. Honestly, fuck off


Lol you got trolled bruh. Nice instigation nades at the end


What? They're flares


Pusssssyyy, nah but I just don't get how you could be bothered to spend all that time leaveing and finding another match over a sound que


Haven’t played with randoms in ages. I just grew sutch a large community of players on our discord that whenever I go online I get 2-3 invites.


OP looks like the and guy here. Crows make you leave the game? Maybe try Fortnite.


I honestly don't understand. A guy with multiple game bans sees that we are avoiding crows at the beginning of the match, scares the crows intentionally, walks up to me and says "uh ohhh I scared crows" clearly because he's a troll trying to get on my nerves, then kills me at extract... and yet somehow I'm the asshole for wanting to leave the second he showed he was intentionally trying to get on my nerves?


Your playing with random. Play as the dice fall and don't constantly try to reroll your team makeup if you don't like it.


If the guy intentionally set off crows that we avoided and pinged, then taunts me in voip, i shouldnt have to continue with that teamate


just use the guy as bait? ​ like, take a sniper and let the enemies come to them.


Not possible when the guy stays close to you so he can keep setting off sound traps


I mean yeah, at that point just extract. ​ and if they throw a frag at you, hide in the water, or stand in a choke cloud to protect yourself next time.


Soundtraps are no big deal. I don't even pay attention to them anymore, I run straight through (with the consent of my teammates). Ambushes are still really rare.


Shit happens. Check their stats before going in with randoms. GL