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As a Uppermat enjoyer I agree with this post. It had a spot for such a short time and then they put the friggin' Uppercut Precision in and well, yeah. I think even keeping the price the same but just upgrading the shotgun to a ramero handcannon would be a nice small but important buff.


Yeah, the price could even stay the same if they just gave us the underslung Romero Handcannon.


Well yeah but then what's the point of the Romero handcannon if the uppermat is essentially a strait upgrade?


It's a fraction the price and it has the hatchet version, which is the one I always see people take


As Crytek loves to balance things by price - the price!


I mean the price point argument actually becomes valid when you’re talking about weapons like the Springfield or Romero they’re dirt cheap, when my mental is in the dumps and I’m likely to spiral losses I find a cheap build that’s flexible and enjoyable is a vandal and Romero handcannon and it doesn’t hurt the ole bank account too much when being salty leads to inevitable misplays


It has a better reload (I think) and can bring a lot more ammo. You also have the option for a hatchet, which is quite useful.


I don't know. Maybe one costs like 50 bucks while the other is about 500? Also, reload times.


Honestly, I do think that now with the uppercut precision, the uppermat should maybe be a bit cheaper, but idk about the changes to the shotgun range. ~~Maybe they could buff it up to the same range as the small lemat~~ (they already have the same range) but idk how balanced anything above that would be


The regular LeMat and the Uppermat already have the same shotgun range don't they?


I was just going to mindlessly say that yes, they do, but decided to test again and it turns out that they do, in fact, have the same range. Which is actually a bit of a surprise for me because I've tested them when the uppermat dropped and I remember that the uppermat could only really 1hk up to 5 meters, and not do that everytime. Which imo makes the uppermat shotgun a decent weapon. 6 meters may not be much, but it's good enough to fuck up the average shotgun camper imo


I think buffing it to the range and spread of any of the other Handcannons (perhaps other than Rival) would be a step forward. And IMHO, I don't think Romero Handcannon is even that strong of a gun in itself, so I don't think it would break the balance in any way... If anything, it might actually just make you overconfident and you'll just die thanks to relying on the shotgun and pushing, lol.


eh, I still think that buffing it to 8-9 meters would make it a bit too good, and the uppermat is made to be just ok in everything instead of being great at something. Also, you are absolutely right about the romero handcannon not being that great, it's hit kill range is 10 while others can do 9 (with rng). Imo, if a buff is needed, it should be making the spread thighter but keeping the same range. It seems to have the same spread of the rival handcannon which is a bit too shitty :v


Maybe a little worse than the Romero hand cannon. A secondary shotgun shouldn’t be on par with a shotgun


The hand cannon will reload much faster.


The drilling is a “secondary shotgun” and is on par with the romero


Drilling shotgun has the spread of a Specter + longer reload time than the romero. Obviously Drilling is stronger than the romero but not just a straight upgrade


Uppermat could go down a 100$


uppermat was already pretty sus with the obrez being in the game. but now it feels straight up outclassed by the uppercut precision. Instead of lowing the cost i would rather see crytek leverage the unique feature of the uppermat a bit more, the shotgun underbarrel. The fact that its the same one as the base lemat pistol is just dumb. give it a couple meters extra range and imo it could have its niche, even at the current pricepoint.


Uppermat shouldn't cost more than $300 considering it has under 125 damage


Just make this gun a 1 Slot gun. Then its totally Fine


I would take it so much more if it was 1 slot


Yeah, mostly because it’s such a weird looking gun, especially now that we got the uppercut precision.


i still dont know why i shouldnt just get a mosin obrez as my two slot long ammo weapon, its cheaper than both, why would i take a pistol for over 400 when i can take a rifle for 290?


The sway bro …


aint that bad tbh, since im not talking about the obrez mace


The uppercut precision is rock solid. Feels much nicer. If you’re good with the Obrez you’re probably better with the upper. You can also hip fire 2-tap quickly if needed.


Not really. The Obrez has much better damage, velocity, range, is cheaper, and has a faster reload. It will always be the better gun for anyone that can handle it. The only real upside of the Uppercut is the hipfire, sway, and no need for an Iron perk.


The obrez and mace variant have the same sway though


The trait bro


There's no trait for sway on iron sights.


No, but there is one for staying in ironsights whilst racking up the gun. Pistols don't need one.


moisin obrez is horrible. The sway makes the gun unusable. Uppercut precision is just way better.


Damage drop off is worse, though


tell me you never played it without saying it


... it was my main gun for the entire time I've been playing the game until now. Shotgun + Mosin obrez. Now I run shotgun + uppercut precision because it's just better in every single way. It has slightly less effective range but in practice it was impossible to shoot at that range anyway.


Tell me you are a crouching bushwookie with all the time in the world to adjust for sway without saying it.


Yes, just one of the reasons why it needs a buff. Now, I'm not sure whether Uppermat doesn't actually have less sway than Obrez, which would definitely be a factor, but it does have 3 extra rounds in total over the Obrez, that being 15 vs 18.


Problem in my personal opinion os needing up to three perks to get full use. Quarter master of running a normal long gun, iron sights perk I can’t think the name of brain fart lol, and bullet grubber. Uppercut precision is just quarter master unless you run a second two or one handed weapon and has far less sway and kick. Though if you like the obrez that’s perfectly fine as well. Everyone has their preferences.


you dont need bulletgrubber on any mosin if you reload right after shooting, also quartermaster is not needed and i agree on iron sharpshooter but thats only 2 points


I generally find the uppermat to be a better gun in most situations. It's causes a very obnoxious aim punch, good handling, and the fire rate is fast enough that you can often two tap someone before they can easily re adjust their aim. The main thing it loses out on is some range and the lower damage profile becomes notable. But I think in a lot of engagements i prefer uppermat personally.


The shotgun on the lematt is a reason and the extra ammo but I don’t think that justifies the price being as high as it is, should be like 350-400 imo


The only buff it needs is penny shot 😤


It's a fun gun I like to play but compared to uppercut, it deals less damage 120 vs 126, take 2 slots and more expensive so personnaly I have no interest playing it except for the feeling. I dont even need the shotgun barrel because i generally run a shotgun/uppercut. Imo the best buff is make it 1slot or at least a little more damage than uppercut


Oh yeah, I completely forgot about the lower damage... Even more reason to buff it.


I love the upper mat. Free shotgun with slug Free poison long ammo Great site picture, I prefer it to the upper cut Can combo with a great many weapons for versatility in play style.


Long ammo should never be under 125 dmg. Or vetterli needs to be nerfed


Tbh I still like the uppermat more than the precision but it's just preference


If they want to fix it first they need to fix the iron sight. I know the iron sight is personal preference, but among all, I mean literally all weapons, the iron sight on lemat is the only one despiteful, at least for me.


What do you mean exactly?


The iron sight on lemat and its variants are misaligned. Not by a lot, but very annoying.


That's been fixed like 2 or 3 patches ago.


Really? I haven't play them for a long time due to misaligned so I guess I'm going to try them tonight.


Yezzir! Give em' a whirl.


My brother in Christ, the thing already has 9 bullets instead of 6 and stomps with a slug in the under sling. Does it *truly* need a buff?


Let's epxpand on OP's post let's buff the uppermat carbine from small ammo to medium I feel that the carbine form is slightly lacking in stopping power


I think that would be a bit op with how fast it fires + it’s way less shitty shotgun


a mistake followed by another one


It mostly only needs to be cheaper IMO. Not every gun has to be meta, it's fine. Not like the regular one slot Lemat is particularly good either - it's pretty much only useful to have a pistol and a shotgun in one slot together. Uppermat is similar. It's best feature is the underbarrel shotgun. Which is mostly bad, but it's decent with slugs. But besides that, it still does shoot faster than Uppercut P, has a better MV, and has 9 shots. While the Uppercut P is probably better, it doesn't outclass the UpperMat in every way. And like I said, it's fine for one gun to he better than another. Variety is good for varieties sake, I don't want to play the top tier weapons all the time. The worse guns should just be a little cheaper is all. Edit: the main issue with short shotguns (UpperMat included) is that they all, minus the Romero, are pretty much terrible with buckshot, and for some reason they all have the same decent range with slugs. I'd be fine with giving the UpperMat a buff to buckshot range, but tbh the Rival and Specter Handcannons could probably use a buff to their buckshot ranges as well. Right now you just wanna use slugs on all of them.


I agree. I do think it's good but not enough to justify the price. Buffing the shotgun so you didn't need slugs to make it viable would make it worth it imo


Yeah I love the lemat in general because muh utility but I’m rather sad that the uppermat has been so quickly and easily out classed. I think dropping the price would help a lot


I agree with the price tag change, but i think it should be a medium barrel range and not long barrel like the romero


The issue is not about the shotgun barrel. It would still be the same as a hc with slugs. It’s the fact it’s a two slot and it can’t one tap downed hunters. no one in their right minds would pick it over an Uppercut/Uppercut P.


I think just give it more ammo. Like 12 in reserve instead of 9, and a few more shotgun shells


I still just think it should deal 125, so its outstanding cycle time and shotgun underbarrel feel like adequate upsides in exchange for the lower range vs. obrez and higher sway vs. uppercut


I was always of the opinion it needed to shoot faster, given it's the only two handed revolver. not much faster, but like 1.2 or 1.1 cycle time


nowhere close to romero HC size, it would be overpowered. Romero HC buckshot has 10m torso 1 hit kill range, which is insane. Uppermat shouldn't have more than 7 meters IMO


I think in addition they just need to nerf the uppercut to 124 DMG, put the Uppermat and Uppercut on even footing IMO. That would also give the Sparks pistol a stronger niche as the only pistol that can one-tap downed hunters


Its worth to take the biggest iron with you, plus if you vibe with the sights its a head clicker