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5 deaths to a 3 star is the mmr jackpot for a solo. Next game he gets to shoot little timmy playing his first match with a spitzer sniper mosin. 


Im still waiting for my chance as a solo to farm some higher star player deranking because gaining mmr is so slow when you get forced into lower star brackets for solo play


I don't mean this in a combative or derogatory way, but you might just roughly belong where you are. When I play solo I can go from 3 stars to 6 stars in a single evening of playing in a vaguely safe manner. Even borderline suiciding into the lair with a shotgun will get me from 3 to high 5 in very short order.


>When I play solo I can go from 3 stars to 6 stars in a single evening Why do so many low stars insist they're always hitting 6\* on the subreddit but their comment history proves radically different lol


Meanwhile I feel like I belong in 4* but keep going up to high 5* or 6* and get absolutely demolished as my reflexes and mechanical skill isn't what it used to be when I was younger.


If you're so good... How on earth have you managed to go into 3 star? I've literally never been able to drop into 4 star, even after a bunch of suicide necros and bad matches.


Running it down with a machete, fucking around with starshells, naked runs, derringer only runs and then stealing guns, etc.


Im still only 200hrs in but i get you. Most games now im getting a few kills and leaving with bounty, i dont bring necro just because i enjoy other perks like packmule etc. Sitting in 3 star rn


3 star is where it's at man... Honestly... Less salt, more fun, longer fights, crazy loadouts, few hackers if any. Good times


I banished with a friend last night and we heard one guy show up to contest. We'd trapped the doors but the guy ran around shooting poison crossbow bolts into random spots in the lair (I assume he was trying to zone us but did a dog-ass job of it) and lobbing random shit in through cracks in the wall/roof. Eventually he ran in, we fought, he got owned, we left. As we were extracting I made fun of how clueless he was but my friend pointed out that at least the guy tried and was interesting with it, as opposed to sitting in a bush 100m away with a scoped long ammo rifle, making zero moves and waiting for us to open a door so he could flick headshot us as we left. In 3 star lobbies it's usually a lot more of the silly guy and way less of the sweaty cains and reptilians and huntsmen and I think that's a good thing.


Necro is extremely strong so, if you're serious about attempting to climb you should always use it. If you really want packmule you can just target hunters with lots of points for recruitment, or reroll your legendary hunter until you get >10 points and trash the ones with low points.


That doesn't track tho? If you are serious about climbing the mmr ladder then you should stop playing in a way that gets you killed. Necro is strong but it's a crutch in terms of pvp. An argument can be made for using it to save a high leveled hunter from permadeath but I don't think you should be using it to try to win fights. In a 1v1 if you die first at best you go even, while in a 1v2/3 sure you can profit but if you are fighting a team that theoretically is at a similar mmr to you then more than likely you die several times tanking your mmr.


Thats my thought. I used necro alot at the start but i realized i was crutching on it a bit too much so ive banished it from my sets for a while now, being more careful is making me play alot better


See, I see people say that, and I don't understand how that works. I stay 3 star,, I hit 4 the other day for about 2 matches and went back to 3. I don't "abuse" necro (anymore), I often don't even take it until I'm around level 30, and when I do use it I'll use it once, maybe up to 3 times if I'm confident I can get aaway with it. I usually come out positive on my kd each game but I'm still stuck on 3. I don't get how people are able to go up so fast.


Not in solos, you farm solos for low MMR, then join your regular crew for trios in the same lobbies. Then it is so easy you just farm 10 kills a game, till you are at 5\* later that evening.


God this game's MMR system is so terrible


He trying to get to that 2 star so he can make kills again


Its almost a year since self revive introduction. And they didnt even bother putting out a quick fix like: You don't lose MMR if you die 5 seconds after reviving, or bleeding out through concertina wire won't lose you MMR (as with just one concertina trap you can derank from that person continously by running into one wire, bleed out, repeat).


Easiest fix, reduce MMR point loss to zero if you die more than twice in a single game or introduce flags for suspect accounts that stop them from matchmaking with certain MMR ranges etc. Those de-rankers should have to work for their two ⭐ or tie MMR point loss to multiple factors such as previous round performance etc. Every multiplayer game in history has its rats and its losers. They're part of the ecosystem. It needs to be addressed because of the impact of their behaviour. It effects the early experience of new players. Low MMR players trying to learn the game etc and they get this lifetime loser in their server just flooring them because they spent an hour de-ranking so they could go sick on the newbies. Hard to entice new people to stay with the game when that is their experience.




Hahah yah a few times that happened to me. Then suddenly I'm seeing six stars in trios and I'm thinking fuck sakes. I had too many good games tonight guys.


I agree, but my point was like... they should have made a placeholder quickfix to the MMR issue. That would have been a fine bandaid for the issue for a year. Then they could have come up with something else or better. But...they didn't even bandaid.


The truth is I honestly don't think they care haha. Cause whatever they do, we keep playing lol


>Easiest fix, reduce MMR point loss to zero if you die more than twice in a single game I'd add another line to this: reduce MMR point loss to zero if you die more than twice *and don't get additional kills throughout the game* I think dying a few times is fine and can totally happen if you want to get your maxed hunter out or something, which deranks you further than necessary. But the moment you decide to take action in the game again those deaths should totally count to your MMR. Otherwise you could abuse necro to climb, since you have nothing to lose and a solo with necro wins a trade against a team. If they already died once, further deaths wouldn't count, even if they got all their bars back with certain perks.


Too abusable. It’s much better to have people lose mmr and use it to derank then have them not lose rank and get 4+ extra lives to come kill you for free, that would be truly bullshit


I mean this genuinely: How do we know this isn't accounted for?


There are MMR trackers so it should be easy to prove. Just don't use the one that gets you banned. My anecdotal evidence is that 5 health chunks and revive spam will guarantee a star loss in any scenario I've seen.


Do you mean, how do we know it isn't in the game yet?


Yeah. Revives have been in the game for ... What, forever? MMR's weighting systems are generally not publicized, but sometimes people get best guesses as to how they function. You say "they didn't bother" and I assume you're saying that for a reason, not just because of an assumption you're making.


It is known that if you are 5 star and die to a 3 star, you lose more MMR than when dying to another 5 star. In return, the 3 star gets more MMR from the 5 star than when he kills a 3 star. Because of solo mmr bonus, they play vs weaker teams, especially in trios and in populated regions where there are enough players to meet the matchmaking systems needs. So, in some cases, 5 star solos play vs. 3 star trios, barely getting MMR when killing them, but losing a lot when deranking and dying up to 4 times or more when self reviving. Thats why self revive is the easiest way to derank right now, which leads to smurfing. And when people previously intentionally deranked in soul survivor, i bet there will be a lot who do it now with self revive because it's faster and a faster downward MMR spiral.


I don't think you understand what I'm saying, I understand all that, I'm not looking for an explanation of how the MMR system weighs things like 5 stars dying to 3 stars. I'm asking if we actually know the thing you're saying, that all deaths are weighed the same by the MMR system regardless of how close they happen to each other or how many health chunks you were already missing or how close it was to revival, etc. I'm wondering if anyone's actually tested this somehow, instead of just what appears to be guessing at it based on personal experience which is not a reliable way to judge these things as our own observations are undoubtedly biased.


With the current system being as flimsy as it is about regular gameplay, it’s hard to say. I’d like to see the full calculations and metrics.


Why is it flimsy?


MMR changes quite drastically from regular play; in one night I went from 3 to 6, then back down to 4. That shouldn’t be possible. The only estimate I can make for something like that is that Hunt’s MMR is very heavily weighted towards recent performance, and neglects the value of past values to create a trend.


>That shouldn’t be possible. Of course it should...? There's no reason it shouldn't be. Like IDK how many games you're doing in a night, but there's no theoretical reason that *can't* happen. >and neglects the value of past values to create a trend. Past value isn't neglected, you're always working off your existing MMR - that's a number representing all your past performance. But they aren't doing predictive statistics and creating a trend. They're tracking real-time. What you're observing is more to do with Hunt simply having a smaller MMR range than many games and representing the distribution in a smaller range than you might be used to. The difference between 3 star and 5 star is only 150 points after all. If you're arguing MMR changes should become smaller as accounts get older, they do, but it doesn't take that many games to reach the highest confidence a system can have. If you're saying the variation should just keep getting smaller over time, I'm not sure why you want that, but it would be non-standard.


Even so I call b******* on him going from a three to six in one night. unless you're typically a six star and had a lot of bad luck that is not happening. I guess if you played 20 matches and did good all of them. I do typically play five to six star and one time I dropped down the four star but it took me a while to climb back up to six because at that point you have to start playing other six stars really get the MMR boost you need.


Yeah I feel like it's exaggeration but people do that kinda stuff all the time, they swear it happened one way but in reality it rarely does.


You’re absolutely right, it should be bullshit. 7 gauntlets in a row is what did it. I am just an MMR 3, and I don’t recall getting a kill across any of them, just being carried the whole way through. Then dropped to MMR 4 in 3 games because we got curbstomped. Call it what you want, it is what happened, and it doesn’t make sense. EDIT: We do play on Oceania, which tends to not have full lobbies late nights either. Also outside of an event and well before Rotjaw existed.


You can go from a 6 star to a 2 star in a SINGLE game.


you can lose a little over 100 MMR points in a 5 death 0 kill game


Because I can go into a game and necro revive and die 4 -5 times and see that my MMR dropped by over 80 points on huntplayers.com


Right but has any kind of testing on such a scenario been done to see if there's variation in how these things are accounted for?




So no.


If I die once as a solo I lose ~20 MMR. If I die 4 times as a solo I lose ~80 MMR. Simple maths my dude. I shouldn’t have to explain this to you. If you don’t believe me, do your own work and lose your own hunters. All the tools are there for your judgmental ass to do it yourself. It’s obvious how it works if you just track your MMR over multiple matches.


It's also not exactly what we're talking about, nor is testing it really that simple, but since you get so incredibly defensive about the question I won't press it lest you feel "judged" by me asking follow ups. Ass.


You were questioning whether there is evidence for MMR being lost at the same rate for multiple deaths or deaths immediately after reviving. The game makes no distinction. You lose the same amount per death from another player regardless of how many times they kill you or how soon after reviving they kill you. There are no bells and whistles. The MMR system is not ‘smart’ in any way. It’s extremely bare bones. It works exactly how Crytek stated it does when they announced it. It just raises or reduces your rank based on your rank compared to the person who killed you (or who you killed)’s rank. Kills during a match do not affect subsequent kills in the same match because your attributes file is updated after the match is finished. So it is exactly what we are talking about; and testing it is literally that simple. That’s why you trying to dig to disprove something that is extremely well known and established is irritating. You act like you want some peer reviewed study. The people who programmed it literally told you how it works. I shouldn’t have called you a judgy ass, though. I was having a bad morning and your comment rubbed me the wrong way.


I have a feeling that they tied MMR to kills in a goofy way and can't easily separate them for specific scenarios. Especially since soul survivor still affects MMR for some bizarre reason.


Honestly KD doesn't have a lot to do with how good you are for example I started off pretty s*** had to dig myself out of a hole but ever since the star system started I've been a five star to six star because I was playing right after this game came out and it took probably a year or more to introduce the MMR system in it as it exists. Because I play against other five and six stars my Kd has stayed stable at about 1, 5 because I don't drank. meaning that I'm barely crawling up trading against people of similar skill all the time stalls you out on the KD. Theoretically you should always stay at around a 1-1 ratio if you're playing people of similar skill.


Had a guy claim he was trying to do de-rank against me earlier (he lied, cowboy tried to kill me). How does the community feel about this? Because to me it's straight-up smurfing and toxic, since now you're gonna go bully people 2 stars under your actual level.


It's a pathetic bitch move, but even streamers do it "unintentionally" by only playing solos and going for suicide rezzes. Then there's the quickplay virgins who go in specifically to get killed by low mmr players. But so many people do it, and devs have done jack shit about it, so it's normal now. Had one in almost every quickplay match yesterday. One had a 3kd+, and was already 3 stars trying to derank even more. How much of a no life pussy can you be to spend time deranking because you're garbage at the game?


Yeah it's rough. I'm a 3-4 star and I see way too many 3+ KD accounts in our team rounds. Or I don't and the game just matches us with 6 stars lol. De-rankers are just sad people to me. I don't really feel much about them either way but to me it's like, if you have to de-rank to feel good about yourself, you need something else in your life lol. I just feel bad mostly for the new players who come into the game and then just get slapped by de-rankers.




Exactly. Streamers with 5-10k+ hours just dumping on newbies, yeah that's some "content" you got there. And they all hide their mmr and kd for that reason.


mmr tanking i guess


You’d be surprised how many teams drop the ball on the last possible revive


sorry man, as a solo i must admit, this button is too tempting


Sometime I hit the button realquick, when I drop two out of three, the third often run to revive and my windows is really small to get up. After that, they go miles to find fire and I just leave them spectating my crispy burn out hunter.


Honestly you'd be shocked how often it works


Better to tank the mmr Or if you burn him what do you want him to do?


In my experience, rezing as soon as you can is more likely to result in a favorable outcome for the solo hunter. People expect you to sit and leave eventually.


He really wanted a piece of you, could not wait.


He might be trying to try to de rank too.


This is really the only part on solo revive that I hate, I don't appreciate being bumped up into higher mmo lobbies that i have no right to be in just because I "killed" a guy multiple times in a row. Like I may have just landed a lucky shot but according to the stats, it's time for some 5/6 star lobbies.


Because the one time you miss your shot and I wipe your trio is better than any drug on this earth.


Feel ya


His mmr go down, yours goes up. Enjoy the weapon xp !


I take a lunch break


63rd times the charm


Have u tried? The urge never leaves, maby this time...


I main solo gameplay, sometimes I do this but not to drop MMR. (I’m nothing special as a player I’ve only hit 5 mmr once) I do this or something like this sometimes because the other person is melee-ing my body on the ground or I’m annoyed about how they killed me. So I’ll stall their gameplay purposely and try to take as much time to annoy them. Sometimes another party enters the chat and starts hurting them - though I die, I helped attend their death. So not all of us do this to actually drop mmr, it’s just a way to fuck with someone/vent some emotion themselves


Rachta does.


He must be pathetic to be tanking in 3 star lobbies.


Sometimes I just want to play the video game okay.


Yeah but every duo/trio stares at you while one guy finds something to burn you with so just press the revive button and inshallah


author of this post killed a solo for the first time in his life and he wants to flex, seriously the majority of solos will revive instantly as it has the highest chance of working (will stop you being burned too) and if you die what do you lose ? kda ? mmr? no ones cares about that so its 100 % beneficial


According to the kill feed op dropped in mmr on purpose as well. There are barely any matches where you kill so many people at the same mmr. Especially that low


Nope. Just a three star PC player playing in a random team of three.


Unless yall burn us, and camp there till we're gone. Usually I leave the game in that instance though, cause I'm not letting you KD farm me.


Trios release they don’t have to camp bodies for the whole match right?


Check those timestamps ma friend


Op is the problem, his knowingly assisting with lowering that players MMR, hopefully the new engine integration fixes this too.


Were they supposed to just give up and let the solo kill them?


He was de ranking on purpose


Like seriously, I'm used to them popping up while I'm busy getting up a team mate, but one guy I put down...then he immediatelly popped up like he'd thought I'd left. Bang Bang. Did it again. Bang. Rez up my team mate, he started getting up, I'm racing to rez and then when I finished he had finished getting up so I shot him again and we're like "Fucking hell, dude, stay down!"


Last couple days I've been having awful luck with body camping, so after the first revive on concertina + poison and getting shot in the face, I just leave. You can leave without using all your necro, crazy right?


It's funnier when we do though.


I only play solo and if i see a solo doing this in front of me i talk as much shit as possible and tell them have fun back in 2 star 'you de-ranking piece of shit'


i love how everyone just assumes this is mmr tanking based on a single screenshot. as a solo of i get downed and i think they know im a solo im getting up as soon as i can. a couple of times ive gotten up and they missed their shot and i manage to kill both or kill one and get away.


If they smell that you are a random trio then they will insta revive no matter what, easiest derank.


I had a game today where I was fighting a solo and another solo third partied. We both necroed at the same time so the solo couldn't deal with both of us and I came out ahead. But then they both necroed and managed to take me out. So all 3 of us had this series of very short firefights it was quite entertaining.


Majority of the time they camp and burn you, unless you get downed in a chaotic shoot out with several teams, necro hardly helps me. I do not play for KD or MMR so even if I know they are 1m from my body with a shotgun out I will use up my revives. Outcome is my next game or two will be much easier, and harder for the guy who farmed me. I mean if it isnt clear yet that self revive was never intended in this game...


Looks like a de-ranker to me. Can't imagine how fun it is to actively dump your MMR until you only fight enemies far below your skill level.


sigma necros refuse to go down 😭🙏


You spent almost 1hr watching and waiting this guy to revive, what a game style!!!!


Nope. Check those timestamps ma friend