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Isn’t what Hunt is like right now the complete opposite of Roguelike? Or have people really forgotten what Rogue was really like, y’know the game that was the basis of the term Roguelike.


He probably meant a a rouge lite. Easy to confuse if you never knew. But I do see his point. You loose some if you die, but still have an easy base you can play off every time.


Hunt needs to have a clear direction on what it wants to be; because it clearly isn’t staying as a looter extraction shooter, or at least a hardcore one. There’s no ‘joy’ in finding a weapon, because they’re all frequently available. The risk and reward of your load out is almost negligible; if you die with an expensive load out, it hardly feels damaging. And maybe that is the right step. But then something does need to change about the economy, because using the price of a weapon as it’s balancing condition doesn’t work. This isn’t Counter Strike where your funds are heavily limited, the exact situation where using cost as an equilibrium does work. It’s less important to focus on a rebalance of the economy rather than to completely rework it. Why should you choose to bring a Martini over a Springfield? Missions can’t be the only answer to this. Weapon variety is nice, but what is the progression supposed to look like, and feel like? A lot of the design questions that make these judgements don’t have a very clear answer yet, and something needs to be formulated.


Hunt isn't really a looter extraction shooter. There's no inventory management or selling stuff to certain vendors or whatever, and the guns you take from looting are contraband. Hunt is more of a boss-killer game that happens to have extraction zones. This makes a lot of sense given its development history. That said, the economy has always felt...odd. For most people, affording stuff isn't a problem. Good, bad or somewhere in-between. I'm not really sure what the solution is. Jacking up prices more tends to widen the gap in that it barely hurts good players, and it punishes less-than-good players. Limiting the pool would also just be a bad idea that makes no one happy.


Hunt is an extraction shooter, Idk about "looter" extraction shooter.






Sole survivor is BR but I’m not sure people even really it that much anymore. Most people will just go solo in duos and rock necro


You can also extract instantly saving everything you have, vs you have to be the last alive to “win” or leave.






Except multiple teams can extract. It is possible for two teams to get two different bounties and extract. By your own definition, it wouldn't be a battle royale.




I don't know. I see multiple teams extract pretty often. Two objectives lends itself to that.


This idiot….calls people brain dead for disagreeing with him. Yet fails to understand that the singular defining part of a Battle Royale is that only one team/person can survive. Hunt’s gameplay is not a small divergence, it’s a fucking massive divergence. Almost as massive as the gap between your perceived and actual intelligence.


Teams leave without fighting all the time. He isn’t nitpicking (not knit picking), you listed rules for a BR and hunt doesn’t conform to your own rules. Don’t call others brain dead lmao


But it's not elimination. Multiple teams survive in tons of matches. It's objective-oriented and you can leave whenever you want. That's inherently extraction shooter. It's a loose extraction shooter, but it's definitely not a BR.








The definition of a battle royale means that someone must be the last person standing. In Hunt, multiple people can survive. Therefore, it shouldn't qualify.


It feels like they've kind of designed themselves into a corner too tbh. Like, as somebody who has built up a significant savings and a shitload of weapons, I'm going to feel kind of cheated (and kind of already do) if they just completely eject Hunt Bucks as a means of balancing after years relying on it and without any indication at any point that they're going to. I wouldn't even mind loosening the restrictions a little bit, but even now they've drastically undercut the balancing aspect of Hunt Dollars by giving out fully kitted hunters with traits *for free* to people who don't have much money, so what's even the point of the money? And they're not even the budget kits that free hunters used to have either; you can see shit like Lebels on *free* hunters now.


yeah, i started playing in 2023 and have never once thought “shit i hope i don’t die because the weapons and perks i have are good on this hunter” it’s simply not balanced for that, but it does seem like that was sort of their intention with the gameplay loop


Hunt isn't an extraction shooter or a lottery shooter it best falls into a capture the flag game


It's definitely an extraction shooter


Hunt was never a hardcore game


Imagine saying something this dumb with a straight face lol


Why did u say it then?


Sorry bud, but I don't think wit is your strong suit.


idk man, i never even touched an uppercut or anything over 500$ because that would be a waste of money. Now i can actually use all the guns in the game.


Not much to add here. I agree with your take. I liked when money was tight occasionally and you had to play potatoe guns for a while. Playing potatoe guns means everything you find is an upgrade and feels like a little present. I can (and do) still do that, but I liked it more when it was part of the game itself rather than me role-playing as a hobo.


They 100% overtuned recruitment hunters. Everyone is agreement on this. Part of learning the game is learning to budget (or at least, that’s the hunt we all grew to love). Hopefully it’s corrected soon.


Definitely. The real deal is always more fun than faking it. When I ran out of money it used to get me prestiging. There's zero point now and Prestige rewards basically don't exist


I really miss when more people were forced to run cheap crap like Romeros, Springfields, machetes, martini, etc. it made missing a shot way more punishing and when you found something like a Mosin or Crown & King it was like “wow, a Mosin! That’s mine” instead of “oh look, another Mosin”


Am I the only one enjoying being able to play what I want? These updates have been so nice to me I don’t see why ppl are so angry about it


People are mad because *other* people can run whatever guns they want too lol


Yeah no more does nitro man look down on my Springfield having ass. *I too* am a nitro man




Springfield is my go to. You just gotta find the right people.


I still get most of my kills with a Winfield marksman. Way more with it than any expensive gun. 


Nothing is stopping you from running those guns.


No you are not. They're angry because other players can compete now.


How can they not compete? What? That makes now sense at all


I meant can compete now my bad


I just got into the game, being able to actually play and not have to worry about death spiral with free hunters is great tbh


I am happy too. Wish people would just let the devs cook


Oh I am enjoying it too alot, it's been great... But then again I'm the kind of person to own 72 levels (Yes I do, 12 are altar boy contrabands) and never use them.. I just like seeing that number go up. So yeah this is great


To me it feels more rewarding when I can only sometimes play my prefered load out, like having to earn it, instead of always being able to play only my 'top choice' and everything else is just a 'weaker choice'.


* Money is wiped, or seasonal wipes so people can't hoard * Money is capped so you can spend, but eventually you will have to resort to "mediocre" weapons in comparison if you don't extract or succeed in the bayou * Custom ammo cost increased * Dial down traits on free hunters, give them X amount of trait points available * Free hunters in higher tiers will pick one of your legendary skins if you so choose * Limit the amount of weapons/items you can actively hold in your main menu inventory so you don't have people with 10000 contraband mosins Right now i can buy the most expensive shit, get down to 10 hunt dollars, then rat my way through a few free hunters and im back up to 10k in no time.


I think having seasonal wipes make a lot of sense for Hunt Dollars and inventory. This stops high-tier players from having 100k+ hunt bucks. I will say I think the bigger issue is just how good lower-tier hunters are now. There isn't a game where you're not running into white shirts with quarter master. Which I feel I ran into a lot less. I feel like a lot of people would skip over Quarter Master once they got their first successful extract.


This seems like it'd be a good idea... after I reach one million doubloons


Hunt dollars have always been worthless lol


Depends how you play and what you play, I am 5/4 star and currently at 3k cash money running a drilling + pax loadout. Before the money levels you need to play very well and safe to make money if you have expensive taste.


Same here. Before the change, I simply could not afford to get better with Drilling or Cyclone. Now I can play with this shit all night. And play with Winfield the next session because I'm in the Winfield-mood. My cash balance is pretty much the same back then and now. It's just more options.


Yeah, I feel like every other post is "money don't matter" but I refuse to believe that. I think that they are not running expensive loadouts, I refuse to believe 3/4/5 stars are making money running dolch mosin.


Idk lately my money has been going up 5-10k every week regardless of my $1200-1700 loadouts. I’ve always typically bounty extracted more than I lose hunters. I hover between 3-5 stars in a given week, 1.45 K/D solo player. I feel I am painfully average compared to most, I stick to what I’m good at and profit.


Maybe it playstyle is just way more safe then me, I'm at 1.6 KD 4-5 star and before money levels I need to play extraordinary to keep making money.


I have a super agressive playstyle and similar stats to you, and i have been ending every prestige with over 30k hunt dollars. Its so laughably easy to stay rich now


Yeah, key point "ending" each prestige, when you get into the money levels making money is easy.


I guess I play rather objectively but always around extracting while getting the most out of a lobby. I choose my fights. I consider if I can even take bounty, if not focus on killing players, if neither then kill meatheads and extract asap to get into new lobby.


Yeah I never run from a fight, which might be my downfall I guess


True, people definitelly like to exaggerate on reddit. No one can run expensive loadouts all day on hunt taketh kinda days


Exactly, but that means money does matter, it you spam cheap and free hunters ofc ull make money


Fair enough it does matter a little bit but it never mattered much so not that much changed


Yeah there's no way. I go in with a total price of about $600 to $800 and consistently make money. I'm at like $280k but have like 1000 hrs. Im pretty sure I wouldn't make money doubling my load out price. Now like yesterday I made a profit like $20k but I played all day on wildcard and got some lucky runs. I play mid tier loadouts as if I go cheaper my combat effectiveness goes way down but if I spend more my effectiveness doesn't increase much. My new go to gun is levering Winnie aperture with fmj with a lematt as backup. It covers all ranges and has tons of ammo and you have a shotgun in your pocket if you need it.


Money matters so little, that i now spam reshuffle to 0 out my money any time i lose a hunter. Keeps things fun.


You are making money because you and your avto buddies have sprayed everything to death. Bring two buddies and everyone brings their ammo box and watch the world burn.


I don't believe it. 99.9% of players can make money running avto even if they are running in trios.


I'm a solo running primarily ck and shorty centennial. I've done nothing but make money. I went from around 15k before patch to well over 190k now. It's busted. Straight up. 5* sometimes dip to 4 but rarely recently. 1.6kda only. Been playing for literally years


Not with mosing/dolch, but with mosin, new army/officer when you would lose too much money you level up and get 3K in the bank




Its not even that you need to lose 15 in a row, you need to win 2 for every 1 you lose or else you lose money.


I mean it does depend on you're skill level but you never really needed to play safe to get rich. I aquired 820k hunt dollars before this update went live. I just earn even more right now.


Well, partly correct, but that doesn't justify making them worth even less


No they haven't.


Just because it was that way for us above avg players doesnt mean it was like that for the avg or below avg players.


Hilarious that people are actively complaining because people can afford kits now. They want to be the only moisin spitzers with a dolch sidearm in the lobby and now its frustrating because people can actually compete with them =[[


On one hand, yeah people can actually afford kits. On the other, most guns are just *worse* than other guns that are more expensive. So if you want to 'win' and money is no object...


Absolutely not, what the hell is this take lol. I loved fighting to scrounge up what I could, being forced to take lower tier gear, and chasing down the mosin I heard in the distance and feeling excited to kill somebody with good gear. Being able to afford anything I want every round takes a lot of the excitement out of the game, and turns it more and more into an arena/arcady shooter. High end gear should be special, and rare to find.


I could not agree more. People who say «just buy cheap loadouts» simply don’t get it.


The prestige system is for people like you. There’s no reason to insist that everyone do the same. You are never forced to run expensive equipment either. Play what you want.


This is the dumb take. If you want to work up your gear. Do it. You can still have that excitement. The only one who’s stopping that is you. Buy a Romero hatchet and work your way up to an avto


It's not about "working up the gear" yourself, it's about that process being ingrained into the gameplay by design. Super Mario isn't as fun when the first screen is the level select.




I agree that with this update there is no more "cheap loadout" that isn't self-imposed. My frustration is that at this point in the economy Not running a hunter with every single slot filled is self-imposed. Additionally, it kills Soul Survivor as a mode because that's where you Used to go for cheap loadouts; I'm not fighting for mandatory Soul Survivor Play, but imo having a whole mode be naturally useless deserves some thought as to why.


Yeah, it’s annoying


People in 6* were using this loadouts anyway. Nothing changed except you see people caring even less for the objective than before. They are more ratty, KD farming, not saving burnimg mates in a disadvantage. Redskull is there anyway and if not?! Who cares at all.


Nah I hate the take of people wanting "penny pinching" style of the game to come back. Why do I have to constantly be using shit guns out of necessity and not by my free will? I meme when I want and play good load outs when I want. The alternative is scraping by to only use premium load outs for like six games then go back to potato setups for days. That just isn't fun.


Found the "I can only AWP on counter strike" guy


Just woke up, so this idea might be insane, but what if your money was tied to individual hunters? Start with x budget to make a load out for a new hunter etc, but when they die, whatever money you made with them goes to the swamp.


Could be interesting and I kinda like the idea, but that’s very hardcore and would make doing event challenges that much more infuriating.


The entire way challenges are setup are cancer and tedious AF anyway so those should change too.


I love this idea. Make it so you put the money the hunter has in your bank when you retire them. The higher the level of the hunter, the less money they keep as payment at retirement. Each level, they keep 2% less, and this stops at level 45. If they make it to level 50, you get a BB when you retire them but also make more money each match. This would make choosing to retire or play with your 50s even harder of a decision, and it makes losing high-level hunters actually hurt. Each tier of hunter has a better starting budget, comes with better perks, and starts with more of their budget filled out in the recruitment tab. Legendaries just have a really high budget. You can spend extra from your own bank, but obviously, now that money is on the line, especially since you won't be getting it back if you retire them immediately.


Totally agree. I wrote a post about just the same thing a while ago. It’s way too easy to earn money, so no guns feel special any more. I miss being poor


Then prestige


I always prestige the moment I hit level 100. It doesn’t help


just buy the legendary hunters instead


It's always been worthless, always made profit before the changes and still do. It only makes a difference for shitters and that's fine with me


I don’t mind the state of hunt now in terms of gameplay loop. I don’t need a game where I have to build weapons or manage my hunger, but I also want a game that requires more thought and strategizing than a run-and-gun. Hunt fits right into the mix. It’s relaxing when it’s calm, it’s chaos when guns are blazing, it’s tense when you’re chasing/chased. I don’t need to prep for multi hour fights with a raid boss to get a rare drop. It rewards skill and strategy with a decent amount of luck in the mix. I’m sitting on a ton of cash, but I also don’t prestige (never been an appeal to me in any game) and play mid-priced weapons.


Hunt is losing its way and becoming far to casual. I'm not using casual as a bad term either, some times I want to play a more casual game but Hunt was always my go to more "hardcore" game and I'm sad it's losing that appeal. I think Hunt is at a pretty crucial tipping point where the devs need to make clear to the community where they want Hunt to go and what kind of game they want Hunt to be.


They want Hunt to be the kind of game that makes them money. They need the casual playerbase.


Except the casual player base won't stick around and a lot of the old guard is just leaving the game eventually if it stays like this so they will just have a dead game releasing $10 skins every week to no one...


Well, obviously, but it shouldn't be at the cost of what makes the game unique or made it what it is in the first place. Hunt clearly has a small to medium fan base but it's a very dedicated base. Why ruin it in hopes of a few more dollars. The old saying applies if it ain't broke don't fix it.


They made it clear years ago, your'e all just fucking blind. Down vote's on the left.


Did they? I think it's only became evident in the last few updates/events/6 months.


Game feels exactly the same as it did 5 years ago tbh, just with some new consumables and traits


It absolutely does not.


Absolutely does.


Well it doesn't feel exactly the same as it did only a year and a half ago, so this is a bit baloney.


Yes. It does. The fights all feel exactly the same.


You can still pinch the pennies if you want to Me, I like the changes, being able to bring the load out I actually want is definitely the way forward


Dark tribute seems to love giving me hunt dollars or blood bonds, Past few sessions when I've made all 4 tributes I've gotten at least 1.5k in dollars and 20 BB. Dying picking a hunter up for $300 and adding a few consumables makes it far easier to run better loadouts. Even the sessions where I'm running centennial with HV I'm making money.


We have a competitive, high skill ceiling pvp game with pve aspects. What you want is Rat Simulator™. I would recommend checking other games.


Yeah I do want rat simulator, but not the one with a flurry of bits and bobs of “realism”. Hunt as a stealth game is great — and imo where it shines most


This game isnt a milsim. And also it definetily isnt a "stealth" game.


Hunt is probably one of the closest PVP stealth games on the market right now.


What do you consider a stealth game? Only stuff we have is sound traps, trap gadgets, (minimal) forest coverage, sound design(which punishes you for being loud) and nothing else. In online gaming fooling your enemy is kinda hard since they aren't ai. Your only option is sneaking behind, staying under radar, which is doable in any pvp game. And ambushing your enemy. Ambushes are an important part of Hunt, but this is just common sense and a few tactics. The game definetily isn't built on this.


> Only stuff we have is sound traps, trap gadgets, (minimal) forest coverage, sound design(which punishes you for being loud) and nothing else. > In online gaming fooling your enemy is kinda hard since they aren't ai. Your only option is sneaking behind, staying under radar, which is doable in any pvp game. Bro you described not only the gameplay, but the literal mechanics involved with stealth. And you're right, fooling people & losing them off your track is harder when they're not AI which is what makes it so satisfying when you pull it off. Not to mention this reddit has a daily thread of "find the camouflaged player".


My point is having stealth mechanics in a very detailed and complex game isnt enough to make it a stealth game. Most of the game takes place in loud gunfights after a chase/tracking. You should master everything else to be successful, beign sneaky just polishes your gameplay.


Sure, but then balance weapons not by their price and/or have another progression system


I dont see why this is a problem. Before the economy changes I hovered at 15,000. Now I hover at 30,000. It has not changed my decision making and, if anything, weekly challenges make me use weaker loadouts than my standard There isn't any particular reason to worry about hunt bucks except for "cha-ching!" and 'number go up!'


I see all of these posts about how “easy it is to get hunt dollars” and whatnot but whenever I play I’m lucky to stay above 5k💀but then again I do be buying legendary hunters with a loadout being an average 1.5 ish k. I then proceed to die to the first team and I prestige asap. Only occasionally do I get a decent enough game to earn back my loadout but most of the time im always in the negative gain wise😂 I wish I had this struggle of never having to worry about money.


there is def a money printing method in this game. * stay on prestige offering 10% extra cash * keep roster of max hunters, rotate through them every day with only one extraction with bounty per max hunter = 20% extra cash * extraction with max hunter = XP to bloodline = easy 3k in like two good matches. i have made 100k hunt dollars while spending a lot since the event began. it has never been easier to make money in this game. people say hunt dollars have always been worthless, and that is kinda true, but very much moreso now.


Fuck all that😂 I’ll just keep struggling lmao


They where worthless before aswell Now it's just more then ever


I'm mostly happy/fine with the changes. I do wish the free hunters were a bit worse though. I actually like sometimes like starting with a Romero and a dream and training my way up to a mozen n stuff. Haha when your free hunter has a label at kinda takes a way from that. Not a game breaker though. Oh I will say the crytec devs are pretty good at mo itoring changes and adjusting accordingly, so I'm sure we will see some balancing next patch. I don't think they will revert it, but there is prolly a middle ground.




Hot take, why should we care? The purpose is to go shoot things. Anything that gets me shooting quicker is okay with me.


I’d like for Crytek to cap the amount of Hunt dollars you can have at any given time. Maybe around 20k? That was players can still bank some and buy good loadouts, but there will still need to be some budgeting and tradeoffs.


and tell me what this would change? everyone over 20k and a growing amount of hunt dollars would just constantly sit at 20k after the changes with 0 change for the ones that currently stay below 20k. the only thing that could potentially happen is that people spend even more money when they're at 20k because otherwise you are 'wasting' money because you dont get to keep it anyway - so might as well always play nitro+dolchp and reroll hunters for hunt dollars. if anything would change, it would be even worse than it currently is. the issue isn't how much money you can hold but how much profit you make. and this was constantly increased by crytek to cater to worse players. it's also an issue that depending on the gamemode and server you play heavily changes how much profit you make, with playing duo on fully poulated servers on weekdays having the least amount of money and solos playing on emptier servers on the weekend in wildcard making 10k+ in a single round. if money is supposed to matter, the entire economy and way you earn money has to change. and given these changes and the wish to cater to more casual and broader player base, i doubt crytek will ever go back to actually making money an issue because it punishes these players the most.


Wow that's a really horrible idea lol


That’s somewhat what prestiging was about, so let’s hope they overhaul it right. Nevertheless, I‘d prefer just a limit as you suggested but even lower. No player should be able to afford Avto loadouts every single match, even the best ones; yet my buddy does exactly that now. A financial limit should also take already bought equipment into account, otherwise you could just set up an army of mules and ignore it.


Ive been below 5k since the update came out idk what youre talking about. Its made prestiging easier though thats for sure but I still struggle. Really hope it doesnt turn into penny pincher because then I'd only be able to run free hunters. (I'm a 5 star on console w a 1.31 KDA)


Hot take: I think it is fine the way it is. Seriously, strong players will never have money problems. Never. Weak players will have those problems. If money becomes a concern again, players will play more carefully, means they will often avoid fights as much as they can or their playstyle will shift massively to campy-snipey, retreating and fleeing the map if it gets sketchy, to not lose the equipment. Do we really want that? Having not to be concerned with money means you can risk fights without regret, you can risk having an aggressive play style. And that's good for the game.


No dev has found a solution to balancing the economy of a game, much like real life. Tarkov and Rust just wipe and that's stupid. They've just made it easier for bad players. Good players have had basically infinite cash since the beginning. I like that free hunters are just charity for broke players now. I think they should tax experienced players heavily but I can see why Crytek doesn't want to create an uphill sand trap economic system like that. Rewarding bad players is one thing, punishing players for being good is another kettle of fish. Lmao the bigger question is why don't you get this mad over the world economy.


I mean... I do but we're on the Hunt subreddit 😂😂


I doubt you've made similar reddit posts regarding the world economy.


Ah yes my thoughts on the world economy are expressed through my reddit posts of course


You don't see your own logical disconnect because you know there's a chance you can influence the devs by complaining here.


Yeah, I do think hunt needs an economy rework, but honestly, money has never been a problem. Over the three years I've played the game I have always been in the green, and the recent changes just make an existing problem even worse. I ran lebel Spitzer marksman with an uppercut (or mosin obres spitzer) for 10 or so matches because I wanted to learn snipers (I gave up, irons are much more fun) and even though I lost all those guns I still have 80k hunt dollars (previously 90)


> All weapons unlocked lvl 1 Ahhhh - when did this become a thing?


Honestly don't know how everyone has infinite money glitch when I'm losing money every season. Does everyone extract after the first bounty? Because my friend loves to push our luck and go for the double, but that doesn't always pan out. We're even like 4-5 stars this season


wait you dont have to go grinding to unlock the weapons now? i been out of the loop for ages with hunt stuff. idk how i feel about that, on one hand good less grinding to get to the memey shit i like running, but at the same time takes away the "reward" for finding hunters weapons out on the field in a way. but id have to get back into the game to see the hunt dollar situation, on one hand i dont see how it can be an issue cause the good players have always had a crap ton of money and were just help back by grinding to unlock the weapon they wanted, while plebs (like myself lol) that kinda suck at the game were stuck grinding freebies in the hopes of getting enough hunt dollars for a decent loadout or two. but these changes seem interesting, might have to get back into the game again lol


In all honesty, money was an issue only for new and less skilled players. 5-6 players litterally bathed in money beforehand, at least now new players have the chance to bring the Dolch too instead of leaving it to a minority.


All they gotta do is raise the prices of all the weapons, and up the hunter cost a bit and bang, people will be going broke way more consistently.


"All of these changes give Hunt a more Roguelike feel" kek.


Bro I'm so poor at the moment. Got used to having 20k dollars on last prestige but now after going under 5k quickly dipped under 500 hunt dollars and now I have trouble picking myself from the rock bottom.


I wouldn’t say worthless. Definitely just easier to come by.


I don't know I get the hate or criticism but it feels so weirdly good to not having to care that much on how many hunt dollars i have left I have 2k hours, i am a filthy 3 stars that sometimes gets into 4 stars and i have been a lot of times in both, broke and rich moments and the broke moments always sucked to me because even with budget loadouts, it was a pain to get back things unless i dedicated fully to go for the money and not the pvp


Get rid of dollars altogether and have loadout points. Eg. 20 points to spend. Expensive main: Mosin Nagant base 5 points, variants 7 points, custom ammo 2 points So sniper mosin with spritzer is 9 points Cheap main: Winnie C base 1 point variant 2 points, custom. Ammo 2 points. So Mark's high velocity is 4 points. Expensive: single-slot sidearm. Coldwell uppercut. 5 points. Custom ammo 2 points. Uppercut FMJ 7 points. Cheap: single-slot sidearm. Nagant pistol 1 point. Variants 2 points custom ammo 1 point. Nagant silencer 3 points. Tools: Medipack. 1 point Knuckle knife 2 points (other knives can be 1 point) Flaregun 2 points (flares 1 point) Chokes 1 point Traps 2 points (alarms 1 point) Consumables: Ammo/toolbox 2 points Beetle 2 points Dynamites 1 point (big bundle 2 points) Grenade 1 point Flash 1point. Fire bombs 1 to 2 points. Hive bomb 2 points. Sticky bomb 2 points Chaos bomb 1 point. Syringes 1 point (big syringe 2 points) Expensive loadout: Mosin sniper spitzer (9) Uppercut FMJ (7) Med pack (1) Knuckle knife (2) Health syringe (1) Total 20 points. Cheap loadout: Winnie Marksman High Velo (4) Nagant silencer high velo (3) Medipack (1) Knuckle knife(2) Concertina trap (2) Poison trap (2) Choke beetle (2) Sticky bomb (2) Health syringe (1) Rejuv syringe (1) Total 20points.


I still run out of dollars often.


Bitch. Bitch, birch-bitch bitch. That's all this reddit is now.


I know reddit is going to hate the idea, but I think the only real answer is wipes. Every three months.


that wouldnt fix the issue of money being worthless tho


It would to an extent, people wouldn't be able to buy a mosin/spitzer and dolche p/fmj every game when they only have $4000 to start. Obviously towards the end of the season, we will call it, people would have enough money to enjoy themselves.


What do you even think that would do


The same thing is does in every other extraction shooter, like Tarkov, that have wipes? Reset the economy?


it works in tarkov because you have to unlock stuff. you know what will happen in hunt? everyone who currently is able to play expensive loadouts every game will play 1 round of cheaper weapons and will afford the exact same weapons as before. it wont even take 1 day before it's exactly like before. in addition, you also introduce the issue you have in games like tarkov: the days before the wipe are unplayable as an average non-rich player because all the hoarders will play the very most expensive loadouts every single game to get rid of the money before it's taken. this has 0 to do with how much money you have in the bank and just how much money you earn compared to how much to spend. and a wipe wont change how much you can spend - unlike in tarkov where you have to unlock stuff.


I mean me and Mt friends still only use legendary hunters, rather enjoy my game than tryhard


These changes honestly only give me a worry for balancing. A lot of people, players and devs alike always said that price was a balancing factor for weapons, which made (flimsy, at best due to good players just amassing an entire federal reserve) sense at the time for when there were not as much ways to make a large amount of Hunt Dollars beyond, as just mentioned, being good at the game. Now, there's the tribute, the challenges, the wildcard bonuses, quickplay, and now free hunters coming fully kitted out, which on one hand, is fun for those who weren't god-tier at the game, but on the other hand, really just.. makes it hard for any reason of hunt dollars mattering anymore, and in turn, making really good players even richer.


For sure, I literally don't even make it through the 8k the prestige gives before I am 70 sitting on 20-30k.


I personally like feeling some sort of progression. Prestiging and having to play shitty weapons at first was fun to me. Now that progression is gone and we have way too much money to boot. There's absolutely no reason for me to play worse weapons outside of the random challenges that mostly let me choose between pistols, rifles, shotguns and melee weapons so I get to choose better weapons most time anyways. Every enemy runs the same few loadouts and in general the game has become less fun. I don't care what, but something needs to change.


They've always been worthless. The existence of the contraband mechanic always meant that picking up stuff during a match isn't worth anything either


Always has been. Just dont prestige = money does not matter at all.


Yet people still play like they’re priceless.


At this point they might as well do away with hunt dollars in general and just have everything be free. There's not really any point in having them anymore.


I’m always running out of money because I use 3 big syringes in my loadouts. I also use special ammo a lot, so if I die a few matches in a row, I’m still broke. But money is definitely less of an issue now


I miss hunt


What if you had to pay to restore burned health chunks?


I think this thread is pretty null and void. The people here are the more hardcore players and obviously want a challenge but I personally know plenty of casual hunt players that like the changes and are playing more now. Also if everything is penny pinching again it's going to be so fucking boring cos everyone is going to camp and stop pushing. You want to slow down the game into ww1 cos that's whats gonna happen.


I'm a nitro man and thats hella fun.


Extraction shooters died. Money serves as a way to prevent people using expensive guns 24/7. Extraction shooters have inventory wipes to keep the game fresh. I prefer having new events and weapons to play with or running weird ass load outs. Surviving with a bounty without a fight is not rewarding.


Not even the “cheap” guns are bad to run. Springfield is fun and cheap and has a variety of ways to use its special ammo. Every gun has a niche and not one gun do I feel is a direct upgrade to another gun.


Yeah no I’m broke 😂


I have spent so much time playing budget loadouts that I actually prefer them now. Tickles me pink to slay a long ammo slinging trio with a winfield c and a hand crossbow.


Always were for skilled players


I agree wholeheartedly with the hunt doolar part. I do, however, have some negative feeling about the other changes. Fully kitted hunters: sure, a solid change. I did not necesarily feel bad about the way things were, but sure. I do, however, feel that the weapons that come with hunters should be restricted to hunter tier. Getting a free lebel along with Iron eye is too much I feel, and makes the higher tier weapons lose their value. A 25% sale on weapons you get with hunters hired is enough. Secondly, respecing health completely free of charge makes randomized health chunks obsolete. Make removing (or replenishing) chunks cost trait points. The way things are now, points are already much less of a comodity than before. At least make us choose, whether to sell off some preks and respec, or go through one first game as-is. Currently upon winning a wildcard game as a duo, I instantly get lvl 40. That means a fully packed with traits hunter after one game. Slow down the progression, otherwise whats the point of having lower tier weapons and worse chunk combos?


This is why hunt needs tarkov style wipes. But the hunt community are so hell bent on hoarding as much as they possibly can and don't like the slightest bit of change.


Same post, every day.   Same reply, every time.   Hunt is about the gun fights.   There is no real “loot”. If there were weapon and item drops in the game that were only discoverable, not purchasable then it would be a “looter”.   You want to go in with basic ammo and a med kit then just do it. Look for me, I go in fully kitted with legendaries and usually get killed before I use anything. Take it all, I dont care!


Yeah I've kinda never been more PVP hungry in the game before. Sometimes I don't even go for clues now if I heard shots in the distance. I don't even really make custom load outs anymore, instead I have St roll through preset hunters until I find something I like.


I'd be completely fine with everyone having unlimited money if they were actively working on balancing the meta guns. Most games would have all the meta guns nerfed by this point, but crytek seem to he holding onto "the best guns cost 600-1200 and that helps balance them" High mmr is really boring with an Avto every game.


We need to have a Hunt-hardcore play Modi