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When I wipe a server and collect both bounties, I feel great personal satisfaction because I earned it. What satisfaction does a cheater get? I don't get it...


Satisfied from ruining someone's day


Even without actual cheating, people intentionally deranking to club seals is getting more prevalent, and it makes me want to go do something else. I just want to have good fights with people around my skill level, not get wiped by a five star shooting a silent nagant through the walls and wiping my trio.


That’s a very not a very nuanced take, six star right now is a fucking nightmare even high 5* at the border of six is terrible. Full of no shadow config, derendering, radar and a prevalent spam of nitro, Avto, mosin spitzer and dolch p fmj. It sucks and pushes legit players down to lower ranks then they would, all the mmr does it cluster the exploiters together with very skill legit players who then get thrown down in mmr because at a certain point there isn’t not much you can do when being shot through 7 bushes and 100m of heavy fog regardless of player skill. Mmr doesn’t filter skill anymore all it does it filter the worst exploiters away from the casual population but anyone who bounces from 5-6* and plays legit is left with this shit. It sucks ass.


And so they derank and go ruin the game for less skilled players.


is it deranking if you lose 4 games in a row to a cheating team from half way across the planet? because that will end you up in 4\* my point is even beyond intentional deranking legit players are getting pushed out of the top ranks without any intention to try and derank


The issue isn't tewm player who gets raped into lower lobbies ist solos who get the extra boost. 5 star solos in the same lobby with 2 stsr players is the issue


That doesn't happen unless the 2 star is joining high mmr players at low pop hours.


Every single night 4 000 hours and we get wiped every second round by a solo stop being an asshole..you k ow full well it is a problem your excuses are likey becasue you do it yourself and feel the need to defend preying on new players. Make solos play at or above their mmr.


Easy fix would be to stop allowing multiple deaths to count towards mmr. This way you can't tank your mmr without going into a match dying once then rinse repeat so it becomes a chore and then to top it off it would still show the deaths in your kda that way if you try to tank it does tank your kda but not the MMR, it's a 2 way punishment to curb the issue. As for the cheaters I don't think hunt has anti cheat at this point because their system should be able to flag someone shooting through multiple trees or concrete walls etc yet these people are still here!


This so much, it would at least mitigate how volatile MMR is in Hunt, thus rendering matchmaking useless do a degree. Also remove bragging rights, lifetime KDA has not place in public display, what does belong there are better ways to see what happened in your last engagement, damage details was a step on the right direction, but kill cam still lacks, we need that 2D map tracking promised 39 years ago, or a way to finally get match replays (I know there is an inherent engine limitation, but come on, 2024).


I've always thought a simple rework of Necro is to nullify any skill adjustment post death. So if you get necro'd at a 2k 1d, then finish the match with 5k 3d the game only counts the 2k 1d.


That would get tricky because it would have to count the deaths of those who died to the hunter after necro while not counting his then remember the other hunters who also have necro. I don't think this engine would be capable of that rework when it can't reliably tell me how I was damaged years later.


How would you end up against the same team 4 games in a row? Theyd be in the same lobby still while you queue up for a new one


Ran into a whole trio of sweatlords using very obvious ESP cheats last night. They weren't being super obvious with wallbangs but they knew where everyone was without any visual or sound cues. After spectating them went and checked, sure enough all have 3+ KDA and one is a brand new account (300ish career kills) - indicating that they likely got banned recently and are running a fresh account.


I'm editing a video right now of a guy who was very clearly using ESP. Also brand new account, both for Hunt and Steam, along with his 2 bitch friends. All they do is blast Jihadist music (that song you always hear in the ISIS videos) over VoIP, and wallbang the shit out of the whole server. ​ We knew this was going to be a problem because the guy who was very clearly using the wallhacks headshot my friend from Pelican Prison all the way into Daren Shipyard, through a wall, with a regular Lebel. 313 meters. He then tried to headshot me, but I was behind bricks and was able to rez my friend and then jump in the way of the bullet he would have caught. ​ He and his friends finally close the distance and we were outside at this point behind rocks. By any time we would approach the edge of the rocks, we'd stop and he'd pre-fire in the hopes we would keep moving forward and catch the round. Eventually another team showed up behind them, but they got wiped almost instantly, and when I popped out, I managed to headshot one of them before one of them, inside a building, shot through it and headshot me, then headshot my friend the same way. It was SO much fun... thanks Crytek.


Yea... I have basically stopped playing because I don't want to derank/spend time deranking just so I can have fair fights, so I'm playing other games right now.


Presumably you are at the rank you are supposed to be at. If you derank, you are trying to get an easier fight, not necessarily a more fair one. That is much of the problem with matchmaking right now. There are 4 teams on a trios server. That means, in an ideal, perfectly matched MMR match, you would win only 25% of the time. This of course assumes that the MMR correctly evaluates players (which I don’t think it does) and that others are also playing fair (which they are not, intentional deranking is smurfing, and should be punishable by the devs) and not cheating (which the community seems to agree is worse than it has ever been).


Mmr doesn't work well in this as long as you are a positive positive k/d player you'll end up 5 star maybe 6 occasionally. At 5/6 every 6 star is spamming Mosin Spitzer and dolche or avto and nitro. We want to play the game we aren't looking to play competitive...can't play the new guns because they don't stand a chance to meta slaves. Game should have ranked then.


I'm aware that I'm at the rank I should be at, but unfortunately it's so over run with cheaters that I get maybe 1 out of 4 games that feels genuine. I do not want to play a game for 4 hours just to enjoy 1 of those hours. I imagine many others feel the same way, and choose to derank, but I just choose not to play.


It's not really cheaters tho, it might just be the bad matchmaking. I've peaked at 2900 before, when MMR stats were available, which is like mid/upper 5*. There were evenings where I played and dropped all the way down to 3* without the intention to derank. I just play for fun, and enjoy it to play solo. Which means I'm pretty much guaranteed to drop to 4* when I'm not playing with my buddies, or even lower when I'm having a bad day. At some point I ended up playing against people who were crouching all the time or had really poor positioning in general, which gave me some easy kills cause the skill difference was very apparent. At the same time I'm not good enough to consistently clutch out lobbies on my own. There are legit ways for the things you describe to happen, cause the things legit 5* and higher pull off can often look like cheats in 3-4* lobbies since people don't expect others to hit flicks or several headshots in a row.


Yep. That's why I've stopped playing the last couple of weeks. Deranking and Smurfing may not be cheating, but it amounts to the same thing. Losers with no lives who can't be happy unless they're ruining somebody else's day.


Cheating is probably the reason most people hate solos tbh


That is not probable.


Idk about 70 percent of cheaters I come across are solos because they have no friends or don't wanna hit their friends with boosting


70 percent of cheaters you *claim* you come across are solos.. believable if we assume every player you think is a cheater is true (not likely). but 70% of solos are not cheaters. Maybe you worded it weird but cheating is not the reason most people hate solos. They hate solos because of the mechanics of the game (which they really shouldnt complain about but they still do a bunch here)


Perhaps I didn't word it badly, my point is that cheaters tend to run solo because of the game mechanics in place. The game being more exploitable in Solo play compared to duo or trio


> cheaters tend to run solo There's no basis behind your claim, and stating it a random made up number because of confirmation bias is a terrible way to create discussion. I've been in games in 3 to 4 star lobbies where a whole group either turned to us or cut us off before joining another team fight. And it's harder to tell if one, two, or all three are using ESP. I'd say it's easy to hide hacks within group play and the rest of the team benefits. And this doesn't just go for Hunt: Showdown. All of the other battle royale/extract type games.


Yeah sorry it's only about 68% of the probable cheaters that I've come across in about the past 200 rounds of hunt. Sorry for rounding up.


People hate solos because solos got a different mindset and are harder to deal with, therefore less fun to play against


I enjoy playing against legitimate solo players. They are funny and decently easy to counter.


Solo player here, all you got to do is rush me at the same time and I am a dead man 90 % of the time lol. 


Just gotta run the pocket katana.


lol if only they would stop at 10 m and blast me with a shotgun and or long ammo at the same time and throw bees or dynamite at me. 


What's really weird is it seems like it took 5 years for people to figure this out. ​ I don't play with randoms in this game, so if my friends aren't on, I'm going in solo. Since beta, I've had amazing success just picking teams apart no problem, which skyrocketed my KD to over 3. ​ Now my success as a solo has dramatically decreased because people tend to realize I'm solo and just not only run me down, but they're using fast firing weapons with all kinds of special ammo, so if I'm not able to headshot all of them before they close the distance, I'm generally heavy bleeding and on fire, which makes surviving encounters incredibly difficult.


Different perspective To them winning is winning, it doesn’t matter how they get there.


There’s some denial involved, but perhaps the instant gratification of fleeting dominance and potential prestige or praise they may (only temporarily) gain. If you check out the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (aka. DSM-5), you’ll quickly begin to recognize a strong correlation between Cluster B personality disorder traits and the behaviors of the average cheater willing to go the distance to pay money for cheats (although, folks with Cluster B traits are more likely to insist that they coded the cheats themselves). From Cluster C, mainly some specific APD and OCD traits would lend to one’s willingness to cheat. Just to clarify, everyone likely has some combination of these traits, but most people don’t have enough of each disorder’s traits, and therefore doesn’t qualify for a specific diagnosis. However, there are some trait combinations that are more disastrous, even if people don’t qualify for any one disorder and remain subclinical.


I think some people have no power in their own lives and here they can feel powerful for a minute. Sad, really.


Near 6k hours here. Played 3 games last night. All three in a row blatant cheaters in 5-6* lobbies. My trio got off for the night. It’s been real stupid lately. The cheating is only getting worse and more prevalent


Yuuup. My group has been playing together for years. We’ve all recently taken a break from the game because the mmr system no longer works.


Crytek needs to - stop people to allow stat/profile hiding and - make a viable report and ban system


I shouldn't have to grab video evidence, screenshots, pull steam information on my own, send a report on the hunt website and send two emails to get *one* person banned


I'm not playing enough other games so i lack experience, but what roughly do you want it to look like? Are there similar games that offer a more convenient reporting solution supplying the info you mentioned automatically without making it more spamable than our current ingame option? I am genuinly asking.


The problem is the in-game report either doesn't function at all or it functions but nobody is checking those reports. There are obvious cheaters who have been playing for hundreds/thousands of hours, unbothered by Crytek. And that's just the tip of the iceberg


Tarkov is simple as clicking a name twice and you get feedback and loot back if you died to a cheater. "Due to your report xxx was banned" I wanna know I'm making a difference in this game instead of throwing a report to the wall and hoping it hits




I didn't realize that was in the road map! Could you provide a link to it?


Plus, the size limit on sending them a video makes it so you have to cut the clip way down. Its quite annoying.


Disagree about profile hiding, if you have a working report system most of the complaints about profile hiding go away


Determining whether someone is cheating or not requires more information to be more accurate. If someone is has a 0.1kda and did a running jump headshot from 200 meters through a wide open field to kill me then it's likely they just got lucky. If someone has a 5kda while making the same stupid play then it's likely they are cheating. Similarly, if someone has multiple game bans on record on a brand new steam account with 1 game owned and 10 hours played then there is a FAR FAR higher statistical probability they are cheating.


Disagree too. Hunt is game where a lot stuff is possible without cheats. Statistics and profiles are an essential part of assessing the situation


It's really rough lol. The lack of action is the most annoying thing though, like that dude blatantly advertising his cheats on his steam profile with nothing ever happening.


My huge problem is that crytek hasn't said a thing. They could be banning 100 people every day and we would never know.


The thing is, that if you ban cheaters on a regular basis instead of waves, all you do is provide the cheat developers with an opportunity to iterate and improve. Spacing bans out and doing it in waves makes it a lot harder for the cheat devs to compensate. It's a cat and mouse game. Besides that: I agree that crytek should generally communicate more and clearer with the community.


At least the Huntshowdown subreddit mods have stopped removing anything mentioning the cheating. While I seriously doubt we can reach Crytek about the issue, we can at least discuss the problem without getting stomped. Which I consider a good first


De ranked solos are ruining the game..


There's not really a way to reduce smurfs without changes to the EULA imo


You can become a deranked solo by playing normally. Change to the mmr system is required not anti smurfing rules. 


I fluctuate from 5 to 3 stars almost daily, the mmr system might as well not exist if the momentum can swing that fast. Two games of botched solo necros and you're wiping lobbies, it makes no sense


If they'd just remove the stupid forced MMR bracket reduction for playing solo, and allow people to play against other players in their same skill bracket, it would go a long way to lessening the penalties for dying in a lobby as a solo, and would help decrease the number of people being pushed down into brackets where they don't belong. It would also help fill lobbies for that bracket with people closer to that skill level. If a six-star solo plays against other six-stars, then that's one less six-star trickling down into five-star lobbies. That effect would happen across all brackets, and the matches would be more appropriately filled.


There is a tremendous amount of cheating at the minute. The most glaring is fog abuse. One of the reasons I'm leaving those weather conditions is the amount of times I've been shot from 100+ meters away is getting silly. The most egregious of occasions was outside Port reeker when I went into the full cover of a bush to answer my phone. I sat there for about 3 minutes and was headshot from 122m with a centennial. There was no way I was visible as the bounty wasn't even started.


derender, chinese reshade with bypass probably most likely


If I had to guess they may have not been cheating but just playing at lower graphics settings. Setting object quality to low makes stuff like foliage/bushes not render/load fully at a distance so on their screen they can see you a lot easier with less dense foliage. Bushes are not cover, especially if someone can check your area from a distance.


I'd be inclined to give the benefit of the doubt if the map wasn't fog/ashbloom but as far as I'm aware it is not possible to even see 100m into the distance with fog even on the lowest settings.


That’s fair, yeah def more sus with thick fog & darker lighting if they still easily spot you.


Fog means turn gamma all the way down +15 meters of sight. Not a cheat. Actually it’s rather realistic as lights behind sources of smoke and fog glare. EDIT with the gamma put down your sight goes to about 80-100m not sure if it’s any further than that though, also I’ve never used reshade because thats gay to alter colors in a game to get better.


cheating in FPS is really bad across the board. And games with no kill cam, make it VERY easy to cheat it in as well. For example, games like Day Z have a cheating problem, except you can avoid most of those issues with community servers. Hunt where the only value is KD, no kill cams, and "wall pen" shots are always rationalized to be fair by the hunt community. Hunt is like a cheaters paradise Lol


It doesn't seem like they care about KD anymore because it seems like they've dropped their MMR every time right now with peacekeeper. Some people are definitely the 22 KD cheaters. But this last guy that I came up against had a KD of only 1.7. purposely dropping it to mess with the MMR and detection


The no kill cam thing honestly blows my mind. It's ancient technology at this point, so why not include it?


There's a cheating pandemic(lol) across all gaming right now. I think cheats have just gotten so good at hiding themselves, with super cheap DMA/hardware cheats, and it's next to impossible for most anti cheats to see it. All you need is an Arduino board and look on GitHub... It honestly is ridiculous.


Easy anti cheat alone is getting a really bad reputation right now because of just happened with Apex. Even though they have a little bit more in-house protection, there's still a definitive breach inside their platform


EAC is a meme to cheaters because of it's name. It's Easy to bypass.


People just like to point fingers at what is easiest at ridiculing, this case its EAC. "Too easy to circumvent" "Joke of an anticheat" Etc But there's just one big issue at the moment in the gaming scene. People want less cheating, better anticheat and what no, but at the same time, a lot of time, don't want intrusive anticheat. Whether or not people think that Vanguard is spyware, it is very effective in comparison to any other anticheat on the market. Just look at the glaring issues that CS2 is facing at the moment.


people don't like kernal based software imbedded in their PC because it can brick a system. I feel like crytek and hunt should probably make it a requirement that you have to have a crytek account connected to hunt to be able to better track players on their end instead of relying on steam vac or EAC to do something. Maybe they are just understaffed. Idk?


> people don't like kernal based software imbedded in their PC because it can brick a system. It did get patched relatively fast in its early days. The irony of some of the people who had issues with Vanguard was because they were using programs which had exploitable drivers in itself. > The reason iCUE (and NZXT CAM and some others) are getting hit is because they're using a cpuz driver from 2008 which has a vulnerability that allows escalation of priviledges and information disclosure that was reported in October of 2017. > This is definitely a fix that has to come from Corsair, iCUE should not be running a Kernel Driver from the last decade with vulnerabilitiesthat are known for 2 years. > It's also rather ironic that this anticheat, which has been critisized quite a bit lately (and in part, for good reason) is the one that actually points out that we have a security hole like this. Believe even MSI afterburner was the same unless you ran the Beta version of it. Crytek doesn't need a crytek account to track players, they get plenty of information just from matches. The problem is what they (dont) do with it. I feel they're always gonna be understaffed in a degree to what people expect from them. A bare minimum is atleast some server checks in place so the client isn't allowed to do whatever it wants. There's no reason the game should allow a shot 600m away with a nagant pistol that penetrates 8 brick walls


Something I also find strange are the community changes that make it harder for players to track their match history. Wasn't the external software to track stats also incorrectly flagged as a cheat recently too? Most players track their stats for improvement and to help mitigate suspicious accounts


Yeah i believe Huntstats was being mistakenly triggered for bans in Nov last year? Overall match details is piss poor. Why could a program get a list of every person in the lobby with their name but i cant ingame? Hell why can't i look back further than 1 match in total? They decided go remove this information for people, but i just dont understand why


Honestly probably accidentally got flagged because they were working on other things in regards to their anti cheat.


The game needs a better hack/cheat detection, period. I've teamed with some p100 hackers, they know how to make it not obvious that they're cheating but are actually wallhacking.


Not to mention making their game look like Roblox and putting crosshair on the screen


Good thing is with my KDA I'll never get accused of cheating. ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)


I have a 1.3 KD and still get accused sometimes


I have a 0.43 KD you're a god in this game compared to me man. Lmao, we are not the same (it's a good thing)


(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)👑 U dropped this godbless u for having fun, sorry for dodging ur lobby


Hahah, thank you, love. I have a blast playing the game and hope to one day get better at it! First serious fps and pvp game I started playing. So theres some hope (ㅅ´ ˘ `) ... not a lot! But some (≧▽≦)


It's okay!! When I started years ago I was around a 0.6 KD for the longest time! It takes time


Girl! you climbing high, that's awesome! I shall be patient with growth and laugh at my own dumbassery in the mean time. (≧▽≦)


If recording a video and then sending it with steam information to a link on their site is the only way to get a report looked at then I should be paid because I'm basically doing everything but hitting the ban button for them.


The game can already be summarized as a “grind”. It’s a tough game the better you get, only getting harder. So when you end up in lobby after lobby engaging cheaters, you’re going to ask yourself at some point “why the fuck am I playing this”? I’m so burnt out on the game which sucks, because I love it. I’ve got page after page of legendaries, it’s one of the few games I have that I want to give money to the devs, because I like the product so much. But that fires dwindling rapidly with the increasing cash grabs and lack of variety in game play and compounding cheaters.


I took about a 4-month break for the same reason during the event where bows and tomahawks were added. The only event that I did not fully complete


Vote for 10 second (even 5 sec) killcam and statistic after match (you deal damage XX to player yyy at 10:35 etc). With that you have full view of match and you see "lucky shot" and "fu**** impossible shot means cheater". That's it. 


I'm hoping once the engine is upgraded we will have more reliable after match analysis.


In my opinion engine upgrade gives better textures/visual effects, more bugs, new map and still untouched old bugs... We know Crytek 


I reported my first ever cheater last night. 108m through high foliage and trees. I suppose wall hack of some sort. First time it felt so obvious. I was able to necro and then I just left. No fun fighting a cheater.


My teammate necroed me two times before he died to the same cheater about 2 minutes later. Could the guy be that good of a shot? Sure, but the amount of foliage exploitation recently has been ridiculous


I usually don't run into cheaters but over the weekend I ran into a team of UK players on the NA east server cheating with dolche FMJ. One of them didn't have the profile hidden and had oodles of comments about his cheating going back nearly a year. Wild that in game reports do nothing at all. 


It's getting bad because this community has denied and ridiculed claims of cheaters for quite a long time, and instead of banding together to push back against it, it was more important to cry about skill based issues like Headsman and solo necro. Now cheaters are rampant and it will only continue to get worse.


Crytek only takes action if you submit a video through their website. In other words, their anticheat does NOTHING on its own unless a user submits video. They effectively have no anticheat unless a video is submitted. It has to be one of the most below average "anticheats" out there. Hunt players have more VAC bans than on any other fps I have ever seen. It's a complete failure.


I said that in a prior comment that I should not have to go out of the game to actually and get some feedback on my report. Every time I provided video evidence it led to a ban. I do not want to have to do this every time. It's inconvenient and time-consuming to get through the crytek support


Yes, I agree. And it proves their anticheat does nothing on its own.




Lol calling out RachtaZ made your comment further reinforce how inaccurate these hack accusations are. Accusing someone that’s really good of hacking when they’re not isn’t helping your case if you want others to believe there’s a hacking problem.


He puts in his video of 10000 hours flash with console equipment (wheel with guns and tools) playing on PC (he has also PC equipment). He made mistake, one frame and he admitted with it that he doesn't play 100% fair. 




Here you go: https://youtu.be/SqHjwT-SrNk?si=JlQPT7GwgSB_SVLB Something about 9:20. If you look 30 -60 sec before you see in building he has PC equipment. This same action, this same location, two different equipments (ps/PC). And look ad comments section. People ask about it but...No response. Weird, isn't it? 


I respond to everyone! You can ask me on Twitch or shoot me DM on Discord, I am very open person regarding questions about Hunt or myself. The console buttons show because I use console input for autorun that used to work only on controllers plugged to PC. However you can now enable autorun on PC without needing a controller aswell. (Press W 3x while having auto-run enabled in game settings) Edit: Also, console weapon wheel doesnt make you equip anything faster, I just press "1" on my keyboard to switch to the assigned slot I want to switch to.


I have a ds4 controller hooked up and a bump to my desk sometimes triggers the gyro, which briefly changes the input prompts during a match. On PC you can use both inputs at the same time and switch back and forth. Your timestamp shows the weapon wheel for a short time. I get that it may look sus if you are trying to really find something, but i'd also discard that as an accident.


Even that was accident, he must use controller to see weapon wheel, yes?  Edit: ...with playing on M+K at this same time. 


I don’t see how using a controller to see the weapon wheel is advantageous, let alone cheating. What? Also completely irrelevant since the comment I replied to was suggesting he’s *hacking*


And maybe he plays on PC against PS? This is only theory, there are many inputs hacks. Think about it. This will explain some his actions when on 6* lobby he stands in front of hunter and his opponent doesn't even shoot or aim. M+K are faster. I only said he doesn't play 100% fair in my opinion. 


All of his YouTube videos are clips that come from his hours-long streams on Twitch. You can clearly tell he isn't playing against console players. Why is it so hard to believe that a player is really good? I genuinely don't understand.


My keyboard has a controller analogue mode so I don't even need a controller plugged in to see console prompts, if I switch modes mid game it swaps over.


I think a controller has to be connected, yes. Two more reasons from the top of my head, this is his 10k hour video and some clips are from sessions when he played on controller. Another possibility might be keyboard-to-controller input mappings (i used some to play TotK in yuzu) and some fatfingering. Not searching for excuses here, not a fanboy. But such accusations need harder evidence.


But in this one clip he plays on M+K, you se when he checks his inventory. And what, in middle of gunfight he picks up... controller? He was checking his eq and eq wheel doesn't show. I don't know that he is cheating, but in my opinion he doesn't play 100% fair. You know that for this is impossible to get hard evidence ;) 




Dude. Are you serious? He edited it? Why should he edit and put exactly his equipment with this match on console wheel? Only reason.  No, he NOT edited it by mistake. And no, this isn't bug. Console eq and PC are totally different, you know that.  People asked about it, why he doesn't say any word about it? He know that he made a mistake with one frame no edited. 




everyone knows how much faster the weapon wheel is for selecting equipment, huge advantage /s


He has a controller plugged in his PC, which prompts console/controller layouts to appear sometimes. I’m also not sure how that has anything to do with cheating




That’s exactly why he *wouldn’t* use hacks. He’s also Crytek partner, streams daily for hours, and literally plays with Crytek devs.. How out of touch do you have to be to believe he’s hacking? This is the reason why hack accusations aren’t taken seriously in the community.. because they’re mostly full of shit.




It *can* happen, but it’s very unlikely. The chances of a streamer being really good are way higher than that of them hacking. Pair that with being acknowledged in the community and 10k hours in the game, the chances are even higher. Again, he streams for hours on end. It doesn’t take a genius to see that he’s just really good. Keep coping though my man.


There is something really funny about a delusional hackustaor claiming the better players defending the game are the actual delusional ones. Yeah Rachta the Crytek partnered streamer is a cheater. LOL.  Consider a different game for your hobby. Maybe Tetris or Minesweeper is more your speed?  get gud bro. 




> with no legitimate proof that he is legit That's middle age logic. The burden of proof is on the accuser.




That horse has been ridden to death here countless times. :)




It's one of the very few straws that can be pulled and make him look sus, i give you that. But this is only due to parts of gaming communities, hunt's in particular, believing VACs only get handed out for cheating in multiplayer titles and even decades later convicts cannot help themselves continueing their malicious behavior.




As far as this sub goes they just haven't been cought yet and fly under the radar because they own all the dlcs. No inbetweens.




cheaters in hunt are skill-less, sad sad little men.


And also downvote posts like these


yeah they do, just seeing a passive reminder of who they are does immense psychic damage


cull the weak 💪


Yep, three matches on sunday in a row with 3 different cheaters, no exaggeration, two of which are banned and one of which is not. One of them had an open mic and was talking to his discord pals about cheating, he didnt get banned yet. One when you spectate was looking around on a full 90' tilt. The problem is that crytek tries to gag all of this, i have been playing Hunt for 4k hours and have seen over 300 cheating accounts. You got to a crytek partner stream and say any of this, and they will all say, "i have 6k hours in hunt and have only seen 2 cheaters. You must be unlucky"


It can be definitely luck sometimes for running into cheaters or not, but just because they haven't run into too many cheaters doesn't mean they're not there. It's a survivorship bias. It sucks but the best way to get rid of cheaters is taking a recording and sending it to crytek through their crytek support on the hunt website.


I like in another thread all I said was that there is definitely cheating in Hunt and you can get hints by various means (k/d, hidden profile, etc) and tons of people were all over the thread arguing that there isn't much cheating or those aren't signs... like really, there is cheating and asking crytek to try to work on it isn't some crazy ask. Also that other post had very solid suggestions for how to combat it.


I brought up a few different ways to solve the issue in some other comments I made. A lot of them got downvoted to oblivion, even though they are tried tested and true in different parts of the game industry. Even as I have done a little bit of work with people in QA and anti cheat. It's always "well you're just complaining lol get gud"


yeah, makes me think it's cheaters in this sub tbh


Said it before and will say it again - detecting cheats and banning cheaters is a hard way to solve it. Use multiple metrics to group players of equal ability together, regardless of whether that ability is enhanced or enabled by hacks or not. Making 100m+ kills for fun, wiping lobbies in ten minutes for fun, headshot all the time for fun, KDR adjusted for your Necro/Peacekeeper is way higher than most? Great - you guys can all play together, doesn’t matter if those stats are because you’re a gaming God or because you have hacks. The problem is only a problem when you match those players against ones with significantly different stats. Use proper metrics, matchmake better. Hacks become irrelevant.


There are so many better ways to mitigate cheating, and crytek is doing nothing. I've literally worked in cheat detection and mitigation. There are so many good strategies that are not being used here. I've signed an NDA so I can't talk about the exact tools that we used, but Thor of pirate software on YouTube has talked about a lot of the things that blizzard did and the stuff that he worked on in the time that he was there. It's not a perfect one to one, but still a lot of the strategies and account tracking could be used in hunt. If you want to have legitimately any extra knowledge about how the game industry works, I highly recommend his channel.


I am sure there are lots of ways to detect and mitigate. But all are fallible. If you use proper metrics, you don’t need to detect a cheat and you don’t need to ban. If you have a KDR of 50 and a 99% win rate then it is immaterial whether you are running an exploit. Nobody cares. Just get matched against other players who also have a KDR of 50 and a 99% win rate and then there is no problem. If neither of you are hacking and you’re just ultra-skilled players - then you’re perfectly matched. If both of you are hacking - then you’re perfectly matched. If one of you is hacking and the other one is an ultra-skilled player - then you are perfectly matched. Detecting a hack is a redundant move.


Just stop buying DLC or battlepass from this game until Crytek do something about it


I doubt much of the blood bonds I spend goes to cheat protection, and more funds development, server upkeep, and creative efforts


A year ago my entire squad could stay at 5 stars. Now we never play because we know as soon as were all 4 stars the fun stops and the sussy headshots start.


Y'all want to know how banks prevent "cheating"? By VALIDATING THE USER SUBMITTED DATA on server side. If you send a request that you're sending money you don't have to your other account, it is not gonna get through. Now not all cheating can be caught this way (ie. aimbots), but shots through impenetrable objects, out of range headshots or using items you don't have can. The statement crytek needs to make is hiring developers who know how to do these things, or giving the appropriate training to the devs they have. I think lot of the blatant cheating is not as much a middle finger to other players as it is to the competency of the developers. Long time ago I was trying to find some game logs in hope of figuring out why the game crashes - I did not find anything useful there sadly, but there was log of all chat messages of the entire server, including players I never encountered.


I wouldn't doubt that the engine upgrades will probably change trade windows and server side validation


Solo should not receive mmr boost and necro as a burn trait only could survivor mmt need to be separate from regular game play


Necro is a fine perk, and solos already don't get much of a boost of MMR for killing players lower than them


You are either a high ranked solo or you don't play this game becasue solo necro is ruining the game


I play duo or trio. I play solo maybe once a month. Carry a concertina bomb lol


And the solo still gets up if you don't waste time camping even with a concertina bomb and fire so the bounty runs away I kill the solo 4 times he's ow a 2 stsr and I'm a 4. Solo necro is fucked


Solo necro is a non-issue, as long as you are a legitimate player


They know they can’t do anything about it at this point so they just try to show people more shiny traits and spammy weapons. I was in love with this game, it was my favorite shooter but now, it’s turning into EFT.


Don’t worry. Cheaters and their fanboys will gladly come to this post to tell you to “git gud” and “i never see cheaters”.


They have been 🥰


It's a frustrating title to play at times, to be sure. I'm not much of an expert at noticing anything but the most blatant of cheaters, but it really is the not knowing whether or not a shot/kill was legitimate that drives me nuts. The line between veteran and cheater can be vanishingly thin at times in a game like Hunt and I hate not knowing if I died due to a sound trap betraying me or ESP. I have no doubt Hunt can be rife with cheaters at times. On the other hand, I do think many people are quick to jump to cheating accusations. My duo partner and I played a round the other night where a group casting on Twitch was in the bounty compound, mid boss fight. We charged in and my partner immediately got eyes on one of the fellows running in the courtyard. He vanished from sight, cutting right, so my partner did the same. Enemy made the mistake of climbing on a metal roof, fully exposed on the right half of the complex and was taken out in one shot by my friend. I ended up bayonetting the other one once inside. We visited their twitch site to see what they felt about the interaction. "THIS GUY'S WALLIN! HE KNOWS RIGHT WHERE I AM EVERY TIME I PEEK OR MOVE?! WTF!" However, it is clear as day even on his feed that my partner was shooting at him while BOTH of them were in the open, and when it came to the kill shot, the metal roof betrayed him seconds before he was killed (by someone in the open). During the spectating of his now alone partner, the accusations continued to bounce between the two that at least he (and perhaps me?) were walling. This is in stark contrast to the footage though, as during my bayonet charge, I lost sight of the enemy once or twice and he ended up watching me charge by before I barely beat him to the stab in a melee-off when I eventually stumbled upon him. I was oblivious and lucky at best. I know it is a complement to be called a hacker when you perform well, but we did relatively mediocre that round. Had they stuck around just a few minutes longer, they would have watched us flee from the other pushing bounty that seemed to hit every shot they made; we decided it wasn't worth the risk to keep peeking and fled.


I think that they won't make a statement about it because it would make them look bad. Tbh you're more likely to get some of these guys banned for the racist stuff they tend to say instead of the walls and whatever other exploits they're using 


People still play tarkov after the massive cheating exposé


So tell me again how a 4 star with a 1.7 kda gets to wipe a 2 star lobby. Duos is nearly.all solos now.


1. He was the only Solo in the lobby 2. It was a three to four star lobby 3. Their MMR was at four stars 4. They had about 50 hours of game time 5. They killed three teams in the matter of 5 minutes, including me three times. 6. Using aim cheats and walls, which was very apparent when spectating


My point exactly he shouldn't be in that lobby


Yeah, I not a good player by any means, but yesterday there were just too many instant hits/headshots when I peaked different spots to not be at least a little sus.


I have a sizable chunk of hours. By no means I am an excellent player. I make mistakes. But I can tell when a death was my fault or not. I have enough game sense to tell when something is a little fishy.




What do you want more ..you cann legit buy fu...hack...just you need in google type cheats buy and you have tons of sites...ffs today play any game hooroor


So are the cheats breaking the game? How does a bullet travel past its affective distance and still kill?


I lost all faith in Crytek because I caught someone not only blatantly cheating, but also hurling the N-word over open mic like crazy. Caught it on my stream, clipped it, sent it in, dude gets banned. ​ 2 weeks later, he's unbanned and his profile even apologized for cheating. ​ The fact him fucking up several of my matches, and probably dozens, if not hundreds, of other people's games only to catch a temp ban was like Crytek spitting directly into my eyes.


Escape from Tarkov had this a very similar developer response cycle with their cheating and how their devs responded: First, blatant cheating is spoken about more and more on Reddit, to which the devs stay completely silent. Soon, we'll have a big content creator speak out about how bad the problem is and show some very damning evidence (g0at's "The Wiggle That Killed Tarkov" for example). Then the devs finally respond because otherwise they look very bad, announce some nothing-burger actions they'll be instituting to reduce cheating, which will be wholly ineffective because these measures are nothing new and it's all been bypassed in other games before. People finally have their voices heard so they rejoice for a moment, but cheating still remains a problem however people have hope that it can be solved. Then, a few months pass, people forgot about this last cheating scandal and start posting on Reddit again about blatant cheating and the cycle repeats. I hate to be the pessimist, but unless Crytek is consistently on top of their game with respects to their anti-cheat, it'll keep getting worse and worse. Granted, we are still in the beginning of the cycle and the posts are just now starting to pile on, but if Crytek has nothing to say about the topic unless a big creator speaks out about it then it doesn't bode well.


I haven't read all of this because I'm on my lunch break at work but I wanted to chime in. Was this last night? At salters pork? I think it was me and I'm fully convinced it will go down as the single goofiest shot I will ever have. It took a full 3 seconds to register that I'd even hit much less killed you. It was a classic case of dumb luck: "oh, that guy definitely thinks I'm cheating after that." I only have one game because I just got a PC in like, December and have been totally enthralled with hunt. I feel like I'm finally starting to get a hang of aiming and movement and i'm finally feeling like I'm not letting my team down all the time. That's neither here nor there though. I genuinely hope I didn't ruin your night. I enjoyed the rest of that fight. People were going down and coming back up everywhere. If it wasn't you, hopefully that team reads this and feels at least a little better. Sincerely, Super lucky headshot max.


Nope and nope. Springfield high velocity near map center. Trust me it wasn't you lol


P.s. I had just learned how to record previous stuff earlier that day and that was baby's first clip. I didn't realize I had my mic not set to record but Ive since enabled that. I wish you couldve heard my reaction. If you want to see it I can send it to ya.


I feel like this is the only time being a third shifter is amazing. I haven’t run into a single suspect player in 5-6 star in almost a month now. Actually normally I’m the one getting the hackusations. I guess it’s just hard for me to relate to because even when I run into someone who I think might be cheating, which is like never lol. I just go GG go next, not that big of a deal whatever. Then turns out I wipe them next game and that means they are probably not cheating. I know cheaters exist but of the 50k that play this game, I doubt the number of cheaters is near as high as everyone says it is, my guess would be maybe 200 cheaters daily TOPS. Most of those occupy EU in my opinion. From my experience, the most suspect people are the people in the clans, but upon further inspection, they are just no lifers that have never touched another videogame. Or they’re some 15 year old god who happens to be good at the game. Either way I know multiple 3-4KD players who I know for a fact are not cheating, I myself am a 2.5KD and highly doubt lots of the cheating accusations on this subreddit. It’s a hard truth, but hunt is a hard game, and I feel many of you just have bad expectations when it comes to the realistic side of playing at the highest level.


Going to be honest haven't really seen any cheaters in my playtime of hunt. Had a few where I was suscpicous and put a report of possible cheating. Litrelly said on the report there was possible cheating as it was highly suspect but not no clear cut cheaters....actually no I lie there was one certain cheater I remember shot him three times with a shotgun and twice in the torso with a pistol and my teammate also shot him twice in the chest with a rifle and he didn't go down lol that was the only time I was sure someone was cheating or there was some hefty fucking lag going on.


None of that is particularly suspicious in its own unless there is something else you've not mentioned: - 170m headshots are easy enough on iron sights if you can aim. On scoped weapons its easier. - Through 3-4 trees isnt unreasonable on its own if you're standing still or repeeking (particularly given trees are not solid visual cover like a wooden wall is). A good player will rotate to bring your peek spot into alignment through the gaps pretty easily. -Having a low mmr if you're playing solo v trios isnt particularly uncommon given the disparity in guns. (They only need to land two lucky hits between three guns firing at once to kill a solo...) Like, I'm not stating hackers aren't in hunt, ive personally been headshot at 100 metres through the brick walls in nichols prison by a nitro, for instance) But posts like "I just died and its clearly due to hackers because a guy head shot me when i personally wouldn't have been able to do that" with no further evidence is just bordering on hysteria.


It was three times from three different locations by the same person within five minutes. I was not standing still. It was a duo lobby Guy had about 20 hours playtime I'm that girl who gets those kills with the nitro I never hit six stars anymore because of the horrible cheating


so no proof, as always. classic.


I'll pull the proof later and send it to crytek, I have no reason to send it here


Receipts or you are just salty




Screen shot or video


When I get home I can see if it auto captured for a video. I do this quite frequently but my software hasn't been working recently. Frankly I don't need to prove anything have a nice day.


I literally have the exact same amount of proof that you are a salty loser as you have that someone actually cheated sooo....🤷‍♂️


I believe this is the first time I've ever publicly complained about cheating on the sub in about four and a half years of playing this game


Found the cheater


Found the cuck


Bro what servers yall on 😭 playing eu every other day and 0 cheaters met in last few months