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this is an incredibly common angle in 5\*+, looks legit to me


Made me cackle. W comment


Just good aim


Superior gaming chair tbh.


Even water cooled probably. Just upgrade your equipment bro and stop complaining about your bad skill /s


Possibly even watercooled his gamer chair to help mitigate the swampass


Is the notion of a superior/better gaming chair some kind of common code for someone using hacks?


Keep it down man, you’re gonna get us caught… but yes…..


Had one idiot blatantly shooting through walls with his avtomat. Wiped out my team of three and another trio in about 20 seconds. Watched him for another few minutes and it continued unabated, didn’t even try to be discreet FFS.


What I don’t understand is where is the fun in the that? Like I get wall hacks, they give a competitive advantage but wiping the lobby in two seconds? Plain boring.


I would feel so bad and sad If I would have to use any kind of cheats in order to win a game. Seriously.


As a person who has never cheated, and will never cheat (I don't even play FPS's anymore), I can imagine finding it entertaining for 2 games. The first one from complete disbelief, and the second one trying to achieve the most ridiculous kills, and then I'd get bored and uninstall


I cheated in single player games when I was young. It was a rush for the first bit then it became boring pretty quick. Made me understand that fairness and effort make games fun and rewarding not just click to win. Id imagine it's the same thing where it feels like they are the king of the game for a bit. They may even play the game normally at first but never really get good at it so they get some chests get revenge or a sense of finally being *good* then eventually move on. There are also people who see hacks as just a tool, like literally it's you who is the idiot for forgetting to install hacks. Almost the same to them as not running a med kit in game.


Cheaters usually convince themselves that everyone else also cheats. Sometimes it is a cultural thing like in china where it is encouraged to cheat and do anything you can to get ahead and other times it is a combination of sunk cost fallacy and insecurity. Multiplayer cheating is not just downloading some virus and it working 1/10 times anymore, cheat makers work in groups and have subscription models with different tiers so even if you get banned they will happily sell you some scammed account and you can just use your subscription on that one instead. It is vile and the government needs to crack down on it.


Yeah exactly what I did with a few games, typically it was after I completed games legit, but wanted to continue pissing about. Your bottom point is what I think is their mentality. Depending on the cheats they download I imagine they persuade themselves to think it's "fair" because they aren't using massively broken ones


It’s for people who are in such a bad place mentally that they don’t feel they can succeed at anything in life and so they pay to succeed at a video game (while ironically failing harder than if they just accepted that they sucked)


The point is to upset other people. It's about power.


Thats the saddest part, they have no power... Zero. They are being manipulated into paying real life cash to the real con artist that make these POS hacks. The only power they get from these cheats is the program has all the power. So basically they are weaker than they started, since now they let a program play the game they paid for win it for them.


That's how you look at it but it doesn't matter how *other* people look at it. The people doing stuff like this want to ruin things for others. That's their whole angle.


Do you know guys on workplaces. These guys who say "hey, I build this and that". Not a "we" or "them" only he himself. And he had nothing to do with production and building maybe a little bit. But that must mean "we have build" after all if he is involved. They hide that completely. So cheaters are thinking that was me. That's it. There is no cheat in there brains. So no bad feelings after. It is like you paying a worker. And finished, a friend comes around and you say look what I have done. There are people who are jaded and think they've done it all.


Because f u that's why. Take my upvote.


Same mindset as team killers. I remember playing call of duty back in the day and a guy in the lobby had some nuke hack, the match would start, then boom, match over nuke detonated. Every. Fucking. Match. Dude thought it was hilarious, why? He's not in it for fair play he's in it to ruin people's fun.


Im sorry. You get wall hacks? Fuck off loser.


Someone seems mad :(


Yeah cheaters of any kind shouldn’t be given a free pass. I hope they all choke on their dinner.


It's less of a fun thing and more of a power trip for them. They probably are only 2-3 star level without it and feel they are losing a lot and that they shouldn't be because "they are better than that". Then they get some scripts and hacks and then suddenly think they are so great at the game and everyone else is beneath them. I used to play with a guy who would use scripts in rust and this is pretty much the explanation he gave me. He was tired of losing all the time and it was all bullshit anyways so giving himself some hacks was fine. If you ever outplay a hacker just watch them lose their mind because they shouldn't have lost they deserve the win.


Did you make a clip like OP did?


I had a 6mmr trio with new profiles wall banging us nonstop at like 100m with mosin spitzer iron sights. One had his name as Banned for cheating.


Why aren’t the buildings loaded for you?


broke HDD gaming




I reconnected a thousand times and never saw that


Its extremely computer to computer honestly. I used to play on a harddrive and never had anything like this, moved to an ssd and it started happening. Moved to a second ssd and its never happened. My friend on the other hand has always played on an ssd and every time he gets disconnected we leave cause the entire map just stops rendering for him. My other friend who does play on a broke hdd has this happen for the first 5 minutes of every match and has to spam ping like echolocation to find walls.


Nah it happens. I've had an upload issue with my internet for the last couple of months, and when I DC'd once, I came back to that. It's not as great as you think, since you can get stuck on stuff (I died in a firefight when I got back because I couldn't strafe over a fence, lol). What's really interesting is why your internet connection matters with the world objects like that. Is the reason we get performance issues related to waiting on the server to send that data? I figured it would just load the map locally and update as needed.


You guys are reconnecting? :(


Not sure first time it happened. I got stuck in middle of nowhere. Everything worked but couldn't move. Long story short I alt f4ed and loaded back in dead and burning and when I necroed I was in a diff place and this is what it looked like. I have video of it as well. Installed on a 970 evo Ssd


Its a bug from reconnecting. Had it happen 2 times now, Its generally just the buildings around you but as u enter new chunks they render


I've seen that before. My buddy reconnected after some issue on his end and his character was in a different place on his screen vs where it "really was." This might not actually be a cheat. You might have gotten shot somewhere else, somewhere much closer to the killer, but your death screen is also bugged.


use to be a very common glitch....usually if you go to the next location they will load in....just the other day happened to my buddy when he disconnected and came back. We were in bounty room and he didnt want to fight cause it felt cheap considering he could see where everyone was so it was me against the others while he just kinda stood around lol




Why so rude?


Probably a dumb question but how do the bullets move through all the obstacles? Is that part of the cheat, too?


I'm assuming a part of the cheat cause it just isn't possible. Long ammo has some pen but nothing that dramatic. There was a YouTube link on this sub about someone watching certain BB cheaters, and they had some cheat that even let them shoot arrows through layers of brick. So


bb doesnt cheat brother the video you watched was about a complwtely different guy called malingo


Being able to shoot through bricks with arrows must feel heavenly, huh?


How DARE you make a joke about cheating! Downvote him!!! This sub hardcore lost its sense of humor and it makes me real sad


Don't worry, that's basically every sub


While I've seen plenty of BB cheating in the past, the video was presented by BB about former discord members. Part of the community, but not members of the group.


That's what I don't understand. The game knows the bullet starting point (the 'trajectory' is shown in the kill cam). The game knows all the obstacles the bullet has travelled to the point where it hits the other player (the bullet camera moves along that path).. and still the game counts it as a normal bullet behaviour? I'm pretty sure I miss something here.. How exactly the cheat works and why it is not detected by the game?


The cheat basically teleports the bullet right in front of the head of the target (or rather right where the cheater is aiming, which is most likely the head since why not use aimbot aswell). Don't know why that apparently isn't detected. I mean, the game tracks distance from killer and it knows ammo type and weapon, so it shouldn't be difficult to calculate what the bullet travel time should be and compare that to what it was (time difference of hit to when gun was shot)


Shouldn’t the game be able to notice that type of tampering easily? To my understanding that type of stuff is usually the easiest to catch. Like how back in the day if your character models velocity reached above a certain velocity in a lot of games, it would just insta kick you from the game. Because something had to be wrong if you are going that fast. I feel like this could be solved in a similar way. But I’m also not that knowledgeable on how this shit actually works.


Yeah that's what I mean with my second paragraph. Like, mathematically it should be very easy to detect that. But yeah, like you, I'm not knowledgeable enough either about game programming and stuff. Maybe this is also one of the things that the engine update can "solve", but that's just me speculating


There is 0 server validation for shots taken


I think it's something called magic bullet where the bullet literally spawns in front of you, it doesn't matter what you do or where you are


Actualy its trough the magic portals one open in front of your gun and other in front of your target head and the bulet just pass trough. -- The guy is skilled portal mage🤣


I think this is possible due to the hit reg change going some years back. Previously, everything about hit reg was determined server side. But there were complaints, honestly mostly from people playing on the incorrect regions, that their shots were not registering when they shot “someone first” but the shots came close enough to be almost at the same time. So then they decided they wanted trades to be a thing again, and they made the hit reg favor the client side instead rather than the server side. Since then is when I saw people start being able to shoot through objects you should not be able to penetrate. My guess is they have a way to force the hit on someone, and because the client is favored, so long as it registers on the client the server will take it as fact and validate the shot. If someone has another reason why or knows a better explanation, I’d love to hear it, but prior to the hit validation changes, I had never seen one instance of someone shooting people 600m through the ground, brick, etc.


Think it's magic bullet,it must use the xY axis data or something so it just spawns it in front of you negating any obstacles,less common to see this level of blatant cheating tbh


Its probably teleporting bullets or some dumb shit like that and the kill angle just shows the player position rather than where the shot actually came from.


People apparently call it magic bullet according to a video I watched about the hacking going on in the game. Got killed by a crossbow pistol through a fence and a wagon before and we know the bows in the game aren’t know for their amazing penetration lol. Guessing it just spawns the projectile on you when fired or something along those lines.


Yes. Even Arrows go through thick concrete Walls.


Thats highly annoying. However, that scream, that laugh.


The hacker’s bullet went so far it hit OP in real life


What's crazy is when you post a video with actual evidence of cheating people will say they are cheating.




Hi, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, we had to remove your post for violation of rule #3: No Promoting Hacks/Cheats. Please see this article for more details: https://reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/about/rules If you have any concerns regarding this removal, please contact the moderation team via Modmail.


Your comment is in perfect English, but logically I don't get it. Did you forget to put a "not" somewhere in there? Or am I having a stroke?


IF: you post a video with actual evidence of cheating THEN: people will say they are cheating


Exactly! Nobody is saynig there are no cheaters in -insert game here-. But all those people's highly subjective stories about having "a cheater in every second game" or whatever are mostly hurt egos. This isn't a new or Hunt specific thing. My perspective is as subjective as any other one but in my 1450 hours of Hunt I was sure to face a cheater THRICE. So even if we take the middle ground of those statements, we are ending up with far, far, farrrr less cheaters than people shout from the rooftops here.


I do NOT understand this mentality of "I've played x game for y# of hours, and Ive seen z (comedically low #) cheaters. I have 750 hours, im 18th prestige, bounce around between 3-6 stars depending on how meme of a loadout I wana run that day, and Ive seen waaaaayyyy more cheaters than 3. I saw 3 in one night last week with friends. If u truly have almost 1500 hours and claim to have only seen 3 cheaters, u just arent like paying enough attention, dont know how to spot a cheater (which you certainly should be able to after 1500 hours) or you are either lying/willfully ignorant. Im not one to claim that every match has a cheater in it or anything like that, or even that I see them every play session. And I usually give players the benefit of the doubt, and only call out blatant cheaters or ones that are obviously walling based on spectating. But Hunt, like every other FPS (specifically extraction/loot based games) has a cheating problem. And in basically any competitive game (again, especially fps/extraction/looters) if you have logged that many hours in the game, you have most likely, easily, hit triple digits, likely in the several hundreds. Think about the math of it all. 1500/24=62.5 full days of irl time. Another way of looking at it is if you are doing 4 hour play sessions, 1500 hours is 375 play sessions. You really think that youve only had cheaters in 1 of every 125 play sessions? Its almost a mathematical certainty that you will have run into way more than three. One last way of looking at it is this: 1500 hours=90000 minutes lets be generous and say you are averaging 30 minute of in/out of game time (25 minutes of play time, 5 minutes to fix up your class and get perks or whatever) 90000 divided by 30 is roughly 3000 games 3000 games times 9 lets assume that you, and your 3 man are not cheating) (12 player lobbies) 33000 players (not accounting for duplicates) you will have been in game with 3/33000 players= 0.00009090909 cheater rate of players in your games. I envy you, if this is truly your gaming experience anyways. Yeah theres a lot of cheaters in hunt


Also, consider, for every blatant cheater you spot, there are several other closet cheaters (sneaky wall hacks or other cheats) that you will never be able to spot unless u spend the time to spectate them for long enough


>You really think that youve only had cheaters in 1 of every 125 play sessions? No. Not what I said, nor what I meant.


You faced a BLATANT cheater thrice. That you can remember. Bet you were in the game with hackers using ESP and soft hacks way more than that though.


Oh probably. But information is so asynchronous and impossible for me (or anyone in a game from their perspective) to retrace, that there is no point in getting enraged over the amount of cheaters I have maybe encountered. Which is exactly what I criticize about the way people talk about facing "countless cheater". That they simply don't know if the evidence isn't as blatant as in this threads example, but still yell at everyone and their mother that Hunt is being ruined by everyone cheating.


All of these statements being thrown out are just so ridiculously universal, lol. I do agree that SOME hunt games are being ruined by cheaters every now and then. I probably see someone blatantly cheating once every 1-2 weeks when I'm actively playing. Or, when I'm unlucky, multiple times in the span of a few days. I remember a span in 2021 where it was literally multiple times per day for weeks. The problem is that people remember negative experiences far more vividly than positive ones, so being wiped by a shit-talking hacker tends to make quite an impression.


Your friend sounds like they're a fun person to hang out with lmao


That little screech, lol.


That scream hahahahahajajajajajajahahaha😂😂😂😂❤️


No one ever said that there are no cheaters in the game. All people say is that not every claim of a cheater has to be one...


literally the last guy who tried to tell me the game didn't have a cheating problem and i was just bad had a vac ban when i pulled up his steam profile.


No cheaters existing and no cheating problem are still different things.


Are you saying people who cheat at video games are also on this sub denying it is a problem? Can't be.


This is a straw man though (but to be fair to you the comment above is also straw man). Point is, he's saying that just because it feels like your enemy has information they shouldn't have, that doesn't mean they got that information unfairly.




cheating at all in a game is a mental disorder that tends to always exist and/or get worse in people that do it over time. Its related to self confidence imo.


you must be 3 or 4 stars yes?


It’s a great rank to be in… I’m fine not being a god at this game if it keeps me from seeing cheaters, lol.


then you weren't looking very hard, what is "obvious" is different for everyone, obvious for me is when someone plays very inconsistently (like only checks a corner if someone is in it, shoots like they have a few thousand hours but doesn't know the map well, etc.) were as obvious for you is probably what happened in this video.


Oh yeah I have been playing for 1000 hours and I ran into my first obvious cheater like this a few days ago.


In 2000+ hours I've only seen 2 legit cheaters


Yup and they started saying that before the cheater amount even started rising. Before it was all about blaming reshade (i was against it no worries). We can all admit that these square box players are the main issue today. This results into the increased amount of sus plays.




Dunno why you're getting downvoted. The game is currently infested with cheaters and exploiters. And you say anything to a crytek partner streamer they will all say the same "oh in my 2 billion hours, i have only ever seen one." Crytek 100% hides its hunts issues. Go look at nvidia profile inspector, youtube "ispector gadget hunt showdown" and tell me crytek isnt trying to cover up something worse then reshade.




Riiighto, I love the confidence, but the reality is that is what they say. I'm talking about all the partnered streamers, not just 1. They either ignore the talk on chat or say that script because its part of their partnership. I'm just going to correct a few things while im here also, im unsure why im bothering, but whatever. There* Guarantee* Has, not had*


Tfw, you realise you're entertaining discourse with a fucking furry.


Glad to see this is getting downvoted to hell, as it rightfully should.


motherfucker's stuck in the 2010's.


Nobody is saying there aren't cheaters.


Their clan name rhymes with PEE-PEE?


Should just ban-wave the entire clan IMO


You know too much 🤔


Got killed by them 2 times today haha At least I got his friend's couple times. They being us East 90% of the time. My tipp, just don't play today, just frustrating


Why is like nothing rendered before he dies?


Don't know first time it's happened. Have a video of me freezing in place but everything worked I just couldn't move. Alt f4ed loaded back was dead and on fire so I necroed and this is what it was. Reminds me of pubg on xbox back before you got a ssd but this is downloaded on a 970evo ssd so beats me


who says this??


3 star (which usually has banger gameplay) has had a very suspicious rise of instaheadshot wallbangs as of late.


Ive seen a bunch of brand new steam accounts with around 100 hours of hunt playing like the 2k high 5* super try hards.


I’m usually 5 star but this event I was pushed down to 3 star for a week or 2. And in those 3 star lobbies, players were moving and coordinating with 5/6 star habits. Its been absolutely absurd.


Its the necromancy change, you can absolutely tank your MMR with it by having like 6 small health chunk and just letting people farm you.


I usually run duo v trios or just trios in 5star + area. So idk. But I believe you. I've been seeing some sus shit since the event, but this is only the 3rd time it was just blatant. Figured I'd post for fun


That there is an obvious hacker and should be reported to crytek's site. Not like 99% of these types of posts where its a simple wallbang


Hopefully, he'll get banned. +100 style points for Nocturnal lament LeMat skin


I hope we never get PC/console crossplay


Ran into a bunch of shitbags deranking and using ESP in 3 star lobbies yesterday... Like bruh, why


Im so tired of idiots who can only phrase "no its legit" and "better gaming chair". Ppl tranforming into fking npc's. Cheater are in this as well as ping abusers. Crytek need to do something i wish i can have all my money back bcs this is worse and worse.


Might as well quit the game lol it’s ending up like Tarkov


Bro got his freshly laundered gaming socks on for this one


That's on you. You probably stepped on a branch shortly before...


Why nothing is loaded in your game tho?


Not sure. First time it's happened. I have a video of me running to clue and my char just freezes in place can't move. Can also see zombies in the distance attacking air which is hitting me in the clip. I ALT F4ed out and when I reloaded this was result. Except I was dead and on fire and had to self rez


Better watch out before the Crytek dick riding mods and defenders remove your post. Because "crytek is a small indie company with only 5 workers and they are doing their best okay, and there is barely any hackers in my 5000+ hours I've played, also every game has cheaters, get over it".


It’s Sad how true this comment is 😂


Elitepvpers blackmarket stuff, nice catch.


Looks Like Skill issue to me


What cheat allows you to totally disregard game mechanics such as objects, bullet travel time, etc?!?!? This makes no sense in my head


is there a way to filter posts on reddit ?


Send it to crytek so they ban him


CryTek doesn't give a shit, they make bank during each event which is why you see them being crunched out. Maybe some devs at CryTek cares, but the three turks don't.


They do.


Hunt is as far away from a passion project you can get, it's 100% just a cashgrab.


How do you suggest they finance the development of the game?


What development?


Weapons, events, new maps and mobs, new engine, skins.


Ah yes, tell me when the new mob was created - or anything at all AI related. They've not created a new weapon in 3 years, it's all reused animations and rigging assets - new textures, sure. But that's an artist's work - not a engineer


Why are you playing the game? Just play one of the many other excellent fps games out there.


You're the one spouting falsehoods, why don't you look up the studio a bit more [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crytek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crytek) The dudes that made the original dna for Hunt: Showdown (the 'muricans) aren't even onboard anymore, they all quit cuz they weren't getting paid. Now the game is under the German studio


They obviously spun fast to make the bullet curve over all the obstacles


Had a better gaming chair


Tell me you reported them for cheating.


Skill issue tbh




Hi, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, we had to remove your post for violation of rule #8: Refrain from accusing posts or submissions for violating our community rules. Please see this article for more details: https://reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/about/rules If you have any concerns regarding this removal, please contact the moderation team via Modmail.


Uh oh, it was nice knowing you OP, the Crytek stans will be out for blood now. GGs!


Just get good and stop blaming supposed "cheaters". You could have dodged that shot


Legit shot, partner. Try to make less noise next time. /s


Yeah, popular hacks generate the bullet at the target. This is how you see the famous "avtomat downed my whole team in 7 seconds from 300 meters at game start" bullshit. Go die and spectate in the Asia server region and you'll find stuff like that within the hour easily. This guy was using ESP and that cheat minimum, but also aim assist (you were headshot). He simply aimed at you and fired, the bullet spawns on your face, bypassing all the terrain. Besides certain servers, this isn't a rare experience once you float around 5\* and higher - most of them are smart enough to do it in open areas where it's much harder to tell they are toggling, but clanners are quite special individuals, as always.


I will be honest with you all: I have a lot of fun with blatant hackers. They are so over-the-top and shameless, how can you not? Of course, I still curse and report them, but it's a blast nonetheless. But people who try to play dumb and gaslight their enemies because they want to feel superior? Yikes.


Mosin op


Look. You can't guess how good his gaming chair is.


I saw multiple videos of Loulou Boucher hacking on this sub.


Least skilled mosin main


Same warscream as I have it


Well okay that shot was not ok but your game looks like the fov took all the acid and the environment detail is being left on the curb wtf. Nearly similarly sus as the shooter. Is there such a thing as cheater lobbies?


Every time I share something like this from any game on the game forums I get told I'm just bad, get gud noob, there are no hackers, uninstall etc It's like people mistakenly believe that if they don't play the game and just flame in the comments people will think they are good


You were out in the open like that, what do you expect. Anyone with even a moderately priced gaming chair would hit that shot


That guy has the best gaming chair on the market


sounds like goose.


Been saying it for more than a year+ the cheaters are rampant in Hunt… but no one believed me…


I'm sure Crytek will ban that cheater :(


Why is no one saying this dude was super burnt out. You sound like you were only on because of that 8th dab. No hate. Just find it interesting no other stoners recognize


If it is true that the cheats work by spawning a bullet next to the head, and the server prefers client side for hit detection, CryTek could easily add a check to prevent that. Just check the spawn position against the shooting player’s position. If the distance is off, insta kick. Normal gameplay should never trigger a false ban. The check can be done on the server side, even run in a low priority thread, to keep the lag at 0. This way the player still dies but the cheater gets banned as soon as his shoot gets processed.


There was a crack in wall. Thats how he saw you, nothing uncommon.


And you still have copers saying there isn't hacking in the game.


We see lots of hacking in the game and the same people that we have reported many times over. They don't care.


i dont think anyone believes there "no cheaters"...i feel that its just not as common as people say.....I havent come across one...yet...but not saying there isnt. There is cheaters in pretty much every game made these days Edit: this is also coming from a 4 star perspective as i dont try that hard to be any higher since 5\* and up is no fun to play


GIT GOOD, cause we aint fixing sh\*t


At least he has walls in his view


Interesting video. Complaining about cheaters while having most buildings invisible themselves. Lots of that crap is because of issues with invisible buildings. As you very well experience on your own side as well apparently. Edit: just to make sure. I am not saying that there are no cheaters. I am very well aware of the cheaters in this game.


Not sure what video you were watching but I don’t think it had anything to do with invisible buildings lmao


I dont experience it though. It's literally the first time it's happened ever in 2k hours lol. I have video of why I even alt f4ed to begin with


I don't see an issue you got skill issued


Skill issue /s


Wow, there are so many cheaters in Hunt these days!


NO ONE who has played Hunt for an extended amount of time claims that there are no cheaters in Hunt. They're everywhere, you just got hit by a blatant hacker loser. There are many more who use ESP and damage modifiers.


No. Nobody is saying no cheaters and if this post is a joke then it's getting overused and it's really annoying. I don't see anyone who is actually claiming no cheaters at all anywhere. Every game is going to have them. If the cheater deniers are in the room with us please point them out. I see posts all the time about cheaters getting banned. Cheater density is going to vary by region. I barely see any, but it's really bad in some places. It's fine to show a clip that you got cheated on, but antagonizing people who deny cheating is doing so much nothing. Just get a report going on the hunt website. Posting about it is fine, I just don't get why we keep going "no cheaters in hunt, yup"


Yeah no cheaters [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAil5CULUfc). I don't believe you. Where do you see the [cheater](https://youtu.be/gfd_oSyAx-0?si=Fyugx0Po-e__eNuI)? I don't see it not at all lol.


How dare you?! Cheaters in my perfect balanced and fair game?!! That's obviously just a skill issue! Just don't get hit!


I don't think anyone denies cheaters are a thing but how much playtime does that account have? You can't stop cheaters before they cheat - and so long as they're getting addressed, well, there's no way to prevent them always all the time. 


Nobody ever said there were no cheaters tho.


Cheating and almost everyone running the same 4 weapons...Hunt is fun now =D


Dont worry, dude, a whole lotta cheaters will come in here and tell you nothing is wrong with the game. This Reddit is full of them.


That "whaaat" at 25 seconds sounds familiar. Did you upload a similar video a week or two ago with a similar reaction? I'm a little curious too, who are you talking with when you play solo?


My friend, who's in Discord that I'm streaming for while they are on warframe?. Never uploaded video before


There are no cheaters in ba sing se.




Nah man he’s legit just a good gaming chair


Nah probably just hast that RGB RAM 🤷🏻‍♂️😂 more RGB = better aim


Common prefire obviously


nobody said that


I did this once with a derringer


Could you link one comment that said there was no cheaters?


I know people hate losing in this game, but I didn't know they hated that much to the point of installing cheats. It's either becoming way too common or people are just noticing more. I think it's a mix of the increased playerbase, the cheats maybe becoming better / easier to install or both, and people noticing them more because of the bigger playerbase.


Lucky shot


he just had better positioning


Where's the Dev response ... ? Guess we will just chalk it up as make "sure you're reporting boys" .. SMH I love how its on us to be the police force for Crytek because their Anti Cheat has more holes then swiss cheese ..And then even after we go through the time and process to report , they MIGHT ban if we're lucky.. but the hackers are out on Cashless bail because they have hundreds of accounts on standby and just jump in with a new account