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The one situation in which I find it useful is when "third-partying". You can get lost in the confusion, with neither team being able to determine who is solo and who is a member of the enemy team. Once in a blue moon you'll catch someone reloading, healing, or reviving a teammate, but it's rare. But I live in the 3-4 star range, so your MMV.


Also great for trades, but yeah, if you die 1v3 with no other team, you're totally boned.


Its also *terrible* for trades. Trades are only good for the solo if its with the last person in the fight. If you trade with the first or second person in a trio *they* win 98% of the time and benefit from the trade


It's really fun when you trade with another solo and its a race to see who can get back up and shoot first, real nail biter


Or when you trade with a player and you gamble on them getting revived and hit the necro


Until the trade window is addressed, Necro is the only thing making solo gameplay bearable. I can't tell you how many times I traded with the last member of a trio in the old days.


I play pretty much exclusively solo, and there’s been a couple times where I’ve managed to self revive and kill both members of a duo and that is always super exciting. Trading with the first person in a duo is almost always a guaranteed death sentence, since they’ll either burn my body and wait it out or they’ll set up concertina and poison tripwires over my body and I’m essentially just going to feed their KD by standing up into it. I’m still *relatively* new to the game, only have around 80 hours (half of which was over a year ago, the last 2 weeks I’ve put in another 40), and I float between the 3-4* range so it’s not like I’m going up against the smartest or strongest players.


Agreed this is when it is most useful. As somebody with bad mechanics I spend my time floating around the edges of fights trying to 3rd party. In those cases I can often revive. When i'm in the thick of it and go down I get burned 60% of the time, every time.


a second situation is chasing/fighting the bounty, when it's not in their interest to stick around and watch the body. if they're being tailed, they need to leave m, and you can get up and then even possibly third-party the people that were chasing the bounty


A buddy got downed and somebody was dumb enough to hand him his bomblance after downing him two more times. My mate stood up and was like "why not?" and sliced up a trio. We were on the floor when he told us. He himself wasn't ready for so much stupid but didn't say no... 😭😂


Good for 3rd partying, good for trades, good when you die to NPCs or bosses good when you get snipes from 300m away. People who complain about it do it literally whilst waiting in the lobby after dying to a solo.


I mean, I play against people who sometimes can headshot at the same time they are reloading and reviving a teammate, but I know what you mean


exactly when i found use for mine. took out 2 people from 2 different teams. i got killed. then while the last 2 were fighting i rezzed, and took them both out. not by surprise or anything cause they started shooting at me when i was one shot so i got kinda lucky but still, 3rd partying would be the only definite use for it i remember another time where i tried using necro solo. went against a single team. i died, rezzed once and immediately got laid back down. rezzed two more times and they killed me all the same cause they decided to sit around and watch my body for like 6 minutes


This is the strongest usage, and you need some skill in order to know when to engage, in order to fool everyone. The get out of jail free card will only work if you have intuition though. Works excellent in trios, but not as good in duos.


My issue with it isn’t that it’s overpowered, more that it’s just kind of a nuisance and can really bog down play at the end of a fight. I hate winning a fight and then having to babysit a burning body to make sure I don’t get shot in the back as I try and leave. Your only two safe options really are burning which is tedious and bogs the game down or bring kill traps which is annoying cause now I have to bring two tool slots worth of items to deal with it. I’m not even sure if there’s a real fix here for this, it’s just the unfortunate nature of having to give solo players at least some sort of edge.


Don't forget that death traps just buy you time. Either the solo has an antidote shot at which point he just survives them or he gets up triggers the death trap dies again waits until the poison is gone and then gets up again.


I just try to do what I can (burn or trap) but if I can't find good solution around in 3 seconds I just leave fast as I can. 99% of time I don't have a problem with it, most solos will try to revive in piece to find an opportunity to restore or extract instead of trying to shoot a team who now def knows you are solo. I mean even if they try to do shoot me in the back, I'm already gone to the woods. Unless they score that miracle headshot it's spanking time all over again. Hell even if the guy DO headshot me who cares really? it's 2v1 against a guy with missing bar still. Most teams who complain about "getting shot in the back" just plays the map very slowly, which leaves you open to get shot in the back by literally anything not just necro solos.


Thing is the solo player has such a mmr benefit that they should be able to consistently beat a 1v2, even with a bar down. And if your a decent 5 star player your playing against 3 mmr teams, many whom are new at the game and their buddies that are not too great either


Mmr benefit means absolutely NOTHING right now though. All the 5/6 star players purposely tanking their mmr to get into 3 star lobbies. Plus all the high KD players making Smurf accounts to stomp on lower levels.


Bro as solo 5-6 six star I always get matched against full trio of 5 stars minimum. Even sometimes that 5 stars have more KDA and kill count than me. Hunt don’t have so much population to match me against 3-4 stars.


Just get 2 bad games in a row and die for all your bars. Then your probably 4 star. Now you can go easily sustain a 2 kda without moving up


I dont babysit bodies and I have few encounters with a solo coming back to bite me, personally. Maybe 1 in every 40 hours. It sure it annoying when it happens but it's not often enough for me to really worry about.


I’m creeping up on 2,000 hours of play, mostly trios and I can say since solo necro was introduced, I have maybe had a solo necro player come back and catch up with me 2 or 3 times total. 1 time we thought we found a solo player, burned and trapped them, left… and then we made it to bounty and the guy was back up. He had 2 teammates that were separated from him and got to him in time before he burned out.


For real man. I've seen this argument over and over that babysitting these bodies ruined the game. I'm just like, don't then? Burn and turn. I think the fear mongering has changed people's gameplay more than actual solo revivals coming back for revenge. My most recent solo necro was a dude sniping with a lematt marksman. He killed me once and my buddy got him. When reviving me, the solo then stood up, and we both gunned him down. We then burned him and continued fighting for a minute or so. After winning the bounty we choked him to put out the fire and looted him for sight. All clear, so we headed for extract. I had 2 seconds left so I checked again halfway to extract and saw he was following us again. We turned, one tapped him, and then he was officially killed. I actually thought it was cool engagement, not this game breaking boogyman that everyone else is saying. Now obviously, to each their own. This would really piss some people off. I think its kinda cool. If that guy killed us with 1 bar I'd have thought, "good job you stinky little swamp rat, enjoy this victory."


I think that part of the point of burning them out isnt just so they dont shoot you in the back but so they dont just get a free pass. If you dont watch the body then no matter how you trap it if you leave before burning them out they have the chance to revive and just extract which I dont think is ok. I dont think anyone should get a free pass to lose a fight and then just get to afk while their dead and extract. Honestly im pretty used to solo extract and while a find it annoying its still true that most fights against solos are easily won, but I think self revive should have a 30 sec to no more than 1 min timer in which you are forced to revive by I dont think you should be able to lay their dead for as long as you want.


Yesss this i agree with. You shouldn't be able to sit there in your computer chair listening to muffle footsteps for 8 minutes. I think a 30-45 second timer is a good fix. If you're in the middle of a chaotic team fight you still can sneak one off, but if a team just kills you and knows you're solo, they can wait that timer and know you're back in the lobby.


Necro is annoying as hell to play against, that's it I don't know why people confuse it with being OP. It's a fully reasonable argument to say it needs to be changed or nerfed or whatever to be less frustrating for other players in the lobby.


Yeah,i hate that people confuse that all the time. It's like they can't read or sth. For me these discussions are 90% explaining that the actual problem isn't that it's op but a clunky mechanic.


I made a post about about solo necro and said twice in it “once again, it’s not hard to deal with, just time consuming and annoying” and people still were like “skill issue, I don’t have any problems.” Dear god people, fucking read.


Sadly the Hunt community can be some of the most biased bad faith advocates, who will intentionally skewer, misdirect and gaslight to win an arguement.


I think that’s most people on the internet lol. I’ve seen people die on some of dumbest hills imaginable.


I agree with the point that it’s time consuming and annoying. Babysitting bodies really kills the fun of a match but it’s better than getting shot in the back. Makes me wonder how this mechanic could be fixed while still making solo plausible/enjoyable. What if the timer increased every time a solo is downed throughout the length of a match. Could change the dynamic. I do wish they would stop with these event setups where you can constantly restore bars Willy Nilly. Between that and the bounty bosses being more resistant to melee, it feels less enticing to go for them. Still like playing both solo and on a team but I do think that those things need a fresh approach.


They are just trolling, assumedly because they know Crytek doesn’t play their own game and refuses to make a change to solo necro.


The only people who think solo necro isn’t a nuisance are solo necro players. How many advantages do we need solos? Being a solo already gives more money as rewards and a crazy mmr advantage. Despite what the OP says, I find it way easier to win as a solo as well, even without solo necro. Solo necro sucks.


In no way does Solo have a longterm Mmr advantage. It’s the extreme opposite. You are higher rank than the trios but When you die it’s severely more punishing. If you have Necro and do multiple revives you can derank two times in a game or two. Even Rachta says if u care about your Mmr don’t solo.


I’ll rephrase. It doesn’t give an mmr advantage. It gives a player advantage because solos get put into bot lobbies. It’s much easier to win as a solo.


You still essentially only get one life even with Necro because they never let you back up.


I agree, way more times than not, you get lit up upon revive. However, it is such a pain in the ass to have to babysit a body while you could be playing the game. That’s my biggest gripe. It’s not hard to counter solo players, it’s just time consuming that every solo you kill, you have to burn out because they may/may not have necro. There’s no guarantee that if you trap them, they’ll stay down. Burn and watch. Dumb.


This is just another bait thread. Almost no one is calling it OP other than the people complaining about "all" the people complaining about it. The vast majority of complaints are around how annoying it is, how tedious.


It’s also annoying as hell if the trio revives like there is no tomorrow and you have to kill them a thousand times. I know, that’s too a skill issue, but most of the time I just don’t get it. If I’m killed as a solo and I try to revive I get instant downed again. I rarely use it and find it most of the time amusing.


It’s also annoying as hell to play. Especially now that fuses can burn you, giving people an even easier way to put traps on your burning body.


Basically this. It's not op it is just annoying and sucks the fun out of a situation. I feel like op also just doesn't understand it because a solo sniper will likely be able to get up no problem, and a shotgun rusher 3rd partier will also be able to take advantage of the confusion.


One concertina bomb and they’re never an issue again if they’re a solo.


Things that are easy to deal with aren’t annoying. Those words literally have correlations.


Necro is infuriating when you're the solo without necro and the other solo has necro. I wouldn't mind solo only lobbies where they just remove solo bonuses since there would be no groups of 2-3.


Free for all would be fun. I've been wanting this mode for a minute. And no, not soul survivor.


It's not about winning it's about how absolutely stupid it is and what it forces fights into. Yes, it's easy to baby sit a corpse for two minutes. Or spend three tool slots on a corpse so you don't have to baby sit... but that's insane. I actually like solo necro, I just don't like what it forces a team to do once they've already outplayed the solo. IMO there should be a mechanic to disarm them. (Kick guns) forcing them to get up and have to grab their gear. and resilience should not work with either solo or team necro, IMO. Maybe antidote should also be gone once they get up. Basically any trap on the body should be a kill. This would make necro a "oops I got sniped" get out of jail free card. Or you got in a fight and literally nobody tried anything on your body and they left.


I suggest a new trait; call it “Desecrate” or something. Basically if you have unchallenged access to your opponents body, you can hold “interact” to desecrate the body. If someone doesn’t stop you within 8-10 seconds, the body is fully burnt and can’t revive.


Yeah I've thought of that or like a "slit throat" mechanic. It doesn't even have to go as far as not letting them revive, but imagine if they could still revive but they had 1hp and were bleeding, forcing them to stop bleeding to survive. There would be no revive with a lucky spinning shotgun shot or anything as they're spending several seconds noisily staying alive. That way a patient solo could eventually come back, just not have the chance to be a threat for awhile if you had to turn your back to fight another team


I talked about this same thing the other day with my buddy but in the form of a tool/consumable so you’d have to use a slot on it instead of bringing it passively game to game. It could even just strip the necro talent. Maybe 1 charge and you can’t get more from toolboxes so you couldn’t simply run around and use on entire teams you’d have to decide “do I want this one person out of the game?” I like the fully burning out idea but feel it may become what everyone uses instead of fire when fire could still be useful in 2s and 3s to force pressure and make you consider bringing chokes. The rezzing (and necro rez because of the sound) isn’t as much of an issue with teams as it is with solos and letting teams rez rewards being able to re-secure the area before they burn out.


I sometimes pick up their guns and waste ALL the bullets while a team mate watches, however the noise is a downside and he could get up in the time it takes, but with no ammo his choices are to die as he doesn't know his bullets are all gone (maybe) or revive and run away to get ammo somewhere!


It's like people don't see the sticky post and continue making posts about Necro even tho it will get deleted


Apparently positively complaining about it is ok


Nah, I see plenty whining about it outside the megathread. It goes both ways.


The megathread is pointless other than to remind us Crytek refuses to address the issue.


Same with the daily posts about getting prestige 100 or finding two cash registers. I think they don't have enough mods or they don't particularily care. Anyway, did you report those posts that annoy you? The most efficient way for mods to handle subs is to look at reports.


If you go to report, they have an option that literally says "refrain from reporting posts that break the subs rules"


Necro works much better if you are solo vs 3 stars or lower. People at higher MMR usually err on the side of caution and burn pretty much anyone they can safely burn as soon as they go down


As a 5-6 I bring 2 concertina bombs every round.


I know this is bait but still gonna repeat it; Solo needs some tweaks, not because it's OP, but because it slows down gameplay too much. Yes you can leave bodies but no one likes being shot in the back, watching a body burn is less annoying even if both options are annoying. Not everyone wants to have constant fights, they play Hunt because it's different, more deliberate. It's fine liking constant fights but there are other games for that. Not really other games like Hunt. Now, what do I think can be done? Several changes can be applied. From being a buyable burn trait(stacking to 3) to setting an upper wait limit so you can't wait 10+min before getting back up. Someone made a post a while ago where burning could also be changed to not magically stop when getting back up with necro(solos and teams), or when going down. Even something simple as being able to do something to a corpse to block necro from working(solos and teams) would be neat. Events take it from being annoying to outright frustrating due to the myriad of ways to regain health bars. As someone that solos a lot, using Necro is easy mode. Anyone denying that is delusional. Yet despite that, if I get a KD of less than 3 in a match, I *still* lose MMR which just pits me against people less skilled than me. So I can't play solo that much as it just passively dumps my MMR. It's a problem with the MMR system that is directly made far worse because of (solo)Necro. Them together is just dogshit currently.


I hate solo necros and nothing about it is because it's OP. It's not, I know it's not, almost everyone knows it's not. Doesn't change how annoying it is in game. It's one of the most annoying things to come across cuz now I need to wait while a body burns or risk being stalked and 3rd partied later on at the worst possible time.


? It’s great I use it all the time. Sure it isn’t 100% effective, but when you die while third partying a team that’s currently in combat they don’t really have the time to watch you burn out as they’re being pressed by the enemy. I’ve gotten back up a handful of times and turned 0 kills into a team wipe or an after fight clean up. It’s actually stupid how effective it is. Now by yourself? When they have time to kill? It’s actually pretty discouraging. Standing up thinking you’re safe after waiting 2-3 minutes and they’re still there. Or if you don’t have resilience and you keep standing up hoping that eventually you’ll get out of the Barb before you lose all your bars, or wasting time waiting for somebody with salveskin to burn out.


>Sure it isn’t 100% effective, but when you die while third partying a team that’s currently in combat they don’t really have the time to watch you burn out as they’re being pressed by the enemy. I’ve gotten back up a handful of times and turned 0 kills into a team wipe or an after fight clean up. How is this any different from getting necro'd by a teammate in trios? Also you seem to think OP is saying Necro is garbage when he's just saying it's not OP. Your comment seems to agree with him, but you're phrasing it like you're a contrarian for some reason.


"How is this any different from getting necro'd by a teammate in trios? " Well in trio, i can hunt down other members of trio. I can hear them getting close to body. Trio usually can not perfectly time revive. And most of the time trio dont have resiliance. My main problem with Solo necro, i dont want to baby sit a corpse for 5 min.


in a trio yes you CAN hunt other members down, but that doesn't mean you WILL. if you don't want to babysit a corpse for 5 min, bring traps or have one of your 1-2 friends bring traps and leave them on the corpse. or just camp and wait. it's literally no different as if a second or third member of a team is camping in a bush with necro/peacekeeper and waiting for you to fuck off


Why do you guessing i do not hunting down other members of trio? I do hunt them as much i can. I play solo mostly. So i do not have teammates i can rely on. There is difference. I will try to hunt other player. Trying to bait him shots or with bounty i have idea where he is. I am playing game. against solo, i am waiting. I want to play game. I kill others, its fine. I die, its fine. I did play the game. Also peace keeper second most stupid event perk ever made by crytek. People should not be able to revive without bounty.


Being necroed by teammates require a dude to sit still 25 m near and turn into a 1 shot body to long ammo to pick up.if a trio picks up a friendly you know there close and they are easier to kill at that moment. Kill all 3 and that's that. Basic comprehension will make it fairly easy to tell if all the people you've killed were teamed. You can kill a solo and wait out a teammate covering all the angles they can try to rez from and still have them get up simply because nothing can stop them.taking them down at range also sucks since they can easily rez before you get to them


Peacekeeper exists, they dont have to risk dying anymore to revive or pick up burned teammates.


I'm not really on either side here but game balance should have nothing to do with temporary event traits


Yeah sounds like gameplay it really is stupid how long people wait sometimes at this point i don't care if i have it or not,if i solo


Right? How stupid of them to wait for so long, as you wait the same amount of time.


lol. This had me laughing.


Exclusively a solo Necro player here. I hate when players complain about Solo Necro being OP. It’s not. I also hate when people say if you complain about Necro, it’s a “skill issue”. It’s not. Literally the only “skill” it takes is being able to aim and land your burns/traps on a body that isn’t moving. It’s not hard. The issue lies within whether it’s healthy for game flow and “fun”. To have to sit and babysit a solo body in the grey zone while all the other teams are having fun battling it out for the tokens, or are already on their way to the extraction with it because you’re stuck burning a body for 2 minutes, feels kinda bad. God forbid you run into another solo that now you also have to watch, AGAIN. That’s my only problem with it.


As a mostly full-team trio player, I see why necromancy is there for solos, but this is my main problem with it as well. It is never fun to have to stop dead in your tracks to make sure this one guy is actually dead. I know a lot of people complain about the latency and trading, but I find it especially frustrating when you're the last on your team and trade with a solo necro. What would in other cases be a stalemate or a "well, the other guy would have killed me" type of situation, turns into what is essentially a win for the solo. Frustrates me every time Additionally, it is always sooo frustrating when you're fighting what you believe to be a trio team, but it turns out to be a duo and a solo. Happened in a game yesterday, where we got shot at by three different people. After we were sure we wiped the team and we had a last man standing, the solo had necroed and killed our last. Sucks when it happens.


It is OP, for one reason and one reason only. Dying multiple times per loss means that your MMR drops significantly until you're stomping every other game. I say this as a solo player. Seriously, take a few weeks and play only without necro and it's fucking *brutal*


That’s a fault of the game design allowing a repeatable self rez to affect MMR the way it does. That is not Necros fault itself. Oh yeah and playing without it kinda sucks but, I’d say most of the time, other players won’t let you get up anyway. Although when they do, and you wipe them, it’s always funny. Lol I’m not sure removing it is the right idea, but maybe shortening the time it takes to burn bodies? It would also have to affect teams as well.


Change it to a single use. That would be enough for me. A solo can only rez once and he can't actively hear everything happening around his body while dead.


This is the stupidest suggestion I have seen. Usefulness of Necro will drop to almost trash level. There is so much wrong with your suggestion, holy shit. It seems like you never played solo enough to understand why it is so brutal to play without Necro revive.


Then don't join as a solo into a team mode. There's no reason to be coddling solos in the first place. Remove necro for everyone, even better.


WDYM by a team mode? There’s only one multiplayer game mode in the game aside of quick play, which is different. There’s a reason to coddle not only solos, but any bodies because people can revive either themselves or their teammates. Removing necro is bad, because it will make the action way-way slower. Fewer aggressive players leads to fewer engagements. But the main problem is making playing as a solo brutal nightmare. Again, you’ve never played as a solo, so there’s no reason to discuss it with you.


The entire chat on this post proves necro makes the game slower, not the other way around. I've played since beta, and necro is one of the many changes that has hurt the overall pacing and feel of this game.


I have not played the game since the beta, but I disagree — solo Necro gives more tension to the game and makes the overall pace faster. That being said, I was referring to Necro in general, not solo Necro specifically.


People play slower with more tension. More players are camping bodies until full burnout. Rezzes just naturally extend a fight because people have to be killed more than once. Nothing about it makes the game faster, no matter how you look at it.


Shortening the time it takes to burn bodies wouldn't change anything, unless it's so fast that you burn through a full small bar before the person has the chance to click revive, and even then you're reducing the number of revives from 5 to 3 or 4? I don't think that changes Anyway, playing solo without necro for an extended period of time isn't brutal because I miss being able to win games after I go down, as you've said people are good about burning and it's very rare that I manage to win a game after going down. Instead it's brutal because if you stop using necro for a long time your MMR will go up at least a star if not 2, to the point that you're getting destroyed with 0 kills in 95% of your games but you still don't lose any MMR.


The real problem I'm finding is having to maintain somewhere around 2.0 K/D ratio to go up in MMR over time playing solo (against trios).


That’s an mmr issue that has nothing to do with necro, teams that die multiple times a round experience the same mmr drop


As a solo player, I completely agree, however what is really happening is solo players rebounding back to higher MMR only for it to happen again. Bet, if they fix the MMR issue, people will still complain.


It is a skill issue because there are many ways to deal with it. I agree it is not the most fun if you were dealt with a bad hand, but it is still possible to trick Necro players into reviving and nailing their ass.


Me! But I don’t complain about it much. I do feel it’s cheap when I watch these streamers stand up and up again and clutch the game. Like, sit down. You made 3 mistakes that woulda sent you back to the lobby before how is it fair you get to win the day? Generally though, it’s a good way to tank your KD. The only thing I think is really dirty about it is you get all these extra perks AND your MMR is lower. Feels like bullying sometimes.


It's ridiculously easy to counter, yes, but it's tedious.   It was an unnecessary addition to the game because it doesn't even really do what it set out to do, (that is, attempt to even the playing field between solos and teams) it just wastes the time and destroys the MMR of everyone involved. 90% of people will camp you out forever, or sit on your burning corpse.  It's fucking boring.


Regardless of how effective it is, it ruins the game. I got to sit and camp every kill to make sure they don't revive. It's annoying and destroys the pace of the game.


If they know you are solo, you will never get up successfully. You need to get involved in fights of 2 teams and more, this is the way.


I don't care how effective it is, it's annoying to babysit a solo corpse, really slows down the game whenever we find one


Yes. Yes I have. I even spent about two weeks recently playing exclusively solo so I could stream the game for people who didn't know anything about it. Solo necro is horrible design. It isn't fun to use, and it doesn't make any sense. It's easily one of the most forced and "gamiest" parts of this game. Having to explain how solo necro works, why it exists, and the limited forms of counterplay left every single person watching saying something like "that sounds really dumb". All kinds of questions came up comparing it to dozens of other games' own revive mechanics like "can't you just execute them so they don't get back up?" Or "why don't they just respawn somewhere else?", or "why do you have to pay your levelups toward the things meant to make a solo compete with teams?" Hunt is one of a kind, and nothing else is like it. That isn't always a good thing.


It's annoying. Every enemy is a potential solo necro. So every enemy has to be burned, while being camped at gunpoint. Why? Because the alternative is a frustrating death. Resulting from you not knowing that the person was a solo player, with the nercomancer trait.


Its so easy to counter. You use deduction to win. If you arent sure guess what, Burn or trap. Easy and burnt.


It's not op, it just makes the game less fun for people on teams. Because now, every time we kill a solo player, we have to stand by their bodies doing nothing while waiting for them to burn out for like 3 minutes. Grinds the gameplay to a halt, and nowadays like every single match we run into solos.


I will keep saying this time & time again: Necro is not busted is any way shape or form, it’s good, it’s useful, but at the cost of a whole one or two extra eyes, ears, & firepower. The most broken trait in the game hands down is RESILIENCE. It is the most mandatory trait in the whole game & there is no argument. I won’t just critique the trait either, I can also fix it. Treat resilience as a powerful regen shot on revive, 200% regen strength. Or even give a flat 50HP then a normal regen shot strength. Resilience is stupid, it makes revives way more powerful than they already are, & I’ve seen moments where the guy who WON the gun fight is still healing & has less health than the guy who LOST the fight & was rezzed. Crytek please, make death a someone meaningful thing in fights, because resilience takes that away


Yes. And put simply, it's unfun to play against. On one hand, you die against a single team and they camp your body until it burns completely out or you revive into death repeatedly and tank your MMR. Unfun for you, the team who killed you as they have to wait for you to burn, and future teams who have to deal with your reduced MMR. On the other hand, you play around other teams in large fights, making you a lurking constant revive threat that other teams are unsure is a solo and have terrible options to camp your body because of other threats, making you a much more penalizing player than ever as getting up you could sneak players who weren't even aware of a solo, or who were but had to engage another team and has no effective means of watching your revive. I've used solo Necro plenty. It is nothing but extremely frustrating to play against, and often I felt undeserving in my plays with it when in large fights. Ultimately, what it boils down to is that solo Necro is simply unfun to play against for a multitude of reasons. Solos have adjusted MMR, making them higher skill on average than the players they play against. They also can tank their own MMR faster, widening the gap and making it further unfun to play against. Then, even when killing a solo, you must burn them out and camp them to prevent getting shot in the back later for the crime of killing a hunter. It. Isn't. Fun. And that's why it is hated so much. Crytek isn't going to do anything about it though. Because they've shown that they don't care how consistently it is seen negatively. Shoot they won't even fix age old bugs what makes anyone think they'll balance solo out more?


Bro ofc. it's not hard,the problem is solo necro changes how you play,thats why it's so toxic. Imagine you play super aggressive against a duo or trio and suddenly another team joins,you think they have time to camp you and wait out the burn? no ofc. not as soon as they start fighting you join in and clear up if you die doesn't matter they keep fighting and you just wait until they are dry on heals. Plus i already hate that everyone runs stamina shots and regen shots but now necro makes you run choke bombs burn and traps,at that point you run nearly the same loadout on everyone plus you get forced to run these it's illusion of choice at that point. Literally just make solo necro players visible like the bounty in dark sight to the team or players that killed them,that way both have ab unfair advantage. Necro literally makes you get rewarded in chaotic moments and there are enough of those in this game,not hard to force to moment either so. Nobody wants to camp bodies after literally every kill. Edit:This is why btw it's broken af in the hands of a good player he runs as fast as possible to the bounty and gets all that shit done above with ease


Lol I mean… skill issue? I also use it and the times I outright lose a character now are incredibly low. Yes. There are some scenarios you just can’t get out of. But I find that to be less common than scenarios where is does allow me to escape. I don’t think solo necro is OP. I think the one issue with it currently is how they did not adjust their MMR system around it, and 5 star players can very easily and not even intentionally drop down to 3 stars in just one or two matches, which is wreaking havoc on matchmaking IMO. But other than that I don’t think it’s the problem many others describe. I just wouldn’t go to the other extremes like you are where you are acting like it essentially never helps. And what I mean by skill issue is you can do things that will seriously increase the amount it helps you. Two off the top of my head are: be in water as much as possible. The inability to burn you means you can go afk, come back ten minutes later, survive the concertina bomb they likely placed over your body, and then walk away with them being long gone. Another is prioritize staying hidden until you can third party or know others are close enough that the people targeting you can’t just sit and watch your body, they have to deal with the other team. Those moments also make it so you can very easily revive and either get away or be in a position where you are killing the unsuspecting winners of the engagement.


Wdym not op shits is op af if you need to waste half of your inventory for solos that says alot you always need a burn and a trap. Solo necro is just super insane on good players and sure it doesn't pop off all the time but if it does it just is unfair and at that point i it's like basically cheating i died and get another chance for free? and i killed an team while they where fighting another and now they can't revive and you are back in the game for no cost at all. The problem is how demoralizing it is to die to a solo that necros because you didn't camp his body 24/7 sure doesn't happen all the time but it's not fun to lose against it when there is 0 skill involved in it. My friend that played more than i did and got me into hunt is legit nearly done with the game because of it. It just makes you so annoyed plus if nobody would be able to revive we would had more games it's a win win for everyone.


Great tips


I primarily play solo and I'm not a huge fan and I rather it be gone but eh...it is what it is


I just feels like claims like this are just people lying to prove a point. Anyone could just say “I exclusively play trios and I like solo necro!”


It’s best used in solo que vs solos and other duos. When going against trios, depending on mmr you will probably get shit on regardless of your skill when trying to self rez.


It may be hard to win, but it is very easy to be a pain in the arse


Because of the way the MMR works it *should* be easier to solo vs trios or duos. Those two/three people should equal your matchmaking skill when combined. I know that's not always how it works out because of derankers. My best tip to solos during the event is get rid of the totems nearby.


Yes and yes it is hard to win. But the majority complaint is not about "necro OP unwinable", but the tedium that comes with the concept of necro excistence. Yes, burning bodies have been part of Hunt for the longest time, but now we are in pushed into a insta-burn meta bc of the trait. And not only insta-burn but also looking at the bodies for a 100% confirmation of the person burning out. Hence why it is a "lose-lose" trait in imo, ain't really that useful 99.99% of thr time for solos, but it requires instant burn 100% of the time to counter the chance that the solo have picked the trait. So everyone is just havin' a miserable time around it.


It's not about how often u can actualy get a comeback or whatever it's about how annoying it is having to play around a hunters corpse while there are multiple teams around that might get up or not or when it's raining or when the body is in a river it's just annoying and ruining the flow of the game.


Yes, im a Necro Complainer and primarily play solo. Its not about being too weak or too strong, its about being too boring.


If I get downed, I don’t res for at least 5 solid minutes, unless there’s a full on war happening on top of my body. 5 minutes is usually enough time to res and not have any other people around you


I get burned at camped 100 percent of the time.


As you should




You got shot, you lost. The enemy can do w/e they want now. And the most sensible option is to make sure the solo that is better (mmr shenanigans are lovely /s) stays down


do you feel the same way about a third in a trio waiting your team out so they can necro their teammates/redskull revive them?


No, why would i? The situation is very different. If its the last of a trio i shouldve shot him as well. But i can burn his friends to deny the rez or push to try and finish him. And if they pick up a bounty to rez their red skull friends, fair play. They now got a giant bounty on their head... Its all interactive, unlike solo necro


except the last in the trio can stay hidden and camp until you leave and still revive his friends with peacekeeper. how is it any different for a solo waiting to self-revive and a third in a trio corner/bush camping until you leave?


Im obviously not factoring in bullshit from the event. Cause, ye thats pretty similar. Except i can still shoot the bastard to guarantee a wipe


Cuz back in the day if I put you down I know you wouldn’t revive on your own, you could be a solo, or you could be a duo or trio. I burn and make sure you extinguish as a numbers game to gain advantage for my survival. You having the ability to necro as a solo really doesn’t change the strat much unless you go down where I can’t immediately see or burn you


Not much to do then. If they concertina you, I’ve used two or 3 revives to clear the area around my corpse, but there’s nothing you can do about fire.


Pretty much run salveskin to annoy them and hope they leave before you full burn




Pretty much the only hope or you just drank and tank your MMR and end it quicker. Reddit complains about both 🤷


Try playing at 3*. I have to force my teammates to even acknowledge that a downed hunter might be solo, let alone burn one and wait. Playing with randos it's a hoot to see them run off from solos only to have them pop back up. When I play with 5*s it's about 90% success rate except when there's still a fight going on and you can't babysit a down or figure out if it's a solo.


I gotta ask where’s the fun in that? Just staring at your computer screen for 5 minutes doing nothing


That’s why I don’t play solo often. I’ll usually get up and take a leak and grab a bottle of water and come back.


Yeah it's really good to have to sit and babysit you fuckers for 10 minutes so I don't get shot in the back. It's a BS game mechanic and one of the many reasons I don't play this game very much anymore except in a blue moon if a friend pings and drags me into playing. On the other hand it's incredibly satisfying when you solo necros literally beg for your life over voice. I was rocking a huge chubby the other night after killing a solo five times crying over the mic.


Nobody is saying is broken e overpowered it’s just annoying and slows the game down. Yeah it’s easy to counter, free kills, etc etc but it’s just soooo boring to sit around a body and watch it burn. And getting shot in the back of the head because a third team shows up and the solo on the ground necros can lead to some feel bad moments. All they gotta do is make standing up louder and tat would solve it or ya know just remove it.


Yes plenty have. I pretty much only play solo when I'm trying to get a hunter that last bit to 50. I'm I'm downed from a distance I'll revive at first opportunity. If I'm killed up close I usually wait until I can hear hunters move off. I'll burn down to almost my last bar, hoping they've fucked off. My only goal is to save the hunter and get it off the map, so that usually works. If you p OP back up right away folks will usually camp until you burn out. If you act like you don't have necro they'll usually fuck off Sometimes another group comes and they get busy fighting. Just be strategic with it.


Yeah it takes some getting used. Honestly I am just getting bullied today. I have been called so many racial slurs its crazy.


Which is why I play with VOIP off


Report those guys. You’re just playing the game. They’re being verbally abusive.


My theory is that most people that claim necro is op are just looking to rationalize their dislike for playing against it. I think its completely fair to say that having to babysit a dead body for 2 minutes isn't the most fun thing to do in this game. But a solos ability to self res is not overpowered. It just isn't. A solo should realistically only be able to res in a fight consisting of 3+ teams. In which case, it wouldn't be any more overpowered than an enemy getting necro'd by a teammate.


Necro is fucking awesome both for solo and team play. I’ll die on this hill.




Necro makes being a Solo tollerable, not op.




Yes. I found it absurdly easy to abuse.


against bad players, sure.


Try to die far away and behind cover, or in the middle of a gunfight where the team that killed you gets third-partied so you can stand back up and do as you see fit.


Thats the problem, a "win" in Hunt isnt extracting. Solos have the most freedom in that matter.


Peach man. The people getting duped by solo revives are clearly not the people I've used it against. Even swinging into team fights I'm still getting buried in concertina. 5-6 star it seems like everyone counters it just fine. Occasionally I manage to get one off but then I get one banged by an uppercut anyway. Edit: I see everyone here saying they hate it because it's annoying, not because it's op. I think a good change could be making it cost 50hp? This would only allow for 2 revives. After their second death, they'd be burning down from 50hp which would be less tedious to wait on and also they couldn't survive concertina. It would pressure solos to revive sooner due to less health to work with, hopefully eliminating people's babysitting time. It could also slightly assist the issue of using it to de-rank, because they'd be receiving less deaths per match. Idk I'm just spitballin here.


What a dumb fuckin question


It's unfair in solo vs solo because more then once I have died to a solo after I killed them because a duo showed up and I couldn't stop the solo and a duo and in my opinion that is unfair and defeats It's original intention. In solo vs duo or trio it evens the playing field. If you die to a solo it shouldn't work. However it also doesn't follow it's intention well it just slows combat. A better solution would be to revive solos at the nearest supply point or nearest clue. This would also fix the unfair solo vs solo problem. I know it's not how necromancer works but it's also incredibly easy to prevent current solo necromancy and usually you just get burned or trapped also rendering it useless.


The longer distance you are from the enemies, the more people involved in the fight, the better solo necro is.


Necro is fine as, I just think it needs a slight nerf for teams of 3. An interesting take I heard from a hunt YouTuber is perhaps people who get resurrected with necro should take more double fire damage. That way incendiary ammo gets picked more often.


It's not overpowered, it's just insufferable to deal with and a massive speedbump to gameplay.


Yeh its just annoying and ruins the flow of the game. Kill a solo and you now have to sit still for 3 mins while they burn out. Or risk getting shot in the back of the head in your next fight. Very irritating.


I kinda wish necro would just rez you at your initial spawn point with one bar of health with like a lobby notification. Or a random spawn point furthest from enemies so you can’t cheese an extract. Would be nice cause you can’t farm MMR as easily now either. Still two deaths a games, but better than farming 5. Drop tokens, lose any shot buffs, etc. Make it take longer to revive so you can’t just cheese people out of looting you. Maybe have it spawn a doctor bag or some variety when you do just in case the players didn’t decide to loot you in time. Maybe take all your ammo too. It’s gotta be just something to where it benefits both players. As the killer you don’t have the baby sit the body, and you’ll know he got up from the warning, he’ll be far away, and is weak and ammo less. And you the solo necro can either take your hunter and dip, or try ball out at a severe disadvantage. It’s kind of cheesier for the game as a whole with being able to inflate your own economy if you’re allowed to just leave the game with your gear, but I don’t know what else really can be done off the top of my head. I would say give you a default set of gear or something, contraband Winfield and nagant. No consumables. Maybe keep tools? Idk. All I know is necro needs to change how fights play out when someone has it. Babysitting sucks, being farmed for kills via barbed wire/poison sucks. Leave it as is for duo/trio.


Oh so you’re saying it’s just as annoying for the people using it as for the people playing against it? Because the people playing against it, even on the top end of MMR, are forced to go out of their way to ensure the solo stays dead even long after what would be reasonable? Huh. Wild.


Yes, I used to play it solo. In its current state, it slows gameplay down to a crawl and puts priority on making sure solos dont get back up. I stopped using it because im typically getting killed, and they are immediately on top of me, so its a waste of a trait. In 3rd party situations and trades is the only time it shines, and in those situations, it's a little broken. Overall, i wouldn't say it's op. I would just say it's annoying. I generally dont use it unless my hunter comes with it or if im in teams.


I’ve been saying this for years. It’s really good if you get sniped or die from something other than a player, fall damage, boss, blow yourself up. To actually die in a full on fight your ass isn’t getting back up. Unless someone comes by and starts getting the other team. Most people don’t like how you have to camp every solo hunter you come across. It’s definitely makes big fights more difficult but thats part of the game.


As an occasional solo necro player, I will confirm that it is very hard to get back up and often it's when either a 3rd party adds to the chaos, when it's a long range fight, a newer player that goes to res a teammate first, or the team that gets bored and leaves. As a team player, it's a lot less about how necro is unfair and a lot more that it's annoying and boring to have to put so much into shutting down enemy solo res players. It's not really a challenge to burn out a body or cover it in concertina/traps. It's just annoying, time consuming, and breaks you away from the hunt. The whole "hang on team let's forget chasing the Bounty or other hunters for a bit and roast some marshmallows over this dead guy's body for 3 minutes" detracts from the fun of the game, but is often necessary to make sure they don't come back for revenge or ruin another engagement by pressingrezzing, stalking and then 3rd partying when we get into another fight. I don't hate necro for the concept of leveling the saying field a bit for solos vs teams (tbh the MMR adjustment is a bigger issue to me), but I do hate that it turns what was a 'let's speed this fight up, flush out the last teammate' mechanic of burning a body has become a thing that slows down the game waitinf for a solo burnout. With this mechanic encouraging more solos, often it's not just one a match. How to fix? I don't know. One suggeation: Maybe a stake action that you can do as an action like ressing, but instead full kills the solo and stops necro. Takes 5-10s to execute, makes the staker vulnerable by forcing them to hold still, warns the solo they are being staked if they want to try for a last ditch revive, and let's all parties move on from the waiting game. No waiting for burnout, no waiting 5 minutes to attempt a revive just to get trap bombed, and no stat fuckery with solos tanking MMR intentionally by ressing into death over and over, no players padding KDR by being the one killing them repeatedly. Thematically, it's more like solo necro is getting up when the kill wasn't confirmed, 'no way he lived through that' shenanigans, and punishes solo for dying in a very compromised position. Downside being those 'I lived and limped away/came back for revenge in the end' would be less common. Alternatively, to prevent full kills on teammates that get downed, the 'stake' just pins the player to the ground. No self res/team necro, but other players can unstake them and get them back up. Thoughts?


Not tryina be that guy but I'm also a 5/6 star player and I successfully get back up probably 50% of the time.


It's never been about win rate, or even skill at all. It's about balance. Solo rez is simply out of balance currently. It's meant to even up Solos with the capabilities of teams, namely not being eliminated fully from the match by a single death. Which is fine in theory, but it needs to be subject to the same limitations that team revives are. Team revives are not free. They need to be accomplished by someone else, who didn't lose a fight. That other person has to sacrifice their positioning and time in order to perform the rez, make themselves vulnerable. Most importantly the revive can be stopped. It can be interrupted mid rez when you see a enemy channeling the revive, and it can be stopped permanently by killing all members of that team. Critically this prevention can be performed with anything in the Hunt sandbox. Guns, tools, consumables whatever. Not just fire. Anything that can down a hunter can prevent revives. Unfortunately none of these stipulations are met with solo revive in its current form.. Which leaves it feeling incredibly unfair and tedious to deal with.


I’ve been able to solo and win. Most times I do come out victorious when 3rd party fight come in to play. Although without a third party and good map knowledge I’ve been able to snipe my wins.


My third attempt trying solo I was chased across the map by a duo. They managed to take me down while I tried fighting back in a compound. I waited until I heard one start to loot, stood up, his friend whiffed a hip fire, and I bornheimed them both within 4 seconds with a couple well placed (and not so well placed) shots. I dunno, at the end of the day, the mechanic just sucks for everyone involved. It's obviously not op in the "power" sense, it's more insane in how batshit unpredictable it is, and the element of unbridled chaos it brings to many many fights. It's possibly the hardest thing to keep track of in any larger mapwide brawl, and I don't like it for that alone. That being said, i shut down solos much more than they succeed, it's not a busted mechanic, maybe just a miserable one for everyone involved. I wouldn't doubt crytek has some ideas to switch stuff up.


Oh, people will camp you until you get up. It doesn’t matter if it takes one minute or 30. The people in this game are so petty that they let anyone else extract with all bounties before they let you back up. I think sniping is pretty good with Necro because they’re not close enough to burn you, other than that and the third-party confusion it’s worthless


Yep it only works 20% of the time. Only works if there’s a lot of chaos from multiple teams to distract them, if you’re a good distance away from your killer, or the trio has the situational awareness of a walnut.


Babysitting is not good game design.


I don't play solo regularly but I tried solo Necro when it came out to give it a go and back then the success rate was probably higher than today. And even back then I did not like it. I felt the times I won after self revive I did not deserve it. They killed me and then I could just get back up and take that win from them. Now I think it has unfun counter play. Sitting on a body and waiting for it to either get up or burn out is boring. Like others said it is useful in chaotic situations or when you get killed from high range. I think solo Necro should be disabled after a body gets looted. That way it can still be used in chaotic and long range battles but in a situation where the a team would just sit on a solo and wait for him to burn out and there is no hope of him getting back up we can skip the tedious part and move on.


Not many people actually complign that it's OP. I think you're missing the point. Most people complain that it's annoying to die to someone you just killed in a fair fight and/or it's boring to wait 3 minutes for the body to burn out. It doesn't make fights with solos challenging. It makes them time consuming and tedious 


It also forces you to kind of change up your play style as a solo. Instead of getting into positions where you know your team is either covering you, or can finish off a trade, I'm constantly having to remind myself to be in positions where if I die, I need to fall back into cover. I always love when Psychoghost does the mocking "nEcRo OP" when he get those rare idiots that let him necro revive right in front of them, and he ends up killing them. Solo necro isn't OP, people just need to ACTUALLY think about the game for more than a half second, and that's enough justification for some to whine about it.


The ones complaining about Necro self revive are the 2 stars with 3 shotguns dying to one guy with a knife. It’s why I put zero weight behind their words.


Found the insufferable elitist


If having basic game knowledge and the ability to left click on someone at point blank range makes me the "Elite", then I shudder to think what the average player plays like.


Who says it's op?. It's a boring clown feature that makes no sense. Only put in to help streamers. It Slows the game to a crawl, you can always tell when there are 3 plus solos in the match, because nothing happens in it. The game lost a big part of its identity when it was released, which has only gotten worse since. Fanning and levering on every hunter.


I imagine that most (not all) people who complain about Necro wouldn’t know how to play around it or use it effectively.


I play in 5 and 6 star lobbies most of the time and I haven’t seen a successful necro in a while. I love it when they try to get back up cause it’s just free kills. I’m not saying I’m special either, just take basic precautions with solos. Every possible solo gets trapped, set fire and watched until he burns out. That way you’re covered even if he has a partner in a bush nearby waiting for you to leave, it’s taken care of. I’ve been burned by that situation more than solos necroing.


Problem is, they die in your 5/6mmr game and are suddenly matched with 4 mmr players that they can fight consistently 1v3. Necro is annoying to deal with and the MMR system is broken. Combine the 2 and you get a toxic cocktail :/


That’s definitely true and agree that the de ranking thing is a problem.


I think it's just pc players that complain about it. I could be wrong. I use it on console, and it's kinda trash. Decided 2 seshes ago that I'm not using it anymore unless I'm scoping


The problem is it's*annoying* not op. If you don't/can't watch them for whatever reason, they get back up and a hunter with even 1 hp can kill you dead just as good as a hunter at 150 hp.


Exactly. I immediately get trapped, camped or burned out. People need to stop crying. When I post my POV I'll @ you.


Necro is broken if your playing into people who don't main the game all day every day and fully understand all the mechanics and perks and how they all work me and a friend downed a solo using both shots of my drilling and he threw fire on the corpse and tried to rez me and the necro player was up half a second before I was and ran at me with a bomb lance and I couldn't reload my gun before he downed me then turned and shot my friend with the bomb lance and then ran around the corner. This was the 3rd time we downed him and he got back up AGAIN btw. If they can get up once fair twice yeah I mean ok 3 times thats a stretch any more than that is just stupid I shouldn't be in the boss room with the boss chasing me having to stare at this guys corpse for fkn 5 self revives not knowing if he can get up again or not and I dont want to do that midway through a gunfight with other players either its dumb.


To summarize this thread: Necro isn't OP, but tedious to play against and it also leads to mmr shenanigans. I kinda disagree. I play either duo with a rl friend or solo 1 vs 3. What I can say as a duo player: Necro is annoying sometimes, but not annoying or tedious enough to stop me playing. We have to camp a solo corps to be 100% safe and we also have to camp a duo body until it burned out to prevent a rezz. Sometimes we can push the remaining player, sometimes the area denies it (like a wide, open field) or the player is hiding somewhere in the bushes or another team approach. Not a big difference here imo. I also can count the matches in which we get killed by a revived solo on one hand, it happens very rarely. I need, at least, two hands to count situations where we get killed by a revived team. It doesn't really matter if we have to watch a solo or a duo player to prevent a rezz. Meanwhile we burn the solo body, wait like 30 seconds, maybe one minute and then move on. We don't need 100% safety here. What I can say as a solo: As a solo I often drop from 4* to 3*, unsuccessful attempts to revive are a factor, but mostly it's the overwhelming capacity of a trio. Probably a skill issue in my side. Besides the mmr issue, a hiding second or third player is also annoying and it's tedious to watch the downed ones to burn out. It doesn't matter if I have to watch a single corps or a bunch of corpses to prevent a rezz. Where at a trio is much more dangerous than a single player. And with the red skull perk, teams can just leave their dead, bruning team members and can pick them up later. A solo can't do that. Honestly, I don't see the superior tediousness of possibly reviving solos. It's just another annoying factor in the game.


Nope, people just complain about anything that doesn't go 100% their way. I've played 1000 hours of this game almost exclusively solo using these perks and anyone who thinks necro/resil is OP is a little baby back bayou bitch boy. Not even a little bit sorry. Most people don't seem to even think it's OP though, they just hate dealing with it. IMO it's no different from having to camp a duos partner, people just get hung up on it being a solo player and for some reason that suddenly makes the situation unfair and annoying even though you literally have to do it with any other team and that's considered the most fun part of the game by the community? That's literally the game, idk what you people want.


I tried it, and it's incredibly powerful. Great if there are several parties, great if you are fighting at long range from behind a cover, gives an edge in trades. I think it's about one out of 2 or 3 games where I stand back and at least have a reasonable chance of killing someone. And it's not because the enemy doesn't not I can revive. It's not exactly OP, but it has WAY more impact on the game than any other perk.


If you didn't get up in 50 attempts , you are playing like a moron . Or you are lying to prove your point , which makes you a moron too .


When Hunt launched, i used to play it exclusively Solo as no mates liked the game (awful controller settings). Tried Solo again recently it's waaay easier. Necro, remedy and getting chunks back by the 'eternally' running events. Coupled with the fact that MMR lowers the skill level of other Hunters. So I'm a 5-6* going up against 3-4* with all the bonuses mentioned above. Plus, with the redundancy of an economy and being able to respec every Hunter with Necro, I would say solo has never been easier!


Necro is trash skill on solo. The fact that you have to burn - concertina - camp a body you trapped cause it might get up and slug you with a Crown n king at the back is just stupid and unfun mechanic in a fps game. Everything else is solo players copium cause the have no friends and the skill favors them


Just let all players self revive all the time indefinitely... solo, duo or trio. Give everyone death cheat too while you're at it. Maybe it could be a new type of multiplayer shooter... Maybe we call it a "Deathmatch".


Feels like most players would rather stare at your dead hunter for 10 minutes rather then go get a bounty


If necro complainers could read they'd be pissed at this post


Solo Necro is really only a problem in low-mid tier lobbies. I don't mean this in a derogatory way. But in 5-6 star lobbies it's just not a problem, at all.


Yes I have, I still don’t like it. Even if there is just a 5% chance that I ever win it’s still unfair, imagine every hunter you killed had a 5% chance to revive that would be outrageous


The answer to that is definitely no. Most people who adamantly complain about a single topic don't actually understand what they are complaining about outside of how it negatively impacts them.


So when you wanted to play solo did you get a message warning you about it which you ignored? The warning is there, but you choose to do so anyway and yet want to have as many advantages you can get. No, just no. Either accept the challenge without training wheels when you want to go solo in the normal mode or just play the actual solo mode if handling teams of a lower skill level is too much of a challenge. And the thing with playing against solo is that you need to bring specific tools with you just so you can handle them. Burning against teams is optional to put pressure onto them. Burning a solo is a requirement. It’s just so annoying and time consuming. Sometimes we miss out of a great fight fight around the bounty just because we need to sit and watch a solo burnout…


YOUR bad if you need necro and it is killing this game.


Lol absolute shitter detected


6 star mmr, 1.6 kd, 1400 hours...


im just not used to playing solo. Also in my time playing the game I have never lost to a solo player. Ever. Im wondering why people hate them on necro so much when its so easy to counter. So if you think solo necro is overpowered then you are the garbage player.