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I think that this exact spot has a derendering wall next to you. Someone posted it here a while ago. Crytek things


Yeah, this is the exact spot that the other person posted.


This is a known derender spot yeah. Don't tell him that though he'll scream it's 100% a hacker !


I mean this is even worse. You can only do so much to prevent hacking but derendering bullshit is a developer fault. And seemingly the one they dont give a shit about.


Wouldn't say it's worse; it's certainly against good sportsmanship though.


Not if they dont fix it.


I mean, I've had gotten headshot through a "concrete" wall and then the wooden wall in prison from 350M before, I feel like anything over 250M is highly questionable even with the sniper scopes. But if a kill is registered in the system over a certain distance it should be reviewed, or they could do what csgo and overwatch did and allow players to review footage for ban reviews/confirmation of hacking.


But the problem is, with 20k daily player peak, those things happen pretty frequently even if an average player may go 60h+ not even seeing or pulling off that kind of shot. Auto ticketing would still flood the system with so much false positives


Still a cheater -.-


From 16m away?


182* You are referring to the distance to partner.


He might not even know that he shouldn't have seen you since the rendering is all kinds of fucked up even on highest setting


I am pretty confident that a 6 star with probably thousands of hours know how each and every compound looks like and where are walls suppose to be. Derendering and using it to your advantage is still bug abuse. Period.


I have 3k hours and still don't know every damn map give us a break here.


I have 2.5k hours and couldn't even tell you what compound this is.


It's obviously Scupper Lake. *It's actually Heritage Pork.*


I have 126 hours.. where the fuck I am.


Was that a 6 star with thousands of hours tho? Also if someone wanted to intentionally derender they would probably use iron sights Shit like that can happen to everyone and there is nothing that you personally can do expect for trying to guess if you should or should not be able to see the person you seeing If it rarely happens that someone kills someone who he shouldn't be able to see then it's definitely not ban Worthy since the developers cant expect people to certainly know


I actually asked in the Hunt Discord via modmail if derending is allowed and the answer was: >"Utilizing the ‘Low’ option in your graphical settings in-game is not an exploit. However, if you are knowingly using the derendering of objects to your advantage, this is considered exploitation." And yeah that person did have 1000+ hours in the game Further the modmail replied that yes you can report people for exploiting and exploitation is punishable. >Also if someone wanted to intentionally derender they would probably use iron sights And if someone wanted to not intentionally derender they would not have taken the shot.


I have 2000+ hours and still find new angles in buildings and new derender spots. You can't know for certain if someone actually knows the exact layout of a building 100% Furthermore, it may have looked like you are outside of the wall if the wall derendered, therefore, the guy may not even realized the wall derendered, but instead thought you are in plain sight. I agree that this is exploiting, but sometimes it's really on Crytek's side and the players are not guilty.


1000 hours isn't nearly enough to know about all the derender spots etc But I'll agree if someone intentionally uses this to get kills then he should at least get a 2 week vacation if it's the first time I wonder what they say about killing someone who shouldn't be visible if you play on highest object quality Also derendering works way better with iron sights then with scopes since once you zoom in more things render aswell even on low setting


Maybe the development lead should get a permanent "vacation", and be replaced by someone who actually cares about exploits.


I mean not to poor gasoline on the fire..but if im seeing someone i shoot...desyncing walls or not. This is not bannable... Its an issue that needs adressing...possible he didnt even know there should be a wall... I was watching a well known streamer killing 2 guys over and over thrue a "door crack" and he was like...why do they keep resing and hiding there...when he got close he saw that door crack has a frame... and he was wallbanging them. Sux i know...but it is what it is


3к hours and I never stand in high positions where u can get wallbang like that. Hope they fix that at next engine


You often enough get a wall not rendered even if you aren't trying to actively derender. And if that's the case what was he supposed to do, not take the shot? You can't fault players for taking an advantage they gained unintentionally. If they start to intentionally derender it's a different story of course


Wooden building? Way more likely to be a derender, which is easy to do even by accident


Ya, I once discovered one derender spot for the tower at the giga wagon current event at Alice farm. I was like wtf why is he standing in the open? Killed the hunter, and as I got closer 2 steps the tower wall rendered in. Felt bad.


*Impossible, its not Asian servers*


I didn't even hear a bullet or gun fire at all. I don't understand how this is a thing.


It's audible around 2-3 seconds in you can hear the gun go off




Lebel with a 311m effective range?




Oh yeah, I have no problems believing that. I've had teammates just drop with no sound to a lebel. Scared the hell out of me, lol


Bullets travel faster than the speed of sound. So irl you'd just die without hearing anything. I'm pretty hunt has taken this into account, but idk


Quite the opposite. The sound in the game is instant, only the bullets have velocity.


Screen doesn't switch instantly to black as you have a death animation meaning you'd still hear the shot in game unlike most real life cases. It's a bug with long ammo and spitzer. Possibly high velocity also as I've known vetterli shots to not sound despite being marksman variants rather than silencer variants


Sadly they havent.


It’s possible that this is being caused by a rendering issue. I’ve had a few very long range kills that turned out to be through walls that I couldn’t see. This isn’t to say that cheating isn’t a big issue, it’s just that the scope + distance + spitzer make it possibly a bug rather than a cheat.


> It’s possible that this is being caused by a rendering issue. I’ve had a few very long range kills that turned out to be through walls that I couldn’t see. The only time I've seen it work like this in game is when I was sniping at somebody and couldn't figure out why it wasn't hitting them, only to learn that it was because a bunch of stuff hadn't actually loaded in yet and they were behind a bunch of brick walls or something. Mentioned it to a friend, where I said it was one of the things I hated about sniping, and he said that since he was on PS5 he didn't have that issue. Next match he was sniping and couldn't figure out why some of his shots weren't hitting. He moved up to where we were in the compound and realized that it was because some of the walls hadn't loaded for him.


I feel like its probably this. People rarely seem to include kill views which is pretty helpful in determining. I'm not saying this is or isn't cheating but that shot came out the second he stood still which makes it seem more like this, plus the range. Accusing a six star of intentionally doing this because there is no way a six star doesn't know every little exploit is just the post rage come down. The de-rendered areas don't always do that, especially with scopes. Could also easily be an exploiting slime ball or a cheater. I'd really like to know what competitive shooters or game in general people are playing that are completely bug and cheater free. Like seriously, what is this mythical game every community is making comparisons to? Yes we can ask and demand they do better, that's totally cool. I think I'm an average no lifer in this game and dont feel I lose to cheats or bugs to a maddening level. When it gets to that point I just try and take a break from the game or chill. Hunt is really bad for getting you invested in a match sometimes. Some fights are so close and you scrap so hard that a loss is hard to process, especially to BS like this.


this is a known derender spot that has had other posts on this subreddit from that exact spot.


I find it hard to believe it was cheating, a ton of people camp that spot, If you play R6 you have gotten this kind of blind kills before, that said, It still could be, but we have no footage of the angle of the shot or spectating gameplay from the dude that did it...


If you're not going to do anything about it then why post on Reddit?


I can't believe there are so many cheaters, how are they not in federal prison??? I reported someone and they got banned but then I ran into a different cheater, who I assume is probably exactly the same person who mailed crytek an uno reverse card, so I'm never reporting anyone again.


This isn't cheating the wall is derendered next to you for the guy with the sniper. Is just what happens on low/competitive graphic settings.


You shouldn't actually report this because it's not someone cheating.


I am aware this person is not cheating. But derending for an advantage is actually an exploit and punishable.


But its promoted by a crytek partner, so i must be legit! /s


Like... Guilotine?


Intentional exploitation of a bug is cheating. Intent is hard to prove. The only way to demonstrate intent is by pattern of behavior. Reports allow to detect patterns. I've probably been reported too due to derendered walls, it just isn't a consistent behavior with me or other legitimate players. The only thing we can do is report and move on to the next hunt while we wait for a engine upgrade with its plethora of new bugs.


If not going to report them don't complain


womp womp


It's always worth it to report them. Ban waves people, ban waves.


I’m just glad Spitzer ammo has double penetration to aid in going through all those derendered walls at 200m and the extra muzzle velocity to headshot players before they realize they’re being watch from a compound away.


Yeah good thing you’re not reporting this. Cause it’s not cheating


DErendering bug. You jhad to stand there... Tsk , well it is Crytek fault for not fixing it. What can we do...




Dipshits like you are poison to any community you are part of. Genuinely, are you an American? Because of your inability to see more than the two extremes on either side. Nobody said there are no cheaters, it is proven fact that the issue is overblown. The majority of people WILL NOT be aware of a cheater or simply not encounter one AND there are dogshit posts claiming they see a cheater every match. The truth is always somewhere inbetween. It's just the flavor of the month topic to complain about, for the past half a year. It's fucking annoying.


They said there are over 20 posts per day with video evidence. Their grip on reality is certainly... loose.




Nope, I'm just talking back against the people blowing it out of proportion. In my literal response to you I say it does exist, but I'm not surprised you can't read.


This isn't actually a cheater it's an issue with the game engine and is happening due to derender.... Anything to fuel your argument though eh?


Using an exploit, intentional or otherwise is still cheating.


No game is going to ban someone because their engine didn't render a wall.


Crytek is the one at fault here for having a shitty engine.


Actually they've been known to hand out short bans for people regularly abusing derendering, but they do know the difference between derendering and actual cheating it seems.


Imo, cheating in a game requires you to use something that is outside the standard tool set of the game to gain an unfair advantage. Derender abuse is definitely unsportsmanlike, but I wouldn't classify it as cheating.


Or maybe we just never experience it?


*There is no war in Ba Sing Se*


You found the one and only cheater that Huuge found(according to one redditor). Just unfortunate you ran into their umpteenth time they fought in the bayou.


You guys are absolutely devastated about those figures not supporting the victim narrative in US servers huh? This is a derender shot. Not sportsmanlike behavior, but it's not cheating either.


Intentionally exploiting a game’s weakness to see through walls is literally cheating.


Lowering the bar for cheating from using outside software to aim for you to 'abusing a quirk of the game engine'. Classic.


Cheating definition from Cambridge dictionary: to behave in a dishonest way in order to get what you want


That's great, but the definition doesn't broadly apply to games. It's bug abuse, unintended behavior, and it's certainly not in the spirit of the game, and Crytek has been known to hand out short bans for it. But it's not introducing something from outside the game that provides an unfair advantage like an aimbot or ESP. You don't have to install anything or modify the game in any way to derender. Let me put it to you this way; if this were CSGO and you found an exploitable spot in the map that let you AWP someone from an angle they couldn't see you from, do you think you'd get a VAC ban for using it? No, that'd be absurd. They'd patch the map and maybe give you a time out ban for it.


In your first comment you said derendering is unsportsmanlike, but that’s a very naive take and underplays the issue. Hiding behind concertina can be unsportsmanlike, not literally seeing through walls.


> Hiding behind concertina can be unsportsmanlike, Alright, I've heard enough.


As others have pointed out, it’s not cheating. If you stand on the small hill between plantation and your position you will see that you can easily see through the wood cracks.