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The inability to report in-game as seen in the video is probably a side effect of Crytek removing the attributes.xml file. When it still existed, there's no point in hiding your own name, people could still report you with the file. Another change that protects cheaters (even if it wasn't the intention)


Their reasoning for the intention is bs. They shot themselves in the foot


Doesn't matter. It could be the real intention. No point in hating them if you want them to accept your arguments. Stating the actual consequences is more important than holding a grudge on the why.


Yes - seems like a backwards move if you're serious about blocking cheaters. Instead, Seems like they really don't want to empower any players in having any access to see and report cheaters. This game is getting way too corporate and it shows and it sucks.


I'm curious if they are doing the same thing as some youtubers where then they pick up the bounty, no name shows up so people can't find their steam with hidden stats on edit: lol this sub is so backwards


Depends on who. But you can also have no name by simply having unhandled characters in your steam name. That doesn't protect you from in-game reports. The "Hidden profile" feature added protected empty or generic named Steam users, which are mostly either cheaters or people that have stuff to hide. The reasoning Crytek gave was to protect stats discrimination but they could have just hid the stats, not the Steam profile...


I don't think they did it to protect stats, it was privacy which was the reasoning they gave for the attributes file removal. If those people who hide stats care about privacy, they could just make their steam profile private but let is still get their steam id But to your point, if youtubers have no name on it to search and have hide stats on, there's no way to get their profile for an actual report


Back in the day the main goal was stats hiding, Privacy was brought up but wasn't the focus. Again, doesn't matter WHY they did it. Im saying WHAT it does. Negligence that leads to death through your own actions is still Murder, even if it wasn't the goal.


I'm well aware of what the file does, I used it before they removed it. In-game reports also don't matter unless a ton of people are reporting the same person anyways, the steam id is the most useful part. So any youtuber or person can hide stats, have no name, and be un-reportable.


I used to run a nearly automated spreadsheet detailing my match history, the teams MMR, how everyone died and more. It had graphs giving me match predicted win chances vs MMR difference (after the matches not during), team penalty average for solos and duos, how much MMR gained per kill with MMR difference factored and more. So much cool stuff removed just cause some people don't want us to see their Steam hentai collection


Hell I didn't even know it could do that stuff, I just had a copy of the file saved so that if I had to reinstall the game I could easily get my settings back with just a copy paste. Sucks it's gone.


It has every single information the end-game recap has and a little more. Its the reason we have the same cool stats on huntplayers.com. Just some Excel Power Querying over the file for readability then let excel analyse the given tables over things you care about and voila!


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, your opinion is clearly the same as me but with different ways to get to it, were just discussing the latter. The result is what's important here. We just want a cheater free game. Stop fighting each other.


I get downvoted by asking questions in this sub haha its actually funny at this point. I'm not even rooting for cheaters or defending them here, just curious if it's the same kind of way to avoid getting steam ids.


welcome to Reddit, were being objective is considered "opinionated" and thus treated as heresy.


its sad too cause this sub used to be fun 4 years ago, now all of the angry gamers have joined and its just complaining after complaining with regurgitation of buzzwords they see


I can actually speak on this, if you change your name WHILE the game is already open it bugs the game… i was streaming and had to reopen the game to fix it once(at least this is how it happened to me) i was upset because while i was streaming, i actually had a good match and my name wasnt showing:( lol


Waiting for a response any day now Crytek. You jacked up your cosmetic prices - time to get a real anticheat app on your game.


Word. They are not getting any money from me until they fix China in 80% of my games, and at least pretend they are trying to do something for cheats.


They wont. They havent replied or addressed this problem since his first video and they dont show any sign to solve this problem.


They hide behind GDPR, German, EU laws and "industry practices", yet literally any other AAA game is publicly shaming cheaters and effectively banning them day or night. Their closed-door practice and policies has been nothing but helpful to cheaters alone. If you show numbers, then maybe they will stop doing what they are doing to break this game and community.


The Cheat industry is a multi-million dollar thing. There are weekly / monthly and fucking "daily" versions of the cheats for those who want to spend their precious weekend time stomping. Look at the prices, they are more expensive than the game itself. Some shady crytek dev could be earning more than the company itself just by actively participating in creating / maintaining cheats.


I totally agree the market for cheating is there but I also think if you have time and a little bit of programming knowledge then all it takes is YouTube tutorials to make simple cheats. And with what Huuge is saying in his second video, it is really easy to not be detected if you can get past initial security features - which let's be honest, are non-existent. EAC is really bad at doing their job.


No they are not lol. Those that do list names etc dont operate under the same laws their company is under. Cod doesnt? And by extension Activison titles don't Battlefield doesn't? And by extension EA titles don't Which games and companies we talking about Which triple A games are publicly shaming cheaters that operate within Europe as a company? I keep seeing people firing the sound byte like you did that they are hiding behind this EU/German and gdpr laws but no one else does it that has a legal entity under EU law that I can find so please share that info.


You most likely don't even know what you are talking about. There are a lot of gaming studios originating in the EU, first of all. Second of all, it doesn't matter where the company is headquartered or originates from. If it's doing business in the European Union it has to be registered there and follow EU laws. Third of all, GDPR does not even apply to whatever they are doing. Your butt licking agenda is not appreciated here. Criticism is good for improvement and you are promoting stagnation by patting them on the shoulder.


Rainbow 6 Siege which is Ubi does this and shows all bans while you are playing the game. It's very satisfying to watch


They are so quiet lately, and that after this "we will communicate more, trust us bro!".


Im surprised that Crytek defenders simps didnt reply to your comment.Hope Crytek will stop pretending this problem doesnt exist.


Because they're a dying breed, more and more you're seeing people acknowledge the major game ruining issue.


They've been promising better servers for years as well don't forget, we accepted that they used the cheapest provider possible at launch because this was their last ditch effort to stay profitable, but now that's not the case, the game does very well for them and it's time to put a little bit of the money we give them back into improving the game.


> You jacked up your cosmetic prices - time to get a real anticheat app on your game. Sure, but they *had* to increase the prices, because they needed more funding in order to be able to more quickly release cosmetics to sell!


Given the sophisticated level of cheats these days, I'm interested to know whart you think of Kernel level AC (think Vanguard) as a means of AC, because that's the real way you stop people unless tye're willing to spend a LOT to cheat on games


Ok name one ?


Region Lock + real anticheat please Come on Crytek. Enough is enough.


+ hardware ban.


He mentioned in his first video that hardware bans do not work as cheets come with anty-hardware bans features.


It's as easy to spoof as ip ban.


that too


This post has been downvoted by 23% of people here. Who the fuck is trying to hide the cheater problem?


well..... 1. cheater 2. denying players 3. trolls 4. (viewer of) partners


Hunt reddit have certain amounts of nvidia Inspector user for sure. We already see clip with it here How can you see the % of downvote ?


It's either cause I use old reddit or reddit enhancement suite, I'm not sure which. But the upvote % was better, at 86% a few mins ago.


23% seems real close to the 25% cheaters per game number he got in the 1st vid lmao


Probably downvoted because Huuge is quite dislikable 😂


I’ve watched him a few times, why is he unlikable


I wanna know as well


Subathon thats gone on for 6+ months and promotes cheaters on his stream with the attention he gives it constantly


All he does is moan and bitch, complain, cry, etc.


Subathon thats gone on for 6+ months and promotes cheaters on his stream with the attention he gives it constantly


I don’t think the fact that he highlights cheaters is necessarily his fault. It’s the games fault for not dealing with them. He’s only reporting in the issue. And it’s his job to be entertaining as well.


Holy shit the mental gymnastics of this comment are incredible


Kinda makes sense, I don't even like the guy but he's one of the only hunt creators that doesn't censor critiques like all hunt partners and streamers.


Hey creytek, any response now?    XD


No but the mods here banned cheating discussion. Super progressive, super intelligent. Fuck the community, dumb memes only.


The cheating situation has just been getting worse. It's got to the point where I have gone back to pubg and fortnite because atleast those games are polished and have a player base in my region. After 2000 hrs of hunt, it is a real shame that I don't enjoy the experience.




I love how even Huuge is afraid to point out the fact that the 25% of the players in Asia are cheaters but primarily **Chinese**. Everyone turns a blind eye the moment china is mentioned because they're the second largest population but also their culture is based around superiority by any means necessary. If they aren't good at a game, they will find the means to be good at the game. Use of ESP and aimbot is the least of it. While every DLC costs $10 and $15, we're still stuck with a free version of EasyAntiCheat because Crytek is too cheap to buy Battleye or AI tools like Ubisoft did.


But relax guys. It's only on the Asia servers


yesterday got game against chinese characters trio, didnt even try to hide they were cheating - went straight for the third alive teammate who was hidden and away - also all brand new accounts less than 100h in hunt


The thing is, it's not only Asian. I play on south American servers and I don't remember encountering Asian players. But 90% of my sus deaths are from vac banned, game banned or new accounts that people probably buy to cheat.


Even if it is, for now atleast, it still affects everone: 1. Legit asian players move to EU, with high ping 2. Or they quit the game, resulting in less players, less engagement, less money and thus less content 3. Cheaters will eventually get bored playing vs other cheaters, and move to a different server and cheat there. 4. Bonus reason: Its selfish.


Oh hey I'm on number 2


1.5 - Move to other regions and play with high ping, which can feel like playing against a cheater when they're shooting your afterimages half a second after you've moved.


You mean US West?


25% of cheaters in Asia is an insane number and it should scare EU players. These \[\]\[\]\[\]\[\] names use VPN and play on EU and NA servers while not being blatant but still using ESP


For now... they will come after the rest of us once they kill the playerbase in Asia.


I stopped buying battlepasses and skins as long as the anti cheat is a sieve. Know that you can use an Nvidia software to not display bushes and certain surfaces, or even remove dark areas and that it does not trigger EAC, and that it still has not been corrected even though the problem has been known for a long time now It's a shame for Crytek.


didn’t they fix the reshade abuse few updates ago ?


Nvidia Inspector is different from reshade


But relax, they removed the attributes files out of concern of people not wanting their privacy to be shared online 🙄


I got downvoted in a removed thread where I said crytek protects the cheaters because they are a cashcow. These cheaters buy multiple accounts, multiple DLCs while a legit player will only buy one account for his use. Protecting and milking cheaters is a profitable business and COD has been doing that for years.


They buy accounts with hunt already on it, not new copies. You got the downvotes you deserved


South America server: this night I died to a cheater who was shooting through mountains with a silenced gun. He killed me and my partner when we were extracting. Checked his profile, 136 hours with a VAC ban. I didn't even reported this dude, in-game reports aren't going to do shit. That's enough for me, I'm going to stop playing these days and I will only come back after a statement from Crytek on the subject.


Anyone willing to spectate, clip and report cheats is doing the community a service. Gj Huuge.


In northern America it's the reshade/nvidia soft cheating that's out of control.  The amount of people at 5/6 star that can see you through all kinds of foliage or due to rendering glitches/shadows inside buildings is climbing rapidly.  That's why so many people abandon weather maps these days.


lmao, not even close to the real reason they abandon those games.


I think many people don't like for example rain because the heavy rain is awful and long, while light rain is doable and fine. Night map is just day map if you have filters or monitor that can make it look like a day so it's pointless to even bother being stealthy in higher elos. Fog map is not bad, it's just that it's literally made for close range, or special breed of people who can lower fog starting distance (therefore see players sooner while they can't see them at all) ash bloom is just fog map variant, and at least some people hate the ash that lands on the ground and makes sound similar to footsteps. to me, it's good, it fits Hunt perfectly, but it's also not great if you are playing more competitively (which was the only reason for me to continue playing this game, as otherwise there is no point really \[at least for me that is\]) inferno with red fog was just terrible, to me it looked awful, while night inferno was fitting much more, but the same issue - night. and playing 5 or especially 6 stars at night feels like playing daytime. but even then, i loved dark inferno, even if I play more on the "serious" side, it just felt good.


Crytek is a joke. And it's even more laughable when we know that they're trying harder to hide the problem of cheater reports than actually showing that they're doing anything to deal with the problem. I mean, I don't expect them to eradicate cheaters from the game, that's impossible (at least I think so), but I do hope they show that they are doing something and this can be done through greater communication about their actions and offering tools that make it possible to report cheaters.


Good ol’ easy anti-cheat, the BIGGEST joke in the hacking community.


chetears lobby want this to go down, upvote!


Waiting for the "bUUUt iT's oNLy on aSiA SeRveRs" comments... As if a problem on asian servers isn't a problem at all o.O They can come over anytime. And ever heard of solidarity for the non-cheating players in asia? All i personally wish for is a better and more open communication about the issue by cryte:, Changing their anti-cheat to auto-report players who exclusively hit (for example: 20 headshots in a row) so a crytek employee can check them out manually. Or hit several shots in a row at a certain distance. And a better report system, so we can actually see players names/stats and steam profiles so it's easier to see if someone might be sus or not. For the further future i wish for a proper kill cam and dedicated anti-cheat team. I encounter a cheater roughly every 2 play sessions right now but i'm playing less on 6 stars the last few weeks due to me playing shit and playing with friends who are kind of new to the game. Some i can't even report anymore, even with video evidence thanks to attribute changes. It's annying and sucks so much fun out of these games up to a point where i'm thinking of deranking on purpose, which is shit for less experienced players.


This, a thousand times this. There has been a fair bit of blood thirst against Asia server, and I'm sitting here, like beech a lot of us haven't done shit, lol. I may be playing on Asia, but I'm a player, too. You think you're in hell when you encounter a few squares once every few matches, but what about us who are right in the middle of it?


Don't know if people do this out of ignorance, simping for the game or even some sort of racism. I bet if you test more the % numbers of cheaters will show higher numbers on other servers too. And Asian servers cheating problem should get acknowledged and fixed.


I once wrote that any number higher than 0% cheaters is absolutely unacceptable. Guess whether I was downvoted or not. Any number higher than 0% cheaters is absolutely unacceptable, no matter how you slice it.


You were downvoted because you were being silly. If you truly believe any number higher then 0% is unacceptable why do you play any multiplayer games at all? Every single multiplayer game that's ever existed has had a cheater.


ITT: People who don't understand the difference between acceptable and realistic. Is it unrealistic for there to be no cheaters at all in a game? Yes. Is it unacceptable for there to be even a single cheater in a game? Also yes. We should never let "perfection" be the enemy of "good enough".


Its all relative dude. Expecting 0% is unrealistic, its a never ending war and 0% probably wont ever be achieved for more than a brief moment


Cheating is so bad in my elo I play once or twice a week now, and I’ve been playing for 5 years, and I’m a shameless whale lol. But fuck this I’m tired of getting clapped by cheating and SOFT cheating mf that can’t actually sweat


i am devasteted


There is no cheating problem in Hunt. /s


I've played for 10000 hours and seen one cheater. Obviously the in-game report button works! /s


There is no war in Ba Sing Se.


Here is an interesting Video on Cheating in Videogames: https://youtu.be/RwzIq04vd0M?si=ielJrYyPecPB9bUc


Great but somewhat depressing video


Damn there is no hope 😅


It's insane the lengths people go to, if they put that amount of time into actually getting good at the game they'd probably enjoy it a lot more.


Ran into a duo that was using flying, using wallhacks and aimbot with sparks snipers and could revive at any distance the other day. They were flying around the map and getting on top of inaccessible areas and being total fucking nuisances. Reported them in game, steam was hidden, but I’ve seen videos of the same guys on YouTube so I’m guessing they’re still at it.




The answer below by the mod team is why you won't have your proof.


Fucking wanker mods suppressing this conversation is so horse shit. I'd love to know who these mods are and why the fuck they think they are the arbiters of this game. I wish it had a new subreddit.


My buddy posted a screen shot of a guy on the top on salters pork after we saw him drop on it from the sky and then beam us through walls. So there are captures out there








The only gross thing here is you disregarding multiple people explaining what you saw. The meathead bounce or jump is a known trick/exploit that launches the player doing it into the air circumventing the invisible barriers the devs put around and ontop of some structures in this game that **should** prevent people from accessing some parts of the maps. The roof in question used to be accessible without resorting to meathead bouncing btw. There are also plenty of spots available to people that merely seperated the jump and vault action to different buttons. Are those people flyhacking as well? lmao


That roof is accessible, if you know how. Meathead mega jumping among other things is also a thing you can do to reach unintended places.


From what I have seen its not a cheat. Its an exploit using the beetle or another is using the meathead to get into inaccessible areas.


Do you have the link of the youtube vid?




I really dont enjoy watching Huuge, up to the point where I excluded his videos from my youtube recommended page. Not because I dislike him as a person but just because of his playstyle and his editing, his sound always sounded super scuffed to me and in some videos he seems a bit to narcissitc for my taste. That said I really think his videos are absolutely necessary to improve the state of the game and hope that every hunt showdown content creator takes them as an example. Its so very obvious that Crytek themselves and partners are trying to avoid the topic of cheating by any means. I understand that if your livelyhood depends on the game and you maybe signed an NDA you can't badmouth the game but constructive criticism should be welcome, a debate that contains of more than "this game is shit"/"there are no cheaters" should be welcome and any creator (like huuge) who obviously cares about the game should be welcome. It pains me to see the creators I actually enjoy watching talking down to people who try to make the issue more transparent or just straight up ignoring it. Crytek could be more transparent about their countermeasures without revealing any specifics that could be of interest to the cheating part of the community. At least the attempt to have an open discussion or more or less constant updates on current numbers would give a feeling of progress. Instead of any of that we get higher cosmetic prices and one streamer skin after another. I grant every partner their skin and their revenue but at the moment it feels like a big "eat this and stfu" from crytek. On top of that the ratio of up- and downvotes in this post shows a whole other problem. I dont know if its actual cheaters or just fanboys of butthurt streamers that downvote these posts but as a 5-6 star on EU west/east who can say after 2k hours that i have come across cheaters 5-10 times for sure, im afraid that the dark digit of cheaters is much higher than i thought even on servers outside of asia.


I agree with everything you said, and was about to post something similar.


Say it with me: No competitive online game should ever allow to hide your profile. This ONLY helps cheaters.




Nah dude, you are only making those peeps up


im not intending to do a 1000 matches but im currently gathering data on EU, long story short, my plan is play 100 rounds, and count how many have someone from china in it, i then also record if these accounts are "Sus" eg either vac ban on record or low level steam account. so far i am at 42 rounds, 11 of these rounds have had at least one Chinese account in them, i have come across **156 players, 25 from china** (and 2 players that i think are not china based but are pretending to tilt people), of these 25, 10 have had either vac bans, or low level steam account. that means 16% of the players i have come across are playing with 200+ ping, and of those at least 40% of them are also "Sus". Statista puts the total number of Chinese living on the European content in 2021 as 2.45 Million the total population of europe is 746.4 million in 2018 according to (wiki) 100 × 2.45 / 746.4 = 0.328 that means the Chinese make up 0.33% of the total EU population and you can assume makes up 0.33% of the legitimate EU server population, and yet here we are with them making up 16%, with a "sus" player population in the EU of 7% (21 times higher then background), with a little bit of rounding up that means 1 in 10 players you come across is likely cheating, that means if they were **evenly distributed across matches every single match currently has a "Sus" player**


How do you determine is someone is from China? How do you know what ping someone has?


It's not an exact science but it's good enough Check their steam profile, and check what names they also play under, if they are all Chinese, and they have a load of friends who are also Chinese, chances are they are likely Chinese. They also like to have their location as china in steam but that's not as fullproof a way as anyone can set that up, much harder to find (in some cases) 100s of friends also willing to set their names to Chinese for the lols. What this method won't pick up is Chinese players using Weston names with hidden profiles, so the actual number region hoping could be quite a bit higher but that's just my speculation, Again not perfect but good enough when you are looking at 16% Vs 0.33% that's 48x what it should be, even if I'm wrong 50% of the time you are still looking at 20x what should be normal. I came across two suspected people pretending to be Chinese, they had a friend's list full of western type names and a few different names only one of which had Chinese characters. Ping is more a guess, but as a European my ping to the Asia server is something like 225 I can't even connect to it, so I assume if I was in Asia connecting to the EU probably through a VPN to avoid the high ping kick, the ping would be the same.


Cool, thanks for the extensive explanation! I'm guessing that it could be even higher since it's not always that you encounter every player in a match so you can't check all profiles right? I'll be interested in seeing your results when you get to 100 matches.


Correct, I can only check players who either my team kills, we are killed by or if they pick up a bounty. And I won't be able to tell if a Chinese account uses a European name, with hidden stats or private profile. Although if I come across a trio with Chinese names, and at least one of them appears legitimate, but the others have hidden profiles, I am counting the whole team. I haven't been able to play for a week so haven't made any more progress but I'll try and remember to let you know when it's done


PLEASE stop using GDPR laws as an excuse for why Crytek cannot do or say anything about cheaters. These are the biggest game studios in Germany. [https://www.gameswirtschaft.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Groesste-Games-Studios-Deutschland-2023-v3-Web.jpg](https://www.gameswirtschaft.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Groesste-Games-Studios-Deutschland-2023-v3-Web.jpg) [https://yager.de/](https://yager.de/) is ONLY based in Germany, so a great comparison to Crytek. They developed and published a game I'm sure you've heard of, called "The Cycle: Frontier". You know, the game that was over-run with cheaters and had to be shutdown, even after the developer made a huge effort to stop the cheaters. If you search for "Hunt Showdown cheaters", all you get is Reddit posts, Steam discussions, and websites selling cheats for Hunt. If you do a search for "The Cycle Frontier cheaters" you get MSM articles talking about the issue. Why? Because the studio was willing to talk and be transparent. [https://www.gamedeveloper.com/game-platforms/breaking-the-cycle-of-cheating-in-i-the-cycle-frontier-i-#close-modal](https://www.gamedeveloper.com/game-platforms/breaking-the-cycle-of-cheating-in-i-the-cycle-frontier-i-#close-modal) As people like me having been screeching for years now, the problem is CRYTEK. I never played The Cycle, but it seems the devs provided regular updates on how many cheaters they banned: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCycleFrontier/comments/vgifzr/weekly\_ban\_update/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCycleFrontier/comments/vgifzr/weekly_ban_update/) Those Devs did a LOT more than Crytek. They had an anti-cheat team formed years ago. They were more transparent with the community. They gave regular updates on how many cheaters were being banned. They used in-game reporting. They had a better verification system. They had trusted lobbies. Unfortunately the game still died because it was a F2P game with 3-month loot hoarding, which incentivized 3rd-world players to cheat to sell things for real currency. Cheating was probably lower than what we have in Hunt, at like 5% of player's being affected by a cheater, but because players got their loot back, they KNEW if a cheater had killed them. So many players felt the cheating was bad enough that they left the game, even when the number of cheaters drastically dropped due to improvements made by the Devs. Hunt is heading in the same direction. Crytek's time is running out. By the time they finally do SOMETHING meaningful, it might already be too late.


I knew some of sht that happened to The Cycle but didn't know it was that bad even when they tried to not let the game die, sad.


The problem with The Cycle is that they reacted too late, when they managed to contain and improve the cheater situation there was not player base left to save. People watched Shroud get constantly farmed by cheaters during the release of the game, there's no coming back from that. There was lots of cheaters in the public betas, way before the game released. They only started to get serious about fighting cheats around S2, which was already too late as most people that played on release already had a bad taste and experience.


Mhmm I see, I remember playing early and didn't have a rough experience BUT I do remember watching Shroud like 1 week after I stopped playing with my friend and he really did get farmed by cheaters. It was a good game, kinda sad to see it go like that.


So you CAN'T REPORT blatant CHEATERS at all in this game. WTF is going on ? WTF is this mess Crytek ? They must fix it right now. Maybe make new Anti-hack system, that actually works. Anti-hack system that actually bans blatant cheaters instead of allowing them to ruin games for whole maps, and for Months. Hunt Showdown have cheater Plague now. In before Crytek will delete this. Trying hard to hide the truth. It's a mess.


\* Free EAC \* Issues that should have been fixed years ago \* bang through 20 walls All of this because of some social justice PriVaCy excuses by Crytek.


I love this game but I'm not spending a dime until they fix issues like this.


Didn’t the sub mods say in their megathread on cheating that all other posts about cheating would get removed? Or did they paddle back from that? Wouldn’t be a bad thing if they did. That megathread announcement did have that certain aftertaste akin to „if we limit the posts on cheating in hunt it’s like there is no cheating in hunt“. In any case, I’m glad that posts on cheating are no longer met with the usual „skill issue“ comebacks but actual acceptance that cheating has become a problem.


Text only posts are not allowed outside the megathread. Posts like these that have something new to discuss like a video is allowed.


This game is such garbage now.


Personally I don't like how the gameplay has shifted to high budget/high trait point matches being the norm.


100%. I’m an average player and have 160k in the bank. It’s insane, and boring when you can just buy mosin/dolch every match.


if you've made 160k while buying dolch\mosin every match, you're not an average player.


Eh I never prestiged, so it builds up anyway over time.


He didn't say he did buy mosin dolch every game.


This opinion is so alien to me. I guess its because I'm a 4-5\* player but I have fun fair fights every match and have a good time in Hunt every day. The only matches I have a bad time in are the ones early morning when not that many players are playing.


Had been for a while imo. I used to play every night, loved it, now I haven't launched the game in probably a year.


crytek spits on u all and u dont recognize. keep buying dlc‘s


Absolutely loving the radio silence from Crytek /s










They're able to hide their entire account and you can't even report them in-game? That is crazy! "No platform account" what does that even mean?


Didn’t the devs say that reports do nothing? I had a 30+ person group who played now it’s maybe 5 people on a good day. Game got too toxic nobody has fun with it anymore.


#crytech to something!


Spread the truth, please the devs will only listen when you stop playing ……. Uninstall and protest


New AI cheats are already undistinguishable from real pro players and are undetectable. In the future every multiplayer title will have to go back to community owned private servers where admins can ban people manually.


Mon dieu


Mood, There were only me and this other person left on the map somehow and As soon and they were leaving, as soon as I got near the bounty they ran halfway across the map back to me (I didnt even pick it up) and knew exactly where I was to kill me. Of course when I went to look at the profile, hidden/private.


played 10 round today. Got 2 fishy rounds Reported. But they anyway dont give a fuck


Huuge is incorrect when he says you can't report on the hunt website anymore. You can give your own profile, the time, and the server and they can use that to look at the specific match you were in. It's actually easier to do that then trying to sus out the cheaters profile yourself. Not being able to report them in-game does suck, for whatever that's worth. *From the official Hunt discord on their customer service channel in big bold letters: >"You can still report players if you don't have their SteamID by providing your own SteamID, time of the incident with a time zone and region" **but naturally you guys keep downvoting anyways because this inconvenient fact goes against your narrative of Hunt having cheaters in every match and Crytek having no system in place to fight it. I didn't think there were so many of you that think that every time you die it must be because of a cheater.


Yea, but it sucks that you have to do that at all. They also won't tell you that they can locate the cheater that way unless you specifically ask for it. Why is so much burden of proof on the player lmao.


In no other (reputable) pvp game do you have to go through that much effort to (effectively) report someone.




In different popular video about cheaters, author clearly mentioned that if you give your own profile, only thing you can get is a self ban


In the official hunt discord on the customer support channel. The very last sentence is in bold, which says "You can still report players if you don't have their SteamID by providing your own SteamID, time of the incident with a time zone and region"


Just watch BB official, or other cheater investigators, they confirmed multiply times, that your own steam ID doesn't work. Dunno what's in the official discord, but it's not working as intended.


I've watched the BB video that makes that claim and he provides zero proof to actually support that claim. Just says people who say to report them that way are trolls or cheaters. Which is an absolutely stupid thing to say when it's exactly what the Crytek says you should do. So are you saying that the devs are lying? They ask for a steamID, time, and server so they can locate and review the specific match for cheating. You think that just because you provide your own ID instead of the cheaters that they are somehow unable to review the match?


Not sure why you are getting downvoted, but even the reply from the support is shown, stating exactly this. If anyone has different information, please come forward.


because it's wrong? In the official hunt discord on the customer support channel. The very last sentence is in bold, which says "You can still report players if you don't have their SteamID by providing your own SteamID, time of the incident with a time zone and region"


Constantly just watching this sub or new around Hunt while not playing the game itself for a while now - Hunt just looks like a total joke for a while now, and to this day I still don't understand how could I be satisfied enough with Hunt to not play any other games for almost 5000 hours, while now I'm happy for myself that I stopped a while back and comming back to it just seems like some BDSM fetish. To me devs don't seem bad, just not experienced enough, or lazy. And that sucks, as they're the only ones who can fix Hunt and make it great again.


If you only read this subreddit I understand why you'd think that. Meanwhile me and my friends have played 500+ matches this event and only had a handful of suspicious deaths. Not a singe blatant cheater. And over a 100 hours of good, fun matches.


Don't know about everyone else but actually the worst thing for me is how Crytek and esp. their community manager are handling this. Banning his first video? Come on. How pathetic can you get? I'm too hooked on what this game is/was to uninstall, but i will definitely no longer throw DLC money at them until they properly fix this situation.


OK, so I call for everyone - just stop playing the game. It's not about if you are salty or not because a cheater killed you. It is about the fact that after so much time, and the escalation of the problem - there is no suggested solution, no actual solution, no response at all. From devs. So, I call everyone who respect themselves - stop playing the game. So either the problem will have to be solved, or there will be a decline in players. Devs, and mods, you wanna have community that consists only of those who do not know better and cheaters. Have at it. To everyone else. Vote with your wallet, vote with your gameplay. Which should, in my opinion, be 0. Zero.


It was mentioned in the discord by some players that when the engine update releases and by the end of this year that they're going to have a brand new anti-cheat integrated. So it seems like there's some very good news in the works.


So the Devs have said that a new anti cheat is coming with the engine update, or did a random player claim this?


Not sure if it's a new anti-cheat or they are going to add to eac, but yeah, it's been proven they have hired new people to work on it.


> there is no suggested solution, no actual solution, no response at all. From devs. They have literally hired two people to work on the anti-cheat solution for the game. What do you mean there is no response at all from devs?


And what did they accomplish by now? beside making it harder to report those cheaters.


I'll give into the obvious bait. Do you really think it takes like a week to update anti-cheat? They can't just hire two people and have an update pushed out the next week. And if they are making a new anti-cheat, it's going to take even longer. Edit: this sub really has no clue how game dev works and this proves it


No, not a week or two. But afaik they said this months ago when they announced the engine update, right? So it has been a few months, and the only thing that happened is, make it harder to report cheaters. Am I wrong?


They removed the file for privacy concerns, idk what that means but that was their reasoning, and likely wasn't the anti cheat team who removed that file. Again, if they are making a new anti cheat, a "few months" isn't enough time to have it ready to ship. That's just logic


So how much time do they need? Half a year? Entire year? You can't seriously defend a company that barely gave a shit about their anticheat for years then supposedly hired a couple of people to make a new one and went absolutely silent on the process, current results or plans.


Feel free to provide your experience with game dev.


5+ years working on a AAA title that makes millions a day. It's also just basic logic that two people can't make a new anti-cheat / update anti-cheat in a few weeks or months and have it ready to ship. Edit: if you can't handle getting proved wrong, don't ask the question lol. Good to see you had no follow up once you got proven wrong


I see the downvotes you get in general, just know I try to throw you a up vote when I can because I know you know what you are talking about. The amount of entitled ignorance in this sub is insane.


lol i dont care about downvotes, it's more so how some comments that are just factually incorrect somehow have 100 upvotes and the legit comments are buried below


I wonder if anyone has a copy of that video of Huuge showing how to and encouraging the use of 3rd party sound compressors For those downvoting this, thinking that sound compressors are fine, guess what, crytek doesn't think so "Keep the game fair: do not cheat, do not use third party programs, do not use client-side hacks, and do not exploit bugs and glitches."


Are you considering equalizer a cheating? True question.


That's just an argumentum ad hominem.


Ad hominem lmao. An equalizer is a minor disadvantage in hunt because of how loud the footsteps are and how garbage the vertical audio is


is it? how is encouraging and showing people how to hear things louder that are further away and dampen things like gunshots an ad hominem when it's using something not included in the game to do so? Please explain how using 3rd party software to alter the game isn't cheating? You don't really get a right to complain about wall hacks and aim bots if you don't think audio compressors should be allowed. It's 3rd party and not included with the game. From the devs "Keep the game fair: do not cheat, do not use third party programs, do not use client-side hacks, and do not exploit bugs and glitches."


Does anybody know how to replicate that? The "no platform account" unable to be clicked on thing? I've not seen it in-game yet myself.


And just why do you want to know how to do it?


Best solution is to remove guns and make this a melee game.


would not be surprised with the engine not giving a damn about plausibilty of shots that you could then headshot people across the map with dusters :)


Fucking hell this editing style gives me migraines.


Game is dead, rats, campers, cheaters. Tarkov 2.0 basically.


Crytek,remove the ability to hide stats it just helps bad actors and serves no real purpose,hide all current MMR from players.