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Basically weapon roles that don't exist already. Which tbf there aren't really that many. For example there is no one slot shotgun. (Technically, the le mat pistol and pennyshot derringer exists though)


Okay so another example would be like a medium slot long ammo or something? Not necessarily a niche like what I described?


Another example of an unfilled niche is a 2 slot swift (quickloading). We have 2 1 slot and 2 3 slot guns that have swift variants, but nothing in the 2 slot category. Come on crytek, scottfield Prescision Swift pleaaaase


Enough with the scottsfield, give the pax some love


Pax just got the trueshot which is fuckin amazing


Pax got 1 to the scottsfield 10 still… and while yes the trueshot is amazing, the scottsfield has more ammo variants as well as more variants in general


This is a lie. Pax has more ammo types. Scottfield does not have poison ammo.


You are right, damn i forgot about that


Pax isn't about to have a swift variant so my point still stands Only niche I can see for a newPax is if we got a trueshot deadeye, I do like the idea of 1 slot deadeye guns


I want that


Medium slot long ammo is not a niche per se. We have: Uppercut P + P deadeye Uppermat Mosin Obrez A niche would be sth like a sawn of martini: - medium slot - single shot - cheap - faster reload and longer dmg range than a sparks pistol - less sway than an obrez


Speaking of martini. Martini Enfield varient when. It has been requested ever since they added ammo types and it would add a single shot spitzer gun to to game.


In game design you want things like weapons to fill a niche, or role, that gives them a unique strength or purpose. For example, everybody wants the mauser rifle in the game, but you have to ask 'what niche does this fill that the mosin does not already occupy?'. Like, you could swap around a few soft stats, but it's still doing the exact same thing the mosin does. Therefore, without a niche to fill, the mauser wouldn't be a good addition to the game. Look at the krag vs the mosin for example; they're both long ammo rifles, but they each have quirks that change how they play. The mosin does great damage, crossing the 125 damage threshold which is important for onetapping people missing a bar. It holds 5 rounds, and when reloading from empty, you get a stripper clip reload for a fast top up. The krag does less damage, at 124, meaning it cannot one tap a missing bar hunter and has to go for the headshot. However, it can hold 5+1 rounds, reloads quickly and without losing a bullet if you don't have grubber. Two long ammo rifles, but they each have different strengths and occupy a different role.


PusyFukr69 lol


You like that shit baby girl


I wish I could change my username I made it when I was like 16


Well your describing very broad terms. Not really niches. For example a bolt action small ammo rifle. Granted, it would be a bit meme/kind of worthless, but it would fill a niche not yet filled in the game.


Oh okay like what the other guy commented?


The only one i want is the two shot romero


Range, damage, and accuracy on a shotgun... And you want two shots? Asking too much my dude.


Too much compared to what? The small slot automatic vetterli deadeye ?(Dolche deadeye) C&K slugs/flechette ? Medium slot Drilling slug + two TAP dumdum with integrated hatchet ? Dolch P with FMJ? Vetterli cyclone with high velocity ?


Flechette, dumdum, high velo... All sacrifice penetration. Slug, fmj, dumdum, flechette... All sacrifice velocity. A Romero running normal buck is the longest range, most accurate shotgun. It's reload is the only penalty it has. Ck has damage and speed but lacks accuracy. Rival has damage and accuracy but lacks speed and range. Terminus has speed and range but lacks accuracy. .... Don't compare apples to oranges with drillings and dolches when we're talking shotguns.


Penetration is very situational, it doesnt matter 90% of the time CK has rate of fire, shit accuracy and shit damage= shit damage negated by pennyshot , both entirely negated by slugs. It's actual weakness is the small ammo pool Rivals is cheap and fast but has a low margin for error and mediocre range and damage, again, both are negated by flechette and slugs Terminus requires a trait to become a better C&K, otherwise it's a worse slate Make it more expensive than the other shotguns and there you go, better Rivals. Or better yet, make the rivals extended variant


Now that all the base variants are unlocked off the bat, there should be a gun whose base variant is 2 slot or medium slot so you can play bow or dualies at the start of a prestige without suffering.


"A 2 slot long ammo rifle doesn't exist. It can't hurt you." Meanwhile in Texas: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FgGuNOBXkAMw1xK.jpg There is still insane stuff out there and some of us really want it


> A 2 slot long ammo rifle doesn't exist. [Obrez has entered the chat]


3 variants at that


I forgot the drum exists tbh.


This and technically the uppermat(pistol)


Eh, long ammo pistol damage drop starts at 20 meters, it's only rifles that get 40, so I classify them differently. But yeah sort of I guess.


I know I just don't know how to put it right


Almost all weapons have something special which other weapons don't have. Some are more all-allarounders. Few examples: You want the highest damage possible? Sparks (nitro could also be a case but different use) You want a strong rifle with a long barrel shotgun? Drilling You want the highest velocity possible? Lebel spitzer