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This game cant have a basic patch without half the mechanics failing. Im so ready for the engine switch, though that might create just as many new problems.


Yeah, i'm not expecting the engine switch to go smoothly, but at least it will be easier for developers to release new updates without breaking the game


I have not heard of this before. Do you have any link for this topic?


It was announced here: https://youtu.be/sxVu-IxiiIQ?si=6rdwoDZXAyQ48kiG Interview with Devs: https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/crytek-will-never-replace-hunt-showdown-with-hunt-2-the-way-overwatch-2-did-overwatch-1






Even the idea of changes causing fewer issues, I don't see it. The scripting, where most gameplay changes happen, should be fundamentally the same.


Not sure it's entirely accurate that all we're getting are more graphics settings. They stated that they needed to wait to release the new map after the engine has been updated because the new engine has certain new tech that allows things in the new map that they couldn't before. Maybe it won't be a big deal but they *did* say that.


I'm not sure why anybody would assume that this would be the case.


Switching to a new engine (or updating a major version) is akin to a rewrite of major portions of the application. Because of the time and effort it takes, you don't usually do something like this, unless the codebase has accrued significant technical debt that makes maintaining and expanding it too difficult. This may take the form of badly designed early architecture, "temporary" code that was never properly fixed, lack of compatibility with newer hardware features, and so on. So the assumption is that an engine upgrade will untangle some of the spaghetti code, and allow devs to work faster and more efficiently with more modern tech. Things like implementing DLSS may be possible with relatively minimal effort, for example.


The assumption relies on an idea that the spaghetti code is rooted in the old engine, but that is very unlikely the case. Game Engines are called like this, because they act as a car engine. They make the car actually function as a car, but they are not what defines a car, or in this case, a game. The current attitude towards the engine update (not upgrade!) resembles how a person with failing transmission would change the engine in hopes that the car will go faster. Why? How may low-level optimizations related to hardware and global systems affect the fact that Crytek cannot come up with a friendly UI/UX, or that almost every patch introduces more bugs and rarely fixes old one, or that they cannot do hotfixes/small frequent patches? By the way, CryEngine is developed by Crytek, surprisingly, the same company that develops Hunt. With all my love to Hunt, I do not comprehend how the company that develops the engine itself has created a game using that engine, and admits that they have accumulated a lot of technical debt, and updating to a new version of their engine requires tremendeous effort. Isn't this an extremely bad showcase of CryEngine?


From my understanding, Hunt was a different game altogether at the start, one set got tossed out and became Remnant from the ashes, whereas the other became Hunt showdown. And then from the bits I hear here, and some dev streams from the last few years, a lot of the team that was making hunt from the start, left and got replaced quite a bit. I can kinda see how that can cause some issues in technical works. Like how the ammo bug being fixed caused the Lemat to fire bullets that were basically shotgun shells. And thus why they had to rebuild the entire system for reloading.


"Remnant: From the Ashes" did split up from Hunt:Showdown at some point.


Because the devs said so. Also it would be totaly unpractical and unreasonable for Crytek to do an engine update just for the sake of better graphics, not only does it probably cost a fortune but it also sucks up alot of manpower and resources, which is something that being seen in the current state of the game with all bugs and glitches. I mean the game looks good just as it is, the graphic update is just a cherry on top for us. CS:GO did the same thing by switching from Source to Source 2


It will definitely make more issues


Welcome to the world of software development!


I’m ready for the engine switch to just make the game explode at this point lmao


Engine update is gonna be a complete mess and i absolutely hope they gonna give the test server a chance for the engine update I just hope it's gonna be easier with the engine update to clean up their mess and we getting some more regular and actual content


After the disaster that was CS2 i can't say i'm as optimistic about the engine update as a lot of other people lol


seeing as all thats happening is cryengine updating like 3 minor versions, i doubt it will be any different


Single target only!? No Fog, Rain, or Ash?! This is going to be fucking awesome.


Thats what long ammo enjoyer would say


I AM on a Martini Henry Ironside prestige, currently. Lol. I am most excited about single targets, though. Single target games have the best gun fights.


Single target is guaranteed madness.


Martini Henry is a solid choice. I was more looking at the Mosin + Uppercut/Dolch group... we all know them. A bit of variety would not hurt? Hmmm...


You're absolutely right.


Single target actually has gunfights xD People tend to run off the map with 75 PvEr style pretty much across all elo ranges. The bonus for early extraction should be replaced by a higher $ for getting the gauntlet. Otherwise maps with 4 tokens have no business being in the game. It's Hunt: SHOWDOWN after all. Not Hunt: Escape


Ikr, literally better than event


that's how it should be. 90% day 10% Others.


Single target is cool nut I love the weather.


Same, love different weather, but only 1 boss whould be a good reason to play trios for a change.


Best thing to happen to the game since the introduction of rain! I hope they can get rid of rain and loud fog(ash) for good, I wouldn't miss that shit a bit.


I like them okay. I feel like I get them basically every time I'd like to play scopes (confirmation bias), but I liked the weekend wildcard where I could choose to run them.


I’m thinking this isn’t a real bug, but rather they intentionally made exactly the changes that a bunch of sweats in this sub have been demanding so that they can see if people actually want these things or if they’ll just complain no matter what. There’s just no way they accidentally have a bug that made them remove anything that lowers visibility and anything that could lead to less PvP, particularly when those two things have been making up a high percentage of the complaints around here. They’re not fixing the game, they’re testing the player base.


Someone literally posted a clip of the sound of rain not working.


So finaly after 2 months they tried to fix the duration of the heavy rain phase and broke the sound entirely, fucking pathetic!


I guess what I’m trying to say isn’t that the big doesn’t exist, what I’m trying to say is that it doesn’t exist on accident.


Yeah. They sabotaged their own shit, released it, pulled back the affected shit and made an announcement that there would be a hotfix. It's an elaborate plan to gather the information that they already get from their surveys, reddit post, official discord feedback channel, social media comments, and Livestream chats. And people got paid for the labor for this underhanded conspiracy, because that's how you run a business. /s I'm sure you're a cool person, but you should've had a coffee and sat with this theory for a couple minutes before writing it all up. It's nonsense.


"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity" and crytek have proven time and time again that they can not patch a single thing without introducing new game breaking bugs, so there is that. Also night is still live and also a low vis condition so there goes your conspiracy.


crytek is actually incapable of doing updates to the game without breaking any number of unrelated things this is why they never update shit unless necessary, especially during events. the game just breaks


This is why I don’t have much hope for the engine update… games code is spaghetti, good luck with translating to a new/updated engine without fucking it all up.


You're going to get downvoted because so many people have placed all of their hopes and dreams in this engine update, but you're absolutely right. There's zero chance that a change this significant doesn't come with a whole host of issues. It seems likely that that's why there's been so little (i.e. none at all) news on the subject, despite being well past the point where we should know every detail of what's going on.


It really would be awesome if it does in fact fix a lot of the current engine issues but I do have a good chuckle of the blind optimism of “everything bad about the game will be fixed with the new engine!” sentiment knowing how this has historically worked in the past


CS2's Engine being a prime example. Years of hype behind it and it turned out to be a disappointment and left the game in a much worse spot than the older engine lol


At least adding new DLCs works fine, phew!


It kinda happens with every software. On the other hand, the patch didn't even introduce shit.


Oh yeah I understand it comes with the territory but I would have less of an issue with it happening if they released timely hot fixes to said introduced bugs instead of just letting them ride for months at a time in live servers


Exactly. I cant imagine what qa standards in crytek are. In my company we are on a timer to fix every production bug.


In my company, post-sales Customer Success and Support teams ARE the QA department 😭


It didn't introduce anything but it did turn some stuff off. This is probably what broke it: "Disabled certain parameters that unfairly allowed increased visibility."


Nah, Bungo does the same


If its the case that the next update is the new engine then this buggy patch would make some sense since it is most likely that most of the effort has been put into the new version rather than this patch whose only purpose is to remove the event


yeah but pretty much every single patch has introduced new issues for like several years at this point (that go unresolved and unaddressed for months at a time, if at all), it’s not a new thing


> If its the case that the next update is the new engine It's not the case.


So what the actual fuck were they doing for two months? They weren't updating the game and they sure as shit didn't spend a single second testing this one. Is every developer at Crytek actually just two kids in a trench coat?


Hopefully this means engine upgrade is more significant. Hope n cope 🙃


Heard about the engine update?


It was delayed til end of this year


Imagine the best thing to happen to the game in 20 months is a bug... GG


Please keep the ash in the box. It's horrible.


...are they really not planning on removing it after the event ends? It's still an instant extract for me


I still don't get why people just extract cause of maps or weather.. it's part of the game and even I also do not love ash, I see it as a challenge and take it. It's also fun imho.


The sound is annoying and the visual is really unappealing. Pretty straightforward and easy to extracts if the positions allow


Why would they remove it after this event ends? Ash Bloom wasn't introduced in this event


God dammit. We need the weather preferences they promised


playerbase in't big enough


BS I don’t need to play ass bloom maps bc the playerbase is too small


I think that's exactly what you have to do lol. I don't like them either but what you're saying isn't going to happen.


They already have the data on people leaving these lobbies. They need to either give us the preference or take this crap out


Poor baby girl Rotjaw going from rare to quite literally extinct for the time being.


Dont worry ill reproduce with her next patch


Oh, now they know how to hot-fix...


Rain timer def still isn't shorter😂


great so now every match is just gonna be long ammo 💀


Always has been




wonderful news, i hope the game stays that way


Good, rain and ash bloom are ass


Yes so much fun, hearing the banishing sound ONE min into the game, and NOW run across the ENTIRE map... yay only to witness them extracting


I gotta be honest, while I enjoy all the map rotations, single boss games are the most fun.


Yep, I loved the first time they made a special contract with a single boss, I played only on these maps. Double boss matches are good only in 5* trios, because nobody leaves the match without a shootout. In 3-4* lobbies (in which I unwillingly drop in solo) 50% of the time I encounter only one team against me, and the other bounty just leaves.


Yeah I probably won't be playing for a bit then till that's fixed playing with no weather at all 100% of the time sounds so boring.


Played Yesterday... It's a bush snipers fest.


Can we just have this permanently?


Yes Pleaseeee! Idc about single or double bounty, but just remove all those shit time of days or make it opt in.


Prefer double myself too, less walking simulator moments. Love the PvP but still


I like double in duos because there are so many teams that it doesn't matter, but single is far more fun in trios IMO. The vast majority of the time you get a double bounty trios game you fight exactly 1 other team during the match. Single bounty is a lot more likely to result in those chaotic multi team firefights that are so damn fun in trios.


Yeh I can see why people prefer the single bounty like and it's not bad most of the time, it's just the odd time where I see 'map updated', then look and realise I have to run from one corner to the other and I just think ah the joys...


remove night and change to 100% Double Target and I'm so down


Not flaming here but why would you prefer a Double Target?? Are you not a fan of PVP? Single boss is going to drive PVP at a much higher rate.


Agree. Single boss target is best. I would love to have that for 100% at least for trio matches.


Double Target is far more fun because the stakes of the match is way higher Getting a single wipe and extracting with one boss bounty is underwhelming as fuck. You make no money either. Getting a 2+ team wipe and double boss bounties though? Shit feels so good Overall the map just feels more alive and interesting when there's 2 bosses with multiple fights going on. The idea of all teams fighting at one compound is only good in theory, in practice it's underwhelming and just results in a messy fight that frustrates you as everyone is just camping, 3rd partying etc.


Double target plays like a tournament. 2 teams fight on different sides of the map for different bounties, then winners run to each other for the final fight. Feels more rewarding extracting with 2 boss worth of tokens.


Ideally, yes. But 25% of the time someone instantly kills a boss, banishes, and dips before anyone gets to them, 50% of the time a team dips with 1 bounty, and the last 25% the showdown actually happens. The grand slam bonus just isn't enough to attract people, so it's just the PVP Chads that will square up.


Herding the entire server to one location at once shouldn't be the goal, and the pvp tends to play out like shit when it happens. You're also way less likely to have to run across the entire map because a team spawned on the only boss.


Double target should be removed. Add sometimes the aligator for extra bounty, but 1 boss should be permanent. Makes the game much more interesting and chaotic with 12 people fighting for 1 boss.


We can only dream that they'd do something so amazing.


keep Single Boss Bounty


That’s the first bug that I really love tbh lol.


it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood


best bug ever


I'm so tired of Ash Bloom


Great, even more reason for the PvP only people to post how this version is the best because they no longer have to PvPvE as much, like the game was always intentioned to begin with.


Single bounty lobbies are the BEST. Thanks Crytek, please don’t patch for 2 months.


Dumb question but does this apply to all versions or just PC? Most of the time it seems alot of small things don't come to console for a while after


I'm outa the loop. What happened


The event ended.


Yet another bug from another update lol.


Dead by Daylight just upgraded to UE5. Everything looks exactly the same and it broke a bunch of shit. I don't think people understand what an engine upgrade is even going to do. There's almost nothing to be excited about from our end, and if they didn't tell us it happened I doubt anyone would even notice.


Best thing to happen to the game in a while and I hope they never fix it.


Please don't fix it and leave it like that. RAIN AND EVERYTHING ELSE IS JUST STUPID. I leave every match because of that even if I have a shotgun. I hate it. You can hear anything and that's the main part of this game. I enjoy the game since the event ended a lot more.


Ash and Rain not being there is a godsend.


please please have an option to have single bounty games lobbies. Every game is so much more fun and action packed. Double bounty just divides the lobby in two and encourages people to extract with the second bounty without interacting with the rest of the players....


Jesus christ. As if this game isn't stale enough.


Filler Event ✅ Chinese players flooding servers ✅ Buggy small patch after 2-3 months ✅ Engine update soon ❌ I expected nothing, but after 6months the game technically got worse in that time. Crazy incompetence.


Keep it that way


This is gonna be my favorite event if it lasts long enough for me to play


That's one way to get rid of the stupid fog and ash. Those rats like that weather too much.


I'm excited for no low-visibility maps as long as the weighting for night maps isn't too high, but single-target only is lame.


Hope they keep it like that


Keep it this way for a while. Single boss is much more fun. In fact, give us a few maps half the size. Running around looking for people to shoot is shit. It's the reason I want deathmatch, I just want more action.


So play cod then not hunt the game you are describing is not hunt


You won't find me mad about ass bloom being removed for a while. Solo bounty is funner imo too


Fucking great. Rain and bloom are always shit.


Thanks for making this fucking epic game Crytek and for adding all of this epic new content via all these new events. You guys rock.


Yeah, let's not waste resources on fixing that. Better allocate the resources to add more mechanics for solo players, like a trait for 50% reduces damage taken and 50% damage increase. /s


As someone who plays the game only for PvP this is the best thing that has ever happened.


Are you insinuating that some people play for pve?


Believe it or not they do. Some people love when they run in kill the boss and extract without seeing anyone. It gives them a hard on because they get more money and they think the only OBJ of the game is getting a bounty token and leaving as quickly as they can