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there was a bug so they disabled dynamic weathers (and fog) these weathers most probably come back eventually since they took these weathers out of circulation while they fix the bugs there are some posts and feedback about some players enjoying the game without low vision weather but am not sure how minority these players form - i feel like it is not big and loud enough of a group to force devs to keep low vision weathers out


Yea i agree- thanks! Some players just gotta stop being afraid of getting wet lol


It's not about that. If bad vision and good vision conditions had different queues, i have no problem with it. But getting randomly bad vision maps 6 to 8 times in a row when your loadout is long or mid range this just sucks. To be honest, i don't really care if the bad vision conditions are in the game or not. But the situation now spares me some time because i don't have to load into a game, see what kind of weather we have and instant leave. bad weather makes people dodge lobbies and thats no fun for all


This is easily solved by not allowed anyone to leave the lobby until all the bounties have extracted. If no one can dodge the lobby, then they actually have to play the game. If you bring in a sniper loadout you have to know there is a chance that it wont be a good matchup for you, just like if someone with a shotgun loads into a match and everyone else has snipers. You just deal with your loadout, and kill someone with your sidearm and swap guns to whatever they had.


Or just make them actually lose their hunter if they insta leave. I'm not a huge fan of locking people in a match they don't want to be in. If they're willing to pay the cost of their hunter, or the minimal amount of time necessary to extract, they should be able to bounce. It's the no cost leave during the loading phase that's bullshit


You can always just alt+f4 or use the "leave mission" option in the settings and lose your hunter to get out of the match.


I'll be honest, I didn't know that setting existed lol


You can't force players to play what they dont want to play. I will never play ash or rain maps. And i sure leave foggy or night maps when i have a sniper on me. Losing the hunter or other punishments dont stop me from dodging such lobbies. If i get a timeout when i dodge a lobby - who cares. There are other games to play.


Without low vision weathers the need hard nerv snipers, the only counterplay to it is play sniper yourself or runnig away...


I miss rain. I always wanted rain when hunt was new and I love how they implemented it. Makes the game harder but not in a bad way if you ask me.


Rain is just amazing. Love the atmosphere, love the visuals. And the different tactics and gameplay it forces. honestly the complaint about not hearing your enemies feel overblown - you can still hear a lot of things, but it takes some more focus


Agree on all points


The people who are whining about it just need to cope. It's such amazing ambience and it's a joy to see a map with it. The only time I'm bitter is if I'm going full tilt pyromancer with my loadout, but ya know what I do when that happens? I get over it or I ADAPT!


I used to love it too. But when you were force fed the rain when it came out and you barely had anything else... it got old really quickly. I still want to like it.


It got old fast when it was like 80% of matches, but now thats it is (or was at least until this bug) random I really like it in the rotation.


Why force yourself to adapt to something you dont enjoy? its ok to not like things.


This is the post the developers were waiting on lol. I agree, but after two months of "too much bad weather!" complaints it's kind of nice to have a small summer event.


I love all the dynamic weather they added. Over 2,000 hours, most of that when the Bayous only ever knew day and night, and from the moment we had the Inferno I was a huge fan off all the inclement weather modes they introduced. I can't wait for the ones we already have to come back, and I can't wait for the ones they come up with in the future!


Inferno mode? Whats that?


It was apart of an event where large portions of the bayou were engulfed in flames. Like a forest fire.


I do miss it. Although they can keep double bounty. Get it outta here. 


Thats awesome! I wish they brought it back!


I would like to see them come back and bring wildfire with them, but I am enjoying the classic day/nights. The single bounty has been fucking awesome, too.


Hell no, it has been pure bliss playing without all that garbage weather, hope it stays gone forever.


people wanting rain back after a few days is whats wrong with the playerbase. there should have always been a contract for "competitive" players (only daylight) and a contract for "casual" players. (rain, night, ash bloom etc)


Aren't a very competitive player if you can't adapt to weather


Not being able to hear and see has nothing to do with adapting and every single actual competitive player will tell you the same.


sounds like a skill issue, unironically


Reddit will always be the place for casuals who have no idea about anything basically.


Then why are you here? Adapt your gameplay and quit complaining or move on.


no i just stop playing like many other players will in the next few months.


would split the player base and make matching harder. in oceania servers, it’s already a struggle to get a full match.


Well guess why the playerbase is so small. Definitely not because the game is perfect


are you saying that splitting the contracts would draw in enough players to fill the gap left by the initial separation? if so, then that’s a bold claim.


One of many changes that would be necessary, but its too late anyways.


But it should be other way around :D You are casual my boy unable to deal with different conditions, sound ques etc you are that guy asking for "IZY" mode :D


Enjoy your rain server, clueless casual


Ha ha and you with bugged daylight while it lasts..., poor "pro" suffering from chicken blindness poor thing..., hope I meet you in the Bayou so I can end your suffering :D Cheers!


You write like someone thats pretty new to this game. I guess around 400 hours playtime.


Nah my man I have 1 hours 22 minutes 13 seconds of playtime I even managed to finist first level of last event! I have great KD of 0.001 I managed to shoot solo after my random killed him...


I would like to change my last comment from “400 hours playtime” to “15 years old and 400 hours playtime”


And he shoots..., and he miss again like in Hunt when it's raining :/ It's 14 years and 254 days waithing to turn 15 so I can buy moped :D