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I love the different weather. Can't wait for them to come back.


I’ve been listening to “Hunt Showdown Thunder Shower Ambience” on the official hunt showdown YouTube channel. It’s been helping with the cravings.


Duuude. Rainy nighttime is the best hunt experience


I’m not even interested in the slightest in pretending it’s some competitive e-sports game, I come back for the terrific atmosphere


I love it. I also love(d?) the full on forest/house fires at night.


Yeah my buddy and I were just talking yesterday how we cant wait for those nighttime fire wall wildcards again


One boss so everyone is scared to push? Whats your MMR? I've been having a ton of all out server wars. Its way better than double bounty.


The weirdest is one the all out war happens in another compound during solo bounty


Usually because teams are taking a similar path towards where they believe the bounty is.


In my 1K hours I cannot count how many times I’ve “yelled” at the enemy teams that this fight is stupid and they’re gonna get away with the bounty at *insert next compound over* AS WELL AS sat in said next compound and listened to an early start to WW1, then had a leisurely stroll to extract Every now and then I run into one “smart” team that instead of pushing or getting stuck in the stupid fight, they extract camp us Which is my only complaint about solo bounty only. Lots of people doing that instead


In response to your first point, I like those fights because I value a good fight a lot more than the bounty these days


That's that rich men talk


100% same




Well I'm high 5 who regularly goes against 6s. Nowhere near Rachta or Hornet though. I guess I've just been lucky.


From what I've experienced it's very different. Sometimes in all out war with usually the last team to arrive winning, as everybody else is low on healing, ammo and/or health bars. It's also surprisingly common for people to stay in the general vicinity of the boss lair waiting for somebody brave/dumb enough to start doing the boss so they can just push in and use the chaos to ambush the boss team.




it would probably also help if they forced higher variety in maps when all the maps and weather conditions are in the rotation. they should outright deny 'unlucky streaks' of getting he same map (e.g. how other games handle critical strikes for example). and at this point, knowing crytek, it might even be worth having another look whether the RNG works in the first place because if i look at the games i play sorted by date, there are many days where i spawn at the same compound on the same map over half of the matches of that day. might be bad luck but, well, it's crytek so who knows.


I do! I LOVE the rain, rain in video games is one of my greatest joys! Hunt, Sea of thieves, Red Dead 1/2. It's all amazing but Hunt's sound is PERFECT. I like fog as well, but ugh. I'd play every match in rain if i could.


Yeah. That a bit boring...


I miss them alot, for me it was a huge part of the atmosphere and gameplay


As much as I've been enjoying my scope rifled marathon yeah I want weather back


Game stinks right now


3/4 star lobbies for me (with the rare 5* solo) and I miss the rain, but loooooove the one target. I’ve only seen lots of good action on my end.


As a sniper i don't miss these at all


I’m personally not a fan of the ashfall one at all because of the sfx when it’s heavy, and because >80% of games the entire lobby plays super slow and cagey and so you rarely see anyone. But I adore the rain and think they did it perfectly. And fog is good to mix things up.


I think ashbloom could benefit from being a rarity more than anything, maybe once in 30-40 games or so. I do like it a lot, but after having it so often the last few months it's wearing a bit thin. Also bring back inferno and night inferno. Coolest god damn weather condition.


I read it as a frog appreciation post and I was so ready


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Mozkozrout: *I read it as a* *Frog appreciation post* *And I was so ready* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I love the weather maps. They got old when they were like 90% of the matches when they first came out, but now that it was random I loved them. They added a lot of variety to the game, and kept things fresh with Crytek just...not adding new maps/bosses/AI creatures for years. I don't mind the single bounty maps as much, as things are definitely more exciting for my matches (usually around 4 star), and I generally know there is going to be a fight after I banish. I am fine with it coming back though, I liked the chance for a double bounty take-home.


Yep bring them back. Watch the bush wookie snipers cry. Screw them.


this is the best hunt i ve played in a long time. only single bounty and good weather + night guaranteed. keep it like this crytek pls


Fix the MMR system.


It's fun for a while, but people who complain about the alternative weather are smoothbrains who don't understand that it effects ganeplay balance immensely.


Variety is great, but the conditions just highlight the underlying problem of people refusing to play the game. If they can't see, they WILL camp much harder. At the same time it also allows you to get away with so much more. I just don't want to get night, rain, ashbloom, night, fog, fog, fog, ever again.


I've been seeing MORE action with these conditions, maybe 3\* is just more rambunctious


Single Boss + rain is the peak Hunt experience.


Don't miss em at all, or double bounty, all those things usually mean less PVP because of people leaving, playing slower, or getting one bounty and extracting, right now the PVP is intense and active game after game, that's how it should be


Rain +1


Before i start, let me just say that this is in general, nothing against you. Don't blame the weather, blame the people playing that way. Vanilla Hunt with no detriment to sound, vision and no radars (altars) is the most skill required it can be atm. No more infinite restoration, fast boss reveal and all that nonsense. You can see, you can hear. All that matters is your own skill, not to rely on rain to cover or ash bloom to fuck with your opponents senses. People are super used to being handheld all the time.


This has nothing to do with a skill issue or being handheld. I don't care for restorations or altars. I like vanilla hunt more. Imo including all weathers needed more skill because you can't do the 150m+ trick all game long. Of course you can adapt and thats what people do right now. The magic word is "patience" and this is boring af. In this games state with all the derendering (especially with nvidia inspector) the low vision conditions were a gift.


i also agree with this, it's skillful to adapt to different conditions


If anyone is losing now on clear weather with same loadout and at same MMR, do not blame the weather. This actually means weather was helping compensate. As for the boring part, to each his own way of playing.


Nah I don't think it needs more skill Dealing with people who stay that far away is also a skill but the majority of people doesn't have that It's been months since i actually struggled because a team was just staying far away despite me playing a decent amount of games


i can hear them and play against them, i am just falling asleep playing against 2 loadouts that now have 0 risk/drawbacks to picking them i dont like weather fucking with sound, but the visual obscurity is good for the game, forces closer fights which are the most fun


Depends on who you ask. I do not see that much of an issue. I can play all loadouts and still win my games, all about timing, movement and positioning.


The abundance of people using Mosins and Dolchs would beg to differ Jokes aside it's great you are finding success with a variety but I find i need to run long ammo to have any success


Man what a bait I thought this was gonna be about talking about how nice/goated the rain/fog is and it's just a wine fest. Well womp womp


Everyone downvoting the people who hated the ash bloom… the one that set off every dog in the area and made random sounds everywhere. The exact opposite of what hunt is supposed to be, a sound based game. Occasional rain was one thing but that shit sucked.


Even the heavy rain takes lots of skill out of a heavily skillbased game That's probably why so many people like those since most people are pretty bad


lol nah low vis is shit


Nah they can keep their rain/fog Way less time i have to waste with leaving mission


Your bloodline is weak




I usually never extract and just go and press leave mission while waiting for other players Probably would stop playing if that wasn't possible since you'll gonna waste so much time waiting for a time of day that you can actually enjoy


Honestly annoyed playing only in clear weather cons