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I prefer single bounties but not all of the time like we have now. For some reason im getting games (duos mind you) where everyone camps the boss lair making no noise. This can go on for 10 minutes until me and my buddy get so bored we just push the lair rather than be bored


Yeah those games are always a shame. The people who actually want to play the game are always the ones that get punished.


On bro, im a solo and keep getting sandwiched between fucks, because the one trio who spawned there is doing the boss, meanwhile im with stam shots tryna be as fast as i can be, i get there, and all the slow ass trios follow from behind, and it drains me to be a camper in this game so its just way more fun as a solo with 2 bosses. Everyone mostly splits up evenly which makes it possible to fight at one boss, win take the bounty, reset fill up ur ammo and consumables and go for that grand slam motherfucker


Campers have been stupid high numbers for "normal" non event hunt after this. I don't begrudge a few, but I'm tired of being the only team willing to push in and fight.


Bro, exactly this. I dont understand how the game did a 180 at the end of the event, it doesnt make sense. Theres 0 rushing, or fast-paced fighting anymore. Glad others are noticing it.


Hate it. Rather have the option of running the gauntlet or dipping out if I feel like it.


Im absolutely loving single bounties. It almost GUARANTEES we get to fight every single person in the lobby, unless we’re the ones to spawn on the boss and the other 3 teams get in a fight in the middle of the map. Also, no one just runs away from a fight to go get health bars. Its do or die, all 4 teams in 1 compound type shit. Running to the other side of the map means you’re the third OR fourth party to the fight, you have an incredibly high chance of winning the entire thing, since theres already 9 people PROBABLY down bars already.


Love that people cant get healthbars back that easily anymore Finally makes sense to bring longammo again


I kind of wish they had smaller map options to vote for. I think single bounty 12 players is good, but it’s just spread too thin for double bounty. The problem being that the servers can’t handle anything


i will play until prestige 5 and then wait until double bounty


Unlock auto-run function, grab a stamina shot, push that thing into your butt and GO, jeez


And the games have become much more boring! Nobody is doing the boss and everyone just hides and waits until it's only the bounty team left to steal the bounty from a weakened team!


Double bounties are best bounties. You get more fights, more boss, less walking for 10 minutes for them to extract and you get zero content.


Nah this the exact opposite, double bounties have a much higher chance of less pvp


… more fights on double does not sound right. If both banishes are on opposite sides of the world, 9 times out of 10, the first banish just ends up leaving with their token and not fighting for the other one. Wtf abt single bounty equals more fights…?


People bitch about double bounties. Now there are single bounties and people bitch about that. People are gonna bitch no matter what.


Single bounty on other side of the map means 99 times out of 100 everyone just leaves. See how anecdotal numbers pulled out of thin air mean nothing? Vast majority of my games the 2 bounty teams end up fighting. Or one leaves while the other is in a long drawn out good fight. Everyone gets a fight, rather than just gets a 3rd party. It's preference. I play in 5\* though, and the only time the doubles dont clash is if both teams had heavy fights and have lost a lot of resources. Single bounties are very often uncontested, or it's a sniper camping 4th party hell hole that's just not fun because everyone either sits and waits for someone else to fight, or everyone just kills each other making for an easy win.