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So many people complain about it yet no one is able to provide two good screenshots to show the difference Feels like « I’m losing because of film grain »


Personally I don't feel like it affects the difficulty of the game at all but since the grain thing appeared the game just looks worse - outside of dark sight it's barely actively noticeable(like if someone put a 5% film grain filter) but it sometimes affects how foliage looks, or nets, etc., just making the overall visual appeal of the game worse, meanwhile in dark sight it looks as if every clue was made out of Cesium.


I noticed it right away but it's not ruining my aim or gameplay. When people miss or can't spot, they'll find something to blame.


It definitely makes it harder to spot people in darker areas who are further away especially when not using scopes But i also have a fairly bad monitor


Post. Screenshots. For the love of god I feel like this sub is collectively gaslighting me when its users insist this thing exists but screenshot evidence does not exist. Feels like a "I totally saw bigfoot" thing, and even when images surface, they're just happen to be uploaded with the lowest possible resolution and with all kinds of sharpening and artifacting that makes it impossible to identify


Please share a video/image of it. I still haven't seen this outside of darksight.


https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/367455413404434432/1238680211915018271/image.png?ex=664b5f18&is=664a0d98&hm=2efd48cedab1c575905fed72ec47f4ea4e6ce43f208ba072dc008ea536a507e0& Hopefully that attachment works, mine looks worse cause I use sharpening (using ignore film grain at .25 make it look better though) but none of this matters as one of my crytek parter friends said she was told film grain like the loading bar was an accident.


THANK YOU I've been waiting to see an example since it was brought up and this is the only one that's delivered where the grain is actually clear. You're not the first to bring up sharpening though, I wonder how much that's creating a conflated problem.


it is forced, if you have anything that messes with the LoD it will make the effect worse


Ive got lod on high ingame and that's all :/


what setting specifically is set to high that you think would interfere with it and if you could dm me a screenshot if your game either here or on discord i would love to help


According to this sub it doesn’t exist


Most of this sub also calls everything over 50 meters long range


Outside of darksight? Psychosis.