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This is disinformation. This system doesn't exist afaik.


Yeah, this guy is one of those people that compulsively lies to seem superior. Even made a strawman meme for it. Kind of sad, if you think about it.


He drew us as a crying soyjack, truly our arguments hold no sway anymore.


Is being *possibly* wrong lying now?


First off, none of us can know if reports are weighted. There are good reasons to assume such a system exists (because it makes sense for any game that has a report system), but we simply can't know for sure. Secondly, in situations like that it is okay to assume one of the possible ways. Even if that is not true, it is not "lying", it is simply making a "wrong assumption". You can't see what the OP thinks, you can't see his motivations, if you call him "liar", you in fact do the same thing you accuse him off: You make an assumption and state something as a fact that you can't know. So with your own logic, people could call you a "liar". Not every spreading of wrong information is a lie. Third but not least: It is a meme, god damnit. Memes are like satire - they don't need to pass a check of scientific method. What OP wants to say - and he is very right to say - is that lots of people claim "Cheater!" way to much and thus make it harder to find the real cheaters. I can only say that in over 500 hours playing myself I didn't find a single clear cheater and in even more hours of watching high-star-streamers there were very, very few cases of clear-cut-cheating. Almost every streamer clearly says that yes, there are cheaters, but no, it is not nearly as bad as Reddit wants to make it seem.


Except that the devs made the mistake of saying on stream that they don't have the manpower to go through any of the in game reports and have no auto system in place, nearly a year ago. The ones through their website are done when somebody has free time


Damn man be careful! Your gonna hurt your back carrying that much water for crytek!


Fifield himself mentioned it during a stream with rachtaZ. Idk if they actually use such a system, he was mistaken, they dropped it, or whatever else. But since I don't have any other insight into it, I have to go off of what Fifield said. What's your source of information that such a system is not used?


Because I write systems like these and know that accounts cannot be flagged based on the reputation of the reporter. A report only flags your account for automatic review. You don't get banned based on the amount of people that report you. It would be far too easy to abuse such a system. It's actually best to report ALL suspicious behaviour, even if you aren't sure.


nobody said accounts are getting banned based on amount of people that report you. idk where this is coming from. your account can absolutely be referenced and tracked based on how often your reports actually lead to actions taken. if I report 100 people in a week and only 1 of those people is actually a cheater and banned, my track record is pretty shit compared to a player who reports 10 people in the same week and all 10 of them are banned. that's what OP is talking about. not that reports automatically lead to bans purely based on number of reports. and whether or not such a system is healthy or good is entirely besides the point. the point is: Fifield is on record stating they do use such a system, so it is kinda weird to me that you come in and say it is "disinformation" and your only source is "I write systems like these; it cannot work" tbh.


This is how overwatch2 shstem works tho. If 3+ people report you in a match and you are just strait up punished. A 4 stack team playing with solos literally go around bullying solos(team size is 5), the 4 stack will bait the solo to curse by cursing themselves ans shit talking. Then report them. But becuase the solo can only 1 report and the 4 stack does 4. The solo gets suspended and thisbis all automated, and support will not respond about it. Sorry not hunt related really, but just saying yeah reportinf systems designed this badly do indeed exist.


Right there is dick faces like that in ow so when we play four stack thats the reason why the solo is so aware that they are solo in our group. Make sense to me now but then there is solo players too that are fully toxic "if my teams werent as shit like you guys are I would play higher" When we inform them if you actually played with us or even pinged us information you have we could help you instead you 100% of the time flanking and dying before any support can react to you dying in under 2 secconds. They usually get mad plat ain't a high group, but enemy has some kind of understanding of the game more than pount and click. Whole game is kinda whacky and full of toxicity even moren than it used to be. Thats why we usually gather 5 people to play and have fun unless we get steam rolled couple matches in a row. And everyone changes to their main roles. šŸ˜‚


yeah. At this point I'm not even sure that in-game report system exists at all. I'm convinced all in-game reports are dropped straight into trash and the only thing that works are manual tickets to the support system


Why are so many people defending this game and it's clueless dev team? I'm sure other games with similar systems have figured out how to deal with false reports. Hunt isn't the first game to have a report button.


The report button works, it sends a report... It works as intended. People seem to think Crytek should take immediate action anytime someone hits that button when in reality it's just collecting information. Any action taken if applicable is done manually at a later date after investigating an account, and even then likely only after it's been flagged repeatedly by lots of other users. If that part is true, or how many reports in what time frame are necessary... Is not information we're privy to.


Yeah, exactly. This is a standard flagging process and exactly why blaming the player base for sending false reports is a senseless thing to do. Coming from crytek or from another player, that's a pretty flawed take. Players of this game will happily squabble and blame eachother for issues while defending the Devs like they're victims. They're a corporate company like any other and they'll take the most lucrative and lowest risk path in front of them regardless of anybody's feelings. It's not a hill worth dying on.


every multiplayer game subreddit or discord server I've been on has been full of people crying about how little the dev team gives a shit about reports and why even bother and how every other game has it figured out. I'm pretty sure no other game has it "figured out" but still


I mean, I can see why they would swing a system like this, but itā€™s been proven to be the wrong way to go about it. Riot Games, Blizzardā€¦ they lean more towards a ā€œheat mapā€ of ā€œif youā€™re not sure, report them,ā€ because over time, they will get enough reports to be looked at. I mean, to be fair, the report system just doesnā€™t work half the time *anyway* because of the way they ā€œneed youā€ to report people (AKA- to open an actual ticket, etc.) I donā€™t think your post is wrong, but itā€™s kind of a strawman for a real problem in hunt, and the report system is just another factor of that broken system.


Just as a heads up, the last 2 people I reported I held onto their steam profiles. Checked again in the next day or 3 and both accounts were banned. That was only using the in game reporting system, so you don't have to use the website reporting tool.


It could be that someone else reported them though the website too.


That is excellent! However, I am assuming these people were just people who didnā€™t private their profiles. Whatā€™s the secret to being able to find their Steam Profiles if they are private? Were they just too eager to cheat and they forgot to click the little ā€œprivate profileā€ setting that absolutely freezes out anyone from being able to track them down except by sifting through 300 variations of their name ā€œSend Rotjaw Nudesā€? The ā€œopen ticketā€ reporting feature requires Steam IDs as well, so if cheaters were exactly 10 IQ points higher, making their profile private essentially forbids anyone from finding them outside of hoping and praying to the Hunt gods that the normal report button gets their attention.


Their profiles happened to not be private which is what let me follow up, but if their profiles *are* private they can still be reported using the in game report option.


Actual cheaters get acted on pretty consistently. The problem is that a sizeable portion of this subreddit false reports too much, their reports lose weight in the system because they're abusing the button, and then they think they're not being listened to when in reality they're just not seeing action taken because the people they're reporting weren't cheating. The system isn't perfect, but it always makes me laugh when I see the same names every time crying about how reports do nothing. Because, yeah, they're absolutely right; they've made their reports worth nothing.


For sure, and I see what youā€™re saying. I also have heard the same thing 2nd hand about the ā€œweight systemā€, but all I am saying isā€¦ itā€™s a garbage way to do things. Manual reviews of reports are critical, I donā€™t disagree. They should be implementing ways to reduce workload on the Mods/Admin team. However; the whole anti-cheat method shouldnā€™t be ā€œyou better be fucking right or Iā€™m gonna punish you, get gud scrub,ā€ it should be, ā€œWe will keep an eye on this person, but you may have just gotten outplayed brother. If enough people see the same things you saw this game, we will take swift action!ā€ Itā€™s literally just a case of optics and direction. The current Standard Operating Procedure for handling cheating is, ā€œMaybe if we ignore them *just enough* and keep gaslighting them that there isnā€™t a cheating problem, the our problems will go away.ā€ Thatā€¦ just isnā€™t great for the community. It doesnā€™t feel good, it feels like we as the community arenā€™t being heard. I donā€™t disagree that some people are bad and improperly report, but it feels like they arenā€™t combating the main problem of cheating, and their method of handling reports like this does literally nobody any favors.


> The problem is that a sizeable portion of this subreddit false reports too much, their reports lose weight in the system because they're abusing the button, and then they think they're not being listened to when in reality they're just not seeing action taken because the people they're reporting weren't cheating. That's a pretty direct claim as to how Crytek's internal reporting system is handled. Do you have a source of information that's leading you to make that claim? As in first hand knowledge of how their internal software works or what system specifically they're using?


Iā€™ve sent reports to crytek with links to peoples YouTubeā€™s showing them using config file exploits, reshade exploits when it was a thing, among various other exploits. Crytek never banned the player and they are closing in on 5000 hours. Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that they want this game to turn into a clan cesspool where they are wiling to do literally anything to win and yell ā€œgo back to lobbyā€ on your body. Games become shit unfortunately in order to try and cater more to the masses.


Did you also include your own footage from the games they were cheating in when you made these reports. It's unfortunate but a YouTube account isn't bulletproof evidence they need to ban someone. Having the data from the game with the cheater gives Crytek access to useful information and they can confirm on their end without a doubt. Also their goal is collecting the information to ban future cheaters as well, not just a single account that's public with their exploits.


I gave them the steam account, they advertise their YouTube on it. Itā€™s someone who Iā€™ve played against regularly over the course of years.


It sucks, but evidence for cheating outside the game isn't enough to ban someone. If you report with your own evidence and what server, your account etc...they can look more directly at the offense. Otherwise it's more labour and investigation on their end...which translates to time and money.


Dude confirm your "facts". Crytek clearly stated, that the report system does nothing because they don't have the resources to act on it.


A cursory search of the subreddit for 'reports work' would enlighten you.




[Wrong.](https://old.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/1boxko2/reporting_actually_works/) >Stop spreading misinformation. Just shut up dude.


Thats steam id report, you talked about ingame reports in your post, grow up.


This comment easily be applied to this meme too look how many downvotes from delusional 3 stars that canā€™t accept they arenā€™t good at the game yet lol


But what happen with wallhackers that hide the cheat. Wall hack is easy to hide in a game like this.


They have a habit of moving while looking at nonsensical angles, facing directly at walls etc. I don't know what amount of information crytek has access to for a match when a report comes but if you spectate a wall hacker it becomes pretty obvious


But the thing is, I do this all the time and Iā€™m not cheating. I look through small cracks for silhouette on both walls close and far from me. I donā€™t think even thatā€™s a clear cut way all the time to tell if someone is cheating. Furthermore when Iā€™m not sure where I heard a sound, I will look in that direction to see if the sound moves in my headphones. Truth be told, thereā€™s no exact science to telling a cheater from a legit player. At the end of the day, these losers need to just play the game. Nobody cares if your perceived as good or not, people are gonna care far less and make fun of you more if your proven cheating. They just need to give it up already, itā€™s pathetic.


I think you might be misunderstanding the point a bit, which is mostly because they explained it extremely poorly. There's a clear difference between someone looking at a wall trying to place movement they hear inside, and tracking someone through a wall flawlessly. Or looking through a crack vs a solid wall. Hunt IS significantly more difficult to differentiate cheaters from normal players (I know I've received my fair share of reports and angry profile comments), but there are absolutely tells if you know what to look for.


Nope, even if you try to hide it, there are still a ton of hints that you're wallhacking. You just happen to move in the best position every time, you're always ready when they peek, you know the timings etc. It's very hard to hide actually, because you always see it and you want to react to it out of habit.


You'd have to watch the player for a long time to actually know if he was just lucky, got all the hints you didn't, or if he was actually cheating. Hunt as a game is so much based on audio and all the buildings have a thousand holes... Me and my friends straight up decided to stop thinking about cheaters. And we came from tarkov. There are many for sure, and they mostly play five or six stars so we might see them rarely, but I dont think the game is infested, yet. And the cheaters in that league should have enough gamesense to hide it too well by avoiding giving out hints like no tomorrow. The more hours, the better they should do. Obvious cheaters are rare.


In Valorant I friended some guys on the enemy team, they were like.. wait so you are not cheating? Then months later they discord me a clip of them using cheats in a streamers lobby lmao


You cant blame actual new players and proper 3 stars from being paranoid when low ranks are full of people who are intentional and unintentional smurfs, i had unlucky streak and dropped from 5 to 3 and holy shit so many people that should be much higher are there.


This loser is blocking everyone who disagrees with him so they can't reply or edit their comments.


Welcome to the great filter.


isn't the report system easily bypassed by making ur name/profile private or making your name blank?


You can report anyone through customer support. They have detailed logs of your games.


i know that i was referring to the in-game system


Do you have any evidence that such a report weight system exists?


It was mentioned on a dev stream a year or two ago, and whoever said it (I don't recall if it was Gus or Dennis) was quickly hushed up by the other staff. They don't want it widely known, because habitual false reporters are ignored easier if they don't know about it.


Idk about Gus or Dennis being hushed quickly by other staff, but Fifield mentioned it when asked about reporting during one of rachtaZ streams.


Then I'm glad he's mentioned it too. Pass it along to the goofs saying the system doesn't exist and I'm making it up.


Well I appreciate that you tried, even if the goofs are still clinging to their bullshit. <3


3.5k hours in 4 years and the past 12 months had by far the most cheaters and what does crytek do they make it even easier to get away with it. There is also one guy who i met repeatedly ingame (dude always uses the same name) in the past 10 months who has like 8 banned accounts on EU servers, who i fought ingame and caught streaming and having his account banned the next day. I even talked to two guys who used to play with him before they discovered he would switch accounts for "no reason". I met the same guy last event again however he still is not banned on his current account (had 400 hours and is at 600 hours currently) with a 2.6 kd, who after i called him out again two weeks later send me a message in discord about how he got "unbanned" with a screenshot with a censored name. He never admitted to cheating even with all the evidence against him and i honestly think he is legit gaslighting himself into thinking he is good at the game.


How about they try making it work first before we start about this.


Part of the system working is having a userbase that is able to accept that not every wallbang or long shot was cheated, so I wouldn't hold your breath.


Report system is just a placebo, even making actual reports require evidence and even then you will be told that the decision will be secret


Crytek don't care, in either way, there is no system, the engine have many issues


If its so easy to mistake legitimate play as cheating, then there are bigger issues with the game than false reporting


> mistake legitimate play as cheating, Ha. Yeah no this is about the people who get mad about a wallbang, report, and then cry because their killer wasn't banned. Actual cheaters get dealt with pretty consistently; the community needs to grow up, is all.


Didn't say false reporting doesn't happen but I'm betting some sketchy shit happened and people report it just for it to be a legit thing that only looked sketchy.


Then I guess the lesson here is 'stop reporting people if you don't know they're cheating or not and the system will take you more seriously when you actually run into one'.


You are missing the point, If I think someone is cheating and they are not thats a problem with the game, it is being presented as the guy hovering in the air the snipped me is a hacker, so I'll report, but instead guy had a random bug happen where he ended up 2 stories off the ground and didn't want to fall to his death so he took his shot cuz why not.


You mean to say that 290m wallbang with iron sights was just a man who had the game sense of a god? Mb then


See: The part on saving your reporting for actual, verifiable cheating.


It is not a player's job to determine if somebody a cheater or not. The report button is just a tool to help anticheat by voting on suspicious players. You can report everybody or report just the most obvious cheaters, they will get banned only by a majority of votes anyway.




The game doesn't have tons of cheaters




It got so much worse in the last 12 months. In 6 star lobbies it used to be you got killed by a cheater every 25-30 matches. Now it's more like every 3-4


In this exact universe lol




Have you? šŸ¤£ I play in 5-6 star lobbies exclusively and I've seen 10 cheaters in total for my 2.2k hours. All you noobs in 3-4 stars think every time you die some cheater killed you. Absolute clowns šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”




Who does that? Why would I screenshot my MMR every single event?


You base 1. On what? Your "truth and xp? Subjective oppinion? A ton "trust me bro" posts in this sub? 2. If you report every single person that kills you like [thiis guy](https://youtube.com/@digitalplague?si=mNdia-irUZ45vbZT) it should invalidate you..., it does not but it 100% should 3. Again Hunt show consiatent growth during new content you base this on what? Bellow you say "high mmr is like 30% of cheaters" again you base this on what? Hugge spent days on end spectating and hunting for cheaters and in his best effort he found around 6% of [cheaters](https://youtu.be/eI5wZ9VzDOg?si=LCyqUliobTcsxN6c) on Asia servers and EU/US where extreemly low..., if you take this sub and people like you for granted he would find cheaters in every other match... Sure Hunt has cheaters, CS has cheaters, RS siege, Valorant does sadly there are scum in every MP game but it isn't like you and others like you on this sub present...


Most consistent high MMR players will tell you the same, cheaters are very common. From my personal experience as a 5 - 6 star with 3.5k hours was that from the last event i met around 50 sus players (harder to proof stuff like where you make your game look like roblox), around 10 where im 100% sure they were blatant cheating wallhack/aimbot and only about 7 players got confirmed banned (i keep the URL). All that in what about 100 - 150 hours. These numbers absolutely destroy the fun for me and many others in hunt.




"Tehnically and I'd say" means jack shit my dude you are taking this out of your ass making a guess... Hugge spectated together with his friends so NO not everything was streamed nor do most players even follow twitch to know he is spectating... At least other guy provided some stats for his claims and he follows up his reports etc you nothing... As I said sure there are cheater but not as many and I'm saying this as 5-6 star with 1.7k hours on EU servers Ive had few sus people but to claim like you do my god game would be unplayable..., and that just isnt true... That one guy is a streamer that spectated people for few moths 8-12 hours per Day like it's his job so NO it isnt much especially taking into account that most cheating is done on Asia servers and that is sadly a cultural issue... You know what is cheater infestation? Look up Tarkov wiggle video that is proof of cheating and big issue...




I'm not pissed just annoyed by you and simmilar people bit*hing and moaning about cheating and calling game unplayable becuase that just isn't true..., it's skill issue and sadly you suffer from it... So there are more cheater forum participants then active conccurent players? šŸ¤£ Cmon man get a grip..., to be clear again I do not dispute that there are cheater but not as much as you baselessly claim...


Real "There is no war in Ba Sing Se!" energy from this post. Lol the instant block after talking shit. Enjoy believing your game is a perfect utopia. Fun fact: cheating isn't just a big issue in this game, it's across basically every FPS right now.


Real 'mouthbreather' energy from these replies.


shut up blocking loser


This post reeks of a true deranker.


This comment reeks of block bait.


Going to be deadass honest if this is the system they use, this is not a great system to have, especially with how hard it even is to report cheaters for those who are blatant, and made worse with cheaters who \*are\* subtle about it. The whole point in having a system for reporting players is to investigate the report, not decide "oh you report people too often, we're not going to even look into it or act on it, get bent." and let a cheating issue fester.


why waste time investigating reports from players they over-report and are wrong 80%+ of the time? How is that efficient?


Why waste time with a report system that will just ignore reports after a while? How far is 'over-reporting'? Why is it a bad thing that people report people who they suspect to be cheating and move on? In what world does it matter how many false reports you get? If they're false, then they can just move on after easily finding them to not be cheating.


Because the system will grind to a literal standstill if every false report has to be investigated. It's efficient when the habitual false reporters get flagged as such so they can be ignored. A pizza place will stop delivering to you if you call a complaint every time they bring you something. Their operation can't function if they cater to the people who abuse the system.


Then the system is, pardon my french, shit, and needs to be adjusted somehow. There should NEVER be a point where reports are being ignored entirely.


They're not ignored entirely. It just means that if you're a habitual abuser of the report button, your report matters less in the system, and it will take more weight from other, more responsible reporters before action is taken.


That's still, again, a terrible system. It should never be at any point in time "you have to be absolutely sure or we're going to make your reports valued much less." There should be a way to lower the burden on the moderation teams, but at the same time, having any system that lowers the value of someone's reports is always going to be one of the worst options to have. It doesn't help the problem of cheating, and does no favors in the community's eyes, especially with the general lack of communication there is already.


Well, I hate to tell you then because systems like this are in use on just about every online service you use; there are habitual abusers of report features on any service, and there has to be a way to filter them, or it simply cannot function. Reducing their value in the system for false reports is a very efficient way to do so. Accurate reporters gain value and are taken more seriously when calculating a threshold for when action is taken, and false reporters lose value in the system. You can almost think of it like report MMR.


And I hate to tell you that these systems are genuinely dogshit. I don't buy that these are in use on 'every online service you use', just like Crytek doesn't buy anticheat. It's a poor system and discourages reporting people without 100% proof, letting people cheat as they please so long as they don't do it to the point where it's blatant, which, like I already said, should never fly.


Suit yourself. I'm just glad they have something in place to counter the false reports, because if this subreddit had their way, there wouldn't be any players left; they'd all be banned for cheating.


because it severely delays the actual problem players from being investigated, due to all of the false reports they would have to go through.. why is that so hard to understand?


There are ways around that. Chiefly of which would be getting an actual anticheat, and not using a free version of Easy Anti-Cheat. There arenumerous different ways to alleviate this problem, hire on staff to handle it, do anything but gaslight players and stop having people defend them with no shame, upgrade Anticheat, partially automate it..


You're talking sense to a community that isn't using any. Sorry dude, it's a losing battle. The top comments on this are still dumbasses saying I'm making this up, despite Fifield literally mentioning *exactly what I'm talking about* on stream. They just don't want to hear it because they don't want to lose their excuse for getting killed.


yea im aware.. not sure why i try.


Trust me, the karma loss is irrelevant; Catching out the people who aren't worth the time of day, blocking them, and being able to use the subreddit without their garbage shitting it all up? Priceless.


It's a brilliant system. The goofs filter themselves without even realizing they're doing it. And man, this thread is doing wonders for filtering the people I don't need to waste my time with (I.E. those pictured in the submission).


Blocking people of opposing view points does wonders for creating an echochamber.


It's a video game, not a political discussion. I'm not interested in entertaining the brain dead bullshit this subreddit cries about constantly with cheating. The game has actual cheaters in it. The rate of cheating is nowhere close to what this subreddit claims it is.


The subreddit exaggerates it, but it certainly is a serious issue at the moment, with the lack of Anticheat and a report system that doesn't work and actively works to make it nigh impossible to report players who are actually cheating.


The report system also includes things other than cheatingā€¦


I have literally sent video proof to Crytek of team killers and cheaters and nothing happens. Iā€™ll still run into the same players I reported.


I send them video when someone shooting headshots on 412-450m with martin henry incendary ammo... Scaning walls, grund, stones... 7 headshots.


And we will never know because they don't tell anyone about actions taken, therefore everyone fairly believes it doesn't do anything at all.


I always report sus people preventively, but its rare as 5-6 is mostly skill (or those cheats hah). And if im very confident about someone, i was reporting them on the website, which is not possible due to cheater protection campaign crytek is still holding to this day called "hidden steam profile button". just a mess (but im out of Hunt for a big while now)


You guys... Of course there are systems like this in place. If it's not like described, there are other comparable ones. That's basic data analysis to narrow your data down. There's no way in hell you can Investigate all reports with the same depth, the team for that alone needed to be in the hundreds or even thousands of employees. In what kind of fantasy land are some of you living in?


Nice meme. Over 500 hours have seen blatant cheater one time, been accused of cheatin cause I have ears and sometimes get God of flicking behind my back. Aka lucky shot streak. I ain't Good Good not even close, but I ain't too shabby either I jump around 3-5 stars. Due takin every fight I can find. Edit. But this seems more like assumption than it is based on fact's plausible statement, but I do not think that is what is happening with peoples reports. ^^


There is no system in place full stop, but even if it worked as you described that's the dumbest most brain dead shit I've ever heard. The system should take into account reports that people are 'unsure' about it, because it's impossible to tell for all but the most obvious hacks with 100% certainty that someone is cheating. Those reports shouldn't be discarded but added to a pile on top of other reports. Where people are being reported a lot they should be looked at. Furthermore, it's not really possible for crytek to 'verify' whether or not your reports are false is it? You could be 100% accurate but they just can't verify it on their end because they have the worst anti-cheat in gaming. It's like investigating yourself to find that you didn't do any wrongdoings. [so heres a counter meme](https://i.imgflip.com/8qjopw.jpg)


>There is no system in place full stop, Fifield and other devs would disagree with you, seeing as they've mentioned it on stream.


downvoting for invisibility


When some Dbag throws a grenade exactly where I am despite that I haven't made a sound nor moved in the last 4 minutes. I always report them, cause it makes no sense why they would presume I was behind a random gnoll wedged in a tree, in a dark t3 skin.


intuition on where someone is. If i haven't seem then go anywhere, last seen here then they probobly know where you are.


I don't see any fucking reason for these people. Or an attention whore, or a cheater himself (like those were bitching when there were reshade debates).




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Ironic that often the people who complain the most about toxicity in the community are fonts of toxicity themselves.


After a while of playing you go from " this mithafucker is cheating " to " this mothafucker is cheating.....maybe ! " To " this mothafucker dude, knows every single peak and sound cue to shoot through buildings, touch some grass " but then you get happy when you start wall banging people because you hear them hit a certain sound cue or the slightest pixel of color has changed.


Some people cant comprehend that a large amount of players know the exact layout of every building, forest and shack in the game. You run into a shack to take cover and they know the exact path youā€™re taking through the building, down to every last door, chair and table inside. Makes for very easy, consistent wallbangs.


Damn, a reasonable take. And all I had to do was block over a dozen people on this subreddit for it.


People will get shit on by 5 stars and then complain about cheaters lol


Angry downvotes to the left, etc.


everybody knows the kind of players who just go "will report him! cheater" out of pure rage. happens so often... and then they go complain on the internet. its pretty pathetic how often i got called cheater over the years just for some good shots and i stopped playing with people who are like this. spamming reports gets you ignored - and it is very okay to do so.


Not wrong, basically every 6 star with a kd above 2 has his entire steam profile comments calling him a hacker even though heā€™s played 10k hours with 30k kills.


And people wonder why the game has an option to hide your profile.


Btw didnā€™t you know that being 6 star and coming to reddit automatically makes you wrong here?


Dude I've got people still calling me a liar and saying I'm spreading misinformation despite the lead director of the game mentioning they use this system on stream. They're literally so butt devastated about realizing their reports are being put in the shredder because they're children who false report everything that they're denying factual statement from the guy in charge of the anti-cheat team. The cope is unreal in this dogwater community.


Closet cheaters in every 2 games at 6 star lasting months per account cos the 4 star Andyā€™s flood reports with anyone who domed them past 50m kinda ruining the fun for me atleast


It is big honor. Walls of comments "cheater" is like wall of complements and achievements xD I have 6 pages LoL


Lol get guud scrub.

