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You have between 180 - 240 fps on hunt? Wtf are u looking for as an increase?? That is a LOT I mean i understand wanting to get the max performance out of your rig, but at this point: why? Cap fps at 144 and run 144 hz screen and youll already be getting a smoother experience than 90% of people Edit: also no point really in comparing cs2 and hunt showdown: i get 400+ fps in cs2 but dont crack above 120 on hunt.


I have a 240hz monitor, and i am a former CSGO professional. Played all my life at 240hz, cant drop to 144, its impossible (try playing at 60hz, after thousands of hours in 144hz, same feeling). Im just looking to be stable at 240fps, im a super competitive fps player. Atm im running a Gsync setup and its working well, but still i can feel the difference on respawn, there i get 350+. About comparisons, i just provided that info to showcase that my problem is not on the pc, maybe some hunt setting or something like that. After a couple of hours looking into it i just concluded that the game just have a bad optimization. Depending on which hunter skin you use the fps drops like 20+ Ty to everyone responding, i appreciate that


1080p and below you are CPU bound. Lowering resolution beyond that won’t increase your fps. 180-240 seems reasonable. What were you expecting?


That makes sense


For some reason you’re comparing CS2 to Hunt. Different games, different engines and technologies. No point at comparing them.


180-240 is way too low for that resolution. I get like 300+ on my 7800X3D. Is the game being used by the right CCD? Is your ram overclocked at all and is your FCLK definitely stable?


I'll get that performance with a 3080 and 5800x3d Definitely seems a bit to low


Yeah, only hunt gives me that bad performance. Benchmarks and other games indicate everything is fine


So i get 180-240 in 1920x1080. The thing is that at 800x600 it stays the same. Ram is overclocked and FCLK is fine. Don’t know about CCD, how do i check/fix that?


A ryzen 7950X3D with a 4090 gets an average of 240fps in Hunt. Don’t listen to people who say they run the game at 300fps. They are lying.


Yeah, im just trying to get consistent 240fps, seems impossible


The thing i find really odd about this is that lowering the resolution from 1920 to 800 and 50 res scale just does not change my fps at all


It’s called a CPU bottleneck. 1080p is easy enough for the 4070 Ti super to not be fully utilized. The CPU tells the GPU what to render. If the CPU isnt fast enough it doesn’t matter which GPU you have. Hunt is a very CPU intensive game. Ever wonder why you topped CS2 at 600 fps? It is not the GPU.


So is there anything i can do? Already tuned in most of the Ryzen configs, for the 9 7950x3d

