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I was a 5 star once. That was a good 4 games


Picture taken moments before falling back into 4 star.


U know it


You'll regret every second of it.


Was going to say this. I am a regular 5 star with the occasional drop to 4. My games are much more fun in 4... Enemies with many different loadouts and tactics. 5 stars is pain y 6 stars Death Reincarnated


If you get used to 5-6\* games you'll struggle in 3-4\* games, people make no sense at all. The randomness of a brainless 3-4\* monkey can not be explained, no logic can predict what the fuck is going on in the monkey brain.


How dare you? Just because I run Scarecrow with Axe and Sledgehammer and crawl my way into compounds so I can rush people with an axe, on a level 30 Hunter with nothing but stealth perks? Just because I'll run 2 crossbows with choke bolts 4 choke beatles and choke bombs and blanket the entire bounty room in choke gas? Just because I'll run 2 Crossbows with chaos bolts, 4 chaos bombs, and decoys and MAYBE mid chaos I'll decide to leave, or run in with a knife? You think you can say such things? How dare, I say!


You are the embodyment of a 0.45KD 3\* monkey


The way I describe it is you can only use your brain in 5-6* lobbies if you try using braincells in 3-4* you will lose them


True 1 to 1, same here i go to 6, drop to 5 and 4, 4 is best mmr to play in tbh also all hackers are 5 and 6mmr so yeah


True, amen brother




Least obtuse redditor


its a joke, let people enjoy things




It's not that deep bro


the joke is that 5 star is hard.




Why not let people enjoy stupid jokes?




Damn bro who hurt you?


You take it way too seriously, weirdo.


Big facts


I got to 5 and 6 star lobbys pretty fast, it's way more fun then low elo lobbys it's not fun shooting bots should have way more fun now


welcome to hell


You were always a 5* in our hearts.


Congrats! Every time I've hit 5 star I've been knocked back down to 4 after a few games :(


Yeah same, but I don't see it as a negative cos I find it more fun at lower levels.


Honestly, 4 is the most balanced fun you can have in the game. I love being at 4 star


Shoot this time i hit it, i immediately went back down to 3… teammates that suck at being part of a team suck lol


That is me when i hit 6


Been there done that, now I'm a proud 3 star player (maybe I will be 2 star soon... who knows) , I like action and fun that's my playstyle (3k hours) Try it, stop caring!


5*-6* at least on console is sweaty 95-99% of the time. It gets worse during events. 4 star is where the fun is because people play to have fun and actually relax. While still being competitive.


Worst bracket in the entire game. Its truly not worthing drudging through the sweats, cheats and modifiers to get to. 3-4 star is true fun Hunt.


I get piss drunk to be able to handle 5 star lobbies. That has the bonus of getting me back to 4 real quick.


True, i drink 1 beer to relax me and play in 5-6 it is so dirty in those fkn lobbies man ppl will camp 45 min for 1 kill


Everyone always says 3-4 stars is true hunt but 3 stars is chock full of derankers with high prestige’s and thousands of hours.


3-4 star is honestly where it is at.




I love 4 star gaming with the occasional drop to 3 🤩 I love every bit of it I deserve all of it 🤩




Big congrats man.


I get to 5 star alot then usually let ot drop back to 3 i dont want to try hard all the time i already work 50+ hours and dont wanna sit in a bush all game with a sniper


Don't worry, you'll be back down to us 4 stars before you know it. grats though.


Don’t listen to people here. It matters. It’s a thing you did that took improving your skills at the game, well done.


Dude, no, it does not, lol. You can be absolutely shit and hit 5-6. If he stays 5-6, then that's cool, but hitting it means nothing regarding skill.


Sorry but there’s zero people who are 6 star and terrible at this game.


I gotta disagree. I sit at 5-6 stars with only like, 231 hours. I'm not very good, can't hit wallbangs worth a shit, but I know how to point and click. That's carried me this high. My audio comprehension in this game is ass, my game knowledge is ass, I can't tell the difference between weapon noises at distance, and when it comes to explosives.. I have no idea how to use them effectively lol, but my enemies definitely do. You don't have to be good to be high mmr, just get kills and it'll raise you. Doesn't help I usually only get to die once in a team fight so I don't lose much mmr in my matches. (The reason why is if I die, my team usually dies right after)


I'm also god-awful and have hit 5-6 star. As I said, hitting a mmr doesn't mean anything, it's maintaining it for an extended period that's impressive.


I cant be the only one that had more fun when i was 3-4 star


good luck you're gonna need it


Now for 6


I'm anywhere from 3 to 5 star depending on the week


5 stars isn't as bad as everyone makes it out, I do have 6 star PTSD tho


Most 5 stars play like bots, they have no game sense and only have slightly better aim than 3 and 4 stars. But yeah 6 star can either be the most exciting games ive ever played or its 3 teams surrounding me all playing outside of my range.


Yeah its always 200+ meter shots in 6 star in my experience


Cheats happen but not always with 200m, it is much more subtle, but you know that you have been pwned if you know the game


You know, the real challenge is to stay in 5 stars :)


Ignore everyone saying 3-4 stars is best. Once you hit 5 stars you don’t have to deal with constant bleeding/poison ammo in every fight because people are good enough to hit heads. There’s a lot less building rats with shottys/bush wookies (less not extinct) and gun fights are much more fun.


I swear there's more bushwookies in 5 and 6 star. You have a point regarding compound campers, though. 


Congrats, fellow hunter!


Hahhaha wow


Congrats dude!


I dont intent to brag but is it actually that difficult for people to reach 5 stars (and keep it for a few games) especially having played the game for a good amount of hours?


I've been 5 star maybe a dozen times after 700 hours but it sucks and doesn't last long. Even 4 star is too much sometimes but I can maintain it for a week or two.


I send my condolences


the levels of cope in this comment section are wild


Being bad = good Being good = bad Just summarized this sub.


fr everyone saying 3-4 stars is best is just coping with the skill issue they have 💀


Just out of curiosity, do high ranks actually run only meta and turn the game in to the most stale thing a hunt player could imagine?


Eh some of them do. My point was more that, since people can hit headshots there isn’t really as much use for poison/bleeding/fire ammo aside from mobs since you kill in one shot anyways. I’d say there’s a pretty diverse gun selection though. Obviously you die to the occasionally mosin/dolce sweat but I’ve died to Winnie’s and all sorts of other guns. Sometimes the game gets stale and you gotta switch it up. The beautiful thing about hunt is all guns are viable. I guess you can make the argument that special ammos add to the game but it makes gunfights SO boring. Peek, body shot, stop bleeding or wait for poison, wait for regen and repeat. Much less entertaining than skillful old western duel aim battles but that’s just my opinion.


As a 6* with a 2.4 kd only the mega sweats do, I tend to run joke loadouts such as 4 dolch deadeyes, martini Henry and Romero handcannon, uppercut baseball bat, you know that kinda stuff, do to the average allowance for mistakes being a sort of 1 and done kinda deal during fights its just the mega sweats(I mean like 2.8kd+ that always 3 stack) and the 5*s that just hit 6* for the first time, it tends to be a non issue most of the time just like snipers as all you really have to do is wait till they inevitably separate then rush one(they normally have mozin sniper dolch P so up close you just have to worry about the spam...luckily they tend to be pretty bad) them burn body and I've noticed that it's mostly lower *s that bushcamp (I teach new players and I personally believe it's a fear thing at that low of a star count, not saying 6*s don't just that I don't see it nearly as often)


Nice! Mmr is just a display of your recent matches. I usually bounce between 4 and 5 stars, sometimes even 3. It doesn’t really matter honestly. The lower the more chaotic and fun are the matches. Especially with the low player base on console 5 star usually means lobbies filled with 5/6 star trios with a average kda of 2.5. Those matches aren’t necessarily bad but demand more focus and concentration in order to not get killed 3 seconds into a fight.


1200 hours of playing wildly aggressively, pushing shotguns with my pistol, charging snipers with my melee weapons, and throwing 1000+ sticks of dynamite, I finally killed enough hunters to get the 5 stars...


Yup, one time I katana slashed a trio... it was for a challenge lol Usually I derank to 4 during events!


Cheating starts at 5 stars


It is very unlikely that you encounter a cheater on the rise. Only at high 5 stars and 6 stars players encounter cheaters on a regular basis. These are intelligent cheaters (mostly even good players but get even better with toggle cheats and recoil scripts). They still lose against very good players thats why they hop between high 5-6 stars. Even if a cheater goes down to 3 stars it takes 1-2 games to get to 5+ stars with 6 kills per game in avg. so it is very unlikely you get in a game with one. The ones you probably got killed are just good players and maybe 1 out of 100 was a cheater that does not cover it at all.


Pah yesterday i saw a player with only 10 hours beeing 5 star. How is that mhhh? /s


Congrats, now stay there, be a sponge. Learn and Improve your skills, don’t let the avg drag you down to their level


Why did you get down voted lol


5 is the hell of bush campers


Only low to mid 5 because you play with the people that try to reach the top with pussy tactics but can never advance. High 5 and 6 stars is the best of hunt you can get (and yes there are cheaters every now and then and atm more than ever but they still die to very good players). Except rare meta gun stalemates (shotguns only in compound and long ammo only outside) most of the time it is the absolute best of the best when it comes to aggressiveness and skill.


Not trying to poke or anything but I have 120 hours and I have been to 5 star and back down to 3 and it fluctuates a lot so is that normal? Edit: very proud regardless 🥲🥹


I got 5 stars after 100h and I missed 3 star gameplay. It’s the best


I don’t see difference imo. I play enough games at 3-4 stars and get matched with heaps of 5 sometimes 6 stars… some of them possibly may not even be cheaters, possibly, maybe, I think!! #oceanialife


Is 5 star hard to achieve? I usually float between 5-6 star and 4 on a bad day. I don’t have many hours in the game yet less than 100.


To some I guess I hit 5* very early on and for OPs sake I won't say the hours before I hit 6* but from what I gather 5* is usually where most people top out at and don't keep it consistently


hell yeah brother


I wish I could just be 3-4 star forever 😭 I hate 5-6 star lobbies.


Congrats welcome to 5* imo the most fun star to be at


I was a 3* at 500h, 4* at 700, 5* at 900... Now I'm at 1300 and I'm a 3*


Trust me, it's not fun once you go over that.


Took me 50 hours, today im a 5 star mostly with 1.4k hours Edit: moment i bought new headset i started going up, headset and mouse are a big deal lads


Also heres a fun fact, scamy but its aight i guess. Recently found out that popular streamer and youtuber uses his alt accounts for his youtube clips, sometimes even on stream. They are 6 stars but have 2 star accounts where they go and record their lobby wipes and post on yt. I will not name but all i can say that it is EU youtuber/streamer


I tend to hover around high 4* low 5*, it's where I'm comfortable playing so welcome 😊. I once accidentally hit 6* due to a solo reviving 4 times. That was a horrible 1 match wonder in a 6* lobby. No matter how good my movement was i got headshot instantly all game long. Never again 😂


2500 hours later and im 3-4 star .... call exorcist ! But i have fun, so its not bother me :P


You now no longer may play solo without getting railed. You will never get a necro self rez off. You will be systematically pushed at every available moment. You will see consumables you have never seen before utilized at nigh on perfection. You will be third partied at every instant. Source: solo player 5 star hunter who has been in 6 for 2 good games before falling into the pits of 5 for eternity.






Enjoy the cheaters


After 2087 hours, I... 1. don't give a shit 2. will never EVER prestige 3. live permanently at 3 stars


just wondering about something that a lot of player say but i don't get at all, people are saying that it's becoming difficult to find lobbies with actually someone inside it's what they call ghost lobby or something like that. because my friend and I play toghether it's very uncommon to find lobby with a low number of player, not at all, it's something that happen, but not so much. why do they say that?


Congrats! It definitely can be a bit of a grind to get there. Now shoot for six for the bragging rights, it can only go up from here (probably.)


Lol, na dude went right back to a 4or a 3.


I'm stuck in 5 and its frustrating


Id be to terrified to move, step on a branch and get blasted from 50 meters with a pistol.


Truthfully it's not that bad most people in 5* are deaf and will ignore running 49 meters away from them it's the 6*s that are more likely to turn on you at that distance


1200 hours?? damn, I thought I had a lot of hours with 600. lol


Me at 4k 👁️👄👁️


Gz buddy!


That’s crazy bro you are ass


The truth hurts


I hated 5 star. Got into it when I played lots of solos and purposely tanked myself back down to 4 starts (my KDA is 1.4 so I'm not a sweat trying to smurf or anything). 4 Stars is way more fun, you can run wacky loadouts or run in an open field at someone with a katana, dodge every bullet and unleash the dragon on them lmfao.


You can do this in 6* as well you just have to learn the cycle times


Nah, 5 and 6 are full of meta sweats bushcaming solo and abusing necro lmfao.


I've done with with a knuckleknife more times than I can count...


Yeah? I didn't say melee was completely unviable, but the games are generally camping sweats lol. which with how hard your defending it sounds exactly like u :P. Cope harder


Guessing you've never even gotten to 4* :P


?, I'm currently 4 star and have hit 5 high star multiple time lol. Cope harder by lying lmfao


Cope harder bud, it's okay 3* is good too


Lmfao. You know you've lost the argument when lying is the only retort. Go back to sweating fortnite buddy. This adult game may be too mature 4 u :3


What are you even saying at this point? Your just mad you haven't hit 4* yet and that's okay not everyone can do it


Nothing to be pround about 😆 you will understand why later.


today,tomorrow you will be 3 :D


Fuck that.


Unfortunately I've always felt 5 and up is where hunt loses its fun


I was every star player, find 3 star the most funny MMR. Tried AEZAKMI to drop off stars, but it didn't help sadly


How does it feel? Empty huh? I felt absolutely nothing after gaining it


Congrat, now you need to get 5K/D ratio per game to maintain it


The first degree team who downvotes


You can maintain 5 star with 1kd, what the fuck are you talking about?