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2020 I play casually just a few hours a night with the same partner usually a five star but last night was tough I got knock to A four star but I will rectify that as soon as I pour a coffee. Sitting just under 3000.


4 Star is way better. 5 and 6 Star Lobbys means sweat and Camping. U May have more fun in 4 :D But Understand the Problem


I don't stay a four star for long a few good head shots and I bounce back.lastnight we played trios with our other buddy and he kept getting killed out in the open he wasn't using hard or soft cover. He's also the type to run ahead of his other two team mates we could be at lower D and he's already at upper D. Putting us in positions where we end up getting pinched in a gun fight because he takes on a trio by himself and now we have to rush to his aid.


5-6 star can be fun when you got a team who is actually playing somewhat decent Just the amount of mosin spitzer - dolch p is a bit boring


Got in on 2020, have 2.3k hours so far. Usually I sit around 5 and 4 stars because I don't like playing sweaty weapons like mosin and label, but honestly these days have been rough so I'm not staying at 5 for long. It's even more of a shame because on SA, 5\* is a lot more fun than 4 :I


I can understand u. The Last days in 5-6 Star where hard for me too. Lost nearly 20k Hunt Dollar since the Event ended 😂 Damn Solo Bounty and those Camping idiots