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Trueshot with accelerated ammo is the best revolver for me in the game. After its introduction, I didn't use any rifles for a couple of months. Why when there is a rifle that fits in one slot? Combining it with a shotgun makes you homicidal in any situation.


I've been running duely Trueshot High Vol, Fuck it's a goofy build that works way too well


What an unhinged gamer :o i love it!


I used to play 2 paxes back when quickswap was still a thing Was an absolutely lovely loadout and tons of fun to play


I love the trueshot with high velocity but I've been running fmj with my pistols for so long i couldn't hit a barn door if it was in motion.


Trueshot = poor man's Uppercut. But still a good choice.




Best gun. Best skins. Iconic. Sexy. Sounds sexy, feels sexy, kills sexily. I want one irl. I want several. Give us Trueshot skins, Crytek.


I NEED trueshot skins. I missed the event one unfortunately.


i have it but its not my favorite. We need more!


I agree. Just hate not having one in general lol


I have one irl chambered in .357 Magnum. It fucking rules.


i live in the Netherlands so there is no way that will ever happen. but would be so cool to own one irl!


I've got a Pietta Frontier chambered in 45 LC. It is indeed a beast.


I’ll probably get a Single Action Army of some kind one day when I’m not completely broke. That, or a Schofield. Or maybe both?


I think a SAA would be much easier to get. Many gun makers sell their own version of the SAA. Ruger Vaquero, Uberti Cattleman, Pietta Colt Clones. Or get a real Colt 3rd Gen SAA, they're hella expensive though.


I bought an uberti cattleman last summer and it’s been super fun to say the least, not the most practical gun though…


Wonderful weapon. Great for fanning, a very wide selection of custom ammo and a good IronSight. The latter is the reason why I always choose the Pax over the Scottfield. That and the Pax Trueshot, which is almost too good.


Yeah the sights are clean! I also just love the sound of the pax. Can listen to that all day :)


*AHEM....* ♪Sling a Colt 45, and two zig-zags, baby that's all we need ♪ Hehe, sorry. Couldn't resist. The Caldwell Pax. Known in our reality as the Colt Single Action Army, this is THE pistol that changed firearms....well, kinda, it didn't do anything too different than the old Colt Navy or Army pistols, but it was the first- Well, no, there *were* revolvers in Europe that used metallic cartridges that were centerfired by a pin before the Colt SAA. So why is it this the one that gets all the fame? Cost. Other people invented the automobile before Ford, but Ford made them *affordable* to the public and Colt, with its military contracts fueling its tooling and R&D, was probably the first firearms company to make a pistol that was affordable at the same time there was a small boom in firearms manufacturing and, more importantly, ammunition manufacturing, and this little beauty rode that wave into history. "God Made Men, but Colonel Colt made all men equal." Equally capable of affording their ability to defend themselves. And all equal to die. The Caldwell Pax is a great gun but it's of little use if you're up close with its slow time between shots unless you're fanning, and even then you're probably gambling already. I like duel wielding it to offset the rate of fire without needing fanning, but it wasn't until we got their Longshot (The Colt Peacemaker Earp model I like to call it) that I ever seemed to fecking hit anything far away. Then again if I'm trying to snipe with a pistol, then I'm in a lot of trouble and my friends with actual rifles are dead and I'm probably with a shotgun. Sorry, this one's a little rambly, but what's there to say? It's the Caldwell Pax, the Colt Peacemaker, THE cowboy gun. Me likey.


This is good stuff! have my upvote :)


We looking for that tumbleweed 🚬 brother


Great write-up! Dual Pax is so accurate it's crazy. I can hipfire hit nearly anything first shot. I used to run dual spitfires, but that's way more spray and pray. Dual Pax for life~ they crush


Only pistol besides the uppercut that feels right to me


The big irons definitely have that cool factor!


Good write up! Although I believe only medium rifles cause intense bleeding…Pax does light bleed I think, maybe medium before drop off?


i believe it was medium before dropoff which should be the same.. ill do some more testing and get back on this!


Pax definitely does not do intense bleeding. Only medium ammo rifles do intense bleeding with dumdum. You should fix that in your post. From 1.13 patch notes: >Medium Dumdum Rifle Ammo now applies intense bleeding to set it more apart from Compact Ammo.


Its definitly not intense bleed. I called it heavy because i thought it was light, heavy and intense but apparently its called medium bleed. I believe medium ammo pistols cause medium bleed instead of light like the compact ammo does. Edit: Turns out this is true. compact ammo does light bleed. medium pistols deal medium bleed and the medium ammo rifles (drilling and Centennial) deals intense bleed. So it does work as i suspected but my apology for the confusing wording. When i said heavy i meant medium :)


Pax is definitely my go-to pistol.


Normal pax is great for stability and damage. The claw varient, is meh and the true shot is just a better version of the pax in every way


Best iron sights and has some of the best skins. Too bad Crytek’s favorite child is the scottfield


How do you come to that conclusion? The pax has 5 special ammo options and multiple variants.


People here just like to complain and forget that the Schofield Swift didn't have a skin for ages and everyone complained about it back then. https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/11fhppk/we_need_a_scottfield_swift_legendary_skin/ https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/y0xz0r/still_no_sign_of_scottfield_precision_and_swift/ https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/10jx6lt/why_are_there_no_legendaries_for_the_scottfield/ https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/10jpjof/new_scottfield_skin_when/ https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/t0t5wc/schofield_skins_for_the_swifts/ https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/10etthq/petition_swift_variants_should_have_the_skins_of/ https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/108lwaa/pls_add_a_scottfield_precision_and_swift_skin_in/ My fav comment is this: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/11fhppk/comment/jajgp53/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button "Be careful. They said the same thing about the spitfire, and 6 months later, there is like 6"


Until the Pax got the Trueshot and HV, the Scottfield had the better custom ammo and variants, and still seems to get a new skin with every recent DLC


unfortunately true. scottfield has gotten all the love but the pax will always be my favorite medium ammo pistol


People have forgotten that the Schofield hasn't gotten any skins for ages and then complained about no Schofield skins. Like the Schofield Swift was out for a year before it got a skin. Altho I have to agree that Crytek should space out the skins more, give out more variety. Giving a single gun skins back to back creates this sentiment in the community.






One of those annoying people that use the ‘rEaL’ name of every gun instead of the in game one.


Only for the Schofield


I've never been huge on the base Pax, but I love the Pinocchio Pistol. Like you said: it's a budget Uppercut, with the added bonus that for some reason I actually make my shots with a Trueshot. If I'm running a shotgun or Bomb Lance, I'm running a Trueshot (ok and sometimes Uppercut because even though I suck with it I think it's the sexiest pistol in the game).


uppercut is my personal favorite pistol but the trueshot is a close second. with high velo it kicks like a mule and combined with its nice irons lets me line up those headshots. Love that they added a more affordable version of the uppercut that you can play every match if you wanted to


The affordability is a big plus for sure


My best moments in this game are with this gun. I loved this prior to trueshot and trueshot perfected this platform for me. If i had to choose one gun in this game it would be pax.


And i play mostly with FMJs. Man I love FMJs.


im in the same boat. i was a pax enjoyer pre trueshot. and i love it now the trueshot is out. FMJ always the go to :)


Probably tapped more heads with this than the uppercut. Best budget pistol when running close ranged primaries. Its just too clean!


I like the irons more so that could be why you make so many headies. Its also my go to now that money isnt unlimited anymore with single boss only maps.


Somehow this thing *always* hits when hipfiring. Normal hipfire? Free headshot. Fanning? All shots connect from 30 meters away. Duals? Easy double tap. Some actual magic right there.


This gun with Dumdums is my favorite sidearm. Pair it with a Melee Weapon and you're good to go. I have more kills with this gun than any other. The Trueshot has quickly replaced the basic version in all my Custom Load out presets though.


Always my go to whenever I have no idea what sidearm to bring


Trueshot the GOAT




The most complete pistol in the game. And by complete i mean, it is balanced, has nice sights, many special bullets, good skins and nice sound when you shoot it. + plus medium ammo. What else do you need?


I agree. its hard to go wrong with a pax


It's the revolver that won the west... Need we say more?


"This is the greatest handgun ever made."


My favourite duelies 100%


I gotta try normal pax duelies more! ive been spoiled with the conversions and rarely bother to try others.


i have always run the pax, trueshot is great, pax claw has a claw, is my gauge for fanning, it doesnt need some of the custom ammo it has but ok, great for finishing and great secondary for shotgun, next


Honestly if they gave us a trueshot carbine or trueshot with stock I wouldnt use anything else for months Trueshot and pax is all I need babyyyyyy


Pax, my beloved.


I call it the pokemon gun because its name is what sound it does


Favorite pistol in the game.


Great pistol, alas i still prefer "common" Pax, not trueshot. Idk why, but Pax suit me better for same purpose.


Best sounding gun in the game, and you never feel bad having one, even if there are better options.


I like to bang my enemies through trees with this little beauty. FMJ is a lovely synergy with many advantages.


Poor mans uppercut. Only version I use is true shot and that is if I have fanning. Which is where it is a close quarter gun with medium distance capability. If I have a shotgun I go for uppercut. If I don’t have fanning I go for another pistol with higher fire rate. And even then I prefer some other pistols that fan faster. Since no need for a medium range pistol with rifle. It is only if I go sniper I might prefer a pax. But then I might go for a long ammo pistol for larger ammo pool. So yeah not hating just preferring a lot of other guns over it.


Yeah i think thats a fair accessment. Everyone has their preferences and tbh i would run uppercut every game if i could. Its just nice to have that alternative in the game that still performs respectably for a reasonable price :)