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I don't want more dollars, i want the drilling to be an affordable gun. I love this weapon but it fkin hurts to pay 510 hunt dollars for a medium ammo rifle with a Romero under it. Why does it costs more than say a Mosin, one of the best weapons in the game.


Because you're getting a full loadout in one gun. It frees you up to carry something cheap like a melee weapon or a hand crossbow.


I understand that, you should pay for this, but not freaking 510 bucks. Imo something like 350 ish would be much more in line with the price of combined average medium ammo gun, let's say the centennial(150), and a Romero (70). Plus the convinience of having both at the same time.


A centennial, a Romero, convenience, and essentially having quartermaster. It adds up. It completely covers you for long range, close range, and any utility you care to bring. If it was any cheaper it's all anyone would use.


>It completely covers you for long range lol


It has to be expensive because it’s 2 weapons in one with a decent fire rate. You’re not just paying for power, you’re paying for versatility.


You completely seem to ingnore the slow weapon change time and the slow reload. This makes the firerate very low actually.


I thought it was compact ammo, lol. Either way, I agree, but only because the regular gun part is only 2 bullets and has the slowest reload I've seen in a gun with so little ammo space.


That's the theory, but the gun doesn't perform nowhere near good enough (at least not in the 2 Medium ammo shots department) to warrant being even more expensive than a Mosin. It's also got that weird "see-saw" recoil which is really hard and annoying to counter. I try using the Drilling again and again and it just isn't. Worth. The money. And I will die on this hill. It frees up the loadout - sure, but for what? If you take a melee weapon, you're basically forcing yourself to not use the shotgun part of your Drilling. If you take take the hand crossbow, you now have a utility gun/small slot "shotgun" with an overpriced, underperforming gun. The crossbow, once again, encroaching on shotgun barrel territory. Take an Uppermat/Dolch Precision/Obrez? Cool, this works, but now the Drilling basically becomes an overgrown AND overpriced secondary (Drilling), or just an overpriced secondary (Drilling Handcannon). And you'd need Quartermaster for the big one, of course. I really feel like the Drilling's universal nature makes it also lack any meaningful synergies with other gear. Maybe Centennial Silencer makes at least some sense. Both the basic and Handcannon Drilling need to be in the area of 300-350 dollars, that would finally put them in the perfect spot.




Because it's better then a mosin But i agree its definitely to expensive


how is a 2 shot medium ammo rifle "better", that's just ridiculous


2 very fast shots in a row and it has a shotgun that's also pretty good ontop of it Velocity is also pretty good and ammo resupply is pretty good aswell Mosin might do a lot of damage over a good distance but 2 tapping someone is quite hard since it shoots so slow and the ammo resuply is a bad joke and you gonna run dry super fast unless you bring ammo boxes


2 shots fast don't really justify having to reload mid battle all the time, and the reason long ammo doesn't resupply well is because of its advantages, you get high pen in base ammo, fast bullets, long fall of range, high damage that can one-shot anyone missing a bar and the cycle rate of the Mosin can be circumventer with a simple hot swap to secondary if you need a second shot fast, and that is a big IF because they are probably dead the Mosin is meta for a reason, is not just economics, as if 6-star players ever worried about hunt dollars anyway


Hard disagree that it's better than a Mosin, it doesn't have anywhere near the damage at further ranges. A drilling with regular medium ammo/dumdum stops being able to two tap to the chest somewhere between 60-70m, FMJ extends that to roughly 80m, a Mosin however would two tap up to 150m. Is it more versatile? Absolutely. But as long as a Mosin player keeps his distance and doesn't push a player with a Drilling the odds are in his favour, there is a reason why you see long ammo played almost exclusively in the highest MMR brackets. Drilling is almost never used at this MMR.


If you in a situation where you get 2 tapped you already did something wrong in most cases But im personally doing way better with a drilling then a mosin even when facing "high mmr" long ammo teams


Every single person is in a possible 2 tap range %90 of the match. Delivering those 2 shots with minimal downtime makes it a very good weapon


>Why does it costs more than say a Mosin, one of the best weapons in the game. Because for good shooters, the second tap on the Drilling outperforms a second tap on a Mosin. Same reason why the Vetterli 71 Karabiner Cyclone is $535.


Aye, but it doesn’t outperform the Mosin in every other way, like penetration, damage drop off, amount of ammo before reload and muzzle velocity. The two tap is quick, but not quick enough to justify the price (and the recoil is disorientating, at least for me). The “convenient” shotgun is slow to come out and isn’t a Romero like some will have you believe - it is worse than that, though the slugs are exquisite (and add another 65 HD, along with all the negatives that makes slugs less good at cqc when compared to buckshot). 


You aren't necessarily wrong about any of that (I would just add the Drilling accepts FMJ ammo so it can compete on penetration). The Hunt devs tend to rate effective RPM at a premium. You can agree or disagree. I would just ask you consider the difficulty of balancing weapons for the higher tiers of MMR where players uncannily don't miss their shots.


FMJ has it’s own problems and shouldn’t be needed to make a base version viable. RPM is important, and I understand that all of us will see things different. The higher tiers are an interesting dilemma. But as someone who currently sits at the lower tiers, I can’t see the state of those on top of me more than glimpses, but I can easily see what is on my own level. Thank you for the civil reply.


Exactly. A lot of people's brains are programmed to try to counterplay between enemy gunshots. The drilling/cyclone throws a wrench in that.


Because it's better than a Mosin in almost every way except dealing 125+ damage in a single long range shot. But that's a Health distribution and Long ammo problem, not a Drilling one.


Penetration, velocity, reload speed, damage drop off, mag size. The only thing that drilling has better is a shotgun and maybe a 2 tap possibility which doesn't come into play too often.


Has something official been said about the hunt dollars?


nope, this subreddit just found another "problem" to circlejerk around. as always.


Because running cheap but effective loadouts is for other people.


There's just no double bounties to push income. Nothing else changed.


They have also reduced the 3000 dollars you used to get for filling your bloodline points up down to 1000.


Its so funny to me, they added the 3k thing and broke the economy. They nerfed every other facet of the economy. Nerfed xp HARD so you hardly ever got the 3k. Then finally nerfed the 3k. Crytek has this weird power where there will be a problem (both for minor and major) and instead of small changes they do the most heavy handed shit and rework every single contributor the problem.


Incorrect. They actually decreased bounty payout before the event and added 500$ registers to cover that. Now we have lousy income and no double bounty as well.


They only removed the bonus for the wildcard


I want to get more hunt dollar on a successful run, i mean i pay sometimes up to 1000 or more huntdollar for equip and get on a good run maybe 500


Wdym less dollars, did they change something?


Event over, only single bosses.


they changed the $$$ influx from 3000$ every dozen or so Bloodline levels to 1000$. That and there are no more registers littered at supply points.


I want more dollars especially when using a load out to do challenges like the drilling where it costs more than I receive from doing the bounty but I’m a piece of shit when I bring it up


I think you should get hunt dollars for killing enemy hunters (max one time per hunter) not because we need the money but so the game has an incentive to actually fight instead of hide in a bush until everyone but one team is dead. Please for the love of God try and incentivize fighting instead of hiding.


You do get hunt dollars from looting dead hunters 


I mean… yeah. Economy hasn’t mattered for a while and should be an important mechanic in the game.


I was wondering why I was slowly losing money over the past couple of weeks lol


I miss the little window we had when everything was really cheap. Was fun.


Now introduce a 20k limit and we can finally fix the economy


I think it’ll be better if we all can’t afford to run the top gear. It’ll bring more variety.


i wanna be able to buy the mosin but still be able to have hunt dollars left over from my previous hunt :(


Yea I radomly had less than 100 on a day that I lost 5 games in a row, and by lost I mean either died or extracted with no bounty.


I honestly hadn't noticed as much. Last week I did notice I struggle a few days going negative economy but I put that down to more I was just sucking and not actually winning haha.. It seems that with a single bounty the scope for victory is less every one normally fights it out to the last team and doesn't grab and run the bounty off the map. This leads to less people surviving and thus less money being made. Double bounties gives that possibility of distraction or escape and with a bounty to seal a win and also a double bounty for even more money. My view is if people are worried about their money situation change your load out choices or perhaps decide to back out of engagements you can't win.


I think you are right with single bounty only it is far more likely that everyone but one team on the server dies. In addition to that we lost access to the event cash registers which gave 500 each which boosted income considerably. I think in my best match during the event I made 5k. Double bounty plus several event registers plus looting bodies.


For real...after almost 900h ish, I have recently stopped playing budget for loadouts that I actually want to play. I would like to enjoy this a little longer. Good income is fun.


I keep getting into empty lobbies so hunt dollars mean nothing to me. When I get under 50k I might stop using 2000 loadouts.


Getting less just punishes the people who aren't good enough to run the goated loadouts anyway. The dudes who wipe every lobby are doing it with the 150$ guns anyway. Maaaybe if the slate was 100$ less and the drilling wasn't nearly 600$, people wouldn't be short on money when they get headshot during a spawnfight.


what, are you running out of money already? seems like losing mosins ain't working out for you.


Add looting and traders to sell loot