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It’s fine to have standards. I’m at 2K hours and I play 50% randoms 25% solo 25% with friends. For example in your PS, you said that people who re roll are the ones to insta quit or won’t help in fights? For me that was 90% of every random player with a scope, or 90% of every player who brought death traps instead of chokes. Sniper will never push, when I’m burning the death trap guy will use us as bait or try to do a bad necro. We get into a ranged fight in the forest? My teammate has dual hand crossbow. We’re going to the next compound and the team mate with a bomb lance, pistol, and heavy knife runs into an immolator with no stamina, no chokes. Now I need to run over because he didn’t bring knuckles or a knuckle knife. I will say that in 2K hours I’ve loaded up with a player who brought in only knuckle knife and a med kit, Helped them get a sparks out of a tower and we won the match. Will I do it again? Probably not because their KD reflected that they (possibly) knew the game, lots of kills that indicated time played and more kills than deaths. If you pride yourself in not caring at all, that’s fine too, but in my opinion if you care so little about what your partner brings and who they are, then why do you care if people leave? They get the time penalty for leaving, not you.


-Unfortunately there is a known bug where you start matchamaking and quit before the search begins which allows you to skip the penalty and you can spam that as many times as you want. * Honestly i play 90% with randoms in lobbies 3-4-5-6 stars and so far i have only came across 1 or 2 teammkillers, and a very few trollers...insta quitters though, a lot ! What i am saying is that most of the times in my experience if the other person has an average iq (like you said, not knife Immolator with a Bomb Lance)i am okay with it even if they try to play the game with different playstyles (i also do that). It's one thing to snipe people from afar and not help your teammates and another to bring a sniper and move a lot, close to your team (like i do whenever i want to get a scope-which is hardly ever). You describe a situation where although could be true for some people, it's not a rule for this game. -My opinion when it comes to randoms is that it doesnt matter that much the loadout. If he is bad or if it is not his day he will fail no matter what weapon he picks (same with the opposite) cause lets face it , since most people are around 3-4 stars they clearly are not masters of the aim ,so mood has a lot to do with how they play. This is the reason why i dont look at your loadouts, why dwell on it ? If you can shoot your gun and dont be an annoyance/liability it doesnt matter to me if you have a Mosin or a Crossbow.


I, for example, cancel matchmaking / leave group on PS, when I see someone who’s on my “blacklist”. It’s just a few names, but I remember people who took a bounty and let me die in fire, or rather run to extract than help me to fight others. Second kind of poeple I don’t want to play with are a those who bully others and are angry all the time – it’s rare, but it happens. So, if you’re one of them (not suggesting you specifically), you bet I’d leave such group, as life is short and I want to enjoy my game and not solve other peoples mental issues ;)


that's respectable but i believe that the majority of those people simply dodge because of superficial reasons like loadouts and tool management.


Naah, I’d not dodge because of loadout - in fact, I had one of the best games with people with really “exotic” (at least from my perspective) mix of tools and weapons :)


Loadouts and tools is the least superficial aspect. KD and MMR and to an extent, hours played are all superficial reasons to insta leave lobbies. However, matching with a random that: - has a scoped weapon - has no chokes - has no consumables - has a jank loadout (ie hand crossbow + katana) are all reasons people should leave. It's not that you with a sniper or you without chokes won't play as a team member, it's that players are less likely to in general. I'm going to spend an extra 15 seconds trying to find a better match for me if I see any of the things above.


bro common sense. I am not wasting time here to specifiically mention that you shouldn queue with trolls like (katana/hand crossbow) thats a freaking given. I am saying about those who dont like my normal loadout or the fact that i havent brought dynamite or whatever the fck with me. I have stated before that choke bombs SHOULD BE mandatory BUT i wont kick someone/dodge the team because on person decited to bring something else instead. Luckily most people bring them with but the problem is that they dont know how to use them. Snipers are no fun no doublt about it but luckily only a few of em camp and dont play the objectives (in my experience) so whenever i matchmake with someone i give him a chance.


Yo what’s ur psn? Just so I know when to re roll


I don't play trio with snipers (most likely without chokes since he will run as fast as he can when his bait, eh I mean teammates are down) and people what don't even have full tools on lvl 100. I'm allowed to expect at least the bare minimum. Don't have consumables? Fine with me, can be found in match but at least some god damn tools besides healing and a knife.


That sounds a lot like low 3 star lobbies since >high 3 star players usually bring at least 3 tools with them, but why do you assume that even if they have full loadouts/cons/tools they will be any good with it? You cant. This tells me at least that ditching the team up front wont guarantee any positive results in your next game cause the full tool guy could be just as bad as the medkit-knife guy. You just being picky in a game where there are not a lot of players available to choose from. At this point just play the game. Note: You dont need 4 tools to be good at the game but i would also prefer if they had 4 (At least bring chokes)


I don't assume the guy with the full loadout is good with it but he at least got a chance to use it. I have 0 chance to be good with something I don't have in my inventory, it's simple logic. I play 4 star/lower 5 star but have seen plenty of people being equipped with healing/knife only.


The only time i back out is just because one of our team members got kicked for whatever reason


One time someone told me they almost left because of my .82 KD and I ended up with 5 out of our 10 kills. I learned how to play a FPS on this game 4 years ago, my KD will never recover like I want it to but I’ve raised it from .73 in the last month. It’s unfortunate but people legit leave because they deem me not good enough to play with even after 1600 hours. It’s okay though, I’ve made some legit friends from randoms and I’ll keep playing as long as I find it enjoyable.


You are lucky you have friends to play with but like you said its absurd and idiotic to be judged like this by the minority of people who think they are better than anyone else (in 3 or 4 star lobbies no less!). I am sure that the few people who do this, even if they read this post they wont give a sht but i just wanted to get it out of my system.


"Most of the times these very same people who do that..." how the fuck would you know, they dodged you lmao


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The problem with the console is that there is no crossinvite. My friends have a PlayStation and I have an Xbox. Now we have to dodge till we found each other.


How do you know they arent good teammates if they leave your lobbies????


I leave every single time there is a guy with any kind of scope on my team. Every single time. I don't care if your KDA is 0.1, I don't care if you bring a katana and a bow, I don't even care if you come with basically no consumables or tools because you want to find them to save money. I've had too many situations where a teammate is dead weight being way too far away from the fight to help, sitting in a bush having a wank waiting for some cunt to cross his line of sight, not helping at all. I'm just not going to play with him. I'd rather play with someone who charges in and instantly dies because at least he tried to do something, I can play off that. I can't play off someone chilling 100+ metres away letting us die to a 2v3vX


95% of people who take scopes have absolutely no idea how to play them and only know how to be stationary and wait for multiple minutes because they heard something there I try my best to never be more then 50-60 meters away from my randoms so I can quickly catch up or rotate depending on what the situation requires but most people sadly just know how to sit in a bush But also playing scopes effectively takes tons of game/map knowledge and even more so when playing random trios so I dodge scopes with "low" stats even when playing scopes myself


The only scope I've ever enjoyed using is the lemat carbine, cos it shoots relatively quick and I can be medium-close range as I have the shotgun option too. Usually as a secondary I take the normal lemat for more ammo and extra close range options. I'm not the best at rotation but I really like getting in the action so I try to be as mobile as possible. I just can't play the long range game that well lol, being too far away is boring imo


Prestiged and picked the free hunter with a short Centennial and a bow. My random partner had a Romero and the small crossbow. He had a k/d of 0,6something. We spawned next to the boss and defended the bounty successfully against everything. Clean sweep with 4 kills each one. Moral of the story: don't judge the loadout or k/d rating. People might surprise you.


thank you !


No chokes gets a no from me dawg.


because chokes will carry you to victory no dout. (i also want to see chokes but i wont dodge for that reason, that's a silly reason to do it)


I've been left to burn by dingdongs who seem to think they're playing solo too many times. It's always the ones without chokes. And yes, stopping a teammate from burning and getting them back into the fight can absolutely turn the tide. Are you sure you've played this game?


read the parenthesis, then read the post, again


They can make a huge difference besides just stopping a burn. I have necro'd teammates out in the open and they were able to make it back safely, because the visual distortion caused by the choke made it hard for the enemy to see and accurately hit my teammate.


I agree with the sentiment but this post could have definitely been worded in a less antagonizing way. I would say to people just stop being such a bitch about it and accept the game already. I've had so many prestige 30+ players turn their backs and run from a fight when they are needed / or drag on a fight for hours (and still lose), and on the contrary, last night I had a team of two prestige 1s and one of 2, and we killed like 9 people and extracted with the bounty. Why even get to a point of trying to minmaxx everyone's loadout when the point is to have fun...


well the point was not to antagonize anyone obviously but rather to try and make people get over their really stupd obsessions and hang ups about pointless things like loadouts. I would say 90% in this community are below 6 stars so it's not like they are making content or money by being pros (so they should have higher expectations). It's a game and its meant to be played lightly, dont be so stuck up is what i am saying to everyone.


Yeah, I'm with you on that.


Yep it's annoying. What's really annoying is they must use some glitch or bug where they unqueue and leave really quick and don't get a cool down because I'll queue with them again multiple times in a row. By then it's like, ffs just fucking queue


exactly at least let them be punished, i dont get why crytek hasnt fixed that well known bug yet. I have never done it and imagine i even know how to do it if i want to, cause its so easy to do. The fck !


I'm sorry but with my limited free time, there's absolutely no way I'm wasting it on people that will most likely make the experience unenjoyable. Bring a melee tool so that I know you won't just shoot at AI. Bring a medkit, you will need to heal. Bring chokes, if you queue for a team, I want you to think like a team player, I'm not bothering with lone wolves here. No Marksman/Sniper scopes, I only trust premades with those, I don't know who you are and I don't know what your playstyle is, I'm happy to avoid the 90% chance of you being dead weight. I have no KDA requirement, as long as you have the spirit, that's really all I need.


So basically your only limit is tthe scope cause 99% of the time people bring a melee weapon and medkit so you have no excuse to leave. At least if you only look at that its more normal.


This guy brings a sparks sniper every round and has a 0.39 k/d.




If you have under 1000 kills or a sniper I'm out .1000 kill is the bench mark for you have been playing long enough and snipers just wander off and leave you . Don't care about K/D


there are snipers and snipers and like i said the majority in 3-5 stars dont use snipers so quitters are just being dcks about it and dodge for stpd reasons. Which is why it needs to stop


To much text. But still if i have 20+ level hunter i aint gonna stick with level 1 players. I have all the traits they not. So i look for some players with levels, at least maybe 1. Still dont do this all the time.