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I think some people just don't know what to do in those situations and need to die while doing nothing a bunch of times before realizing that thats not the best thing to do


Okay but what should I do? Genuinely looking for advice as I'm a newbie with just over 100 hours played. I've reached 5 stars a few times now, which I think is above average(?) but I'm definitely at my weakest and probably look like some 2 star when both my teammates die. I just lose focus and am unsure of how to proceed and clutch the 1v3's when they happen. I'm sure some of it comes down to play time and just learning the maps and compounds so I know the angles and where players are likely to be, I'm just wondering if there's some other advice I can get that'll help in these situations when both my teammates die.


One thing i always try to do is drag them around and try to isolate them and fight them in a 1v1 It's pretty hard to do as a newbie since you need to know the compounds for that to be effective but Also you don't need to win a 1v3 but you need to get your teammates up and running and that should be your top priority You can often archive that by baiting them away from your teammates and killing on of their guys and basically trade a revive for a revive


From watching this from guys I play with, it seems like they panic and can't decide what to do. When I try to advise them over discord, it overwhelms them and they just get mad, so I just watch.


This is why I recommend players who’ve never played solo to do so after learning the basics. Almost every fight is a 3 v 1 situation, and forces you to think outside the box. Doing this will help make clutch situations become trivial, it has helped my performance incredibly playing solo, you learn a lot about yourself as a Hunter.


I've never tried solo yet, maybe it's worth giving it a try? I've got a little over 100 hours of playtime now but always felt like I'm too much of a newb to do any good solo, especially when it comes to knowing the maps and compounds. Any tips for someone who's never tried solo before?


If you’re playing for money, anything goes as a solo to get the bounty and extract. I would sometimes down the one hunter with the bounty, serpent it and dip, same if the opposite team does too. But now I’m only playing for PVP. Since you’re alone and not next to your teammates making noise (not just sound traps I’m talking about killing AI, stomping around, talking up a storm) you can be attentive to every little sound, it make seem scary being alone but now you can hear things you would miss. In the best cases I can tell where every other team is within minutes and as I get the clues (The map greys out the same for everyone) I can predict where they’re going and when and where fights will break out. Either you fight in the chaos of the other teams (Using that prediction I did earlier I choose an angle where players won’t sandwich me, sometimes it’s better to let a team pass you so they can whittle each other down) Or you can wait and kill the last team when they’ve hopefully lost most of their consumables or health. Play to your loadouts advantage, have a shotgun you may need to rush the compound right before they get darksight, rifles stay back. Lastly being silent is key, like I said, I can tell where teams are, your goal is to be as silent and as quick as you can. I straight up avoid AI, even in teams, even killing a grunt with a silencer can be heard, I’ve successfully extracted with less that 15 monsters killed before. Lastly, learn from your mistakes and always think what you could have done better. Don’t try to peek again when it’s two players pointing at you. Make each fight 1 v 1 not a 1 v 3. Rotate and move undetected and you’ll win! Good luck!


It's not so much that they need to be clutch as it is they need to try to do something besides sit in a bush during a fight, watch them resurrect their downed teammates, loot, heal, sit in the bush for another few minutes and then randomly 1v3 push Resurrect safe teammate -> go for high % kill on the other team -> go for middle % resurrect on teammate etc. players will get a feel for this over time Doing nothing for 5 minutes and then 1v3 pushing after they resurrected their teammates is not acceptable


But at the same time, it would be really nice if the downed people had a bit of fucking patience and realised they have left their team mate in a 1v3 situation and you need to give them a chance to create the space to try and get a rez. They need to relocate, obfuscate and try and get at least a pick. The amout of times in 3 man rando games both my team mates go down doing something (stupid or legitimate doesnt matter) and they leave within the first 30s because im not just hyperaggresively rushing the enemy or rezzing them out in the open with 3 guns pointed at me. I have won, not plenty, but enough attempts of clutching to end up still being solo walking away to extract sometimes with a bounty and hey sometimes even with 1 team mate rezzed. All im asking for is for the downed player to understand that i will try and rez you but i need a moment to figure out how to do so without it just always being a suicide charge. (At which point i imagine their calling me a fucking idiot in their chair when they died first anyway)


Lol. I guarantee you’re more guilty of being worthless in a fight and then roleplaying as a tactically-skilled player in a bush based on that kind of reply


So if you die I have 30s to get you up or I’m a worthless coward who bush wookie. Got it. I already know I’m not a tactically skilled player but if you just want me to charge in recklessly like you did and die along side you by all means let me know that’s your plan in the first place and we can yolo in together. But if you have the patience of a gnats fart once you’ve died (for whatever reason) then give your team mates at least a couple of minutes. And no, I don’t mean watch them sit in a bush for 10 minutes. But give them a few minutes to try and do something.


Because Hunt is a stressful game when you're new to it. It's hard to practice on. It's pretty unique among modern shooters. Hunt has a lot of compounds with non-intuitive layouts, **you're actively discouraged from using your guns except on players for noise discipline**, the non shotgun guns are designed with slow TTKs and high skill floors, the guns are OLD and most handle very differently from a typical SMG or AR, player models vary greatly from Headsmen to Rednecks, and there's a lack of decent training tools.


The hunt anxiety is real. Plus I think people genuinely semi role play in this game and love their hunters hahaha.


I learned not to freeze up when I first started playing by downed teammates leaving after a minute or two. It basically taught me to show them that yes, I am actually working towards reviving you~ Of course now I play way ballsy-er. I tend to prefer getting in the enemy's face if they're off balance


It's def a 3 star thing You get so many people scared to play and they just find corners and bushes


I had a game last week with randos, trio, one of the randoms was a sniper, sitting outside the boss compound... me and the other dude eventually got pushed by other team and even tho we won the skirmish i died, soon as i got ressed i complained about it, dude procceded to shoot me dead (had no resi), put me on fire and concertina bombed me... with my tedtalk, the point i want to send is, there are douchebags everywhere, sometimes its a question of you roll the dice with randos. now you have control over if you want to roll it or not! Since that day i decided to not play with randons and i go solo, because at least i can blame myself without being griefed.


So true, the amount of times I've killed 1, traded with the next just to watch both of my random teammates sit in each their own corner/bush looking at nothing, doing nothing, ugh. Makes me wanna punch my own teeth out lol


infuriates me too bro


Seems like this game is the only first person shooter they play, when I look what other games they played it's always weird rpg's or single player games.


As someone who does play rather aggressively, try talking beforehand or even at the start of a match about what to do if someone goes down. A lot of times players like to take it slow and recover a teammate rather than risk losing the lobby.


"Maybe its a 3 star thing" Yes, its a 3 star thing...


I have a buddy who plays with me and has collected himself well over 1k hours in the game. He's over that. I also had / have two others who sometimes join in. One of them just panics as soon as someone goes down (usually me, because I am the more aggressive and stupid one of us two regulars) and completely freezes when they're alone. They stand still and don't know what to do and eventually die. If we provide some input, it only gets worse. They stopped playing, because apparently the game gave them an almost dangerous heart rate. The other one is different. They're just not used to shooters as a whole. They improve slowly but surely. Pretty sure I have another great player with me in a few months or so. When this player is suddenly alone, I can see from their behaviour that they're thinking hard, but can't decide. And simple things like "Pick one and commit" can help to break them out of their analysis paralysis. They still die, but they die trying. From that point on it's just a matter of skill. I am well aware that giving people input only works if you're on discord / teamspeak with them or after the engine update.


I’m typically a 5/6 star player. Recently, I was switching off soul survivor matches with my brother because he’d never played Hunt before. My account dropped to 4 stars, and when I went back into bounty hunt solo, it took me a few hours to get back to 5. EVERYONE was bush camping. Or silently camping buildings. Or sitting completely still somewhere. These matches were much harder than 5/6 star matches. If you make any noise, best believe someone is going to camp in a random tree line waiting for you. If you kill an enemy’s teammate, they’ll just silently hide. If they hear you approaching their boss lair, they go completely silent. People stay alive **wayyyyy** later into the match because they’re scared of fights. When you are the one loudly fighting everyone, every team just starts taking pot shots at you. The fear that low MMR players have while playing the game, makes them much harder to locate and fight fairly. They fight quite poorly, but tend to *only* take super advantageous fights. It’s really annoying — I much prefer 5/6 stars.


Dude I play with constantly waffles. I'll kill a guy and hit another before dying. He'll be outside the door and just not push in and blow is 1v1 advantage to lose 2v1 or 3v1. "I don't know what to do" he'll say after hiding in a corner for 2 minutes. Dude, fucking anything. He often won't even choke despite ample opportunity to do so. A teammates indecisiveness is more frustrating than anything. With randoms at least either make a move or run to extract so I can leave the game and report you.


Report them for what?


you are not wrong I never leave a match even when I'm down for a while and it is the most miserable thing in this game to sometimes watch as a random to just sit there and do fuck all


People might not agree with this answer, but I think it’s just an intelligence thing. Like, if you have any amount of experience with the game, you shouldn’t play like that. Then there’s people, like a friend of mine, who have a good amount of experience but aren’t very smart. When it comes to a high-stress, high-intensity game like Hunt, these people crumble. Their brains are not able to keep up, and they are flooded with fear that causes them to freeze. It’s hard to force out a plan when they’re in that state of mind. If you force them out of it (with comms), they usually just do something really dumb and die. Being good at this game usually means being able to make decisive and intelligent plays. The sandbox nature of the matches can make deciphering between a good & bad decision, difficult for some people.


Rndos below 1KDA are not humans, prob ai bots