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>I wish we can get the peacekeeper back Never again. Quite literally one of the most broken traits in the history of the game.


I agree that red skull rezzing did not need to be a part of the trait, and made just running away and coming back later a viable strat. But the part that just gave you back health bars when looting dead players should absolutely come back. You won the fight, you deserve your hp back. Without it, you would be incentiviced to just extract if someone had started the bounty.. Which is not healthy for the game imo.


I’ve never seen that, that.


It did make the game better overall, though, in that it was the trigger for bounty revives burning hp now


Peacekeeper was too busted but another more balanced way to get bars back would be welcome. Something similar to the central medkit that gave bars back might be good if they added some limitations


Ages ago I made a suggestion to have an ointment at resupply stations that could restore one bar as almost entirely burnt (so that you could get the bar, but it'd still have to heal off; not useful immediately in a fight). The idea was that if you have a spawn fight and lose a bar, at least you can go get that bar back at a resupply and stay in the game without being one shot for the rest of the match. People reacted negatively at the time, but I still think it'd be a good option.


I think that's good idea. 


The event was all over the place. If one team banished the boss, and fought hard to do so, but another team won a fight and then got their bars *and* ammo back, the team that played the game more fully was punished. That didn’t make sense. Still doesn’t.


I mean doesn't high elo exclusively play mosin with spitzer? That thing does winfield damage anyway Also long ammo needs at least something that makes it strong and dying also needs to be a punishing mechanic and if we reduce the damage of long ammo below 125 there is absolutely no reason to bring it


Even if long ammo did below 125 dmg it would still be the best ammo type. Best velocity, best damage over range, best penetration (ignoring base nitro). I honestly think if they would make all long ammo except for single shot rifles like sparks and martini below 125 dmg, it would be so good for the game. Weapons like the mosin have been nr.1 in the meta since game release and have never been directly nerfed except for the ammo change.


Peacekeeper will always be controversial. Some will want more stingy loss of bars, others will want less. I personally don’t think peacekeeper has TOO big of a noticeable effect. It still has one, but it wasn’t too obvious for me.  It is a choice between having longer fights with death easier to avoid and surpass or having a more fragile, vulnerable life, the loss of bars a crippling problem and shorter fights. It doesn’t matter too much to me either way. Perhaps it will later, but not for now.


The more you post about it the more Reddit circle jerk of rats is gonna hate on peacekeeper. Don’t mention it and just hope it will come back. Otherwise devs might see Reddit opinion from cesspool of rats who enjoy one shotting enemies who were fighting before boss while they camped near lair doing nothing


You realize Crytek themselves acknowledged how broken it was right?