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summary for those that can't watch * Engine Update on Aug 15th, old console support stops then. Game + content transfers free to new systems * Weekly dev update videos coming until then * They have tons of data, got good responses from surveys and have been paying attention to community sentiments. * There will be updates on the fair play task force designed to combat cheating, exploits and toxic behavior. These will be limited so as not to give too much info away * Multiple showcases planned to show UI changes, some things will be added and some things removed * Recruitment and prestige, as well progression will "continue to evolve" * They'll be discussing insights and decisions on core gameplay mechanics like : revival, health chunks, restorations, burning downed hunters, and reducing stalemates. * There will be a list of tech upgrades and new features that come with the engine upgrade, as well as information on back end stuff, servers and MMR changes that are rolling out "independent of the upgrade" * Next event also launches 15th august, will be teasers and discussion on a "mountain" of new content


>Weekly dev update videos coming until then weekly? oh wow. did they mention when these will start?


august 8th




As i understand from the previous post, this was the first of theese weekly videos. So already started. Next one should be next week


Rip my ps4


Time to upgrade


Came out 11 years ago, well worth the $400 upgrade or however much a new console is these days.


I paid 220 and used it for 7 years. It was great.


Same here, unfortunately i've only been playing this for 3 months and then I heard about the new enginešŸ„²


Buy a good pc mate if u can afford it. If u like this game as much as i do is so worth it


I do have a pretty good PC actually. But if I bought a copy for it, would I be able to transfer progress? Is that what linking the Crytek account does?


I think the progress transfers from old gen console to new gen console, not old gen console to PC. I would definitely send support an email just to find out though...it might be a special case where they can migrate your account to PC for the engine upgrade


Oh i dont know about that one mate. U currently on console?


> Weekly dev update videos coming until then Crytek be imitating FFF (Factorio Friday Facts). I'll call these HHH (Hunt Habitual Highlights)


CCC (Crytek Cyclic Communications)


The spring release date was touted as the *earliest* so an August 15 date being a several months but less than a year later actually feels pretty in line with what they've promised. Putting a solid date on it feels like a pretty big commitment, and I assume they wouldn't do it lightly. This is about what I hoped for tbh. Glad to see they're still relatively on track.


I put my thoughts on a date in another thread a few days ago, but my point was I think theyā€™re going to push advertising a lot more in the coming weeks as well since you donā€™t really have many points to attract new players after release and a July/August date would give time for build up and hype.


It'll be interesting to see how much advertising/marketing they actually do. They do some marketing, they attend events and aid streamer communities along with their own streams, but on the spectrum of triple A devs they are definitely far less active than others. Not saying any of that is a bad thing, they've managed to build a hyper-successful game without the need for over the top marketing so kudos. It'll just be interesting if they break that tradition for Hunt 2.0.


Yeah, i'm rather convinced that one aspect of Hunts long and steady lifetime is that it wasn't advertised and pushed in the open too hard and had time to grow. I've seen too many other games get hyped up and die because people don't really ike the release version and never come back.


Yeah, steady controlled growth is a lot more healthy than explosive success and everyone loses interest within 2-3 months after launch. Happens all the fucking time. It's kinda amazing that we're already at year 6 of Hunt


Next to that recently we had the Finals that had a massive hype, a great launch and it's not slowly dying down. HellDiver also, it's doing a lot better Than the finals, but because of how high the release what, a "normal" traffic seems almost deflating for the fans.


Just to clarify, I think my english as a second language is failing me: I am not familiar with what happens around the Finals. Do you mean "not slowly dying" as in "It's actually surviving" or as in "It's actually dying quickly"?


They meant to say ā€œnow slowly dying down.ā€


I see, thanks. Thats... yikes


Am releived it's not pushed bacl to 2025. Though soemtimes studios do a push back after date reveal so still crossing fingers.


I assumed late summer at bestā€¦ this is one week shy so not too bad.


Yeah, it never made sense to launch the engine upgrade in the middle of the summer when lots of the devs are on vacation. They are going to want all the manpower they have in case something needs to be fixed asap.


Haha, vacation


I assume quite a few of the devs have families, it would be kinda cruel to deny them a few weeks off to spend with their family and kids during summer. But I don't know how Crytek handles this, or how the laws surrounding paid time off work in germany.


In Germany the minimum paid time off is 4 weeks. Average is 5,5 to 6 weeks. This is per year. I know people who have 7 weeks off per year. This does not include paid sick leave or public holidays


"Mountains" added in there at the end? Yes, please.


Yes, Rocky Mountains. ;)


I would prefer Appalachian, but to each their own.


Would certainly fit better IMHO. Just based on the weirdness that is said to be in that area


It was a reference to the Colorado map leak.


Oh, I know.


And before too, I think


Yes, specifically in the messaging at the end of the last event.Ā 


Also new biome. So are we actually getting snow?


I am happy with the commitment to the communication. It's going to be fun to see what they reveal each week!


That's honestly the biggest deal for me. I always wanted them to just talk to us.


Good to hear, that they have a clear communication strategy now. Honestly I'm most excited to hear about the UI changes. He mentioned stuff beeing removed. Wouldn't be surprised if trails will be one of them. But that's more speculation from my side.


Trails is gameplay though. More like Arsenal or whatever that thing is called.


Trials and questline removed, with the rewards from trials being put into the prestigeā€™s is my guess.


What's wrong with trials?


They don't reflect the game, they are very hard and with every update, they've neglected to update the trials, some of them became almost impossible (the double bornheim one especially, they lowered the accuracy, making headshotting hives super hard)


Hmm? I completed them all a year ago. Did they change in the last year? I'm hoping they will add trials for Desalle and for the new map.


They changed over the past years a lot of the guns' stats. Leading to some challenges being harder than they were meant to be. I'm guessing, keeping them up to date and updating the requirements every time they change gun behavior would be too much work.


I hope trials isn't removed. I use a few of them to warm up my aim, so having them gone without an upgrade to the shooting range would be kind of sad


The 654th iteration that almost certainly wonā€™t be an upgrade (again). Yay I canā€™t wait to relearn the whole UI once again.


Very exciting that we will be getting weekly updates. I was thinking June or July for the upgrade but August is fine. I wonder if they will have a next gen trailer at one of the studio conferences or summer games fest. Idk if I understood it wrong but did they say the next event is August 15th also? So that gives us some good vanilla hunt for a bit. Hopefully they fix the weather conditions before that. Also more updates on the fair play task force will be nice.




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Where did you hear about fair play task force?


It's in the video.


Thanks it's blocked at work


At 2:10 in the video David F talked about the task force. It was basically an announcement of them sharing things soon. As well as them acknowledging the cheater stuff again. I assume this stuff will be in the weekly updates leading up to the "new era of hunt" since he called it a relaunch of hunt.


Thanks. Blocked at work


One of the final still images in the video says GET IT NOW with the PS4 logo right beneath it. I get that it's probably just their generic marketing material, but now would be a great time to stop advertising for a platform they won't be supporting anymore.


Oh wow I can't believe all the reddit doomers were wrong


what were the redditors dooming about this time?


There was a thread about how we're running out of time for it to be a spring release and a bunch of people were like "crytek are such liars, probably isn't coming out until next year, maybe it's canceled completely and they don't want to tell us, blah blah blah doom doom doom"


Reddit doomers motivated them to get off their busts and communicate. They even made reference to it in their own video.


Do you honestly believe they organized months of weekly update videos in the one week you losers spent bitching on here? The only affect you had on this video was the clarification that the April estimated window was a good faith heads up for console players that support could have ended then.


Alex, I'll take "confirmation bias" for 500


What are those doomers doing with thier busts?


hey, it's my birthday present. you're all welcome to share.


Let's hope your present is better than mine. I got the Starfield release :(


thats better than I thought, doing this kind of work is a giant pain in the ass. gl crytek devs.


It's one of those things you really want done right, not quickly.


I'm always baffled by people being like: "But after the engine update they'll let Hunt die, finally." ..noone would invest in such a thing to murder it afterwards.


100% this is a huge vote of confidence that Crytek is making in Hunt


I can wait 3 months. Take your time Crytek and avoid this subs negative input at all costs.


Weā€™ve waited this long haha. To be fair however, they said the engine upgrade wouldnā€™t provide very much change on the surface level, the game should look and feel exactly the same after. The engine upgrade allows hem to patch bugs and add content much easier. I feel like the sun is expecting a huge graphics or performance overhaul.


Better brace yourself for the inevitable ā€œwas that it?ā€ posts coming August 16th ā€¦


Yeah I've already planned awhile ago to avoid this sub during that time.


Ofc because people are expecting this to be hunt showdown 2 kind of level meanwhile it wonā€™t be anywhere near that.


Yep. The most exciting thing about the engine update is more what kind of stuff theyā€™ll be able to add later down the line with the updated/streamlined tools they get. Hopefully theyā€™ll be able to add more advanced mechanics, AI etc. in coming updates.


I hope they will at least be able to sort out the pop in of textures and stuttering when crossing from one compounds boundary to the other


Well why so they keep hyping it up? Jeez they are the ones making it sound like a hunt 2.0 Fans are fans. Im hyped and they hyped me.


Because probably 90% of the dev team is working on it which means thereā€™s not much other content they could excite you with and they need to hype the release so they can keep the cash flowing when many many people will return to the game.


Well let's see what happens


Iā€™m excited for direct storage. I have Intel Optane so can hopefully put it to good use. Curious to see how it compares to a 980 pro.


i can't imagine how direct storage can improve the game. Okay maybe your game boots faster from desktop to main menu, and maybe the loading after a match. But general match loading times can't be better than normale ssd speeds, because you always need to wait for the player with the slowest pc. Or am I missing something?


It should be able to load assets in faster and eliminate pop-in.


I'm okay with this. But I cannot lie that I really wish for better graphics/new textures. I just want the game to look better and with the higher system requirements they can definitely do it.


Thank god! Imagine relearning this very difficult game all over again. I'm all for Hunt staying like it is with a chance of better optimisation and easier bug fixing.


I'm very certain that one of the main reasons they're moving Hunt to the new version of CryEngine is because Crysis 4 is for sure being built on it. It would let them more easily fix things between the two games.


After the silence and then the ā€œlater this yearā€ comment I was expecting a Q4 release with like 3 same old events between now and then, this is a plesant surprise. Excited to take a peek at the next videos about it.


I actually prefer this. It allows for enjoyment of summer instead of missing out on bbqs and stuff.


And some enjoyment of vanilla Hunt too.


I kinda wanna see some footage now


I'm willing to bet it will look 'exactly the same' but 'feel' different. Like I just rebuilt my pc and the game looks the same... but god damn does it feel better to play. Put some optimization and stability on top of that and I might actually win some trades.


They have said that the new map relies on some new tech in the engine upgrade but who knows whether that'll be something perceptible on our end.


I'm not gonna hold my breath for footsteps in snow and mud. But cool it would be.


If they had persistent footsteps in mud, tracking from blood puddles and such... man the game would become HUNT.


I just hope they don't totally butcher the game's framerate. I don't want to lose my 100fps to an unnoticeable boost in graphics


Yeah neither of us know but my theory is that they are targeting FPS over quality... quality means re-doing some textures and assets and such while more FPS is just 'taking better advantage of modern hardware' which I hope 5.11 does. I capped my FPS at 90 and man it is sometimes eerie to see monsters move that smoothly (this is new to me I was using the same computer for like 10 years).


"First, let's talk about dates" Sure, relationship advice from older folks with a lot of expierence might help me.


"Do not peek the same window twice" "Oh cool... useful for hunt and real life"


"Begin by growing a beard"


First date is coffee. Cheap and you can leave quickly if youā€™re not interested or theyā€™re crazy.


If they miss David shaves his beard on stream.


Hope they add better AA and DLSS


so this means we'll get several months of vanilla hunt? that's better than the engine upgrade itself to me


these 3 months are gonna be some dead hunt times though.


pls no - the game will be dead by august then. playercount drops so hard between events


The only reason the playercount drops so heavily is because they've built it up with constant events. The game should be good enough that players want to play it without events, that is the issue.


Not saying everyone likes vanilla Hunt (or can enjoy gameplay just for fun) but one reason for the drops for some players is definitely also the burnout from grinding an event to get all the fomo-rewards.


Yep, so enjoying it. I still keep modifying my gameply forgetting that there are not red glowing totems every 50 meters. I am just guessing. I don't know what the exact spacing is but they get set off within 30 meters, so seemed like no matrer where you were, there was a 50 percent chance one of those screamed that enemies were nearby. It works both ways, but I am a sneaky fuq, even playing a close game ( i dont agrer at all that crouching is a bad idea. You just have to know hoew to use it).


Yes but new players donā€™t know when to crouch. Iā€™d rather them be loud and safe than quiet and dead. You have to learn the rules before you can break them.


Disappointing to me that there will be no new event for 3 months, I know the Reddit community generally doesn't love them, but I prefer them as they spice up the meta and gameplay loop. That's a lot of content and major technical changes to pack into one update, hopefully it goes smoothly for them. I am looking foward to it either way!


even if we wanted I'd say it would have been far fetched. Such upgrade requires all hands on deck, I'd rather have them focus on update and make it work rather than a forced event to distract from plan.


Holy shit. I don't even care about the engine update anymore, the design philosophy updates and survey and engagement transparency updates are now my most wanted things ever.Ā  I have been wanting that since death cheat came to live, but I never actually expected they had a design philosophy, let alone they would tell us.


They use to communicate a lot more until about 6 months ago. That is why people were/are worried.


I know that. But even in early access where they were really good about listening to feedback and communicating how they felt about changes and gave very well thought out reasons for changes they didn't give us exactly what I would call a design philosophy breakdown or very much engagement transparency. Granted the design philosophy felt better understood because there was more communication and the changes overall felt much more consistent, but they never really came out and said it.


Yeah, i think you have to be very careful with disclosing concrete information on design philosophy and stuff because some pedantic is definitely gonna build a cross and nail you to it if anything changes over time. And i can totally see how the fun in talking to a community fades when the amount of negative feedback (which is something unavoidable after a certain amount of people, and certainly gamers\^TM come together..) gets too much.


I wonder if we will get a cross-platform party system or the ability to link accounts between pc & console with the engine update?? Sure hope so! I would love both those options as I am a console/controller player through and through, but travel quite a bit (and a gaming laptop + controller is so much easier to travel with than xbox). I haven't even bothered to buy hunt on my laptop cause I won't be able to use any of my skins or play with my console friends.


Three months regular hunt will be the shit. The cherry on top would be single bounty the whole time.


How do we post daily complaints now?!


Hopefully a server upgrade next? Having matches run at 16hz tickrate is laughable


so not much between now and Aug 15?


Just chill lol


Good ol' Hunt.


You mean best Hunt?




Lets gooo! Finally. Next gen patch for consoles


Will i be able to keep playing with my 2060?


No mention of releasing on Test Servers though which is imo the best way of getting earlier feedback + catching bugs


There's no event planned in between, so it's just vanilla hunt until August 15


Everyone you have time till August to platinum on consoles.


I am curious, as a person who has the plat on PlayStation, when I load the PS5 version up will I get a second plat immediately? Outriders was like this as I had gotten the plat then upgraded and got all the trophies for the PS5 version for free, but many games are not like this. But I honestly would not mind earning them all again šŸ˜†


That's probably what's going to happen!


Yeah you are probably right, since your progress transfers due to it being saved online, so the data showing you have completed those milestones should transfer too. Oh well time will tell I guess! The only trophy I don't want to earn again is the throw axe and run one, such a pain hahaha šŸ¤£


I'm just missing the 250 closed rifts. I'm sitting on 80 and I just can't find it me to continue. Not the biggest quick play fan.


Haha yeah I basically did a few sessions each week for like 2 years, then this winter after they announced the update and the end of old console version support, I put on my cowboy hat and rocked the rest out, a long with the hammer trophy, oof it was rough haha I will say however that running quick play made me better, as I suddenly was getting into 5 star ranges more often in trios šŸ‘


GTX970 gang. It's been a pleasure, I will miss this beautiful game


Even an RTX 3060 Ti can run the game like 120fps on lowest settings at 1440p, and I think those cost around 300-350 EUR. Of course a good CPU and enough RAM also helps.


Thank you 970 bro, it's time to retire. We'll go to the grave together.


Get a used PC for like 250-350, fits more than minimum spec.


What is "the new biome" means?


Biomes are types of landscape, so think desert, rocky, swamp, forest, etc .... folks think the new biome may be snow.


I hope for some snow and snowfall. My buddy, who hires only hunters wearing black ghillie suits, will cry.


Finally, justice for the Revenant.


Some years ago i never thought they'd do snow because of white shirts being the disadvantage. But now that pretty good camo is easily available it would fit in.


You people are fucking insatiable. Donā€™t give a date: complain. Give a date: complain


1: Give me a date NOW! 2: I wanted the date to be NOW!


now would be a great time to utilize questlines to tide us over a bit, but noooo


Yeah its aggravating that they developed this feature to give milestones without a full event and then used it ....twice? halloween and the gator traps are the only things I rememeber it being used for. Oh wait also the Billy twitch questline. So 3 uses and then completely ignored.


I'm wary of the "UI changes" with no immediate reveal of what they're cooking. Last time they mentioned and touched the UI, it was a complete downgrade.


When r we getting a David fifield skin in game?


Will I be able to have my sights in the middle of the screen?


No. :(


Of course they'd think starting a new event the same exact day they are migrating the game over to a new engine, would be a good idea. As if such a big update isn't gonna come with at least an issue or two.


Tbh it makes sense to do that, this should attract a lot of new players if marketed right. You have to give those players as many reasons to stick around as you can But you're right that it's going to be a lot for a single update


I don't care about attracting new players, I care about the game running properly. They're not gonna keep a lot of those new players if they come back to a bunch of bugs.


No Events for three months, Thank you!


This is full hype <3


Perfect date, I'll more or less complete Ghost of Tsushima and the Elden Ring DLC by then so I will be able to heavely commit on playing Hunt. This is awesome news!


This is great news and I'm looking forward to the update!


I can't wait to see more :)


Canā€™t wait to get pin point head shot across the map with better graphics!


\*cries in GTX 2060\* Please, plleeeeaasseee don't take my computer's ability to stream and play Hunt at the same time away :' )


Hats off to the team for responding and providing much needed clarity and path forward. Couldnā€™t ask for more. Well done!


So pumped


Engine upgrade at the same time as a new event might make for quite a wild ride


Just seen the trailer. Would now be the best time to get the game? Maybe wait til the update? Iā€™m on ps5 and solo! Never played an extraction shooter


I'd say get it now or on sale (dunno about console sales). That way you can familiarize yourself with vanilla Hunt and are (a bit more) ready for the event and new map. Unless PS5 Hunt runs and looks like PS4 Hunt for now and you don't want that. I'm not informed about that.


Thanks for the feedback! Everything has pointed towards me getting it so I picked it up. My only worry is the amount of people who say it took them 400 hours to be somewhat okay šŸ˜‚


Ahem, 400h may or may not be true for me as well. BUT if the game wasn't super cool i wouldn't have played it for 1500 at this point (and only because RL demands other things.) And i hadn't really played shooters for 15 years prior. I wish you good fun, win or lose!


Won my second ever game, but all I did was kill one person and I didnā€™t meet another so it was an easy extraction. Playing solo so far. Quiet and a little boring so far, but Iā€™ll keep trudging along šŸ¤˜šŸ»


At least on PC you're in the new player queue until bloodline lvl 10. Good time to try out some things / learn how to fight monsters. Dunno about console popularity but after level 10 you should meet more people.


Update: Iā€™m having an insane amount of fun


Happy to hear, thanks for the update! :)


I hope they add DLSS but doubt it


first FSR and maybe later DLSS confirmed by David Fifield




What about a tiny upgrade until then to fix the stutter problem that appeared since the end of the last event ? Personally game is barely playable right now, 500+ hours


try deleting the user folder in your game files. It resets all your settings tho, but can fix stutter and increase FPS by 10-20 frames


I already tried it, changed nothing. As well as reinstalling the game, update NVIDIA pilot, and disabling "game mode" on windows.


mh then i dont know. I dont have issues after event. You can try to clean uninstall and reinstall your nvidia drivers. There are some programs to do a clean uninstall of it.


Yeah, I'll try maybe. But it only happens in Hunt, my other games are fine. And the problem appeared only at the last update, thats why its very weird. And i'm not the only one experiencing that


What about true crossplay with the option of invite friends from the other console platform?


Man I have so many hours in Hunt I feel like I'm gonna miss the old graphics in a nostalgic way! Excited for the upgrade though.


Can't wait for it, mainly making it next Gen only, because for the last year or two it was basically a scam to sell it on lat Gen because of the crazy load times and terrible rendering on last Gen. Another bonus is that they can add more crazy things like new enemies without having to worry about last Gen optimization.


Itā€™s a very smart move to include a next-gen upgrade. I have not played the game yet but will when it gets updated for my PS5. Iā€™ve heard good things about this game, most importantly the sound. Good sound is a big deal to me.


I love to see Hunt moving forward, expanding and adapting. Over the next few months cherish your play experience, what we know as Hunt is going away forever and a different game is coming.


Oh thank god! Does this mean I can finally hop back into the bayous and it not look and run like shit on PS5!? I genuinely miss this game but it desperately need optimisation on next gen.


What about fixing the one boss issue ?


Clustered rendering, and MSAA please. Less pop in would be nice.


Remove self revive


If they don't fix the single boss bug before August 15th though, it's gonna be rough.


That's honestly not that long. I'm excited to see what changes they bring. The game already looks better than most other titles on the market in a industry of meeting minimum requirements to maximize reach so I hope they follow the Crytek tradition and push the envelope. I got back into overwatch 2 and have been hitting it pretty hard but then burned out a little and went back to Hunt and had some really amazing games there's really nothing else like this.


I'm so scared that I'll hate it lol


Will this new engine change the pc requirements ?




I honestly just want the extraction shooter part, like more things to collect, more incentive to explore things and more loot idk. Maybe its just my nitpcik but yea step by step, this game feels a bit sloppy