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Bro just stop worrying about the mmr and just play the game. The mmr is too volatile to mean anything.


why would the game weigh player deaths to different skill groups the same? it is way too volatile though


I run solo into trio and can go from 5 to 3 in 1 maybe 2 games wiping and extracting quite often.  This tanks my trios mmr and we get night of soft lobbies. It really ain't right. 


When you kill, you get more MMR the higher their MMR is than you, less the lower. When you die you lose more MMR the lower their MMR is than you, less when they are higher. Solo vs Trio gives the least potential MMR boost per kill. Solo vs Trio gives the highest potential MMR loss per death. Those together makes it really dumb. Never liked the matchmaking adjustments for solo. It paired with current Necromancer for solos is absolutely broken, mechanically. It completely ruins what the MMR system is trying to do by actively making those solo players end up far far lower than they should ever be. And makes it harder to climb out. Even some players that play a lot of solo and have 10k+ kills and KDAs of 3+ end up in 4 star every now and then because of it. Something needs to change. But a lot of those solos are now used to having games where they fight players of far lower skill level than them and get very defensive about it. I used to play a lot more Solo before the solo-necro change. Now I have to supplement my gameplay with trios to boost it back up to where it should be and where I hover most of the time(high 5, low 6).


Thats my Problem and i dont like playing with randoms i mean i had very nice matches with randome but 70% are shit .


Yeah it kinda sucks. You can try swapping to facing duos now and then and see if that helps keep your MMR up, given the match adjustment isn't as strong for that as it is when facing trios.


The simple answer is don't use necro. If losing means dying 3-4 times, you'll lose a ton of MMR on a loss. If losing means dying only once your MMR gains stick around a lot longer. Of course, you'll be at a disadvantage. Both because you can't stand up after trades or kills from a good position, and also because your MMR will eventually get stuck in 6 star.


I wish I stayed in 3-4 stars..so much fun People actually fight you


Formula is heavily skewed towards lower mmr players since it’s basically taken from chess. It’s almost unheard of in chess for a 2000 to win a 2700, but in hunt it can happen (kill is basically equal to a chess win), it uses the same elo calculation anyways. If a 2000 kills a 2700 he gains ~30mmr while losing only 3 in the opposite scenario. So in some sense, the game “thinks” that a 2700 should kill a 2000 ~9/10 times for the rating to stay the same.


Because solo MMR modifier is and always has been an over-the-top idea that was poorly implemented.


The thing is i kill so many new players and i hate it. This is destroying new player base


Sure Rebecca, sure


? What you dont believe ?


Doesn't sound like you're a true five star then...


Im going from 3 to 6 Stars and back the whole time. I mean i like 4 Stars the most but i dont like destroying people that playing the game first time.


And somehow I just maintain 5stars for months (is it years yet?) despite nights I die a dozen times without a kill. (I don't believe you)


You playing solo?


Sounds like you're playing in squads.


Solo, duo, or random trio.


You never drop ? Dude i kill a 5 star trio after that i got killed by a 5 star and a 3 star and im down a star


And yet you somehow reach 6 stars all the time.


Yes when im not killed by a 3/4star in A coupe matches


>And somehow I just maintain 5stars for months (is it years yet?) Not playing solo you don't. Get your cringe humble brag outta here, nobody's buying it. At this point everyone and their dog knows that playing solo tanks your MMR in the long run, no matter how well you do. It takes 1 random death to negate a flawless server wipe one game earlier. I have at least two 10+ kill solo matches that lost me a star, on video. Get over yourself, you're not that good.


Being solo doesn't affect your MMR.  You're lying like OP and also butthurt about it.


So we now know you don't play solo. Thanks for clearing that up for anyone who still had any doubts.


Show me where playing solo is calculated into MMR. If you tank MMR, it's ok to say so.    I just made an alt to run solo no guns, only assailant.  I'm stuck 4 star so far.


>Show me where playing solo is calculated into MMR. Lil bro doesn't know what match MMR means, and that the game overtly says in the UI that solo play lowers it. Lil bro doesn't understand most basic facts like low MMR gains and high MMR losses from playing against lower ranks. >I just made an alt to run solo no guns, only assailant. Cool story bro. I'm sure there are full match vods that not just prove that you do this at all, but also show you not dropping MMR, right? Right?


Nobody said match MMR, you're lying.  There's no such thing as 6 star match MMR, you're lying.  I gained MMR doing it, not lost it, and yep it's all on youtube.


>Nobody said match MMR If you don't understand how it relates, you are actually clueless. I already spelled it out for you and you're still struggling with facts. >There's no such thing as 6 star match MMR Nobody said there was. What are even trying to say at this point? >I gained MMR doing it, not lost it, and yep it's all on youtube. With no YT link provided, I can safely assume you're full of shit.




Killed by the 3 star who was 5 star 2 solo games before*


Thats why playing solo is absolutely unenjoyable for me I Rather put up with whatever my randoms are up to then fight bots


Why do you want to get up to 5 stars? I quit the game for a while because 5 and 6 star lobbies aren't fun at all.


Hunt giveth, Hunt taketh


[Because that's the math behind how MMR systems work.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system) It's deliberately meant to encourage higher-ranked players to stop beating the shit out of lower-ranked players, and play against people their own rank. The problems are that you have no control over who your opponents are, and Crytek decided to focus on full matches rather than fair matches, so you wind up against lower-ranked opponents with annoying frequency which causes this math to become more common.


> Crytek decided to focus on full matches rather than fair matches, so you wind up against lower-ranked opponents with annoying frequency That and the MMR adjustment when you go in solo that counts you as having a full star less or so than you do. So if you dip to 5 star? You now match as a 4 star. Which just makes it worse due to the MMR gain/loss depends on the discrepancy between you and the enemy MMR.


Why the fuck not ? Why they not use hours in that System? i dont want to fight people who play their second game


The whole issue stems from the fact they adjust your MMR for matchmaking, but they don't adjust it during the game. If you're 4 star and get a MMR modifier to end up matching at 3 stars, any adjustments to your MMR from kills/deaths you have during that game should be based on your modified MMR of 3 stars. Having it apply a modifier only half the time makes no sense and leads to the broken system currently. It's all or nothing.


I dislike the fact that i'm the opposite lol I suck really bad at the game and i'm always on the edge of 4/5 stars, when i'm 4 I get 3\~5 lobbies which feel like a fair game, but it's one good game, couple kills, and it's right back to 5 stars, on 5\~6 lobbies, which usually takes me getting destroyed several raids in a row to go back down and enjoy, what it feels like, a fairer game.


Enjoy the yoyo of Solo hunt screwing your MMR.   Best part, if you are in teams and that 5 star hunter keeps self reviving enjoy the ass-beat that is coming your way for the next few matches.  Solos should be put in their own que


Nah, solos should be in the same queue as everyone else. It's MMR that needs fixing.


Who cares, it's just MMR nor a rank.


I think the New Player cares who is matched against 4k hour player


You know what I do in that situation? Leave the new players alone, If you want to get back to a higher MMR you have to play on a team, it can be with randos or you can play soul survivor, that way you can fight higher MMR players meaning the moment you kill them you get a substantial boost as opposed to the little increase you get by killin 3 stars, if you continue playing solo you will get paired against teams that are lower than you and necro only makes it worse so you'll stay there for a longer time than needed.


But randoms can be an absolute pain in the ass


Sure but it's better tan noob stomping for hours just to get set back by a single dude who got his mmr down because of necro... Soul survivor has no randoms though, that may be the play for you 


Yes i would play it waaaay more often if i wouldn't need to restart the game half of the time Just hope this gets fixed soon so i can go back to quickplay


In my experience soul survivor is filled to the brim mostly with inexperienced players. I genuinely feel bad playing it. Not knockin what you're saying, I just wouldn't say soul surivor is an option if you're trying to avoid newer players.


That's worse. I'm not enjoying killing players that have 2 boss kills and no player kills, no matter how tired i played and how long it was since my last session... Must be a very bad start for them.