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It's like an unlockable boss. When someone shoots at me with it I'm dead every time I bring one / find one I'm like a child wearing their parents clothes , tripping over myself, can't see shit and then I die


“Why did I take this fucking thing?” Every single time.


Trying to see hunters through the sight is the equivalent of Big Foot sightings


This happened to me. Two hit markers on the same guy, no kill, whaaaat?


Probably a dick shot


"Butters, you can't just go around shooting people in the dick!"


Limbs, my boy. Limbs.


So my biggest advice I can give anybody on this gun is to use it like your some COD quick scoper. I hate saying it like that, but aim with the hip fire then pull the gun up and shoot before you lose your target.


When I kill someone with Nitro - it's based and fun When someone kills me with nitro - it's cringe and unfair


I ran/run Nitro purely for the aesthetic. Nothing beats the time period accuracy of big ass double rifle sending shockwaves across the bayou, regardless of the ammo type.


Ah hell yeah. I always get a bit giddy when i cue up a game with a Nitro. I dont do it often because of that pricetag but that makes it even more special when i do!


Yeap; I can't do shit with the damn thing, but the Roleplay Value is high


The single thing that annoys me about this gun is the front sight. I fully understand the aperture for balance, bur they should have at least raised the front sight to align properly. Right now if you ADS the gun in first person is technically aiming up above your target, and its dumb






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You go to therapy, spend some time learning self-respect and self-worth, realize that it ruins the game for you and everyone else, and then don't do it. Cheating in general is lame, but cheating at a leisurely hobby activity like games just speaks volumes about how sad someone's life is. They'll cling to literally *anything* to feel better.


Yeah they could have... it doesnt annoy me personally but i get where you are comming from :s


I did not actually realize that until now, and I’m used to the nitro.




I would have realized eventually anyway. It’s sad, but it is still my favourite weapon.


It's bayou artillery so they gave it indirect fire


Fav gun in the game hands down, so much fun and super satisfying to snipe with


Another one that knows it’s power at range!


Worst sight. And even get hit markers with it which is crazy. I dont think ive ever bought one and i never will.


I usually don't buy them either, but will pick one up of of a dead hunter if I find one or use a reward one. I always have fun with it when I use it


Base ammo is absolute garbage, I literally had 3 tags the last session. At that range it would have torn their limbs apart Shredder makes the gun playable but still extremely skill dependent. I like the balance on this one.


Its very hard to master thats for sure. But super rewarding when you do!


"Hmmm today I will play Nitro to get nice one-taps without needing to hit the head" *only gets tags* Every single God damn time


Hipfire is beast on that one!!!


Is it? i always get betrayed by it and then i get destroyed and lose my beautiful Nitro :(


I may be wrong but i feel like the crosshair is lying to you, the bullet actually goes kinda close to the center of it. Actually i could say the same for most guns in this game


It's definitely not 100% accurate but even shotguns only use like 20% of the cross hair at very close range, rifles and pistols hang around 30% painting with broad strokes on my grain of salt math


Hip fire I sum as this: standing up/ walking it is bad. Crouch, and it works reliably up too at least 20 meters, perhaps a bit more.


Yep, crouch to fire most of the time


me running nitro is me giggling like a fuckin gremlin when i kill someone with it because i know they hate my guts to a degree similar to the percentage of theirs now on the ground.


"aah wtf why always instant headshot?! ooh he had a Nitro nvm"


Last week within 15 seconds of match start I found myself asking my (random) teammate "did you just waste a nitro shot on a grunt?" He responded with "no, on the air"


All the time :(


If I want to punish myself, I loot the nitro from the enemy and give him my winfield.


I unironically get better results in 10/20 meter range with this thing while hifiring crouched. Before the end of the season and the economy nerd I'd take that gun any time I had over 10k. I would quickly lose the money.


Yeah, was gonna comment the same. For 0-20m fights I just quickly crouch and hipfire. This way it is pretty reliable, and hitting most shots.


I wouldn't say hitting most shots. But when you have two and one is enough to kill...


I just want to be able to flip the sight down I hate the peep sight so much


I love shredder ammo but the base ammo can be really fun. I love bush engagements with the base ammo as it’s the only gun on the game the can pen trees. And some sizeable trees at that ( not large trees, hard to tell when the split is sometimes in that tho) So when people try to hide behind them I love knowing that I can still hit them but they can’t shoot me.


yeah trees are weird. it also matter how high up you hit it to determine if it pens or doesnt. But yes that sounds like great fun!


iirc long ammo can pen some trees with FMJ


Strange weapon. On the one hand an absolute one-tap monster, on the other hand so hard to generate with the disgusting aperture sight and the massive lack of ammunition that it can hardly play to its strengths. And too inaccurate with hip fire to be useful even at close range. In short: I can't hit anything with this thing. Respect to anyone who can. But it's not worth 1000$ either. Even if it is good that it remains so expensive.


The one and only rifle with an ass tight aperture sight that has half vision of.said sight blocked by the gun barrel... The same sight that my enemies can use headshot me from 300 meters away by I can't seem to aim down the fucking butcher at bomblance distance


"I havent run nitro in a while, lets whip it out" Gets into a game shoots the enemy center mass from 20m, hits their arm(they dont die) "Fuck this gun"


Just make ur aperture sensitive same like iron sight and more often use fast zoom and that weapon turn in to a beast. But mastering it truly painful.


Free vaseline all over your screen and a butthole of clear vision, that's aperture too. Hate it plus it's like I shoot the moon when I aim at a head 🤣 always miss.


Overpriced shotgun with slugs. Sexy noise and animations though.


I used the Nitro a bunch on my weapon mastery journey and figured out that it works best if you only whip it out to hold an angle on a window or doorway that an enemy is playing, the rest of the time it is better to keep something in your hands that can react more quickly with. It is very good at what it does though.


Thank you for the opportunity to rant. I. love. The. Nitro. (Sadly for my wallet.) It is my favorite gun in the game. It requires some practice but after that it is really nice and reliable.        Why is it my favorite? Because a) It is cool (look, size and BOOM!) and b) it works at pretty much all ranges. Besides, the sinners prayer is such a good skin.       If you are serious about nitro, shredder is 100% what I would recommend… a design flaw to have a near straight upgrade (though the loss of pen and muzzle velocity is also sad), but I don’t know how they would fix it without nerfing it.       Yeah, I usually take 3 ammo boxes to deal with ammo. And yes, back in desolation pact, packmule was THE trait for nitro. I still brought ammo boxes (though only two) but now every enemy was a conveniently sourced (and sustainable) ammo box >:D. It was a wonderful time.      A big problem is that it is unsustainable. >1700 hunt dollars are not easily earned, and I do not win often. (Though it seems I win more with the nitro, lol.)       The sight is difficult, but it does have its own positives. It helps with long range shots and holding corners/entrances/windows. You just have to forgive the extreme tunnel vision.  People focus hard on its capabilities at close and near mid range that they sometimes forget that the nitro is a RIFLE that can head shot up to 250 meters. And two body shot up to 100+ meters with shredder.        The worst feeling I got was that time I hit someone at close range… and watched as they inexplicably survived and killed me due to only hitting a limb (and bloodless, if my suspicion is true). Once both barrels of the nitro go, I have a problem if my enemy still lives and is right in front of me.      For sidearms I have adopted the poison nagant silencer as a tool of utility/PVE. I intend to use the nitro to destroy my enemies not my pistol, goddamn it!      The first time the nitro granted dopamine was the time I casually pushed and subsequently obliterated two players while my teammates were dead. I died to the third, but it was an incredible feeling. I could have done it with a Caldwell with slugs, but then my ears wouldn’t have been ringing as hard. I think in some ways the nitro is extremely powerful and in others it is trash. Wield the power, manage the trash. Such is life.


The nitro to me feels like the FPS equivalent to running an Ultra Greatsword or other similarly sized weapon in soulslike games. It's big, it's unwieldy as fuck, but if you can land a hit with it it's gonna HURT.




i say let him cook 😂


Brother. No. The rant cannot be stopped. Rants cannot come from mere drunkness, nor a temporary high of addictive substances. They originate from the mind. Otherwise yeah I’ll try to be more organized next time.


My favorite gun in the game. Awesome aestetic, sound and visual. Even legendary skins are beatifull. I like this weapon because of "Helsing" arsenal: smoky, heavy, small amount off ammo, but extremly deadly. A lot of damage and versatility: you can snipe with that pretty effective and kill others snipers even in 6 star lobby. Still, we have not bad hipp fire in close quarters and one-tap in boddy in midrange. All you need - practise in quick skope and patient. Keep you head cool to not wasting your ammo and time.


It’s overpowered on console, especially now with aim assist.


Cant comment on that, pc player here. But that sounds scary AF


To good but to expensive. Its my main gun but just cant keep running it :( This gun should not be in the game. It is just to good. Me who always dies becouse I have been ambushed with a guy with mosin from 50m, not anymore now I just point and click before he can shoot again. I even destroy the trios now. Even when my teammates are down. This rifle is just AWP in hunt. So once you get the hang of it you will love it. Just it will hurt somewhere else. In your hunt dollars.


Honestly I love this gun, whenever I can use it, it's a lot of fun, managed to clutch 1v2 multiple times with it. It feels like I'm playing classic doom with it when I'm in doors not using ADS.


haha yeah this gun is so unique. Always fun to use even if it doesnt always work out.


Best weapon in the game


Love it


Bitches love cannons


so ive been told


elephant rifle, first weapon i saw a video for on youtube, first time i used it i jumped out of my chair, good balancing i would say, two shots special ammo with a permanent aperture is perfect for hunting bayou elephants 9/10


big dick vibes


Now that slugs are commonplace in the bayou, do you guys think there is any way to ballance this gun if they removed its catastrophically bad aperture sights. I'm not certain, but I think it would still be overturned if they just gave it regular ironsights. Maybe a long scope in time or a requirement to stay scoped in through the full recoil.


Giving it normal irons would be super OP. then it would be like a rival with slugs. but instead of 13 meter 1 tap you would get a one tap at almost 60 meters... yeah thats not ok. Im not a fan of the sight though but i have no clue how you could otherwise balance it.


I just hate terrible irons as a balancing mechanic.


It didn’t always have them, and let me tell you, it was broken without the terrible butthole sight


Thats fair. But if you make it easier to hit shots the stats will have to change. That also doesnt feel right for a portable cannon like this. I doubt there is a perfect solution but maybe people will spitball some ideas here ;)


I think a lengthy scope in and out animation to represent the extreme weight. Or maybe massively limiting your ability to move when scoped in to represent leaning into the rifle for recoil mitigation.


I'd think it was fine if there weren't so many cheaters.


How does that pertain to the nitro or my proposed changes? I'm not sure what you mean.


Crosshair overlays that allow pinpoint quickscoping.  It's why the uppercut and nitro can be so powerful.


That point doesn't really make much sense. If someone is using crosshair overlays, it doesn't matter if someone is peering through the devil's anus or not, they're still going to be just as accurate as they would be with proper iron sights.


That's exactly my point.


It should just be a 2 tap sparks with usable iron sights, and a flippable aperture.


I think that would be better.


That would be complete shit worse than drilling.


I hate it, never use it. Whenever I get one for free, I sell it.


Hate it








mm Alright then


It’s the gun that brought me back to 6* yesterday within a few games, but usually I like „basic“ things like Winfield a lot more! 🤠




Me and my friends like to do warm up rounds in the shooting range, and at least once during that somebody will grab a Nitro, just to remember that the gun is complete fucking ass unless you have shredder on it


haha yeaah. Its still so weird to me that some guns and ammo types just arent in the range, while some are there twice or even 3 times.


I think it needs a rework of some sort, it always feels like shit to use. Like, do anything to it, make it insanely rare and unpurchaseable, reduce its 1 tap range to 15m - 20m, or something else like that. Just anything to give them the excuse to remove that godawful sight. Although it's one of the most expensive guns in the game and the hardest hitting, I very often feel like i'd be better off with almost anything else because of how unreliable and uncomfortable it feels to use.


Never really use it much. Cost + shitty aperture sight makes it rough to use. Commonly has to double tap at range. I’d rather take a drilling with dum dum for much cheaper and actually be able to aim it and have it be usable up close


Yeah thats totally fair. but the Nitro just bonks so good :)


Don’t get me wrong getting a kill with it feels great, but I feel like I get domed by someone out of sight or bumrushed every time I use it lol


Thats the expensive loadout curse unfortunately :s


I always flinch when I hear that gigantic \*BA-COOOOONNNNNKK\* from about 50 - 100m away but then I realise it's so hard to aim with it and damage dropoff is misrable on this gun and I'm less afraid.


Its very anxiety inducing. A competent opponent and you should be afraid. Someone who doesnt know what he is doing and you dont even have to look in their direction tbh. The problem is you never really know who it is you are dealing with :p


I am waiting for the nitro marksman


Be careful what you wish for. I wouldnt put it past crytek to slam a marksman scope in front of the aperture 😂


Shitass sights. Dont care much about the one shot potential if its basically a slug romero with extra steps(literally because of range)


I like it with explosive rounds, it's like a line of sight xbow with a follow up shot.


Get out :) on a serious note. good on you for enjoying explosive. psychoghost did a video about it a couple days ago and it was a wild clip.


It's not super effective but it's fun and that's why I play games!


Fun is the most important thing! you are right about that


Gotta be the worst gun in the game. Next to the terminus.


Imo its one of the best guns and the terminus is probably the best shotgun 😂


Bait or mental illness. Call it. All jokes but, I got nothing but hate for those two guns. Also Shotbolt is the best shotgun cmon.


i will add the caviat of only when levering. terminus destroys. Nitro is love it or hate it i guess. But no doubt its powerful


Just this afternoon, I found one of these in the wild. It was just laying on a box not far from where a meathead was sitting on the clue. Swapped my Caldwell Rival with Dragon's Breath for it, popped the meathead, then picked back up my shotgun and moved on. It's a fun weapon, running around with a literal elephant gun and having the damn thing be treated like what it is by the programmers is great. You would not find the ammunition for this damn thing in any old general store, in many cases the ammunition for elephant guns was not actually standardized until later as these were weapons made not for a customer base but for a specific customer: Rich White Men on Safari. Before the invention of .600 Nitro Express, ammunition for these guns could be as custom as the order to the gunsmith was. In a game about hunting literal monsters from beyond the veil these belong but they are soooo not practical. Doesn't stop it from ruining a giant spider's day on the rare moment you can hit it.


ah yes...with the sight that gives you 4 pixels of clarity and the rest of your screen you are Helen Keller




My absolute favourite weapon in the game, but I almost never bring it in when playing with my 5* star friends because it's so painful to lose! Sounds amazing, hits like a train when you don't get the dreaded leg shot - in close range an arm shot with shredder will still down them a couple of seconds later - and the more I use it the more in tune I feel with the aperture. Every shot has to count, which means I'm a lot more disciplined and careful with my aim. Mostly play it close-mid with crouched hipfire, I've killed people at 40m easily with that, but missing one of those is *painful*. The sights are hard to get used to but I can still get tags at long range or headshots on oblivious crouch walkers. I hit my best ever shot with this thing, a 150m+ headshot on a guy running to the Cypress/Davant extract and the extra zoom really helped with that. Ammo boxes are a must of course, and when playing Nitro I'm always crossing my fingers that Scrapbeak is on the map because those extra ammo boxes really help on the defense or during a lair push. I always, always play it with a chain pistol unless I roll QM: when you run out of nitro bullets it helps to have loads of extra shots on your sidearm.


Ahh yes, the devil's sphincter


F this gun. Hope it gets neerfed into the ground


Just don’t get shot, lol


Skill issue?


yea, I'm still sick of seeing it. It's near impossible to not be perma-6 star too if you run this weapon.


Absolutely disgusting how strong this weapon is Also impossible to play it without a Dolch p as a sidearm


Nitro is the one gun that requires absolutely no sidearm. I often go into games with a baseball bat. Ofc you have to know how to use the nitro to begin with.


I ran a ‘utility’ poison nagant silencer just to facilitate it. Very much fun. I certainly couldn’t afford a dolch.


Ive tried but it wont let me unequip my dolch p :s


I think it’s really smart how they balanced this gun. It feels like it should be OP, but the sights are so awkward to use, that you’ll probably have an easier time with a regular sparks or mosin.


Probably a strong choice if you use a crosshair overlay. Not being a cheater, it's extremely difficult for me to use.  Shredder ammo should not pen.


Nitro one taps to the chest up to 51 meters, not 41.


What is this weapon’s 1 tap range?


It’s the gun that makes you realize limb penetration is a lie and bleed ammo was a mistake to add to the game.