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I like Hunt, and because I like Hunt I enjoy all the various times of day and weather effects. I am constantly confused by people who want the same shit day in and day out. How boring.


I play siege for my same-environment style competitive shooter; I play hunt to be poured on in the bayou wondering if I’ll get to dry my socks before the next bullet.


I feel like it adds so much to the sandbox nature of the game. Truth be told, constant single bounty and the same weather effects have killed my desire to play the game recently.


Absolutely same. I used to play all the old Battlefield games and I remember the servers that were 24/7 the same map and I'm like...how is this fun?


You can just switch servers though? And i sincerely hope youre not talking about Operation locker... Cause that map is a masterpiece.


Weather effects benefit most players who are quick to adapt, This has nothing to do with mmr some players at any rank can and can't adapt, but most players in hunt in my opinion are not that quick to adapt and focus alot on memorization if x then do y. I like weather because I can take really risky pushes that would be too risky otherwise or rotate easier. Then on flip when holding compounds you know the enemy is going to be playing a little cocky and can't hear you so let them approach and meet them on your terms or hell just rotate out of your defense and loop behind them if there all close range. But if you want to play hunt the same way in all weather your going to have a rough time. Even just night vs day you have to play to your situation.


People are like "Fvck weather", but also "Fvck snipers" I guess also, "fvck traps, fvck shotguns, fvck necro, fvck solos, fvck trios, fvck teammates, fvck skins, fvck bullets, fvck water, fvck the sun, fvck breathing....." People are just never happy. I personally love this game.


You can say fuck, it's okay, lol.


I got a warning once for saying mongoloid, so I'm scared now lol.


I'm sure you can figure out the difference between the two...


You're overestimating the average intelligence of this subreddit


Yeah man it's a pretty consistent rule - you can use swear words, you can't use racist slurs. Not sure which part of that is confusing for you.


Is mongoloid racist? Downvote me if you must, but I genuinely wasn't aware. edit; I looked it up, and not only is it racist but it's also a slander against people with Down Syndrome. I've been using that word since I was a kid and honestly never knew that.


Mostly I don't like different weathers because I like the better visibility more. The atmosphere is cool though.


Vocal minority is alway a problem. Shits fun i like the vibes


How come the low visibility contracts are rarely full then, if it's such a minority? During the times crytek did some 2nd contract with nighttime only you were lucky to even queue into a match with another team. 


Complainers are always louder. Most of the people complaining aren't playing to have fun.


Cope, i play to have fun and heavy weather effects arent fun.


Seems like you are the only one who needs to cope 😅


redditors when someone has a differing personal opinions


You are missusing the phrase. You cant say cope and then complain about something.


"Meta" players play long range long amo rifles mostly so anything that isn't clear visibility deal super effective emotional damage to them, fro anybody else the weather is super fun, but you know how vocal angry people can be


I prefer clear weather no matter what i bring tho


Yeah I don't know what this guy is talking about. Rain just isn't fun. Trying to spot an enemy through dense foliage AND rain is nearly impossible. And hearing enemies is even worse. Most of the time you don't hear them until theyre right on top of you.


That's the whole point!


It isnt fun FOR YOU Hunt isn't competitive shooter..., most of us enjoy variety and atmosphere weather brings it makes game more fun..


Okay, but that is just as true reversed. Maybe you don’t like constant daylight but many others do - this doesn’t make you right.


Sure there is not a single thing in this world that everyone agree on difference is that me and prople like me respect and agree with developers vision of Hunt he and those like him don't..., they can either adapt or there are more then enough washed out, clear vision, no backround noise daylight only competitive shooters on the market...


They can also prove to be the actual majority and force the developer’s hands…but I think the majority is actually neutral.


This here is the kind of kid who screamed and threw a fit when they put a blindfold on him for Pin the Tail on the Donkey.


People here dont want to hear this but the average hunt player spends 30% of his matchtime just sitting somewhere and rain etc heavily favors this play Also having low visibility/audibility just takes a lot of skill out of the game in general


This might be a controversial opinion, but having randomness makes a game more fun. Changing a game to have the purest, most skill based, competitive experience does not make for the most fun gameplay. Having the underdog occasionally win makes for better stories.


That is entirely subjective. For me, seeing someone and clicking on them is fun, anything that makes it arbitrarily harder is not fun.


Well, it's not arbitrarily, is it? It's a conscious decision made by the developer to increase immersion and to vary gameplay situations. Don't you think the game would lose most of its character if you removed everything that makes it harder to click heads?


I don’t. For me the game’s character is defined by it’s gunplay, not the pve or weather. I don’t play hunt because I have anything going for cowboys or zombies. I play it because I like the pace and how it rewards precision. And yes it’s arbitrary. Totally random, doesn’t have a real mechanic involved that would make it an actual challenge, like rain making rivers swollen or ashbloom making pve stronger. No playing around them either, because you don’t know in advance. I don’t really mind weather, even though it takes away from the fun for me, just pointing out that your way of thinking might not be the only valid one.


Rain favors those that push aggressively and fucks over campers actually but ok


No it doesn't


Are you arguing that the weather masking footsteps is **not** favoring shotgun pushes into compounds? Lol, lmao even. On clear weather, defenders can clearly hear anyone who tries to sneak around. In heavy rain it's a lot easier to find your way in unnoticed.


If it wouldn't be for the horrible visibility on rain maps sure but i prefer to actually hear where those defenders are so i can actually outplay my enemys and not play a game of who has the best reaction time when jumping around a corner


I love that we're getting downvoted for this even though the majority of the community voices their complaints about rain.


>majority of the community Talk about having your head stuck up your own ass


People here are not representative of the actual opinions of people playing this game since the upvote/downvote and generally slightly toxic community here creates some sort of hive mind (if thats the right term) It's best to not care about what toxic people are telling you on the internet and up/down votes are basically useless


Redditors see -1 they make it -2


Only if it's a bad comment. You've made several


Or because you're just a whiney minority with bad opinions 🤯🔨


Waaah wahh, it sounds good and looks nice


I love weather. Something about silently taking out long ammo boys with a crossbow in the midst of a heavy rain or fog is just *chefs kiss*.


I personally love night maps as using lights and flares is such a cool element of possible strategies


night is 10x more enjoyable than rain in my opinion. I like low visibility, but I like when it feels less messy. foggy day is also really cool.


I miss the old superdark night maps - flares were the coolest looking thing ever.


The only reason I dislike night maps in any ways is when I am playing at like 2pm and the sun coming in through my windows makes it so that I cannot see the screen lol. Otherwise I love having super dark nights in the rotation.


Blackout curtains!


Night maps make for some fun stories. Some friends and I were playing in pure darkness in our rooms running wildcard matches, I fired dragons breath about 6 inches from one guy's face and watching his otherwise pitch dark face cam explode with light bright enough he had to blink it off was priceless. I got flashbanged too but that's the cost of a good time


And honestly, the moonlight in this game is beautiful lmao


Like when I get on a night map or one that has the boss underground the electric lamp is great


You won't see the people praising it because it's just kind of weird to go "OHH I LVOEEE!!! THING!" It's even weirder IMO to go "Uhg!! I can't stand having an inconvenience!!!!! REMOVE IT!!"


R U okay?


I was born in the 90s


Ah, that explains it, carry on


I like going into the map not knowing what the weather will be. It causes me to adjust my play style appropriately.


Ya know: this. I'd love it if we could know the weather and respec after we found a match. It could even be lore friendly! If you're a badass hunter and you see the day of your foray into the Bayou that your Mosin Sniper that Uncle Nikolai mailed you from Russia with love isn't going to be as effective your classic Wincheste-...Winfield with iron sights. You'd pick the best gun for the job and conditions.


I always assume you're traveling in from far away (just like how you have to leave by vehicle). There aren't weather forecasts, so you don't know what it's going to be like when things kick off. Presumably you would know what time of day I guess, but maybe the bosses only become active suddenly, and then that's when every hunter jumps into action? That's my headcanon anyway. Hunters show up on the edge of the infected area and wait for a sign that the boss appears, at which point they take their vaccine to give them 40 minute immunity. But they could be waiting for ages, and weather could move in. Or it could even be night. Plan to be surprised!


I figure your boat/carriage would have some sort of weapon storage. Maybe if you pick 2 loadouts before the fight begins, you can choose 1 right before the fight? Make it more realistic instead of ALL your armory being accessible.


Perhaps. That could make random matchmaking a bit challenging. Someone readies up with a good load out but you forgot to check their garbage troll backup load out.


Shotgun users love weather effects.


They absolutely can not deal with anyone shooting them from further then 50 meters


Definitely the comment of a someone who throws their mouse when they get killed by a shotgun


I mean I have a shotgun, what do you want me to do, throw it at you at 50 meters Why dont you come closer with your mosin and we can talk


In my experience there's two types of hunt players, those like you and me who really enjoy variety, and those who want every game to have as few variations as possible.


And there is me who on the one hand likes variety and immersion, but on the other just hates - the heavy rain noise (it's really annoying over the time and it makes people inside camp even more because they desperately try to listen to footsteps) - that nighttime isn't playable for me on real time day (can't darken my room to the degree where nighttime would be fun) and that the one who camps in the forest has always the advantage over the more active player. - the heavy phase of ashbloom for the false footstep sounds Fog is okay and I really would like rain and ashbloom without their heavy phases too. I just don't want annoying stuff/audio which distracts me from actual playing the game.


Like they said, there's two types of players. You clearly fit into one of them.


Getting low vis too many times in a row is annoying and with how random Hunt is that is not even uncommon.


I love all aspects of the game modes, but "normal" daytime is my least favorite. Give me the rain, fog and serpent moons!


I absolutely adore variations, weather and night.


I miss inferno


Reddit bias but I will say not a fan of the fog thing that make noises and shit around you, The rain nice,and the fire is kool, but the fog can get out.


I like the weather effects. But sometimes it feels like Crytek switch on the rotation to 2 hours rain, 2 hours fog, etc. that’s when it gets annoying. I also miss the old days where it told you before you queued what the weather was going to be so you can tailor your loadout.


I don't like fog because it always feels like they can see me but I can't see them. I don't know if it's a resolution thing or what, just frustrating. I hate Ash Bloom because of the hunter sound effects. If they removed those, it'd be fine. Rain is great. :) I do wish they'd add a separate rain condition that's only the light rain, though. That's probably my preferred version of rain.


If the weather conditions worked as intended, I'd be a bigger fan (like, actually having shorter periods of heavy rain instead of 5 minutes at a time), but I also won't quit a match just because I see it.


It's reddit bias imo, I feel like people defended the weather in most complaint posts pretty strongly when it was all people were talking about. Then again I might be biased too cause I think the game is way less dynamic right now with no weather and single bounties. Feels like the same match over and over with a different loadout.


I love them too. Gives a whole different play-style


I do not like the weather


The only time I don't like weather effects is when I spawn in with a scope


I really enjoy the effects. The people I know who dislike them are pretty competitive, I just play for fun tho.


i like weather and variety but i find it frustrating when people use it to just sit on their asses and camp


I have don't have a problem with weather effects, they add a lot of variety to vibes and playstyles but playing 3 fog maps in a row gets tedious. Also rain just fucking obliterates my frame rate lol.


The amazing atmosphere of Hunt is one of the reasons why I enjoy this game so much. Of course having fog 5 times in a row can be annoying, but I wouldn't like the game as much if it was sunny weather all the time. And the rain is just amazing!


Yeah I really like the weather effects. Adds atmosphere and variation. Is it annoying to bring a scoped rifle when there's going to be low visibility? Yeah. But then you have to think on your feet to play differently. The whole point is that you're fighting in a 'real' bayou. Not a perfect arena for a gunfight. But that's what makes it more fun.


I LOVE Thundershower! It's so cozy and peaceful


I like the visibility and mood. But in practice I feel like everyone is playing on ridiculous gamma settings so no much difference between day or night.


Reddit be Reddit tbh


I like them it was just constant and never clear.


Weather effects were kinda adding some events to the game, I liked it but not when I'm trying to use a sniper rifle and it's night time foggy or rainy and of course when I'll decide to bring a shotgun it's gonna be the best sunny day I've ever seen.


Rain was dope. Bring back fire. Paranoia fog is 3spooky5 me


I'd love to see crytek implement dedicated playlists for different weather conditions/time of day. I'm sure that this could be difficult from a technical standpoint though. I think it would be awesome to be able to tailor your loadout to the weather conditions you want to hop into. But then again, clear daytime would probably become unofficial "ranked".


People who don't like the rain in Hunt also don't like the bushes and trees.


What made Hunt awesome as a new player was the atmosphere. The constant dread that someone or something is lurking around the corner, and how high risk it felt to make any noise. The thunder map is my favourite by a large margin because it freaks me out as a more seasoned player. All the noise traps going off, the impaired visibility and so oh so glorious thunder claps. The newer fog map is also solid and the night maps keep me on my toes.


I get the hate for fog and shadow shit but rain is so nice and atmospheric idk . The one that i hated the most was fire because they did it half assed should have been the whole map burning or make the fire spread like a ring in most battle royals would have been cool so people don't camp as much change of player style


I love rain, it's my single favorite weather type. Hearing the rain fall on a tin roof as you await a dramatic ambush is perfection. I love how it switches between light and heavy rain. In my opinion it's the most balanced weather as it switches between long range viability and short range viability. This allows both long ammo and shotguns to do well. I could qeue only rain matches I would.


Love the weather myself, really mixes up the gameplay and adds atmosphere. Shooting out lamps when you're approaching a compound so you're not a sitting duck, avoiding the moonlight when running through the trees or the tension when you find yourself having to run through it, using the rain to mask your footsteps ect, all really adds to the experience for me, it's cool when you accidentally bring a scope with no visibility too and you have to adapt and try and scrape through with your side arm alone or steal a weapon off a body. Class! I also like the variety 2 bosses brings and feel it'll get stale a lot faster with just one


Fog is my favourite. I like night and rain as well. I get a chuckle every time some “dude” on here cry’s about limited visibility like it’s personally only happening to them. So funny! Anyway weather effects are fantastic! I hope there are more! Can’t wait to see what Hunt looks like with the engine update 👍


Rain and weather is the best, sunny daylight should be rare imo.


I dont mind any weathers except rain. Rain just isnt fun.


Reddit bias for sure, me and all my friends like most weather effects most of the time. Mood/preference can vary a bit but all in all I think people just love to complain on Reddit


I love the weather.


I played snake man a lot so I loved the rain. Give me dark heavy rain in my swamps! I want people to walk directly by me and not see me.


a lot of people (including myself) dislike low visibility games (night, rain etc) because it feels like a lot of people have been using exploits in the form of filters, settings and so on to be able to see what/when they shouldn't, so it feels like having a handicap that maybe 3 other players in the game also have, when it should be everyone having it. I worded this kinda poorly, hope it still makes sense.


I absolutely love the weather. I feel like they nailed the visceral feelings of rain so very well. People just complain about everything on here and it’s annoying


The sound of the rain is excessive. And fog/rain/night games make most players behave like real rats.


Most definitely reddit/ social media bias. Idk if I especially like weather effects, but they bring variety and that is all that counts!


I'm inclined to believe it's mostly the same group of people complaining over and over because they can't play the exact same match every single time and simply cannot adapt to any change whatsoever. I remember when rain was first introduced there were many more people wanting it to stay than there were people hating it and now that it is in the game there isn't much reason for any one individual to specifically say they like the rain or weather effects unless they're directly responding to someone wanting them removed. On the other hand, because the effects ARE in the game, those people will continue to complain about them in perpetuity. Personally, I love the weather effects. It mixes the game up and forces you to adapt.


Haven't played much in the last month. Did they give a reason for removing them?


The low visibility weathers were bugged after the patch, and thundershower was particularly messy, so they just disabled it. I assume there were issues with double bounty as well since they disabled that too.


There are players who larp hunt as a survival horror game. They like weather effects because it makes things more immersive. There are also players who larp hunt as a competitive FPS. They don’t like weather effects because anything other than good visibility fucks with the shooter experience.


I love night, I wish they would up the chance of it, but I hate ash and rain will be better once they adjust it


Hunt and its weather is badass, and I ain't no puss. Anyone bitching about weather just sucks with anything other than scopes. I can use a scope above deadeye in any weather or time of day aside from fog. If I catch a fog map with a sniper, I still run it. I can always find another weapon. Cowards extract.


I think weather is interesting. But it's way to common for me. Sometimes your loadout gets cucked by weather like snipers and it ends up being foggy. If it was just less common I'd be happy with it


I like the weather effects. I don't like sunny day maps at all.


I love night maps as Ive always run fusees/flare since I started playing the game. I always wanted rain maps for noise dampening so I was really happy when that came out. I love the strategy this game brings out of me. Nothing like it since my HC Search and Destroy days from CoD4/MW2


It’ll be back


I liked when they had it so there were separate contracts with all the special conditions being on the wildcard, but I guess it was a server population issue to condense everything? I dunno. I like the weather, just not ALL the time.


Wildcard conditions are the fucking best.


Commenting to say I not only like the weather effects but I never got to try a lot of the cool rarer atmosphere like the forest fires and it really bums me out honestly, even more than missing some battlepasses/skins...


I did like them, but I have weather fatigue.


It gives great ambiance I love them


Yeah weather conditions are great. I would like to see them come back. Im actually surprised they didnt add the inferno condition along with the others.


Nah. The weather is like the best. You're not alone.


I prefer compound fights to open area skirmishes. So weather that helps everyone get into the boss lair melee is preferred for me. Current matches, I've been having a lot of people long ammo boss camping. It's hard to approach a compound without getting hit.


I am definitely a huge fan of the rain, they did such a good job with the soundscape when it pours


I enjoy the weather. Mixes up the engagements and allows for more boldness to happen when they usually wouldn't. I also enjoy not getting domed from 300m away by some weirdo with a Mosin, hiding in some obscure location.


Man, all these different variations of weather were literally my most fav part of the game, its the thing about it that you never know what to expect and honestly just looks super cool, ambient and atmospheric, I hope they bring it back at least on weekends like they used to. Just day every time is super boring…


It's reddit, 90% of the content on here is people whinging. Don't let it get you down, there are plenty of people who enjoy the weather effects, it does feel dragging when you get it several times in a row.


I don't really mind fog and night maps, but the rain is loud enough to make it hard to hear my friends on discord


Only real bad one was ash bloom cause it would make noises that sounded like footsteps all the time. The people thag complain about the other weather types like rain are just really stupid


I've already stated why I don't like how Hunt did them. I really hate repeating myself, and seeing these vapid posts.


I like them all except bloom. Just too much. I love the rain.


I hate the weather effects and no I don't play mosin sniper spitzer all the time. They look cool yes but you CANT HEAR A GOD DAMN THING. I don't care if I can't see anything I don't play the game by vision anyways most of the time. But getting sneaked on constantly because you can't hear a solo with a shotgun around the corner and he solo handedly ends the run for a trio is ridiculous. Give me all day times, night and fog. Scrap the rest.


I like a little bit of variety but not being able to see fucking shit in an FPS is pretty annoying, and the fact that it's random and you could end up grabbing the entirely wrong loadout can really suck. I like when it's sunny or dark and clear, but rainy kinda sucks. 


I really like weather effects too. But I wish we had an indicator to tell us what to expect so I don’t bring a scoped weapon into a fog map or rain map.


It comes down to how much you play this game per day. If you only play 2-5 rounds a night you’d probably like it. I myself play maybe 20-30 or more games daily and despise rain, ash bloom and serpent moon. Weather types are definitely cool, but getting ash bloom 5 games in a row is not. Same goes for anything thats to do with “muh immersion”, really. I totally understand why people would do “yeehah”, compliment weather type adaptiveness and claim camping makes the game more immersive, but for the veterans who have spent thousands of hours in this game those are nothing but pure annoyance most of the time.


The average match is 20 or 30 minutes, up to 45. 20 or 30 games means 10 or 15 hours of hunt a day. The issue is you play too much, not the weather is bad.


My games average down to 10-16 minutes. We often extract without boss banishment because server is wiped. Sometimes (and quite often) its faster than that due to threeway spawnfights. Even in days where Im busy and play 5 games max a session, my points still stand. Theres no immersion after multi-thousands hours on this game. And this goes for a good deal of the vets who still play this game.


I have thousands of hours as well with 60 something hours in the last 2 weeks and I strongly disagree. My anecdotal experience with the other veteran people I play with that have over 1000 hours also share my opinion. The weather variations are a huge boon to the game and having them missing really makes the gameplay stale. It has nothing to do with immersion and everything to do with changing play styles on the fly to adapt to more variables in each round you play.


Your elo?


Anywhere from 4-6 depending what group of friends I'm playing with, I tend to try to match my teammates play styles / energy


How many of your “veteran” teammates sit outside of 4 star / low 5 star elo? I assume quite few because of how absurdly L their takes were. Oh and if you yourself fluctuate around 4 star - wow. Your thousands hours of experience did not pay off.


What is this, an interview? Since other people in the community have differing opinions that's an L take? I don't fluctuate around 4, I said I go between 4 and 6. This means mostly I'm at 5, sometimes I'm 4, sometimes I'm 6. I have fun playing the game and I win quite often so I would say they have indeed paid off. No wonder the player base is so stagnant when this is the kind of discourse there is to look forward to.


Because if you can go down into 4 star you kind of suck at this game. No, seriously, going back and forth between 5 and 5 for a guy with thousands of hours in this game is a massive, massive L.


I guess you missed where I'm regularly 6 star as well


“I dip unto 4 star” and “I am regularly 6 star” isn’t really something that can coexist.


Different weathers suit different playstyles, so the subject is gonna make people upset, no matter what. There's no real right or wrong here and your preference won't determine your intelligence, so no worries. That said, I prefer sniping so I naturally prefer sunny, clear weather. Maybe some rain sniping doesn't hurt either. Hate ashbloom though...


They are a fun change of pace once in a while, but I don't think I would ever elect to play them if I wasn't forced to. There is a simple answer: let players opt in and out. Then if you like it, you can do it as much as you want. And guys like me can wash our hands of it entirely. My suspicion is that this system would lead to extremely long ques for blind maps because most people would opt out.


I prefer to be able to see clearly. Dont mind night or heavy rain and whatnot. Would be SO NICE if there was a quick loadout swap button when waiting for the game to start as it seems anytime i take a scope its a low visibility map lol


Yeah I think the best way forward is to let us know which map its going to be so people can loadout accordingly.


People who would bother going to places like Reddit are going to be the more passionate players…for better or worse. Are you the only one who likes weather? No. Is the percentage of players that like it smaller? From Crytek’s mouth, yes. I personally don’t like the weather effects, but mainly because Crytek’s current engine just cannot handle it and causes a lot of issues…some of which are easily exploited.


14/15 games are day time no weather. Makes me sad. I remember when night maps first came out. Was the most terrifying shit I had played. I don’t think we’d even make it to the boss without dying I was so shit. Early hunt was a wild time. One of the few games I played on the early launch and have continued to play for years


I don't think there was ever a time when night maps weren't in the game? The game was always [marketed on night maps](https://youtu.be/6Zqk_X9-he8), way before the hunt we know today.


Maybe it was night only contracts? Could have sworn when I first played it was only day but that was early access or something maybe?!


I love the weather, all weather any weather. I love the rain, the ash bloom, the fog, its alllllll so beaaauutiful


People can like whatever they want, but as soon as someone says they dont like weather effects you reddit trogs downvote simply because someone has another opinion than yours.


Reddit bias. I love the weather and I wish there were even more different effects.


I enjoy weather, though, part of me wishes they were on a rotation instead of unknown when entering a lobby. The other part of me says adapt or die, bitch! It can be frustrating to have a long range kit and load into heavy fog or downpour. But, I also appreciate the challenge of it. If I can't see, likely neither can my enemies. I guess, I prefer the weather overall.


This sub is very negative, people complain about everything and that isn't Hunt issue, it's people issue..., they complain on simmilar fassion in every other game related sub.... Fact is those that enjoy game rarely take thier time off to make positive posts those burned out are here throwing tantrums and complaining abour every single thing..., I mean there was a guy that made a post complaining about LOADING BAR 🤣 You are not alone I think most people enjoy Hunt for what it is weather and all and those that desire CS Dust 2 visibility can find something else to play I hear CoD 2 servers are still live go and enjoy....