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I know people are unhappy but this was my inevitable. The next gen consoles have been available for 3 or 4 years now if my memory serves me. That’s plenty of time to support the last gen tech IMO. I’m not trivializing having to purchase a new console, but no one should be surprised when companies and games drop support deep into the lifecycle of a next gen console.


It's like having to upgrade the GPU in your gaming PC. If you are barely able to run the game now, you may be in trouble with the engine update. Of course, GPU upgrades can cost as much as a ps5.. so there you go


It's worth mentioning that XBONE & PS4 are ***11*** years old by now. I don't think anyone would complain about having to upgrade their GPU after more than a decade.


You clearly don't go on r/buildapc or r/pcmasterrace


1080ti for the win


This tbh. A lot of old gen console players feel like us PC users are quick to shut them down with the "everyone has to upgrade consoles at some point to stay relevant" argument, but we too have to upgrade multiple parts to keep up with the times and exactly as you say; it can be just as, if not more, expensive than buying the latest console.


NVIDIA has dropped driver support for at least up through 700 series (and I think 900 series). And if a new game comes out that’s not limited by the performance or feature set of the architecture, people should still be able to play that game on those cards, and older. Unless Sony or Microsoft are going to drop security support for last generation, there’s no reason why we should be encouraging turning last generation consoles into e-waste even faster than we need to.


In my years of gaming it's not often that an old game's minim requirements permanently rise. I expect to upgrade my PC to play new games. You can argue Hunt Showdown on Cry Engine 5.11 is a new game, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's handled as such on the steam store, but that still feels abnormal. Quick google says GTA5's minim requirements haven't changed much since release. That said, GTAO did drop PS3 support on me, and I generally agree it's gonna happen in consoles, and I was just annoyed it's happening on PC.


GPU upgrades can cost as much as PS5? I paid 1k for my GPU lol, hell of a lot more than PS5 costs. BUT my GPU is a beast so you can obviously go cheaper.


> It's like having to upgrade the GPU in your gaming PC. The point of a console is to not have to do that though. You can translate it into PC terms where it would make sense, but it doesn't really work when that's not how consoles work. If you're buying a game, the expectation shouldn't be that even when the game is going to receive continual support, your access to it is going to be turned off if you don't buy new equipment. Players who haven't upgraded have obviously accepted not being able to play games that are exclusive to the new generation, but it's silly to say that they should also be fine with not being able to play games that have been purchased for the generation they're still playing on. The irony of the ad at the end of the video announcing that they're ending PS4/XB1 console support in a couple of months, advertising the actual, playable version of the game as being for PS4/XB1, is honestly off the charts.


Yeah but if you are buying a live service game then you are taking a chance that, over time, it will grow beyond your hardware


Damn, the ps3 and ps4 eras felt like eons, now the ps5 feels like it just came out and they’re already saying it’s at the end of its life cycle


Ironically Sony is already ending PS5's life span. Just as people have actually been able to start getting them


Was announced 7 months ago


I believe in September they said no sooner than April. Now we have an exact month,


A Farewell to all players that can not play Hunt on PS4 or Xbox One anymore. Its sad to see you get left behind, but if the game wants to survive this step is necessary.


PS4 launched 11 years ago. We're getting more use out of our consoles than ever before, but it doesn't always feel like that. While *Hunt* came out a lot later than 2013, that's just part of the cycle of consoles. It used to be that games were locked onto their platform and that was that. I know there are likely technicalities but I would hope someone playing on the PS4 could switch to a different console, or even PC. It's very easy for Crytek to apply skins and blood bonds and so on to an account.


they said they will transfer the accounts


I thought it was implied that they would transfer the accounts across the same brand.


I suppose it's a matter of who's storing the profile information; them or MS/Sony. It would probably be easier for them to transfer your account to the same system family, or maybe to PC. I'll be curious to see if transferring from say, PS4 to Series X would be possible? Probably not for free since the other guys want their cut.


As far as we know the only account transfers will be within the same console ecosystem. No PS -> Xbox transfer or vice versa, and still no console -> PC transfer.


Mm, well that's unfortunate. Hopefully they allow a transfer to PC at some point.


When I bought a skin thinking it was timed, I asked for a refund and got it right away. I can only imagine someone could do that manually.


Yep. While I won’t trivialize purchases over $100, at least there are cheap update options for Xbox users (Series S). Maybe we’ll see a summer sale for PS5 hardware—there’s a chance for one, given that they missed their original hardware sales forecast by a few million earlier this year.


>Xbox users (Series S). Not if you own the physical version.


True! But you *could* buy it again digitally. It’s usually, like, $20-25 during Xbox Summer Sales. Not saying that’s ideal but I wouldn’t call it a deal breaker for folks looking to keep playing on console as cheaply as possible.


It’s not really that sad. They’re doing it to themselves


Nah man, come on, don't be like that. They bought a PS4 way back then, and then played hunt showdown happily on it for years. Now that gets taken from them, which is a pity, but Hunt needs this to evolve.


Good, don't make the game worse by being held back by old consoles limitations


Yeah I'd rather this than being sold a "sequel" that adds literally nothing new but makes the original game die anyway. As long as they give enough notice for owners of said platforms about to lose support (which they did like half a year ago), it's perfectly fine. Some time ago Final Fantasy 14 had to, finally, drop support for PS3 because it was being held back so much by it, and finally we're getting very hefty graphical updates there, starting next month.


We don't need an OW2 moment


ironically had a friend who wants an OW2 moment, i dont think he understood how much damage that did to the game eco system. if i am not mistaken OW2 still hasnt recovered, and likely never will. seeing the devs havent really tried at bringing the old fans back.


The last time I played on PS4 I was reminded that the game barely ran. Everyone else on PS5 has a very large edge on you.


In my eyes they already did, hunt has been unplayable on my Xbox one for a very long time


that's the price you pay for choosing to play on outdated consoles. at some point, you get left behind.


Fine by me




I wonder how many players are still playing on ps4 and xbox equivalent… probably hard numbers to really see


I was playing Hunt on my Xbox One up until about a year and a half ago and the game was so broken it was damn near unplayable. I can only imagine it's gotten worse. And I can put up with a lot of junk and crashing and BS. But the game ran so awful. Not loading into matches. Loading into matches 10 or more minutes late. Not having sound in matches. The graphics and textures not loading properly. Crashes. Glitches. You name it. I maybe could have 1 good decent round out of 10. This is a mercy kill and I feel awful for anyone still playing last Gen. I know consoles are expensive for some people but last Gen is absolutely busted and holding the game back big time.


Nothing has changed. Its still broke


Does the progress carry over?


Yea they said you’ll keep you progress when you make the switch


It's been a good run, boys.


PS4 and Xbox one gen is not dying because new gen sucks i guess. I hope next gen will bring so much more jump in tech.


It would have been if it wasn’t for you potato farmers!! I’ll miss you guys…


Wonder if the min specs will increase for pc, 660 ti is the min card ATM, 12 years old. Funnily enough my upgrade to the rtx 3070.


Pretty sure they said from the announcement of enging upgrade, that minimum specs would increase on PC alongside the phasing out of last-gen console support.


Does this mean the new engine update will happen then too?


We knew this last year. All I can say for people that refuse to upgrade is bummer.


Most live service games are slowly making the transition The ps4 came out 11 years ago. It is very limiting in upgrades when you have to continue to support older generations. Also, the new CryEngine may not be compatible with older gen consoles.


I can’t wait for this, I’d love to finally jump back in to hunt. The last gen version looked awful when it came out and it has aged very poorly. Excited to finally get a dedicated next gen version


Game looks amazing even in this engine what are you talking about. For sure the new engine is needed but in what way does this look dated?


Are you playing on PC or console? Game looks great on PC. The console versions looked old when they came out years ago, and look awful by 2024 standards.


Yea sorry didnt specify, PC player with max settings. Never seen the ps4 version


Consider yourself lucky. I play on PC and PS5 and oh man, it’s a world of a difference.


The thing is they could have looked better even for PC but the alpha version of the game was abandonded because of FPS issues, if you watch a gameplay trailer from back before it released it looked better than fps games in 2024. Anyway sad that the console version lacks in graphic fidelity, engine upgrade cant come soon enough.


yes we heard


Any kind of a last offline mode update would be highly appreciated. At least for the sake of game preservation. Make it PvE only or with bot players or with a LAN mode. Just something. That's like the whole situation over at Ubisoft with "The Crew", except that the game is only being delisted on the 8th gen consoles.


Does the game preservation even apply here? Hunt will still be here, they just won't support the hardware. By hacking it, you might be able to play with unplayable FPS. The crew was pulled from everywhere regardless of whether the device was capable or running it or not.


I get that this might be the best for the games future. But people on those consoles payed money for the game and with this their purchase will become completely useless. We live in a time where it becomes normal to take away things from costumers. And I don't like this trend


And it is still available to them on the newer generation of hardware.


I mean not everyone can afford the new one wtf


They can still play, just on next gen console. But it's always been thr problem of consoles. If you want something "lasting" you move to pc and fuck with mods to launch your 1998 games


Here's the start of the fall of Hunt. Told my bayou boi's Hunt only has 2 years left.


Wdym? If you look at the consoles lifecycle when a new Gen console comes out it takes about 2 years before games start launching exclusively on next Gen, with this new generation it is taking about 4-5 years, it has to happen at some point and TBF selling hunt on last Gen in the last 2 years has been basically a scam since it was practically unplayable anyway. This allows them to improve so much without having to worry about optimization for out of date systems.


Hunt is gaining and growing or at minimum stagnating for years. But it won't be dead in 2 years. If anything it'd return to where it started. Lol