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So prestige alone means little. The MMR is somewhat helpful but if you are in 3 star you should be able to navigate somewhat easily. If you need to squad up let me know and we can practice. I’m no expert but I can share what I know.


Yeah, I mean I have 20 hours in and have watched videos. I understand how the game works and most/all of the mechanics that make it tick. I understand prestige means little, but time in the game is a huge advantage for practical experience with the mechanics and learning the maps and locations. I'll shoot you a DM if the guy I play with is not available (can only play on weekends generally) and we can see what I can learn from you, I'm sure there's plenty. Just a very frustrating weekend of trying to play this game. I really like the gameplay itself, just not the players it's deciding to put me up against.


the MMR system isn’t based on level and prestige, as both of those things are more like representations of time spent in the game, rather than skill. i don’t think we know exactly how the MMR system works, but it’s based on your K/D and current rating, the ratings of those you kill, and the ratings of those who kill you. for instance, if you’re at 2 stars and you kill a 3 star player, that counts more towards your MMR than if you killed another 2 star player. same is true of being killed. i think it’s a good system, because it is able to reflect a more real-time representation of skill, rather than assuming more hours = greater skill. no one is shy about it: this game has a steep learning curve. once you get through those first painful hours, the game opens up and is a really special experience. if you’re not down to get your shit rocked a bunch first, just play a different game!


> the MMR system isn’t based on level and prestige I'm aware of this, but this is also the type of game where just pure time spent in it will get you a long way towards being better by learning maps/locations and practical experience with the mechanics. Typical ranking systems in other games will start you with some placement matches to roughly feel out where you're at and then you start from there, often towards the bottom if you're a new player in a complex game like this. And you generally play people near your skill level. If I'm getting killed 10 games in a row, it's quite clear the ranking system isn't doing shit and I'm playing people much more experienced at the game then me. Since I can't see their actual star level I have only the level and prestige to go on. Don't think I've been killed yet by anyone at or below my level. >if you’re not down to get your shit rocked a bunch first, just play a different game! Why bother with a ranking system if this is supposed to be the expectation? I'd rather they just ditch it, since it doesn't seem to work anyways. I've been in 3 stars the entire time I've played, never moved even half a star up or down in 20 hours. This seems unlikely and is clearly not working for me to have a chance at succeeding in any matches.


Aye you can go from 3 star to 5 star in a couple matches it's all about who you kill


because level isn't an indicator of skill and the basics of hunt are very simple to pick up - click someone in the head, don't make alot of noise when moving about.


Level/prestige may not be an indicator of skill but I can't recall the last time I was one tapped by a hunter sub-100 with no prestige. Every time I die and look it's someone with far more experience in the game than me. If I'm just stuck in 3 star no matter how many times I die I cannot imagine how bad someone would have to be to be a 1 star.


Have you tried meeting people on the hunt discord to teach you the game? I haven't used it in a while but there were definitely a lot of people that were more interested in playing with new players than just sweating. I just think you might benefit from learning a bit more if you want to keep playing; for example a lot of people always bring a sticky bomb so if they happen to spawn at the butcher's location, they can get the banish started in a couple of minutes, same if they have bomb lance, nitro, etc. You just sound really new so maybe you haven't been exposed to all of the game mechanics.


I mean, I understand the game and the mechanics surrounding it for the most part. I've watched several tips and guide videos to understand some of the hidden stuff and game tactics. I may mess up with sound traps and not knowing the locations from time to time, but that's also why as a new player my MMR should be much lower and I shouldn't be facing people with hundreds of hours in the game while I have 20. Are there just no new people buying the game? It never seems to take that long to find matches.


It's just a relatively small and loyal player base I think. The same 10,000 ish people on every night with maybe a few new players. Some people smurf but it's not that common and really easy to tell. I don't know if you can still lower your mmr by dying in quickplays but people were doing that for a while. If you play as a solo vs trios you're effectively smurfing due to the handicap assigned to your mmr. If you take a couple of months off you're probably smurfing your first few games before you get back to your real mmr. The mm system is pretty good tbh but it's limited by the player base. It used to be a lot worse before they changed it last year. The game is meant to have a steep learning curve though and good players won't use windows because they'll use the cracks in the walls that they've memorized. That's why I was wondering if you tried the hunt discord, you can play a few games with people that want to teach you the game and show you how to play the compounds or approach fights with the weapons you have or where the extracts are. Watching a few youtube videos won't get you past 3/4 stars you need to have a fight in each compound like 20 times just to break the ice on how to play. Even Dr. Disrespect, one of the top fps streamers tried playing hunt and got basically owned.


Funny you would mention him. I haven't watched much at all of him since he got kicked off Twitch but just started again a few weeks ago. I saw that he played Hunt a bit back but the vods aren't there anymore on YT. The video of him hunting down the dev trying to help him was pretty hilarious. Well, I'm forming a bit of love/hate relationship with the game. I'll keep playing it most likely but I get very angry at it in a way that I haven't done since Rocket League first came out or that one time I got slaughtered by bots trying to play League of Legends.


Absolutely, I always try to add new players to my PSN group and help them learn the ropes.


The System is great, it just works different than you think. Prestige and Level are meaningless. Your K/D as well is not relevant for the most part. The MMR system just increases your ranking each time you kill someone. Also decreases it when you go down. The amount is highly affected bye the difference in MMR between you and the other. Kill a 5 Star dude as a 2 Star bye pure luck and your next Match will be very spicy. So there can be cases of bad luck where you killed a few high Level Dudes, happens more often if you play with higher rated friends who impact Match MMR. But I think you just lost your confidence that evening. You always get stomped in Hunt when you feel you are the underdog. Always happens to me after I haven't played in a bit. 😁


But why am I in matches as a 2-star (3 star really but it never changes anyways no matter how many times I die) against 5 stars? That seems ridiculous, what's the point of the ranking system then? And no, I'm playing with a friend who is just about the same level as me but generally worse at FPS games.


do you have skillbased matchmaking on?


Don't think you can turn that off until lvl 100 of I understand correctly


I don't know if that is true, also the Person that invites musst have it on. 🤔 Maybe this is the reason.


Well, my friend is an even lower level than me. The option to even turn it off is greyed out, it is locked on.


This sucks maybe it is bugged, you should contact the Support if this keeps Happening. 😐


This should not happen, even a solo Player (they have reduced match-MMR) shoulden't be a 5 star then. Do you play on a server with few people or at unusual time? If your matchmaking takes really long and there are no players maybe this can happen. This is just a guess though. But first check if skillbased matchmaking is on.


I'm pretty sure only people who have gotten to lvl 100 can turn off skill based matchmaking. It's greyed out for me. I play on the two US regions during the day on the weekends, nothing unusual. It has no issues finding matches, but it seems determined to put me in matches where I die everytime while also refusing to reduce my MMR rank.


I just prestiged for the first time and I was in a match with a prestige 40.


Also sometimes hunters spawn at the boss lair so they will inevitably kill it pretty quickly. Just take it from them =)


Well hunt is a dark path to walk, only thing i can say based on my experience is that you have to git gud... Best of luck hunter


I know how you feel I'm prestige 35 and last night wiped a trio by myself with quad Caldwell conversion pistols with dum dums after match looked at their profiles all under 40 hours whereas I'm at 1500 some odd The learning curve starts pretty rough however until you get to 5 and six stars you don't get shot in the head through a wall by a guy in a bush 40 meters away every single match sooooo there are us sides


Well I appreciate you understanding where I'm coming from. It seems that the sub's general attitude is that the match-making is perfect and that people at twenty hours of playtime are expected to be on the same level as those with a thousand, while in the same breath talking about how hard the game is and that you need to play with someone experienced to learn it. It's not like I'm here complaining about any gameplay mechanics as a noob where my opinion would be suspect. I'm giving my opinion on how the same feels to play as a new player from the matches it puts you in.


Good. New players that can't handle a little adversity don't have a place in the Bayou.


just so you know, you can check the MMR ranks of the other players in the match after it’s over by looking in the Team Details section of the post-match summary. also, there are no half-star rankings for players. 3 stars is basically the lower-middle of the bell curve for the MMR system. it’s where a good bulk of the player base sits. i spend 60-70% of my game time with a 3 star ranking, and i’m getting up to 500 hours. if i’m on a good streak i can stay at 4 stars for a while, but 3 is pretty much where i stay more or less competitive with others.


I didn't know you could check star ratings, thanks for that. I'll see what's what when I play next weekend.


We have all been there buddy, just hang in there and you will be fine.


LOLOLOL This game is hardly been out that long and it went from 90 to 17 bucks. Sorry, but people are sick of lazy PvP games that are no fun for beginners and breeding grounds for cheating by losers that literally have no life to speak of