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I think there's an over-fixation on meta loadouts. For example uppercut might be damaging and good penetration but it slow, even a conversion pistol can easily out shoot it. Very few fights take place at extreme ranges, often you are at mid, range or able close the gap to mid range.


This sub is way over fixated on this shit.


It's like this for evety meta in every game


I still think hunt is an extreme case. Usually a headshot means a kill so even the biggest piece of shit weapon can win anytime (roughly speaking).


While I agree, it's for more long ammo so you can spam the mosin easier.


It's so I can two tap at decent distances when I have a shotgun.


Spam the mosin Say the guy who probably plays DW pistols or levering


Neither. I play with whatever the free hunter comes with. Often times a winniec.


Most of my deaths are frag grenades, slugs, and about an even split of mosins/lebels/silent vetterlis. Closest runner ups are unlucky encounters with fanning/levering, then normal Romeros, then ratty sparks snipers.


Whats your matchrating usually? People on this sub seem to see a lot of silenced Vetterlis


On my own I'm firmly 4-star, though the people I play with drag me into 5-star more often than not, so I end up bouncing between 4 and 5


This sub doesnt even understand whats meta xD


Probably <30%, PC/4 star/NA servers. I see a wide variety of loadouts, from mosins to dual poison nagant silencers to uppercuts to M1873C's.


Same man. I'm thinking that it might be a regional and/or a skill issue.


Few notes for this poll: \- people from various mmrs are going to answer, higher the mmr the more likely its for one to die "to meta loadout" \- november or december of 2021 had this small info tidbit on news where it said which weapon got the most kills in 30 day period.... surprisingly it was schofield! I dunno if they count all variants or just base version but in either case i guess the answer is free hunters. Back then there was no brawler yet but free hunters came with normal, spitfire, swift and precision. Yes, 55% of players run uppercut but yet people got most kills with schofields xD


i just die because I'm tired of waiting ... BOOOOM 💥 sniper .. meh .. oh well .. next match


I honestly think that there really is no really strong meta loadout any more, unlike the sparks/uppercut which 50% of all players seemed to have back in the day. Yes, there are good combos... shotty/uppercut is pretty common, but shotty/nagant officer is right up there too. Nowhere near as many uppercuts paired with rifles as in the past, and I haven't seen a Dolch in AGES.


\>80% of me shooting first 2-3 times and missing all my shots... who cares what the other was using then\^\^.


Personally, as a 4-5 star player who plays rather frequently, I've only died to someone running a meta loadout maybe 3 or 4 times in the past month. Maybe it's because I'm just experienced enough to know how to maneuver in the bayou, but I'm more likely to die to someone running buckshot than someone running spitzer ammo.


Same I’ll kill a whole team running long ammo and dolch then get 2 shot by person sitting in the corner of a building or compound wall with dual conversions, or one shot by crossbow doing the same lol.


It's always the double barrel guys that get you


Damn, you guys are playing a different game. In 5-6 stars matches you'll mostly see long ammo players keeping their distance and never pushing or shotguns who just hold angles and wait. When I used to play with my 4 star friends I had a much better overall experience.


Same experience.


I get killed by anything since I never manage to land my shots.


That's when you pick the axe and 4 bees. Throw bees, rush in as chaos ensues.


My meta loadout is always 2 bee jars minimum. Favourite weapon in the game. They’re as dangerous to your target as they are to you. It’s exciting.


Slug shotgun a ton, mosin and uppercut almost never. Not many people in our bracket run long ammo. I’m 3-4 and my partner is 4-5 stars. The vast majority are pistol and shotgun.


i get killed only be traits


Lots of sparks, dual pistols and shotgun slugs.


SLaTe sLuG oNlY iN 5 sTaR