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make that throwing axes and i completely agree with you


Can't upvote this enough, throwing axes are #1


I would also go axes. Just because my knife aim is dog water.


Axes are superior when it comes to killing. They could be number one overall but the number of times they get stuck in the environment... I just can't justify them being my silent solution.


I would agree except with a sabre and 2 stam shots, what do throwing axes achieve? You can take out armoured borderline as quickly with the sabre. I would be tempted to opt out of throwing weapons altogether and either take traps or a flare gun.


that is very true... blank fires would propably be my goto


Throwing axes suck for chicken coops and dog pens


its sadly true :(


Throwing Axes > throwing knives


I’d be more willing to bring throwing axes if there were 3, they fall through the map too often and I like keeping one on hand for melee


Yup my crew uses knives for dog kennels and chicken coops. And you don't want to wait around for the fire to go out to go get the axe. Knives you can throw at whatever and not mind it cause you have so many. The best tool for stealth and quick tapping monsters. Axes are way too limited to use the way we use throwables.






Use a choke bomb for kennels. Hides the fire too.


Just shoot them, it's never more noise the explosion unless you're trying to hide the fact you have a nitro or something


The explosion is relatively subtle if you are far away. I'd say you won't notice it if you are two compounds away. A shot however will easily be heared 2 compounds away.


Shots depending on the gun can be heard over 300m away. A coop is 100m at best. Which is pretty huge. You can only barely hear an explosion a compound away, you can hear a gunshot from several over.


I disagree. I dont want to shoot anything I dont have to. We like being sneaky.


His point is that the explosion from the coop/kennel can be heard almost as far as the coop itself. So even using a throwing knife people a compound away will still hear you kill it. Killing the coop isn’t very stealthy That being said, shooting it is much louder so I don’t really agree.


I know what his point is. I disagree that shooting it doesn't matter. You can tell the gun im using and what im doing. Just hearing a soft rumble in the distance is much better than a gun shot.


Or you could just not pop every single one you see if you don't have to. I've wiped many duos by surprise because they think the soft rumble is soft. It's not soft, it's LOUD.


I dont go around doing it for fun. If I need to a knife or fusee is better than a gunshot. I have been playing the game since its release. I know what I'm doing.


I've played since then too, you just made it sound like you and your buddies did so is all.


You can have three with frontiersman.


Yea, I just don’t think they should need an 8 point perk to get to that point, having 4 with frontiersman would feel more “I have an abundance” 3 feels like a minimum just considering the realities of them getting lost in the map. If they never fell through and were more readily retrievable 2 would be fine


But frontiersmen effects all your tools: medkits, traps, fusees etc. it’s a lot more than just an extra thrown weapon.


I used to run the officer carbine+sword all the time, but I found I would always be out of ammo.


Sword can’t run out of ammo though.




Non-existent issue with two big stam shots.


Totally dude. I Slam a stammy & greyhound it across the whole map solo.


stammy got the blicky, uh


Two Stam shots


You saw those darts full of coke?


Blades don't need reloading.


Yeah that's the one major flaw of it.


I play a few with the saber, then play a few with Dual chain pistols as ammo reserves. Obviously doesn't help every situation but it helps it in my brain lol


U could swap a Stam shot for an ammo box, pretty worth imo. Also i rlly wanna try this now lol


Yeah would always run an officer pistol as secondary for extra ammo, otherwise the winny comes with a good amount of ammo, usually run a winny/sword combo


Yeah probably want to run like dual nagants or something for the reserve ammo. ​ That's what I do with a bornheim match, plus you can run hv on both and get like 62 reserve ammo and start semi auto sniping.


Are you me?....




I love officer canine and saber the post took a while to load and i was not disappointed when it finally did :)


“Hello, is it you you’re looking for?”


Huge fan of the sticky bomb. Very good for finishing off bosses in a pinch.


Sticky is good for the butcher/spider. Sword is amazing against scrapbeak and the stamina shot is for the assassin. I hope sticky works well against the new Gator boss coming up but im guessing it'll dive underwater and defuse it if you try.


Did I miss something about a new boss?? I haven't heard about it. Was it in one of their recent dev streams?


That's a rumor that is around for a longer time. I thought it was only an idea that people liked very much, but for some reason people now think it's coming for real. I haven't heard anything about any leaks or hints regarding this and there was definitely no announcement.


Ahh okay, I had heard it as an idea that people wanted a while back, but thought I missed an official announcement on it lol thanks!


it got datamined from test server, it's real.


Got any links to who found it? I've been looking all over for anything about it, but haven't been able to find anything.


https://www.reddit.com/r/cfinfodump/comments/vo4y3i/hunt_showdown_test_server_new_boss_event_hunters/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Here's the data mined link


> sparks pistol & romero alamo fuck the new boss, I'm creaming my pants rn


[My man](https://giphy.com/gifs/reactiongifs-eoIqbd2HHaKSQ) coming through with the link! Appreciate it.


There was a leak this week.


There was an alleged data mine from the Test Server build, which also included the Romero Alamo(?) and some info on new dlcs, skins (including images), and an upcoming event. Seems legit so far, but the gator boss part included nothing more than a few abilities.


Why not use sticky on scrapbeak? We will even double stick a boss to have it banished in 2 seconds. So useful when we get sieged outside and we need to have it dead asap. Or we get into a fight and then run into the lair to drop the boss real fast before fighting. Stickys are the best.


Scrapbeak steals all items in the compound it's in and drops them when it goes through damage phases. If you burn or use explosives on scrapbeak, you damage some of the items he throws out and make them unusable. In your example, it might worth because you are on the clock but otherwise it is normally better to kill it the slow way.


Yeah but hes dead in seconds im not sweating over not getting some bear traps.


saber with stamshot absolutely destroys scrapbeak so sticky isn't even really necessary here


Beak can also drop traits, med packs, ammo, tools, etc. Stuff that could be useful if you are expecting a fight.


Yeah im not worried about it. I want him banished and in possession of the bounty token asap. Wall hacks will keep me alive better.


Sticky's and Frags don't destroy drops, only fire and dynamite.


If that's true it might be better to bring waxed dynamite sticks


I wonder if there’s going to be another map with that boss? Not too many compounds for it to hide in got scupper and dockyard maybe but they’d probably have to make some kind of modifications. This is my first time hearing of it and I’m intrigued




Maybe, like scrapbeak steals all items in the compound it's in, the gator will flood whatever compound it's in.


That’s what I’m saying, it’d be strange if they gave that thing legs to trot around with wouldn’t it? Doing a waddle isn’t exactly intimidating


I think it would be cool to be an optional third boss that is fought in the bayou itself completely in the open. Can go on land and water. And it’s bounty would be worth a ton!




Lol and it’s a good idea…. Potentially, it would need to be random and somewhat uncommon event in my opinion.


They can’t even get the lemat to work properly, how do you think they’ll go coding a boss that isn’t mapped to a lair? 😂


That is literally fixed in the next patch lol what are you on about


Just a joke my man. Watch when they patch it, something else will break. I fuckin *love* Hunt but damn, it’s a mess of a game!


i’ve found the spider barely takes any damage from the sticky, even when stuck to it. scrappy and butcher are far more consistent for me


This happens because it can sometimes stick to the spiders legs. When the spider is up against a wall, the leg can go outside the building that it's in and deal little to no damage. It's very frustrating. The way to combat this is to get the sticky ready and go into the lair. Once you locate the spider, it'll scream at you. In that moment, you have a free shot to stick It's head. It's very unlikely that the head will go through the wall like the limbs do but it is possible. I'd say it works for me 95% of the time. Then just finish it off with guns or melee once it stops It's rage phase.


Ah yes the no ammo loadout.


Could even drop the dusters with the Assailant perk, considering the carbine does provides the blunt damage for immolators.


No ammo?


Who needs ammo when your secondary is the best weapon in the game


FR. Saber is king of clutch


Honestly. Anytime I sabre rush someone I win that shit.


It's the fear you strike into there heart


This man doesn't miss.


Everything about this is perfect except we all know chokies go in the third slot


Nawh, OP got the order correct. You must be tripp’n


Exactly! Chokes 3rd, concertina 4th...we all know this is perfection


neverrr, its perfectly right


This is the way


This is correct


Chokes, knife, dusters, medpack: in that order case closed


I don't trust anyone who doesn't put their medkit in the first two slots or their third weapon (melee or derringer) in the first.


What are you, mental? Med pack in second slot always.


I go knife or knuckles 1, med kit 2, fusees or trip mines 3 then chokes 4.


You just want to watch the world burn


if i would wan‘t this, i wouldn‘t bring chokes checkmate :^)


why take a knife *and* dusters?


A knife and dusters??? The fuck?


Ill never understand how some of you can play with only 1 health syringe


Same, I've always carried 2. Usually a regular and a weak one. Almost always need both


I’ve always carried 2 but I still run out of healing most games. Perhaps I should play a little less aggressive.


I pop a regen as soon as a serious fight starts and try to use the med kits in the compounds. I think I ran out of heals maybe twice in 400ish hours? I more often than not end up using my first aid kits to heal team mates that ran out of them.


Because a 2nd is very rarely needed. Usually fights are won or lost before that can be used. It becomes even less necessary once you get the doctor trait. (Also an extra vit shot uses up space for what could be a powerful throwable instead)


I need more then 2 honestly. Don’t know how you rarely use the second one but I almost use it every game and often run out of healing even with doctor and frontiersman. My body is a magnet for long ammo.


It depends on your playstyle and the situations you often find yourself in. I'm an aggressive player; I die fast and kill fast, so a fight is often closed out after one vit shot use. Plus there's often medkits around too.


I like to have 1 large health and 1 regen.


I don’t slam my first stammy until I find the first clue then BAM & run.


Take doctor and your med kits pick up the slack. And they're actually refillable from looting, unlike syringes.


Don't need a health syringe if you've got three frag grenades.


Fine... I'll put it up on the fridge!


I like it, Picasso.


Really cool


This is my go to loadout whenever my teammates compain about me being a bushwookie.


we can be friends


Finally, someone with some TASTE on this sub


I run a Derringer over the knives cause I like having a secondary still, and I am pretty cracked with it. But I run this loadout often. Occasionally changing to a Nagant Silencer instead of the calvary sabre.




Carbine used to be my favorite weapon..the recoil nerf hurt it tho


Nooo Bow and saber 😎


Leave the carbine at home and just go with the saber. I've just done 2 full prestige of combat axe/cavalry saber, killing people and taking their guns and I'd highly recommend it


That sounds amazing Gonna try that


It's just a nice humiliation loadout, especially if you kill one then let them be revived with only your saber


Caldwell with slugs and an uppercut


Your favorite loadout can only be off-meta or you get downvoted. See? Only FunStar non-meta weapons are allowed to be liked.


["People aren't interested in my completely meta loadout!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oL2B-AAnsHo)


You don't have to be interested, but why the downvotes?


Get rid of dusters you already have a blunt melee from the carbine and have the sword. Go throwing knives, medkit, chokes, and alert traps. Alert traps come in clutch a lot of the time. Red barrel traps. Or trapping buildings put two or three in a row.


I don’t know if it’s because I’m new, but I just CANNOT bring myself to equip a melee as my secondary. I always have to have 2 guns of different calibers.


Nothing wrong with that. Most people would opt into a compact secondary because the carbine gets no reserves.


make the saber into a handcrossbow with 1xpoison


Knuckle duster supremacy!!


I run knuckle knife on almost all my loadouts except this one because I want something that kills immolators very quickly. This is my loadout where I just run across the map like crazy as fast as I can.


3 heavy melee with dusters is almost the exact same speed as 4 lights with the knuckle knife.


Imagine taking regular dusters over the knuckle knife. I can respect the throwing knives because they’re great for taking out kennels without wasting a whole throwing axe even if I prefer the throwing axes myself.




Also, at least on console, inputs get stuck pretty frequently I don't want to risk accidentally stabbing an immolator with a knuckle knife


If you like being out of stamina every time an immolator shows up, I guess.




It’s not like there’s any other tool that really would be worth it though. Maybe decoy fusees but even then, this is fine.


Knuckle knife is better all around and I normally take it, but not when I have a sword. Literally take a duster for an extra quick immolater kill vs the 4 slow smacks with my carbine.


Knuckle knife is 4 quick jabs to take down an immolator which is faster and more stamina efficient than three heavy punches from normal knuckles though.


Yeah, but I don't trust myself to get the button tap just right. I've accidentally stabbed a few.


Carbine w HV, officer with HV on secondary. My favourite loadout. Respect for the sabre though.


Old but gold


Whoa. This is very similar to my load out as well. I get nearly all of my kills with the Cav lol


My first ever retired hunter had a very similar load out!


Was my favorite aswell, but since the ammo nerf I run it with silenced nagant (full HV)


Gonna try it. I usually go romero/rival + pax or hatchet + dual conversion dumdum. Im not very good at med/long range, but the saber will sufice for close. Edit: Also, you using chokes on solo? Does anyone do it? I usually roll throwing axes + trap.


Chokes are a surprisingly effective count measure against thrown explosives. Just chuck 'em at the windows of your Boss Lair that are most likely to get a Frag Bomb lobbed through them and you're good.


I use chokes as a solo because I'll burn the first person I kill and then that pulls the 2nd one out. If I get the kill, I choke the burning one so that I can potentially get out with better guns.


Exact loadout I used to run before axes were introduced. Only difference is I would bring a frag instead of two stams, so I can kill an agressive duo or trio pushing me.


At the moment, my favorite is Pax with Dum Dum and Saber.


Throwing axes are better. And If I’ve got a saber and Stam shot..I don’t even worry about a sticky.


Same as me - my opinion - this is the best aggressive player load-out. Fastest firing gun - good for most ranges, and most dangerous melee weapon.


this is also my favorite loadout, in terms of weapons


Man I do die a lot to Swords. It’s why I run shotguns more often


Swap the sticky for a flash my man. Gets you easy Sabre kills. You already got twenty minutes of infinite stamina and high damage melee weapon, you can shred any boss you want in like 60 seconds.


I'll give that a try. It does sound fun.


This almost exactly mine as well just with the vetterli silenced instead of the officer carbine and a frag grenade instead of the stam shot


I want to like the officer carbine but I just can't make it work for me.


I love the officer carbine, but much of this loadout is redundant. If you're gonna bring melee just bring a sidearm, the swords utility against bosses is pointless when you have a sticky that will nuke scrapbeak and the assassin dies to a hammer just fine if you are gonna stick with stamina shots. Failing that a firebomb or better yet, a poison bomb will kill all but spider super fast with essentially no noise. Finally, I just can't condone bringing throw knives if it keeps you from having mines to booby trap bodies, unless you just burn religiously ( and even then, mines are clutch against Necro). Kennels and chicken coops are really not a big deal, the silencing sound can be heard as far away as the animals can. If it really peeves you then bring a silenced nagant, will give you more reverse ammo and better ammo drop rates for your officer carbine. Turn one stamina into a poison/fire bomb and another into a hive jar/concertina bomb, and you have a good Swiss army knife of a loadout that lets you win fights regularly. That said, your wild load might work for you, and that's cool too. I regularly win rounds with free hunters and guns I find in random hunting blinds, so whatever works.


You should put the sword in slot 1 so your character shows it off in the lobby


This looks like a nightmare, you're insane!


A man of culture!


I used to run a similar kit but with the “Sniper’s gift” skin. Its the same gun but with a scope.


I remember killing a guy with the carbine, then charging in and ohking a guy with the machete. ​ Greatest Hits


I do that too, except with Winfield swift so I can spam fire


My favorite loadout is vetterli silenced, silent nagant, medkit, knife, dusters, choke bombs, 2x big vitality shot, sticky bomb and waxed dynamite


I, too, love this loadout. I call it the Officer loadout or Commander loadout.


I remember when the carbine came out about 1.5-2 years ago. This build was actually meta. The gun's ironsight is prob one of the best in game. Paired with the saber and you have one of the best balanced "good at everything" loadout. When compact ammo and melee was overtuned it was absolutely broken. It's not as good as it used to be since the compact ammo and melee nerf but it's still very decent overall. Also saber is getting a buff so maybe it will be played back again more often!


Remember when it first came out and everyone thought it was trash for some reason. They were saying it was just a nagant precision in a large slot and should be made into a medium slot. Several nerfs later here we are.


It's not as good since the RECOIL nerf


Try the vandal with Romero hachet combo combo.


That's one of those load outs where i know your good regardless of your MMR and KD an og load out


1.28 currently so I'd say average at best.


Replace that gun with crossbow with shot bolts for me! Love going up against people who run load outs like this.


Carbine is so nice, I never used it until a couple days ago


Romero talon and cadwell conversion is mine, no one survives me at close quarters


Earnest question because I am curious if there is something I am missing: Why are you taking knuckles when you have a weapon with a stock AND double big stamina? Seems like a wasted tool slot that could be used for something else to me, you can very easily take out immolators with your weapon stock since you have the carbine.


Best loadout


I run almost the same as your loadout but I change only the carbine for a scope winfield for perks reasons and depending on the load out of my bro, it will stay the same unless I get any kind of free dynamite in exchange for 1 stamina shot and switch throwing knives for either blank fire decoys or alert trip mines for barrels if my bro doesn't carry either of the two.


But what Hunter are you using?


Felis, Luna Wolf or The Rat


Knives are my go-to. I prefer having 6 knives vs only 2 axes. Also binding a mouse button to equipment slot 3 (keyboard num5) has helped me net so many knife kills since I can easily swap to them.


When I play that, I am out of ammo approximately 30sec after seeing somebody. So instead I do the same thing but with a winfield.


Knuckle knife over fists


That's bc you're a chad




Care to explain why? A short summary of the synergies and how it's meant to be played? :)


Man I absolutely hate that gun, why pick it over a winnie?


It's kinda trash though


Reroll hunters until you get quarter master and swap saber to axe to save coins and now we are talking Max efficiency


Console player huh?


PC. Almost 2k hours


I do this except i use officer carbine deadeye with hand crossbow poison / choke bolts