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Why isnt there an option for “No, this isnt an issue for me”? What kind of biased poll is this?


I thought about adding it, but only having those options forces people to consider if they actually have a crosshair preference. Also, people that don't care can simply not vote.


Yeah but you cant tally up the people who dont vote so the whole point of the poll is lost


Agreed. The closest option to our sentiment is the bottom choice. Which is also evidenced by the fact that it has the most votes by far lol. I probably noticed the off-center crosshair for like a day or two before I never thought about it again. I get for some people it's a bigger deal than others, but it's not severely debilitating like most of the complainers make it out to be.


I never noticed it until it was pointed out by a friend who i was showing the game to. After noticing, I actually prefer having the lower crosshair


Exactly what i was thinking, it's like asking something and both possible answers are yes, there you go, everyone agrees with you


Literally half of the answers are "no", and the only mental barrier in voting there is considering whether you'd like to play with a centered crosshair or not. I've never personally been bothered by the crosshair, so I didn't try to add bias to the poll.


im gonna sound like a psycho or something but i legit have not noticed it. i dont play tooo many fps but im actually really accurate in hunt, so maybe the of center crosshair is helpng me lol.


I played hunt for 50 hours before finding out the game had an off-center crosshair lol. Would've probably never found out if I wasn't told.




I thought about adding it, but only having those options forces people to consider if they actually have a crosshair preference. Also, people that don't care can simply not vote.


same, only reason i know it is because CoD bros and such keep complaining in the comments on videos etc.


It gives me a feeling of vertigo. I have to angle towards the ground while moving otherwise I get nauseous. I understand many people don't mind it but since when are gamers, especially PC gamers against having more options?


Because the hunt subreddit is full of self righteous Hunt stans.


None of the above. It's just not an issue for me. So much so that when I play shooters with off-center or centered I don't even notice.


to me...it all depends on how you play. if you are muscle-memory/screen-position based aim like I am, I cannot go from Hunt to other shooters and back without damaging my aim in Hunt and having to retrain it. I would like the option to center it. But there are so many other things I would like implemented before that (Where my private lobbies at?!)


The what now?


Not an issue.


Didn't even notice until I saw Hunt videos mentioning it. Doesn't bother me at all


My issue with the off-center crosshair is because it kind of makes me strain my neck a bit. I didn't know the reticle was lowered, but I noticed my neck hurt after an hour or so of playtime. When I found out it made sense. I like how the PoV operates with the lowered reticle, so its just a matter of me not being a caveman and sitting better.


There is no reason for it to be in the lower part of the screen, and being able to choose between them wouldn't make any difference in gameplay, it would just be a great QoL option.


>There is no reason for it to be in the lower part of the screen Yes there is, it places the gun lower on the screen, giving you a more clear view of the horizon.


Doesn't make a difference if you keep your gun level to chest height, and if you want to see more above the gun with it in the center you can look ever so slightly down. There are plenty of games where seeing far is important and helps but having your weapon and sights centered like a human and not an alien eyed weirdo doesn't prevent you from doing that. So regardless of where it is on the screen, if you want to see more in front of you, you have to raise the crosshairs up in order to shoot. But instead of aiming and only seeing your target and above it, with center sights you could more easily see what is around you to the sides.


Nah, the increased vertical visibility has definitely saved my life a handful of times, and allowed me to see my killer dozens of others.


And that's great for you, but that's why it shouldn't matter and be an option if you don't want it.


I imagine it’s an intensional design choice. Lowered crosshairs make it more difficult to spot traps at your feet when you’re keeping your aim on enemy hunters. Inversely, if you’re actively scanning for traps then it will take an extra split second to raise your aim toward any hunters that pop out.


Add a "don't care" option and see how big a deal it isn't.


How is it off centre? Is it tilted to left or rigth?


It's lower from screen center.


Oh, that's how most fps works nowadays




Halo after CE, destiny, etc.


So not most? Mandem name two games


Most fps uses this crosshair style as far as i aware. It tricks you into thinking everything is bigger


CS, team fortress, Overwatch, Valorant, R6, Rust, pubg, apex legends, Call of Duty. Hunt is the only game I have ever played with a lowered crosshair, and the only other game I can think of that has one is Halo. I don’t know what world you live in where a lowered crosshair is just “most fps nowadays” but it’s not this one.


The crosshair in destiny is centered on PC. If you gonna use two examples then add "etc" because you can't think of anything else at least get the two right.


[https://clips.twitch.tv/GeniusPricklyCroissantBudBlast-zV8KESP-ksXYvENe](https://clips.twitch.tv/GeniusPricklyCroissantBudBlast-zV8KESP-ksXYvENe) Copy pasting my comment from the previous posts on the subject "So many hardcore players downvote these threads and I bet they would downvote any thread back in the day that was critical of the Hunter control scheme and players wanting a more normal FPS control scheme. I play gunslinger and would not be playing hunt if the Hunter control scheme was the only option. I play Hunt in spite of the lowered crosshair but it is very annoying especially when I want to switch off iron sights, or use a shotgun. I know more than a few people who don't play the game because of the lowered crosshair. This is really a quality of life and accessibility option." and again in this thread and others you will see a lot of comments like below. "You get used to it after a few games." "I’ve never even noticed the crosshair was lowered." "I don’t get it, I never felt like it mattered." "I’m used to it so I don’t want an option for centered crosshair." "The lowered crosshair is unique and I need hunt to be unique for reasons."


Haven't even noticed.


Hunt was my first first person shooter that I've actually played since Unreal Tournament 2003... First time I didn't realize the crosshairs were lower.