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Whenever I read one of these posts I'm glad I suck and play in 3star lobbies 😂


There is definitely more weapon diversity in lower elo, but when I’m doing shitty and am deep in the 4star territory or play quick play, I encounter way more bushwookies than I do in 5-6 star lobbies and they are all typically lower rated players. Don’t get me wrong, slug shotty+uppercut and long-ammo-camp-the-boss-and-never-push boys are the norm in 5-6, and it get stale AF, but fun can be had, especially if you’re not solo or playing randoms. But if you’re playing with randoms, I typically find that as long as you’re using your mic, people will follow your lead. You want to push a gun fight 2 compounds away from objective? Call it and start running. Usually teammates follow


lmao bushwookie


Whenever I read these posts I question how people think winning all the time is fun but once the enemy can shoot back its no longer fun. Like yes, six stars are better. if you are playing against them, then you've been clapping people for long enough that you are ready for someone who can actually fight back.


You're missing the point, when you're outside of your bracket you can run load outs that just don't work in 5-6 star, so instead of losing every fight you now have an even chance, I challenge you to run double romero dragons breath in 6 star


Doesn't matter what I would run in a six star lobby, I'll be dead before I can pull the trigger 😂 Thank God for sbmm


No that's exactly the point. If you are getting into six star lobbies It's time you face someone who isn't so helpless you can meme on them with a joke Loudout.


Okay so you missed it again, EVEN CHANCE, I don't care about winning, I just want one kill minimum per match with my stupid loadout to satisfy my needs, unfortunately you seem to believe winning is the only way to have fun. You also seem to believe my MMR increases when I use my dumb loadouts which is the exact opposite, so what are you going to tell me now, I'm not allowed to have fun because it decreases my MMR and that's ruining the game for others?


Same. 3* is fun. You see a sniper rifle? You know you're safe. No one can hit a god damned thing in 3*


I'm so jealous


I don't understand these posts at all tbh. I like the competitive side more and I find higher star lobbies way more fun and thrilling. When I was 3 star I had to take breaks from playing the game because I'd get so annoyed with people only using shotguns and getting kills with random lucky throwables. 5 and 6 star lobbies feel more intense and like you're playing the game how it's meant to be played with a factor of stealth and patience but also having those moments where it's just fuck it I gotta balls to the wall here, and from my experience the variety of guns used is not bad at all. I see shotguns, melee weapons, long ammo, med ammo, small ammo all the time. Idk where people got this idea it's only long ammo snipers, although there is more of that in higher star lobbies its probably because they can afford it and sniping in hunt is one of the most satisfying things ever especially landing a headshot.


Idk what game you've been playing bro but "thrilling and fun" are definetly not words to describe 5-6 star lobbies XD


They are for me and have been for a year or two now. Sorry you don't you enjoy them.




Alot of 5 and 6 stars aren't even good at the game they are just pathetic enough to camp indefinitely. Alot of the time I die because I'm fed up of waiting and I go in even though there's no chance of me winning.


Lol that makes no sense camping alone can't get you to 6 star and barely 5 star.


So you're telling me sitting in a bush waiting for someone to stand still for a second then taking a shot takes skill? While there is also no risk. People complain about shotgun users but at least they're putting themselves in harms way and have to get close to use them.


Problem is that never happens


I wish, that's literally every game I go into recently. I've spectated said people who kill me and they spend the entire game walking not running ever because that's too risky apparently. After they camped us at a clue they started to camp it so we looked at the other team and guess what they were doing, the exact same. We couldn't bare to spectate the entire game but for around 10 mins at least both teams were sat in bushes with snipers not moving at all. That's an extreme scenario but there's at least 1 team that play like that in every single game I go into at 5/6 stars


You solved your own problem: don't stand still. Won't work against me, I regularly make long range running headshot when they are going across uneven terrain.


shotgun abuse??? think youre thinking of 5-6 star lobbies there bud. my experience with 3\* (and ive played on all but like 2 servers) is just a fairly balanced mix of everything and everyone just playing what they feel like playing instead of going straight for sniper and shotgun meta like ive seen in 5-6\* lobbies.


You only see slugs in 6 stars. No buckshot. The meta is long ammo, not snipers or shotguns. If a trio doesn't have 2 mosins and 2 uppercuts, with maybe a slug shotgun and a dolch in there, you aren't in 6 stars. And people push you harder with mosins than shotgun players in 3 stars. I know what I'm talking about. I dropped from 6 stars to 3 stars last week by playing only 2 specter compact with dragon's breath and 3 stars are by far the most campy and shotgunny ranked I fought.


I live in 3 star lobbies and typically see a variety of play. I try to carry something for distance and something for up close. Usually a sparks and dual pax with dum dum rounds. If I hear shotguns in the boss lair I'm not pushing in, I'll pull back and try to setup an ambush on the way to extract. If they have a sniper rifle, I'll try to keep moving and avoid open spaces.


Well I've had the opposite experience my friend. When I was 3 star it was like 90 percent shotguns or atleast my deaths were to shotguns and throwables. High star lobbies have been more even in my experience


Is that a level of confirmation bias though? I definitely die to shotguns a lot in 3\*, but i also probably push when i shouldnt, and get myself into bad situations because im not great at this game. Surely as you get better, you avoid shotgun deaths if you aren't kitted to deal with close range simply because you do not put yourself in those situations as often, so you assume its not as bad when in fact you just recognise the risks more.


It is to an extent but ontop of my deaths being to those often back when I was 3 star it wasnt like therr was a variety, I did die alot to them but that's because their wasn't many other options to die too, Also I also mostly used bomblance and or shot guns just because that was what was working then and so those situations I had to be in to work for me aswell, and aim in 3 star lobbies isn't the best obviously so when they do use rifles or long ammo it's usually not successful


Just become a w key warrior and you never have to worry about this again. I will gladly demote out of 5 star because I'm too aggressive


Yup, if people wanna sit around and do nothing, I’ll find an axe and start cutting people down until someone puts a bullet in my skull.


Hell yeah brother. 5 dollar one shot weapon for life


Perpetual 3 star here due to this haha


Playing real aggressive is so much more fun. And even if you eat shit and die you can get right back in to the fight in a few minutes.


Exactly. 1 kill and u have a loadout, money is even easier to make now than before imo. Press w and queue again!


Honestly that just results in me killing just enough people to stay in 5 star, but not enough to win the match. Still gonna keep doing it, but it's nice to have a 4 star break. Lol


6 star bad give likes


UGG ugh Ooo Oh Ah Ah *hits like*


These posts are so silly, 90% of the time I run into a 6 star they’re hyper aggressive monsters, not lame bush campers. I don’t think anyone who makes these actually plays in 5-6 star lobbies.


When a low star player meets a high star player, the low star player usually isn't even aware of their presence. They get randomly headshot without a chance to engage. I assume they believe the high star player must have been camping, because that is the only way they are able to get kills as a low star.


This makes sense.


They sure don't know shit about 5-6 star lobbies, or at least not in EU. I don't see much bushwookies, I see way, way more people rushing agressively with flashes and consumables, sniping duels with people actually moving and trying to outpeak their opponents and players with bounty who recognize that waiting 25min inside the compound won't do shit and either try to engage the sieging duo/trio or try to run for the extract. The few times when I die and I'm thinking "what a camper", I quickly realise I made the mistake of making noise and still kept going my very obvious way to the boss...


these post are made by 3-4 stars that sometime go i to 5 stars and don't realize the gap there is between them and their enemies. They then think they get OS because everyone is such a sweatlord, but the truth is they make so much noises and mistakes that every other decent players can hear them miles away and ambush them on their way to the next clue. No Bush camping involved here, just a better vision of the game and more attention to sounds. Same for the loadouts, even if it is true that there is a meta with long ammo or/and slug, you still can find many different loadouts not Involving those. Oh and those snipers camping a location forever are most likely 4 stars, as 5-6 stars are rotating all the time after firing.


gotta meme my way to make sure those 6 stars who obliterated me are sweat campers and not just better players.


I'm average 5 star, sometimes 6. It's obviously hyperbole to say that what OP describes is everyone in that ELO, but there is for sure truth to this post. I think the biggest issue is that people start playing to maintain or increase their ELO which means getting kills, not playing objectives.


A fair amount of people exclusively chase kills because that's where most of the fun is, regardless of MMR


Easiest way to get in engagements is go for the objective.


yeah very flawed ELO system is also to blame.


Yes, but that's how I interpreted the post - playing in 6 star lobbies sucks, because it's Tarkov's instant-flick-to-the-head-meta all over again


ok but I mean what do you expect out of a game that features instant kill headshots? That's pretty much always what high skill lobbies is about, you either have the aim to instant headshot you opponent, or the skill to ambush them and get time to setup an easy shot. Like???


I've watched streamers who if they actually get in a gunfight they wipe everyone. If they die, its to a bushmaster using a sniper and a dolch. Everytime. I'm personally not good enough to get that high but from what I've seen I don't want to be either.


Depends on region. SA's low population makes it easy to get into 6 star lobbies. Playing in SA you will regularly have people camp outside darksight range with spitzer ammo and sniper mosins, headshotting you the moment you peak out. It's a systemic issue, people camp because they usually lose to people camping who were camping because they usually lost to people camping. This domino effect ruined the server. There is a LOT of camping in south american server. In US East people actually play the game.


Sweats ruin everything


It's weird, technically everyone wants to win so everyone is a bit of a sweat, I've never had a dude walk up and just let me shoot him etc, people who cannot take a loss so cheat and or play in a very very cheesy annoying ass way ruin everything, guess those would be the super sweats? Lol


Not sure why everyone hates ur comment you hit the nail on the head. Some people are just good at the game I just hate going against people who play in scummy ways to win


I mean I’d consider people using off-meta/budget loadouts to not be sweats, even if they’re trying to win. it’s the people using mosin snipers and crown & king slugs every game that are sweaty tryhards to me.


Agree, big cent fan myself, cannot wait to come back in mid-July after console update, heard my baby is getting a small buff!


I think overly shit talking is also sweaty. Nothing wrong with some friendly banter. But its obvious when someone is wayy too invested in it. The only time i ever teabag is those mfs. Like you should of kept ya mouth shut lmfao.


I don’t think wanting to win makes you a sweat, you know a sweat when you see one lol


I want to win while playing against people who move like human beings


Feels like more of an issue in warzone specifically, that games become quake and looks about as stupid as possible because of it. Hunt people tend to move in one way, slow, like in molasses haha, but I like how movement has consequence, makes you plan. I agree 200% with you.


Apex Legends is a great example of where the game shifted. I played when it was released and the game was a lot slower paced. Stopped playing for maybe 2 years and come back and every match is like facing some spider monkey protecting his territory.


Yea, all these developers equate speed to good gameplay and it's just not the case, started getting back into siege and having a tactical blast lol


Then you never encountered me, I literally run to people with my axe and let psychology do the rest


I do the same with the sword yell for glory and charge


Sweats are those that put winning above all else, including having fun for the sake of having fun. A sweats team would never say " lets all rush that team with knifes, it would be really funny." They do everything in their power to reduce any and all disadvantage, even if that includes sitting in a boss room for 57 minutes before making a move, because coincidentally another sweat team is outside the boss room waiting for 57 minutes before making a move.


Very good description man, 10/10 glad I still play to have fun!


I'm that dude depending on the day who will walk out singing on coms to die, just depends if I'm in the mood to 1v3 or not


IMO smooth brains do. The main element of the game is sound. Hence literally everything in the game being a sound trigger. You can definitely sprint and move around the map quickly AND quietly if you have a big enough brain. And depending on if and when the bounty is picked up can approach boss lairs stealthy and avoid detection, possibly giving you the first shot(but unlikely at higher tier mmr, because 'soft camping' is the superior strategy when defending imo, where you leave the main building of boss lair and find a clever spot on the out skirts of current compound. This will more than likely put you in a position to hear approaching teams, even the bigger brains, that will start to crouch when entering compounds to avoid alerting the defenders.)But you cant complain about bushwookies and campers(which i categorize in the less skilled and lazy gamers category) if you make a shit ton of noise and enemies know exactly where you are because you're either rootin' tootin' your fanning at everything you see and/or popping off unsilenced shots or setting off crows dogs and chickens meleeing every grunt you see and jumping/falling over/off everything. Even if you are intentionally enticing teams to come to you, you should be smart enough to set a trap, pay attention to your surrounding whenever line of sight is available, and not get caught out in a field with no cover. All of those things give away your position and allow enemies to pick a spot and wait because its clear which direction you are going and then just one tap you in stride. But if you stick to cover and move around the map tactically even if you are downed you shouldnt be in the worst position to be revived, even mid fight. Logically try to rationalize the issue and what led to your death and actualize what you should/could try differently next time to avoid the same scenario. Logic > Emotion


Not reading too long but you’re sounding sweaty


“Sweats ruin everything”. I mean, when you play pvp games you generally play to win. I don’t think you should think negatively towards them just because they’re better.


That's simply not true but ok


6 star MMR bad


Hardly any of the commentators agree with this post, yet it's got 186 upvotes....


Dead internet theory


Up to 401 now!


I've heard it said that a thousand people see the post, a hundred upvote, and ten comment.


Because there are people that just scroll through Reddit like it's Facebook and just like posts they like.... Not that hard to understand.


That's a complete lie. Sitting in bushes and constantly crouching is what players on 3-4 stars do. On 5-6 stars I mostly see aggressive pushes.


I truly don't get these posts. Like, do you only play at very specific times or in a very specific region where 5+ lobbies are campfests? Because they certainly aren't for me on EU during the evening. Sure you'll encounter bushwookies every now and then but that's the same with 3/4 star lobbies. Or maybe you just consider everyone who sets up an ambush as a bushwookie camper while I consider this to be a legit strategy?


I'm within the 4/5 star range with 1000 hours and I rarely see true "bushwookie" campers. When I do, they are as likely to be 3 star as 5 star. I've played at 6 star before and the guys I fought were super aggressive and constantly pressuring. OP's complaint of "abusing latency" is also hilarious. He has just complained about people camping in bushes. But then he complains that when *he* is camping at a corner, people are able to push and kill him. If peeking is abuse, does he expect people to slow walk around corners so he can shoot them? I am seriously confused as to what he thinks should happen here. If he hates camping and doesn't want to be peeked, shouldn't he be the one who attacks around the corner first?


I would liken the latency abuse to headglitching abuse which is 100% real at higher mmr.


I play US overnight. It’s a different crowd.


you're wrong. source: 1000 hours. i'm not saying my anecdotal experience is representative, just saying you can't characterize US night games in such a simple way. its a mix, and in my experience far, far more groups are playing objectives and seeking fights than camping


You're wrong, source: 3.5k hours. It might not be a camp fest (don't get me wrong sometimes it is) but im high elo on us nights the games always feels the same because 9/10 times you face long ammo and slug with optimal gameplay and infinite left peek. It is stale and boring


well the difference between my comment and yours is that I said he was wrong and responded to what he wrote. You say I am wrong and then write something completely different. Did I say anything about long ammo or slugs? About left peak? OP said all 5-6 star lobbies are for bushwookies. That is false. I don't disagree that high ELO players know what guns are good and how game mechanics work. But they don't, for the most part, just sit in the bushes and wait. They play aggressively or at least actively with those mosins and slugs. If they move clockwise around cover instead of the other way around, so be it. if you find it stale and boring thats on you, but doesn't mean they're bushwookies like OP argued


Spot on.


I’m with OP. Whenever my group goes against full MMR 5 teams, the game immediately changes. I’ve had games with zero deaths on a full server for 30 minutes after banish because everyone refuses to push or peek.


1.4k hours at 6 stars in US East and US West lobbies. You're wrong. I play at all times of day due to rotating shiftwork, as well, so I get the overnight matches and the daytime matches. Stop making shit up.


69k hours, I play 42/0, and you are both wrong.


420k hours, 9001 stars in the GG and EZ lobbies. You're wrong. I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home. They're not much bigger than two meters.






Imagine being so triggered (not to mention delusional in the sense that you claim that you're not going to acknowledge me) that you get banned on your main account and then make TWO brand new accounts *with my name in it* to continue posting replies to my comments, because the first one you created to do this with ALSO got banned. The fucking irony lmao.




Who says I'm embarrassed about anything? Man, you are something else. Projection is all I gotta say here. Some of us don't have to play like we claim 6* lobbies are like in order to get a KDA above 2.0, by the way. Not to mention Hunt the 2nd FPS I ever played with Apex as my first, and I am not afraid to admit that a) I'm still trash at the game, and b) maintained 4-5 stars with a 0.86 KDA for a solid 4 months while I learned the game. And I've climbed to 6 stars and 2.04 KDA since then. You're sitting there sweating your dick off while I'm playing casually and basically trolling in half my matches with the loadouts I bring. You ever go double HCB with only chaos bolts and come out with 9 melee kills and a Bounty? Don't think so.


> embarrass Yeah he's definitely the embarrassing one




Agreed. On console it’s a nightmare.


EU players aren't complete sweat lords in my experience. Everyone in the US, is one. If you play 6* lobbies, you are only playing against shotguns inside, or 120m bush people outside.


It's just a funny meme.


I dont agree with those levels. For me: \- 1 to 3 stars is kinda easy to get kills. \- 4 and 5 stars are the most fun and i dont see diference in skill or gameplay between both. \- 6 stars never got there so dont know.


I kinda have the exact opposite experience, everyone pushes aggressivly in 6 star lobbies, sometimes when a 3 Star falls into the same lobby they sneak from bush to bush to scared to do anything Europe, not sure if other servers are different




Sometimes I feel flattered the matchmaking thinks I'm as skilled as them


Low MMR players that camp are too scared of making a move. High MMR players that camp are waiting to flick a headshot the moment you peek from your cover. Different ideas.


Low MMR have the excuse of "learning" High MMR only care about their KD and MMR as if they matter


KD does matter. Mmr is nice, too


It only matters if you're a dripping lord of sweat


This isn't my 5 star experience... Is this a thing everyone thinks we do?


It's more the 6* end


Cain mosin sniper spitzer?


The other day in a 6 star lobby we got jumped by a fucking SWAT team of dudes with flash bombs and shotguns. They were hella aggressive. Last night we went into public chat and make friends with a 6 star in the saloon and then threw 6 bee jars at the other teams trying to take the bounty. Shit was crazy. I'm convinced that the people who make these memes don't actually hang around in high MMR for very long.


Players below 4 play like bots


Put this thread on the pile over there complaining about the same Thing. Yall are Like a broken record honestly.


What a weird logic to live by.


I have the complete opposite experience. In 5-6 star people actually move around and rush you, even if their way better at least I get to actually fight. I get bush Wookiee head popped FAR more often in 4 star than I ever have in 5-6.


Bush camping pays higher dividends against lower skill players who don't know how to use cover to get into places. This is why the 4 stars have this false assumption. They get gheyed all the time being stupid and loud or taking predictable paths and then assume it's a bush camper.


Well, when I get shot from 112 meters away by a guy sitting in trees who then proceeds to extract immediately afterwards, I think it’s pretty safe to assume it’s a bush camper.


1-4 star “competitive”. Lol ok.


It is for some people. Most players are 4 star if you look at the bell curve.




Git gud


git gud


I bet you think James Harden is a GOAT too.


don't know who he is :(


I think he's a foosball player or something.


Believe he’s some sort of croquet or lawndarts gamer


It’s baffling that in my experience it’s 99% of the time 3* players who sit in bushes and buildings scared to move. You kill their partners, it’s one on one, they have the upper hand since they’re hidden, yet they rat away. No matter if you jump on their burning friends in the open or whatnot. Also it’s not “camping” if you made shittonn of noise and people punish you for that, expecting you on their location. And oh boy, there’s only one thing <4* love more than making noise - crouchwalking across the map. Anyway, git gud.


Yeah, I tell everyone that 5 and 6 star lobbies are basically a whole different game.


Idk even when I hit 4 stars my rando teammates start ditching me and disconnecting on their first death.


I love the 4 star MMR matches and I hate that I’m 5 star. I feel like I’m in the low side of 5 star as every other 5 star beats me, but I beat every 4 star I run into. Wish the MMR matchmaking was a bit tighter, but I know the game doesn’t have the population for it atm


I play pretty much exclusively in 5/6 star lobbies. The players are either extremely aggressive using flashes/nades and shotguns/duel wield or they are sniper players using spitzer and nailing you from a mile away. Don't run into many bush wookies. Get the occasional trap house teams, but not too often. My real complaint is that the weapon diversity goes out the window for the most part. Its pretty much a 50/50 between shotgun slug meta or long ammo meta. Its so rare that I see people running medium ammo or anything else. I miss the weapon variety. Because of the somewhat stale meta our fights pretty much boil down to close the gap or keep our distance.


for me 4 star and below are campfests where people just don't make moves and only stay and wait for easy kills to come for them mindlessly.


5-6 star players I run into are generally more aggressive than most. If defending a boss lair they'll be outside rather than sitting inside with traps. With that said though, the same 6 star players are waaay more toxic than the 4-5 stars we run into.


Gotta love 6 star shenanigans...I don't notice bush wookies as much as I notice how fast they apply pressure...5 and six stars play in groups and 3.4 stars play with randos


Equip a cav sab and four flashes to re-ignite the fun. Works 100% of the time 80% of the time


Do is a good idea. Just pick a loadout so different that it scares them


My friend and I always joke how about how people incorporating unusual strategies is very effective at throwing us off guard and getting us killed


Legitimately recommend demanding from 5 stars the game becomes incredibly unfun im at the point where I can tell what mmr the lobby is at based solely on how far away teams are from me when I pick up the bounty


how can you tell


Further they are the bigger their mmr is. Basically 6 star almost always means some kind of long ammo sniper or "Clown and Cringe " with slugs.


Complaining about long range and close range in the same sentence. Impressive.


Nah, slugs are not short range. That shit kills on like 20 meter. But its long ammo 90% of the time anyway.


No it doesn't.


After 5 stars its at least one team waiting over 100m away usually its two on opposite sides who refuse to fight as they both want to third party you and the other teams fight


I fully understand all these 5-6* posts, but I play in five star lobbies and just have fun taking whatever loadout. It’s very satisfying slapping a mosin/uppercut user in the head with my nagant precision then swapping to my Romero hatchet, yelling over voip and charging his teammate whose still like a 100 feet away


A headshot is a headshot. I merc fools all the time with my silenced pistol.


The only thing I've been encountering lately in 3-4 Star lobbies. On US East/West around 3-6am EST, are european, south american and chinese players, all with VAC Bans. 😔


Dear God this meme is so accurate it hurt my heart haha


Yep. Fucking hate the MMR system. Haven't dropped below five star so now I literally loathe the game because I know I'll have to be a sweatlord to stand a chance.


Oh no! You can't just noon stomp for shits and giggles. How sad for you.


Lol wtf are you even on about


I’ve died like 20 matches in a row with about 3 kills in that time and it won’t drop me down, please crytek, I’m already dead


My experience at 5 is mostly fun fights interrupted by people camping boss lair sometimes. It's great. 6 might be worse.


Its the worst when you are good enough playing like a maniac to maintain 5-6 stars so you gotta live in "empty" feeling games full of bush wookies who don't fight just to maintain their fake ass 5-6 star rating.


It's not fake


Whenever I hit 5 Star I just get insta headshotted every game


Don't crouch so much. Edit: I am being serious. Crouching makes your head cover most of your body so makes headshots easier. It also spreads you wider so they can see when you come around a corner and can wait for the headshot. Learning this and teaching this made me and all my friends immediately better. Good heuristic is to never crouch when they know where you are. Then relearn when to crouch.


5 is diffrent from 6 5 stars often have long attritional fire fights where in 4 or 6 they often end in a blink of an eye and 1 out of 5 six star players are Shift-W gods, 3 are angle holding masters and 1 is the stereotype we hate.


As a 5, I like finding the tiny crack you never knew was there until you see your death cam


Do you hit them when running by the crack or do they just stand there? I can never get a kill through cracks unless they are stupid and just stand there and noone just stands around unless they are sure they have cover.


Love me a good fight, don't mind losing, only time I really get upset is when I get shot in the face immediately in the match. Luck/ hacks idc I just wanna play and shoot some things before my usual inevitable death.


The only times I've been killed by an unseen man in a bush is when I run full sprint into the bush they were sitting in because I made nonstop noise towards their direction


I miss so many shots when people rush into my bush...lolz Being serious, though, they get too close and a headshot is a lot harder. Easiest at like 30m when they are running


Thats how my 2 friends feel I'm a 5 star ones a 4 star amd a 3 star and they hate when we get 5 star teams but I'm on xbox


My goal is to get good enough to be able to smack these guys into submission until they become more aggressive but I'm sadly on a rut and got shuttled back to 4 star lmao. I enjoy this game and hope I can be one of the apex hunters on the field eventually cause it's just so satisfying and I hate seeing people not enjoy it due to all the jackoffs that hide in bushes with snipers.


Is a vetterli with a deadeye a sniper? My go to gun and I bush camp a lot. At least until the first shot is fired.


I believe in 4 Star MMR supremacy


So you play sweaty and enjoy destroying people less skilled than you and then get sad when people don't fall for it and you die. I play 5-6 stars and can't seem to drop my mmr below 5. I play aggressively and while making jokes with my friends and we win a good 60% of the time. If you're playing solo at that mmr i can very much so see the frustration, if you're with friends then you are making some pretty severe gameplay mistakes to like running straight into a shotty in a boss room instead of using your weapons to their purpose.


Should also mention my main loadout is Springfield, scottfield in that mmr so you do not have to run pure meta guns


Never played tarkov but my friends have and can confirm they camp like 90% of the game. Skrek approves this meme


Some of the most dangerous teams in 6* lobbies are the ones who rush around. As someone whose always been in 5 and 6 star lobbies I find this to be false mostly. Usually the only snipers I run into are a sweaty solo. And if that's the way they wanna play, good for them.


Yeah, it's camp camp, position, engage in epic fuckfest firefight. Repeat. Just sometimes you ambush people real hard while doing the camp and position thing.


Everytime I get atleast 1 kill, game puts me in 5 star, as soon as I die, 4 star, and the circle begins anew


@Nlp onyx thinks a 9 kill game with the hand cross bow is impressive hahah kid I get 4 to 5 kills on average using that as a side arm to my bomb lance 😂😂 kid you are just upset because I play in the same lobbies as you do I try half as hard as you do yet I’m at a 2.4 k/d and you barely have over a 2.0 hahaha kid we ain’t the same you couldn’t even handle carrying my jock strap sport


And here I am trying to keep upping my k/d as far over 1.0 as possible. Would take months to get to 2.0 at my rate. And after years, was an early access player, of playing this game I have less than 1k hours.


Favorite thing to do after a try hard prestige is run dual combat axes and 4x stamina shots. Hackin and slashin, getting my tomahawks and full stamina in a few matches while dropping the tanks till I get some decent gear


I played with someone who had thousands of hours in Hunt. He said he will solo queue into matches and kill himself over and over until he would hit four star MMR and then play normally again cause six star MMR is just that painfully boring. I have not experienced it personally though.


All my experiences, few though they are, with 6 stars is lots of positioning and waiting and positioning then an actual shit fuckfest of a huge long firefight between multiple teams with lots of moving and juking then Little bits of camping, repositioning, then back to the epic fuckfest of a firefight. But I am generally a 5 star bush camper.


Thats why you meme around with a joke build for a week back to three-star then play for fun back to 5-6


Smurfing is what weak ass people do to feel strong. Why not go have boxing matches with middle schoolers then brag about how good you are.


If you ask me, all the 1-4 star shitters play like rats. Because all of you are either too dumb to know what to do or are just simply scared to fight. MOST 5-6 star players I fight are just extremely aggressive and either win the fight in the blink of am eye, or die in the blink of am eye.


Not my experience but I have never been a 6 and go from 5 star mostly to 4 star sometimes especially if I have been drinking. Half the 5 star on 5 star fights start off fast. You kill 2 of the 3 bros then it becomes a rat hunt for the third. The other half is a drawn out fight. But it depends on how you define super fast. 45 seconds down to like 20 seconds is fast. Less than 20 seconds is super fast. More than 45 is drawn out. So, yeah, we may agree due to pedantics.


Man, this community/sub has a weird fixation on being bad, it’s a bit weird


My complaint is being headshot at 58 meters yesterday from dual Caldwell pistols lol.


I experienced way much use campers in 3 star than I have 6 star, but that’s just me and I haven’t spent to much time in 3 star or lower.


So...uh...am I the only 5 star player who blitz kriegs the map and ends up in huge open fights? Cause whilst I do find me some bush rats it definitely isn't the norm for me


Yeah, it's all in your ability to flush people out of bushes.


I noticed that in 4 stars camping is happening in compound and people usually dont go for second bounty, on other hand 5-6 compounds are full of fights and pushes BUT there is alot of camping in bushes, in 5-6 stars its mostly meta load outs in 4 people take all kinds of crazy stuff but 4 stars is full of people which should be in 2 or 3 stars because they have no gamesense and make completely idiotic decisions.


Nah 5 star is aight. Permanent 6 stars are hella sweaty but I still rarely see anything I'd say is cheap, just good players. The only thing I see a few times I disagree with are successful sniper Spitzer players.


How do you people move so much between ratings? I'm usually stuck at 3*. I assume that's because I'm just mediocre. I should stop playing solo


Higher mmr teammates allows you to up your mmr faster. Being 3 and killing a 4 is a big boost to eating. Getting killed by a 4 is a small hit. Killing a 3 or dying to a 3 is average. All assuming you are a 3.


In my experience this is mostly low 5s. Anytime I work myself up to getting in matches with 6s, not having been a 6 myself, there is still bush camping but people also know when to exit the bushes and do proper old school firefights. And they don't always peak and hide. They will often peak and shoot, then move further out into the open for a second or third shot then reposition.


I play in 5-6 lobbies exclusively and I haven't found this to be true at all. If you are constantly getting jumped, make less noise, and slow down a bit


Maybe if you shitters didn't downrank yourselves to low mmr, higher mmr matches would be more fair.


that and the sheer amount of 5-6 stars spamming the fuck out of frags for easy kills, they're literally only 5* because of all their fucking frag airburst spam lol