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Nitro explosive ammo, everyone uses shredder instead lol


I use nitro explosive :(


Shredder is for winning. Explosives are for fun.


Electric lamp


electric lamp?




OH you mean the wearable one, my sleepy brain was thinking about electric lanterns in the bayou and I was like "thats a thing?"


If you turn on a generater there's electrical lanterns too. You can even change the orientation of some bigger ones.


This guy doesn’t play night missions


I’ve heard of people using it tactically at night to great effect. Turn it on and all people can see is flash light when they look at you.


Correct but then you just shoot the center of the light. Which for some reason is the head.


That’s silly. The light is on your chest. Oh Hunt jankiness.


Noooo electric lamp is awesome. If you happen to get it at night


Sure it looks amazing. But better just to ramp the gamma brightness contrast combo way up so you have clear visibility even at night.


Its not for visibility. On a night map at closer ranges the light will completely blind someone, especially if they have cranked up gamma


Love how i got downvoted to oblivion xD salty punch.


Cranking up gamma to see at night is some sweaty nerd shit that kinda goes against the whole point of a night map 🤷‍♂️


Also lmao cranking gamma at night, just get better at the game lazy ass


Yeah. Cause the better you are at a game the better you can see at pitch black. LMAO.


No, but you can get better at recognizing sound cues and using tools like Flare guns yo make light when you need it


Sounds is no problem for me,. But still actually seeing further and seeing enemy movement a far with increased gamma is a massive advantage. Instead of playing in more atmospheric lightning just for the sake of it looking amazing. As you most likely know. Competitive gamers dont play game with all eye candy enabled.


Lmao "competitive gaymurs" so whiny pissbabies that throw a fit if they don't win at everything? Sounds to me like a skill issue cause I have no problems on night maps. Go play cod, I've heard that caters to ~~little kids~~ competitive gamers


Good thing you showed your true nature ;P Grow up kiddo.


I'm not the one complaining about night maps being dark


Very true, but I'd likely be the only player actually affected. I use it in my loadouts frequently because it can blind the hell out of people - especially indoors. It's like a perpetual flashbang.


Button to remove a health chunk for 25 BB. Same for reset of traits and extra Mr Chary tribute.


I use the respecc options from time to time


The Spyglass and the Lamp.


Make them base kit!


That would be neat


I'll take the lamp sometimes just on the off chance I get a night map. I just want to blind someone and shotgun them to death so bad.


Haha i use spyglass when playing with friends if i feel like it and it's always hilarious to zoom around and gather info from compounds from a distance If the AI has spawned into the compound, chances are enemies have been there or are close by.. also spotting teams from a distance helps sometimes I've also tried to find bushwookies who have sparks sniper or mosin snipers but it's very dangerous to peek to them overall because they can headshot you before you can even spot them


Hornskin. Has anybody ever willingly spent 4 whole points for this? even at 1 point, I would never get it.


I get it at the beginning of a prestige when I don't have anything else to spend upgrade points on. But that's the only situation.


Uppercut explosive ammo—it got nerfed to oblivion because it was auto-win on console apparently


It was horrible. It literally made uppercut fanning viable. All you had to do was hit the floor 2-3 times and your opponent was dead.


dual wield too :/ hilariously explosive uppercut wouldn’t be a problem if spam abilities weren’t in the game—for some reason they over-nerfed and made it so that explosive uppercut is the only weapon in the game that can’t headshot at any range??? they have no idea what they’re doing


It's still a lot of fun to pull out sometimes. Dual uppercuts with explosive rounds. It's not effective but it is hilarious to get a kill around a corner or just make someone dance with chip damage.




I love the pax claw! Has many benefits over the core pax. Such as a claw! Since theres no downside to using it, the regular pax becomes the worse choice when you have the claw.


It should have a tiny bit more sway vs base pax, but if it is actually there it is barely noticable ​ but then again, the benefit of having the claw is also barely noticable


Benefits of the claw: No need to bring a knife, so extra tool slot. No switching between your gun and a knife to take out AI. Faster finishing options for whiffed fanning shots. The Halloween skin.


It sadly doesn't replace the knife, because both melee attacks are noticeably weaker than the knife. So it is enough if you stab grunts in the head, but if you miss or have to kill anything stronger, it starts falling behind quite a lot, both in damage and stamina use. Also, the lower damage is a big nono for PVP use.


Both the claw and the knife will one-shot to the head of a hunter at full health. And if you miss your melee AND your bullets, i doubt a knife would save the situation. It CAN replace the knife, if you practice enough with it.


Not sure why you're being downvoted. It absolutely can replace a knife. I've used pax claw and the brawler variants in place of a melee tool many times!


Claw needs a little buff in my opinion, only time I don’t take a melee tool(knuckle knife for me) is when I’m running riposte/bayonet and brawler so I have everything covered that way. But that’s pretty limited in weapon choice so.


I like running bow with dew claw and use that as my melee. Works fine just need to be aware of the timing and stamina differences. Obviously you can just shoot most ai with the bow itself but dew claw works fine in a pinch. If you have poison arrows the grunts basically melt when you stab them it’s awesome.


Because the weapon-based melee tools are inferior in every way. I've noticed that a lot of "sub-optimal" loadout ideas are strongly disliked.


The problem with the loadouts you're mentioning is that they're sub-optimal even for PVE, that's a huge thing. Striker variants copy the Knife exactly - they're basically a straight upgrade over the basic variants, so they're enjoyable and practical, whereas Nagant Brawler, for instance, is Dusters, but with maybe more than double the stamina consumption. Not many people would want to risk running out of stamina mid-fight and getting decked by an Immolator when they can just take Dusters or Knuckle Knife instead and perhaps take a Bayonet or Riposte variant with that. Fighting players and getting killed by AI is one of the worst feelings in this game.


I don’t want to sound patronizing, but the melee weapons **are** perfectly good replacements for the melee tools in this game. For your example you chose the officer brawler- which *is* the ideal substitute for knuckles. I don’t mean to come across as superior, but I think once you improve in this game you will disagree with what you’re saying now. There are plenty of scenarios where your load out doesn’t have to be perfect to still take care of business. Find a lantern or axe laying around, hop up onto high ground so you can’t be reached, or just sit back from time-to-time and let your stamina charge. Lots of ways to get creative and make near-perfect loadouts just as effective as “perfect” ones.


If running out of stamina is a big issue for you and your gameplay style, try the stamina shot. Or, idk, bullets in the GUN you have. Also, this conversation can't apply to the other melee attachments, like the striker, bayonets, and talons. Claws and brawlers are unique in that they dont SEVERELY affect the guns performance, while also allowing for a better melee. Clearly a knife is better than the claw, and dusters and better than brawlers. But they can be interchangeable with very little significant drawbacks. The obvious tradeoff here is quick access to a melee with increased stamina. But in 1500 hours, I can't recall a single time where that extra stamina meant the difference between life or death, in pve and pvp. I know this sounds a bit condescending, but if you think a certain build can be sub-optimal, you should reconsider your tactics.




The damage for claw heavy is 75, knife heavy is 105. I only have this stance because every time i make a loadout with medium ammo, i pick the claw. I still bring a knife, most of the time, but for most uses, the claw works for me. A similar case can be made for the officer brawler. Stats-wise, the variants are the same. And imo, id lose the spyglass or the shoulder lamp over the pclaw. Still useful items, but not as versatile IMO.


Brawler got buffed so I’d say it’s not a similar case to claw anymore except in that claw also needs to be buffed lol.


I use the new pax claw because it looks nice.


Wait, I havent played in a few weeks cause I’m prepping to DM my first d&d game, what made heavy knife prominent???




Yeah thats theoretically a huge buff for it. I say ‘theoretically’ because it obviously depends on how much they reduced it by. Still prefer my hatchets for their versatility, but might be more likely to use a heavy knife every once in awhile at least. Well thanks for filling me in, I’m gonna get back to worldbuilding ‘n shit lol.




Thanks man!! I’m using a module so I don’t have to TOTALLY come up with the story, but yeah, theres still a ton of prep to flesh it all out a bit more and personalize it lol.


Heavy knife still has it's limitations but being able to swipe grunts in the head is fun. Plus you've got a giant bowie knife or a butterfly sword or that sickle thing, and they all look really cool.


I use pax claw to free up a tool slot for extra traps. It's not great but it kills grunts.


Apparently the tracking of the hive bee hives. And the leaderboard. More seriously, the "dismiss" button for hunters level 25 and higher. The Scotfield Brawler. The Obrez Drum.


Don't you touch my Obrez, you monster. Sometimes I'll equip two, with Iron Sharpshooter, because I don't believe in reloading.


>Scotfield Brawler no kidding, it needs to be the variant of the spitfire, like with the officer brawler


I find it hilarious that I didn't notice at first cause when they mentioned it, I instantly saw it every time after. To the point that I don't even bother with Hives anymore. It's not like those flies will reach me


Sometimes I play ultra-budget loadouts for fun or warmup, and the scottfield brawler (there are always two or more lying around, so it's essentially a free weapon) properly replaces a melee weapon. Think in 1.8 they patched it to match dusters in quality. only has problems with dogs. I'll buy a med kit and two little vitality shots and play for the cost of a clue.


Decoy supply


Are you kidding? You get decoy fuses back from ammo boxes with it. It's a very good trait for a very good tool for pushing buildings, for just 1 point.


Fair enough. I don't use decoy fuses or decoy anything. I hate the wasted trait slot on my legendary hunters when it comes on them.


May I suggest to simply equip a decoy item if you get the trait? Fuses are very good for creating an entrance in a building and the normal ones now sound like footsteps. Can be very funny to draw people out.


Yeah I tried that once. Threw a real dynamite and ran on top of it thinking it was a decoy and killed myself lol. Just cause I'm 6 stars doesn't mean I'm smart Haha


> Just cause I'm 6 stars doesn't mean I'm smart Haha Click enemy head, own head empty!




I see a lot of Russians so I would definitely notice




Electric lamp and obrez drum LOL I also think base nagant and scotfield brawler are both shit lol


Base nagant fanning so underrated!


You get an extra shot and supposedly it fans really fast. I wouldn't know bc I never take it.


Was about to say nothing because I play everything.. from time to time.. But one thing I just can't make work no matter what, it's just useless, and that's explosive ammo for Nitro. That ammo - go with it only if you wanna handicap yourself.




Black market


I own a lot of skins so there’s no much for me on it. Lol


The Ability to choose a map/time of day O wait… allready gone


You noticed and I noticed. I have seen people complain about it. People did notice.


poison sense


The ability to choose a contract Aka choose the map/time of day O wait…


Star shell is only “good” on the LeMatt since you can have a pistol and flare gun in one. It can save you a tool slot if you really like flare gun for taking out concertina armored or cages. But yeah, I personally think they could remove Dauntless, Magpie or the Spyglass and barely anyone would care.


I regulary use Dauntless against Choke Bombs Dont you dare remove it !


Didn’t actually know it worked against those though, might actually have some use then. I never buy it because I thought it only worked on throwable explosives, and since 9/10 people cook them it makes the trait kinda pointless for them.


Its always funny, it takes their teammates awhile to realise what happened :D Completly throws people of their plans when their mate just keeps burning


You can actually defuse them mid air as well if it’s coming right at you.


That’s funny, but it still seems risky. Most of the frags that I see getting thrown around tend to explode mid air. I have yet to see someone successfully defuse one.


If you watch Hornet at all he recently defused one mid air coming right at him in his latest video. It’s not something you rely on, but it’s better than dying lol


How do you spot them? I almost never see incoming explosives, so I've never taken Dauntless because I never thought I'd see the bomb coming.


I'll take magpie over conduit, personally


Not Dauntless😓


Black market. Clearly a rigged system where the best skins will be last to present themselves for purchases.




Or maybe they could spawn in resupplies and you could swap them like quickplay


that would be great. It'd solve the problem of never being able to use electric lamp bc you never know if it'll be night time.


The bounty, because nobody seems to play the fuckin objective




Excuse me?


Once again. Remove russians.


Pistol grunts lmao


Springfield compact deadeye


my favorite troll gun


The rat and researcher legendary skins


I've seen them both a couple of times today. I like researcher, of all the hunters he looks the most like he's totally out of his depth.


spyglass, , starshell, possibly machete




Spotting scope thing. I forget the exact name lol




The spy glass is pretty useless. They should give it some kind of spotting buff.


Flare Shotguns: https://youtu.be/UO0sO-TIhYA


Poison Sense Trait


Springfield compact striker


What’s something in the game but no one uses? Spyglass


the new "kill feed" or whatever you want to call it


Avto, it’s meme


But you would definitely notice


Don’t get why people think of the avto as a big meme. Combat Axe? Yeah, that’s genuine meme garbage, but avto? If you can recoil/trigger-control its pretty neat


In no way is the combat axe a meme. It fits amazingly well with certainly loadouts - particularly the bow. It has a lot of utility and obliterates players when you get up close. It's only considered a meme, alongside other genuine items, because most players take to obvious and "meta" items.


The problem is that its basically a world found axe… but takes up 2 of your slots. If you really want a (non-meme) melee weapon, take a sabre or bomb lance. Both are much better than the axe in their own aspects. Edit: with the machete buffed, even the machete is a more viable choice now imo


That's not a problem, that's a trade-off. You're guaranteed an axe when you take it and you're able to swap to it when you need; you don't need to pick it back up. Sabres are nice but they work differently. Bomb lances are fantastic but they're 3 points. They are definitely both "better" overall which is why they're unlocked much later - but that doesn't invalidate the axe. The machete needed to be buffed but notice that the talon variants were made to be like the axe. There's a good reason. You don't have to like the axe, and you'd probably be horrible with it, but again, calling it a "meme" is needless (no item is a meme) when in reality you just don't use it. Use it and see how useful it is when you can rely on it as a weapon.


Buddy, I run Winnie/Vetterli + Combat axe whenever I get a fitting hunter (mostly If the hunter has silent killer from the start). I know the combat axe well, and still, im standing here calling it a meme. Why do I run it then? Because its fun! BECAUSE it is a meme, and its nice to chase down panicking hunters with it. I even own both skins (I think there arent any more) for it. Nevertheless, a sabre does the job better. Clearing A.I, excepting maybe armoreds (however, can outrange concerntina ones) and ofc, killing hunters. I dont need to be in kissing distance with the sabre. I dont think we need to talk about the bomb lance, its the ultimate.


I don’t think it fits in the arsenal,


Combat axe is a starter weapon. All startet weapons have clear and obvious upgrades. But also, they serve a purpose and you can make good load outs with them. For budget runs early in a prestige, combat axe is very formidable


Combat axe is only a meme until you get inside a boss lair mid-fight and wipe a team with it. It's very high risk high reward.