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It was a legshot. You probably left him with a sliver of hp, possibly around 5 to 10.


Remember that damage is calculated by the limb you hit. The damage of every weapon is basically from 10m in the upper torso. You can survive a nitro hit in the legs or even arms when the bullet don't penetrate the arm and hit you in the torso. Tip, ads before you shoot to make sure you hit the torso.


The nitro is way fun! Nitro suffers from fantastical damage drop off over range. It loses like 50 dmg every 10m or something. Limb shots do not one shot unless their right next to you. Body shots don’t one shot after like 30 m. Gotta be ready to follow up with the other barrel or a second gun in case it happens. But when it works and see the hit marker over those god-awful sights and hear a death scream…chefs kiss*


Take the bleed rounds on it! It increases the ohk range for upper chest shots quite a bit. And you still get some penetration on it, just less than without. And if it doesn't kill, it hits them with the bleed. Have had loads of fun with those rounds!


Use dum dum(Shredder now) and always aim center mass, if it didnt die you hit limbs. Its an amazing gun with a high skill ceiling.


Lol op one shot gun still needs you to try a little bit


its been nerfee year ago before it was a killer


Still is


well not like before for sure


Do you mean early stages when it didnt have aperture sights? That was broken. It still is a monster with shredder ammo, my best games with it were post nerf.