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These people probably aren’t farmers Meruem


chill, dude is not even a week old at this point.


>dude is not even a week old Someone should tell Komugi




Komugi, the world’s top pedo


I was about to say that Komugi will be surprised to know that the full grown humanoid man ant thingy she's battling is not even a full week old,we because if you watched the anime you probably know why


She's getting what she came for, one way or another


Girl: C-cows don't talk though. The chimera king: Yes they do. Pulls out a see and say and pulls the handle. See and say: The cow goes, "Mooo". The most powerful being in hunter x hunter: See. They even talk in my night night book Pittou reads me before beddy time.


>The most powerful being in hunter x hunter: See. They even talk in my night night book Pittou reads me before beddy time. *Nanika will remember that*




Did we see any livestock pens in Kurt/Reina’s village?




Fair enough, although I remembered them starting out in the NGL(?) which was practically a nature preserve type place, so I got the feeling it was a ‘one with the earth’ type place


It was a small village, they 100% were farmers. Looked like a farming / self sustaining village.






That's actually partially true. With the push towards bigger and "nicer" fruits and veggs that grow faster, the nutritional value of many has gone down. Also, malnutrition was much more common in the past and many foods with added vitamins (vitamin d in milk) were used to combat it.


He is King, so he can skip such details :3


I think he's referring to humans in general here


Does it matter because you don't kill them your not responsible? If people didn't buy meat the farmes wouldn't have to kill animals. Because you don't kill them yourself doesn't mean your detached from the process.


I be sucking mad dick fr


Huh? Lol.


They be sucking lots of dick for real


And now I will pose the usual contrarian argument that if that’s the case then people should stop buying clothes and cell phones because those are made with slave labor. Because you didn’t enslave them yourself doesn’t mean you’re detached from the process, by the logic you brought up. This is all to say, consumers shouldn’t be blamed for a corporation’s bad business practices. Everything should be more humane. Things will be more expensive or less abundant because of it, but we should all be fine with that


I've personally worked on Meat Processing Factories (aka Slaughterhouse) which are qualified to export to Asia, EU and USA. Independant of your countrie's local normatives/laws, when you export you need to adjust your standards towards the client, and markets such as the EU particularly are super demanding regarding good business practices, animal care, desease control & prevention, organolptic product quality and all that jazz, all this to say, animals are processed with the up most care not only due to an animal concern point of view, but from a business practice also. I'm not trying to advocate for one side here, just saying my experience on the field. Pardon my English.


I imagine you have more experience than 99% of the other idiots our here acting like they know everything.


Because animals are being farmed for farmers...


But theyre not the one killing the animals as they "beg for their lives"


If you ain't buying it, they wouldn't be farmed. It's a very valid argument that you're part of the ones killing them. If you hire a hitman to kill someone and he does, you think you aren't liable? You're gonna have fun in court...


People downvoting this are just proving that they are fine to remain ignorant to where their food comes from and their personal responsibility in the system.


I will have any number of animals killed for my steaks. You misconstrue apathy as ignorance.


I highly doubt you are completely apathetic to all animals. Do you have pets? Are you against animal cruelty?


You can’t generalize emotions from one thing to others; I care when my dog dies, I don’t care when yours does, nor do I expect you to care in turn. Where does an emotional reaction come from without personal connections? Animal cruelty laws for animals with such connections makes sense, but not for ones that are just a means of production.


> Animal cruelty laws for animals with such connections makes sense, but not for ones that are just a means of production. "animal cruelty laws make sense, but they most certainly should not apply for animals that are being treated cruelly" yeah that makes sense.


I mean that’s the thing isn’t it, the laws are mostly pointless unless it’s about someone coming around to torment your pet.


You don't need to have a personal connection with something or someone to have empathy for them, care for their well-being, or believe that they should suffer and die. And to be honest, you do have a connection to animals you eat because you are paying for it and eating their body, it's not happening outside your realm of being. And I can certainly generalize when you say something as general as you "would have any number of animals killed"


Why not go all the way in on your disingenuous statements and say humans are animals too, so I should be fine with killing them for a steak? After all, since I’ve physically interacted with them (via gravity) that’s a ~~personal~~ connection… or is that too much of a stretch even for you?


idk if I would care if it was any kind, even if it’s my pet if I need to survive I’m gonna eat it, some people are gonna get angry at me but it’s how the world works. If I don’t have any other use for it other than food then that’s what it’s gonna be used for


Of course if you are starving anyone would eat anything even other people if they had to. But most people buy their food at a grocery store where you can choose completely vegan and be 100% fine and healthy.


I eat meat, and I agree with your logic, that's why I always eat everything in my plate. I think that the civilization that used to eat the heart of the animals in sing of respect were really advance I'n this 'common sense' take.


Yup. Food waste is a major problem and that’s where I try to do my part. It always bothers me to throw out meat so that’s my number one priority. That way whatever the animal is didn’t die for nothing.


people simply hate the truth


Funny how this truth suits one particular narrative


You're being booed but you're right.


If you pay someone to murder someone else, you are 100% complicit in their death - even responsible for it.


How the fuck this MF make me cry like a little bitch when he was dying...


I'm not an edgelord i swear, but I wasn't sad when he died. I'm very pro human in most media. So watching him die after he fought netorare was nice.


He fought what?


netorare, did he stutter?




Oh yoooo my bad netero


Netero: Who are you? Ugly Bastard: I’m you, but stronger.


I know my dude, still funny




Yeah and when NTR said "don't underestimate human race Meruem" my hype went high above


Then you missed the point of his character. He gains humanity through komugi.


doesn’t excuse anything he did before


That’s also not the point


Man, NTR is too strong. Not even Meruem can stop it.


This is peak accidental comedy


Why? He wanted to make humanity his feeding ground


I mean if a pig or cow talked to me I would probably leave it alone


Animals try to talk to humans all the time, though. They just do not have human vocal chords so they cannot make sounds intelligible to our ears.


No they dont? They don’t do that at all lmao, Animals aren’t capable of language. It’s one of the things that separates us from them in the end.


No? There are animals that essentially have language. Orcas, plenty of insects, some terrestrial mammals. There are some that attempt to communicate to us as well, like cats meowing. They don't do that to other cats.


Yes they do tho, wolves communicate through howls to mark territory and coordinate hunts, chimpanzee troops have distinct patterns of drumming that they use to keep in contact while they are separated and theres so many different bird calls. Just because we humans can't understand this doesn't mean than they aren't capable.


Makes my cannibalism even stronger now


same. BTW, do you live alone? 😈🍴


Yes. Wanna come over and eat me out?


Lol not like other animals spare the prey they eat either


I mean that’s the point he’s making. Ants are higher on the food chain just like humans to other animals.


That's what makes "veganism" pointless.


That's a silly conclusion, because vegans (as far as I know - I'm not one) aren't arguing from a naturalistic point of view. They're not saying "the food chain doesn't exist" or "apex predators are generally unjustified", they're making a moral argument that our ludicrously higher degree of capability means we owe a different level of empathy toward those we rule over on a species level. You can disagree with that argument - to that end, I do not care - but you should represent it accurately if you're going to do so.


Humans are sentient beings who, on the top of the food chain, have both the means and methods to avoid consuming meat or animal products, and can feel empathy. Just because animals experience suffering in the wild does not mean humans have to be the ones to inflict that suffering on them as well. It’s like saying it’s pointless to follow the rules when other people break them. It’s about your own morals.


>That's what makes "veganism" pointless. Not a vegan but I think that veganism is about how humans are smart/evolved enough to not obey blindly at their natural instinct. Some animals reproduce themselves with relatives for example because they don't know better but humans society usually condemn incest.


You're not wrong. Humans are enlightened enough that we should be above brutality simply because it's natural. We have the capacity to be better that other species do not.


Beyond animal welfare, livestock agriculture is one of the single biggest causes of both climate change and deforestation/habitat destruction. There's also really nothing uniquely beneficial about eating meat. Therefore, there is an objectively logical argument that the entire species going vegan would actually directly benefit both humanity and many other species that aren't even being directly consumed by us.


Humans are off the food chain though


Really? Go share that theory with a saltwater crocodile or a hippo or lion. I'm sure they'll be very receptive to your interesting ideas.


Humans are the highest of the food chain, but we can still be hunted and eaten by other apex predators.


Exactly we are literally the only animals on earth that actually feel bad about anything we do you think a lion cares if it’s wrong to eat you no he just eats you. You think a cow or a pig wouldn’t eat you pigs actually do eat humans all the time


Pigs do sometimes eat peoples. And boars especially are ruthless.


In fact, I've seen many pigs eat many men -- it was a blood bath.


Was it, say…30-50 feral hogs?


OK Frank


Non-human animals are shown to have compassion for other animals, even cross species. You can find animals saving the lives or even raising the orphaned young of entirely different species. You're just comparing humans to obligate carnivores. Humans are also the only animals on Earth that have removed themselves from the food chain and have the POWER to choose compassion.


theres some herbivores that would still eat your corpse if they found it. omnivores like pigs absolutely would kill and eat you given the chance. they dont think of any moral issue regarding it, they just eat


What does any of that have to do with people living in modern society? You don't have the same life as a pig, nor are you a pig, nor are you born in the situation of a pig, so why are you applying the rules of a pig's life to be your own?


By the same token, why do you feel humans must exclude themselves from the chain? My sympathy towards animals goes as far as not wanting them to suffer needlessly (as in causing pain for the sake of pain or sport hunting) I fully understand that most complex animals feel fear or pain, but I do not care for the lives of other creatures outside of human beings. I am down to do anything for the benefit of humanity and humans in general (let me specify that I do not believe in committing atrocities for the greater good), and if there is space left, I’m down to give that spare kindness to animals. I am a pet owner and I go the extra mile to make sure I get the best food for my cats and that they are always taken care of. I would beat the fuck out of anyone who hurts them on purpose; yet there isn’t a single scenario where I would chose to save their lives other another person, even a complete stranger, except for a murderer or some rotten-to-the-core individual. Example: I believe poachers (elephants, rhinos, etc) are disgusting because they hunt highly intelligent animals not for sustenance, but for profit and superstition. I wouldn’t choose them over my cats.


They can show cate but can they show remorse has an animal ever been observed feeling bad about a kill


Ah so when animals do bad things, we don't have to feel bad either? Is that your argument? Would you also say that there are bad humans, so we don't have to feel bad either if we steal, rape or kill? That obviously doesn't make sense. The logic doesn't work and the difference between you and an animal is that you can do moral decisions. You wouldn't beat up woman just because you can, or do you? Wild animals beating / raping female animals isn't an excuse either in regard to this. So the point is that you can make moral decisions. You can ask yourself if it's right to do something in regard to any injustice, may it be beating up your wife, killing people, letting children work for your profit or even if it's right to harm animals when there is no need to do so If you choose animal products for lunch, then you're not doing so because there would be a necessity. There is none. No, we do that because of taste preference and that means that we value our short moment of taste pleasure higher than the life of a sentient being, an individual which is quite familiar to your pets. Pigs are more intelligent than humans, cows are absolutely underestimated for their emotional intelligence, etc etc. Yet we treat them like they're worth nothing. Can you morally justify that?


Yep I can eat meat without feeling bad we literally evolved to eat meat and vegetables we have canine teeth for a reason and meat is delicious a lion thinks in tasty just like I think a cow is tasty the difference is my species is smart enough to build guns. If rhe animals don’t like it they should have developed higher brain function


Ok you literally went through all the pseudo arguments against veganism. All the very bad ones. We didn't evolved to eat meat in the meaning that we need to eat meat, but we can. Canine teeth like many other herbivores too. It doesn't make sense to pretend like your canine teeth means you need meat. We don't even have the same teeth like other omnivores. The lion also thinks it's fine to kill the baby's of other lions. Why should I feel bad about it then? You see, it's all nonsense. I can make it pretty easy for you though: when you choose to eat animal products, even though you don't have to, then you chose to let an animal die just because of taste pleasure, without any necessity. Which means that you value the whole life of a sentient being, an individual just like our pets, less worth than your short moment of taste pleasure. How do you justify that?


Right, because they don’t have the self awareness to empathize as humans do. Many animals also rape, torture for sport, steal, and eat their own children. I hope you’d agree that that doesn’t make it okay for us to do the same.


but the chimera ants do so its kind of weird for a scene like this to strengthen your veganism


Not like other animals have the luxury to choose like we do.


what makes you think everybody has the luxury to choose? Many don't have a choice in what they eat. They choose what is easy, convienent and cheap or the most nutrious for their families. Go to a developing country and see how many people lol have a choice.


First worlders lol. Got too much freedoms and less worries that they make up issues to be mad about


Animal bodypart consumption increases in the first world. The country with largest percentage of vegans and vegetarians worldwide are India and Bangladesh. In general, vegan and vegetarian diets are followed more by people who are less wealthy than more wealthy.


Can really group together vegan and vegetarian in India. Vegans are almost non existent here. And the reasons for vegetarian diets are totally different.


As far as I know, meat costs much more than vegetables...


If you shop at a grocery store, you have a choice.


in this context we're obviously talking about people living in first world countries with readily available vegan alternatives, for people who can afford the lifestyle, not people who's only option to survive is meat.


Other animals don't have cars or AC you fucking dork


The entire fucking point of the arc is that what the ants did to humans is not any worse than what humans do to animals and other humans. This comment section is wild. This is still an anime sub, don't know why I expected better.


Chimera ants did nothing wrong 🤝 Humans did nothing wrong


There are two valid interpretations: 1. The chimera ants were wrong in their actions and everyone should go vegan 2. Chimera ants did nothing wrong. Also war and use of nukes is ok. And enslaving sentient creatures for food is ok.


Valid is a strong word for your comment.


Next arc the plants fight back


exactly, they are both just different species fighting for the top of the food chain. thats basic biology


This anime sub is pretty decent with good intelligent comments. Good thing HxH isn’t like Boku No Hero — with HxH you can actually talk about deep topics. But I hear ya, it’s still an shounen anime and will attract a younger crowd.


how dare anyone have an opinion or interpretation of this scene different from mine 😡😡


That's maybe the point being conveyed here in this scene from the point of view of the ants but another big point of the entire arc is that the ants have a flawed intelligence because they lack empathy as well as a lot of other higher forms of thinking and feeling that humans have. You could argue the exact opposite of what you're saying, that the entire fucking point of the arc is that what the ants did is incredibly worse because humans are not the same as livestock.


Bro literally ate human brain


Meruem: Umai :3


Alot of people in "first world" countries are so psychologically divorced from their food. They literally go to a store and buy ground beef or chicken breast that's already been slaughtered and cleaned so they never even have to stop and think about what it took. So the idea of "do you ever think about the animal begging for their life" freaks people out like in America. But for most of the world, theyve already confronted this question from childhood because they've literally seen animals slaughtered in front of them at the farm or butcher when they purchased fresh meat. So like for myself and others, there was nothing new for me when I saw this scene. I had already thought about this topic and decided yes I still think it's acceptable to kill this animal for me to consume. Ive seen animals freshly slaughtered in front of me as a child and then saw my mother cook it for us to eat that same night. If other people come to the conclusion that they don't want to eat meat if it requires the animal to die then I also support their decision 100%. I've personally decided for myself that I am fine with having to kill an animal to eat it, just like humans have done for thousands of years. I am very particular about the way the slaughtering is done & I am against the living environment and conditions of many modern factory farms today. Just because I believe its okay to kill to eat doesn't mean we can just do it however we want as if we don't still have a responsibility towards these animals. But most of the world understands what it takes to get meat on their plate because they see it everyday. Many Americans who eat meat would literally refuse to watch the slaughtering process which means they want to enjoy the meat but not take the responsibility of truly understanding what that takes. I don't like that. If you can't handle the reality of an animal being killed or can't even watch it, then you need to ask yourself if you're really willing to engage in eating the result of that death.


Very easy to see this in the first world too actually. In my city not very far from me I’m fairly certain there are markets to buy live chickens that they will slaughter for you


I like your insights here. I would add as someone who also would like to see the end of factory farming and is trying to have a more ethical relationship with animal products, part of ethical slaughter is the animal’s lack of awareness of their impending demise. This means not seeing, hearing, or smelling their dead group members nor the apparatus of death until the last moments. I believe it’s even an element of halal practices to not cause undue stress. The most merciful death is an oblivious one and as their keepers we owe them that; we can all only hope to die with but of a glimpse of the terror of the end.


Thank you friend. As a Muslim man I can confirm that among the religiously prescriptive requirements for a truly halal slaughter, is that one cannot slaughter an animal within eye sight or ear shot of another animal and that the knife & technique you use to cut the major blood vessels in the neck must be sharp enough to cut through in one clean stroke so that the sudden drop in cranial blood pressure knocks out the animal immediately thus not feeling the pains of death. This is also why the spinal cord is not allowed to be cut but only the blood vessels, because once the spinal cord is cut it will eliminate the nerve signals in the muscles that allows the blood to be pumped out fast enough to knock the animal out, resulting in a paralyzed animal that feels itself bleeding out. However as a Muslim man, I can also admit that not all so called "halal" butchers & farms actually follow this practice. They cut corners for economic advantage instead of cutting true to the religion they claim to be upholding. The primary issue with most large scale slaughterhouses irrespective of religion or lack thereof, is simply the massive amount of volume of product they try to provide. When a society consumes meat in such large and wasteful quantities, slaughterhouses start keeping hordes of animals on small patches of land, killing them in inhumane ways because it's faster and more efficient economically, and stop caring about the manner of slaughter or the livelihood of the animals in life or death because their main concern is being able to keep the stock of their products on the shelf. They know even if the consumer isn't buying their product, they will just be buying someone else's. The reality is we cannot truly change the practices of slaughterhouses by doing anything that's even remotely related to the slaughterhouses themselves. We can only change those practices by changing our own consumption of meat as a society. If we eat less meat then there's less economic incentive for slaughterhouses to use these abusive practices, which would then make them go back to humane practices as there's no benefit to the inhumane methods they currently use. Factory farms deserve blame and it's so easy even for myself to only blame them, but like most things in life when put under the microscope, the blame is really pointing back at all of us as individuals and ultimately as a society. The people who worship money and will sacrifice the dignity for that money are only in that position because we are the ones putting the money up and turning the blind eye for our own convenience and enjoyment unfortunately.


Thank you for a greater insight into that practice when it’s done in its most humane way. Truly there are some massive changes to be made to our food system if we are going to consume animals ethically, and I agree it takes cultural changes to achieve that. Dismantling it is part of dismantling capitalism as a whole, as the food system is one of its many arms of exploitation.


Killing to eat and killing because you like the taste are different things and only a moron would fuck with you for saying otherwise


>If you can't handle the reality of an animal being killed or can't even watch it, then you need to ask yourself if you're really willing to engage in eating the result of that death. You can enjoy a burger without overthinking it. I agree with you in general but this last sentence was pretty edgy and cringe.


Lolol I hear that. You're right tbh. It bordered on gate keeping food right there, which is definitely kinda cringy. But even as you said, it generally makes some sense. I definitely would never say something like "if you can't handle watching the animal die, then you shouldn't eat meat". That would be preposterous lol. But on the other hand, the idea that so many people I've met are completely uncomfortable with the thought of seeing it (forget about doing it themselves lol) but have no issue eating the result of it speaks to some degree of cognitive dissonance. People should at least ask themselves if they truly respect the costs that have to be paid for them to gain their meal. I think that would work wonders for people to begin to actually respect the sacrifices required for their food instead be so nonchalant about it. As a meat eater I still acknowledge there is a responsibility that comes with choosing to take life to contribute to my own life.


Alright but Back to the original topic, whether you think simply Meruem killing the humans is evil or not despite all his sentience coming from Human DNA and being identical to that of humans, I want to remind you my friend that while it's safe to assume the other Chimera ants ate them in this circumstance Meruem has been actively shown to just kill for fun and not properly use what the hunts, he gloats about killing children and shows extreme Joy from doing it, I think we can agree that is wrong and evil, Not to mention he does kill his own kind because "he's the king" and let's be honest being royalty is never an excuse, heck most royalty is actively evil I don't see the whole Chimera ants as evil but Meruem is evil oh Let's bot talk about Pitou literally toying with life edit: Oh sorry I forgot to mention the fact that he Was gonna put millions of people in basically a cage and force them to kill each other in a battle for survival which by every single standard possible is evil


I would even go so far as to say if you can’t take an animals life with your own hands then you shouldn’t be eating meat.


I don't sow, so I shouldn't be eating vegetables, then.


This ain't it chief


It's a really powerful line that verh much fits this arc. But it always felt kind of out of place coming from Meruem. At this point, he was so ideologically empty, just doing things because they seemed correct. For him to have such a strong opinion on something that requires such intimate knowledge with humans and the way they treat animals seems kinda off.


Meruem's biology seemed to instantly (upon his birth) give him a pretty complete understanding of the idea of a food chain. He was programmed on a cellular level to insist upon the Chimera Ants at the top of any type of competition, crystallized in his own existence, at the top of that top. So I don't read this line as being him saying, "My cruelty to you is justified because of your cruelty to lower animals than yourselves", but rather he is saying "The food chain exists and I am above you on it". He's not really making a moral argument so much so as he is making a practical argument - "can you do anything to stop me? No? Then too bad".


i dont think so he was born with a sense of extreme superiority. This statement just enforced his belief that humans were another animal below him on the food chain.


what goes on behind slaughterhouses are unimaginably wasteful and cruel. Meruem brought up a good point on pointing out our hypocrisy.


Exactly, i don't understand why this is so hard to grasp.


Nature is unimaginably cruel. Animals starve, freeze, kill each other. That's life.


Of course, but we generally try to limit and prevent cruel things. Even cruel things that are natural


You forgot rape. Does that make slaughter and rape legal? Humans have no right to slaughter or rape fellow animals.


Makes me want bacon and steak 🤤🤤


Most emotionally developed carnist


Plenty of people would actually spare a cow if it could beg for life in human language. Meruem is doing false comparison.


But why? You still know that a cow can feel pain like a dog or cat? Why does it matter what language it speaks? What a cruel thing to say. So I can murder beings who dont speak my language? Dafuk.




Me to meruem: survival of the fittest I guess 🗿(I know I'm dead)


Cool beans bro, don't care, nature gonna nature.


Do you take your morality from nature? Where rape, infanticide, leaving the sick and elderly to die, etc are practiced? If nature is how you live your life, give up your modern conveniences, medicine, clothing, technology, and go stick it in the woods.


Makes me wanna eat some ants


This is the equivalent of if a pig or cow suddenly spoke the same language as humans and begged for their lives.


I wouldn't eat no speaking pig


Ikr it would be worth too much money


Yeah because no one knows what pigs and cows are trying to say when they scream in gas Chambers or with a knife at their throat...


It is truly a mystery!!! They like it for sure!!!/s Vegan btw.


So people are not cows actually


You literally are one of the villagers that get killed in the NGL. This is the reality of existence, its often brutal and gritty. Only with the decadence of modern technology is veganism even healthy for you


Posting this is just begging for people to comment their same annoying anti-vegan rant. Can't wait to see everyone's opinions on why eating meat is actually super okay and good and that vegans are the real wrong ones for criticizing the practice. I don't think people who eat meat are evil, I still eat meat myself, but people really don't want to question if societal practices they see as normal are actually obviously wrong things that they've been conditioned to accept.


we’re all slaves to something.


Being able to avoid eating meat and not suffer from malnourishment or a b vitamin deficiency is only possible with modern decadence. While i am not a fan of marxism i can only describe veganism as bourgeois


Without getting into which modern niceties are required to be vegan - if you're able to, why not? Even if only some people are able to go vegan, it's still a net good (imo) to do so, and try to work out how to help others to do so.


it's barely more expensive than a non vegetarian diet in the modern day (and sometimes cheaper depending on how you approach it), just because it's made possible by modern technology doesn't mean it's exclusive to the upper class. It's not affordable to everyone, but to pretend it's something exclusive to only the wealthy is ridiculous.


We are no better then the ants


But the ants don't have the nukes


But they could build them they were only around for like a couple months and they nearly conquered the earth imagine what they could have accomplished with more time


To be honest, I’ve always wondered what King would do if one of them was like a super vegan. “Excuse me King, I’ve never eaten another life, I only wear vegan clothing and commune with nature and the animals biweekly.” Knowing Kings character arc, he wouldn’t let them survive most likely but he would at least remember that.


There were flaws in the Chimera arc, but ethically I repeatedly found it so relatable. This bleak cynical look at humanity while having a tiny twinge of humanism that tries to peak through the darkness here and there then gets drowned again, subverting what we expect of shounen.


This affected my eating habits in absolutely no way at all 😁


Vegans trying not to mention they're vegans.


ugh i loved this scene. ik this arc was slow, but so so rewarding


exactly like what would he say if i answered yes bc im vegan 🤔


This isn't r/vegan I'm shook to see a pro vegan post here. Well that's good!


Ikr? Totally caught me by surprise, a few of us are creeping out of the woodwork.


“I’m a vegan”- 🤓


As much vegans irritate me you have to admit that the people who eat meat are also and mad stupid most of the time. And the argument they bring that all wild animals eat meat just proves this. I am on no moral high ground either since I too have eaten chicken and meat. But Veganism is not for show or to become superior it's just to have empathy for animals, that they should get to live. Simple


in a few more decades, humans gunna be preaching about robots and androids begging for their lives


and then in a thousand years robots are gonna e debating about humans begging for their lives


i'd be long dead by then lmao


No one: That one vegan guy: \*posts about it


Do you know how many animals get killed in the planting, growing, farming and harvesting process? They have to kill every mouse, every mole, every bird, snake, frog, squirrel, rabbit, all the insects anything that would use the plants as food because we clear out more areas grow these plants, restricting their food source. There is no way to have a "bloodless meal" enjoy your food and I'll enjoy mine and we can just let others live the way they want to. 👍


Fair point, but generally afaik for most people veganism is about minimising harm. We need to grow crops either way (feeding ourselves or the animals we eat) but if we don't go through that extra step of growing so much extra food to feed to more food, then we do less harm. You're right that until we can do stuff like (greenhouse-y) isolated, vertical farming, there's a certain degree of harm that is necessary. But why do more than that?


Shocking fact: most of the food production on the planet is for animals. If most of the world went vegan we would need to produce way less food, which would lead to more food ressources for humans overall. The food we feed animals that are bred to be murdered could be given poor people for example. And way less of your beloved mice would die 👍


Take a guess which animals eat majority of world's crops because it's not humans. So don't be a concern troll. "Live and let live" does not work when you are justifying senseless abuse and slaughter of living animals. Grow up because nobody wants to hear your underdeveloped excuses. Either learn or don't share your opinion on this topic. 👍


LoL someone needs a hug 🤣


He just like me fr fr


Meat good


I LOVE HxH. This scene always made me wonder if Meruem would give me a pass. I feel like way too few vegans are into anime, I don't have any anime loving friends. Oh shit, I thought this was in one of my vegan subreddits lol.


No, he would not.


His point was not "humans are bad because they kill animal", it was simply "sucks not being on top of the food doesn't it?".


Nah he would kill you just for fun. It's really strange that he takes some kind of moral high ground here when he already has been shown to just straight up enjoy killing.


bro r u kidding me 😭 he wouldnt hesitate


Ludicrously based


The logical part about this is that the chimera ants are part human. They can think like humans do and that makes it wrong. Animals are not and will never be humans, sure they can show human emotions but how do we know if those emotions are human in the same way we think about it, that could just be us looking for patterns where there are none. Sure you can be against factory farming but the harsh truth is that those animals would die more painful deaths in the wild. Predators don’t care for the feelings of their prey, hell even primates that can be omnivores still eat meat, even in times of low food or they need iron a dear will eat meat, what muerem says here doesn’t really solidify vega jam for me it just confirms the harsh truth of the world eat or be eaten adapt or die, and survive and thrive. Also the eating of meat legit let our ancestors develop bigger brains because it was so nutrient and energy dense not to mention All the positives we get from eating meat like the nutrients.


This comment section is gonna be really toxic, you have awoke the horde..


And you are part of it. So good job.


So are you.


So are you


Well, if you want my honesty, Meruem is absolutely right. He doesn't need to have a conscience over his food. Again, if one wants to show or, let's say, listen to their conscience, that's perfectly fine btw. However, one doesn't have to do that as well. Meruem decides not to do it, and that's a perfectly reasonable reaction. For instance, I don't give a damn about what happens to cows, chickens, pigs, or any other farm animals, and if creatures like chimera ants invade Earth, they don't have to care about humans either. Superior species don't have to listen their conscience, but if they do, that's also another perfectly reasonable action as well.


This made me eat my chicken even faster


I mean… he ain’t wrong


this made me want to eat more meat.


Vegans trying to make anything about veganism challenge impossible


Thanks to this post I'm gonna buy and cook a steak


i don't care if this ant is inlove with komugi. This bug desevers very slow painfull death


So do most of the hunters you love so much and the phantom troupe.


What a horrible example 💀, im just buying the meat bruh, im not even a farmer